To Love a Stranger (17 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

BOOK: To Love a Stranger
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Pierce fell to his knees, unfastened her denims, and skinned them down her hips and legs. Then he buried his face in the soft down between her legs, savoring the tangy-sweet essence of her arousal. Zoey’s legs started to crumple beneath her, but Pierce grasped her buttocks and held her in place as his tongue located a place so sensitive, she jerked violently and cried out. “Pierce, oh God, stop, I can’t stand it!”

Rising abruptly, he lifted her into his arms and gently eased her onto the bed. “I’ll give you what you want, love.” He removed his trousers and lay down beside her. His hands slid down her silken belly, then upward to her breasts. He smiled at her, kissing her with his eyes and then his lips. Her mouth first, then the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat, her breasts, her thighs, between her legs.

Zoey molded herself against him, rubbing her bare breasts against the soft fur of his chest, filling her hands with the firm mounds of his buttocks and the hard thickness of his arms and shoulders. She offered herself up to him, seeking the lush decadence of his mouth and hands on her body.

“Now, Pierce, oh, please, now.”

He slid his hand between her legs and found the folds of her sex swollen and heavy. Dewy moisture spilled softly onto his fingertips, feeding the fire inside him.

“You’re ready for me, love,” he whispered as he fit himself into the cradle of her thighs.

More than ready
, Zoey reflected as her thoughts fragmented.

He poised at the sweet entrance into her body, gave a triumphant shout, and thrust into her. Zoey cried out in ardent welcome, arching upward to take him deeper. Then he began to move, thrusting and withdrawing, his breath rasping harshly against her mouth. Zoey felt the hysteria of delight rising like the hottest fire inside her. The turbulence of his passion swirled around her, invaded her entire being as he drove her higher and higher. Then he freed them both in a bursting of incredible sensation.

Pierce shifted to his side, watching Zoey as she spiraled down from the pinnacle to which he had taken her. Tears ran down her cheeks and he gently wiped them away with the pads of his thumbs.

“I hope those tears aren’t for me.”

She opened her eyes, embarrassed to find him watching her. She sighed. “They’re for me. You’ve ruined me for anyone else, Pierce Delaney. Don’t forget me, Pierce. Try to remember me after you leave.”

He gave her a wistful smile. “Oh, I’ll remember you, Zoey Delaney.”

“Then why can’t you … ?” She bit her lip. “Forget I asked.”

“You know why,” Pierce said, anticipating her question.

Zoey gazed into the stark depths of his green eyes and saw disillusionment and betrayal. That one glimpse into his naked soul was more than she could bear. The thought that her relationship with Pierce had aided and abetted his distrust of women added to her distress. He had more than repaid her for saving his life, and the least she could do was let him go. But it wasn’t going to be easy.

“All women aren’t alike,” she said in her own defense.

“I have yet to meet one different from the rest,” he said cynically.

Aggravated, Zoey turned away, too hurt to reply. What could she say in the face of such skepticism? Why couldn’t Pierce see that she wasn’t like the women who’d disappointed him?

“Go to sleep,” Pierce said. “Tomorrow is going to be a full day.”

It was a long time before Pierce drifted off. Something nagged at his conscience. Something to which he didn’t want to put a name.

Pierce jerked upright, rudely awakened by a frantic pounding on the door. The room was awash in a murky gray dawn that appeared almost menacing. He leaped from bed, scrambling for his discarded clothing.

“What is it?” Zoey asked, roused by the racket at the front door.

“I don’t know.” He pulled on his shirt, pants, and boots, and snatched up his gun belt on his way out the door. “Wait here.” He checked the chambers
of his gun as he hurried down the stairs.

Fully awake now, Zoey wasn’t about to let Pierce deal with their early morning visitors alone. Maybe it had something to do with the hands or the cattle drive. This was her ranch, and the problems hers to deal with. She tugged on a robe, stepped into her slippers, and ran down the stairs.

Pierce flung open the front door, recognized the men standing on the doorstep and felt the color drain from his face.

“Howdy, Delaney. Did ya think we wouldn’t track you down?”

“Riley Reed.” Pierce’s voice was toneless; he was already resigned to his fate. “I should have known you wouldn’t give up. How did you find me?”

“Someone ratted on you,” Reed said with a sneer. “Hal Doolittle’s gonna be mighty pleased. He’s been on our butts to find you since you gave us the slip. Keep your hand away from your gun, Delaney. As you can see”—he extended his hand to include the men riding with him—“I’m not alone. You’d best come along quietly.”

“What is this all about?” Zoey asked, moving from around Pierce to confront the vigilantes.

“You’ve been harboring a violent man, ma’am,” Riley said, assessing Zoey’s night attire with a knowing eye. “We’re taking Delaney back to Dry Gulch. He’s gonna to do the right thing by Cora Lee Doolittle or pay the consequences.”

Zoey stepped forward to shield Pierce. “No, Pierce is innocent. He’s my—”

“Zoey!” Pierce’s warning effectively cut off Zoey’s sentence as he picked her up bodily and placed her behind him. She looked askance at him,
and he shook his head. His expression warned her not to reveal that they were husband and wife just yet.

Pierce scowled. He should have known that one day Reed would track him down. He wasn’t the kind to give up easily. Pierce realized he should have left long ago, before he could be traced or linked to Zoey in any way. He didn’t want to involve her in his problems. She had enough troubles of her own without taking on his.

Reed held out his hand for Pierce’s gun. “Hand it over, Delaney. You ain’t gonna escape this time.”

Pierce eyed Reed and the dozen or so men riding with him and knew there was no escape. He removed his gun from his belt and tossed it to Reed.

“Bring a rope,” Reed called to one of the men standing behind him.

“No! You can’t hang him!” Zoey cried out, dismayed by the turn of events.

Reed grinned nastily. “Could if I wanted to. Vigilante law rules the territory. But I ain’t gonna hang him … yet.”

“But he—”

“It’s all right, Zoey,” Pierce interrupted. “I’m not going to hang.”

“But you heard him.”

“Don’t worry,” Pierce repeated.

Someone produced a rope, and Reed ordered Pierce to turn around. When Pierce complied, Reed tied his hands behind him. Another man walked toward them from the barn, leading a saddled horse.

“Mount up,” Reed ordered.

Without his hands, Pierce was virtually helpless.
Laughter followed his clumsy attempts to mount. Finally Reed grew bored with Pierce’s efforts and motioned two men forward to help him.

“Wait, can I have a moment alone with him?” Zoey asked when Reed grasped the leading reins of Pierce’s horse.

Reed’s gaze slid over Zoey insultingly. “You gonna miss him in your bed, lady? I heard he was good in that department. Just ask Cora Lee.” He laughed at his crude remark.

“Please,” Zoey pleaded. “Just a few minutes.”

Having finally caught Pierce, Reed was in an expansive mood. “All right, lady, talk. But keep it brief.” He moved off to converse with his men.

“I’ll come with you,” Zoey offered. They couldn’t take Pierce away like this. She wouldn’t let them.

“No!” he said fiercely. “This is as good a way as any to say good-bye. My death will solve the problem of obtaining an annulment or divorce.” He searched her face. “How do you suppose Reed knew where to find me?”

“Pierce, you don’t think that I … My God, don’t talk like that.”

Pierce gave a mirthless laugh. “The thought did enter my mind. Were you so angry at my leaving you that you’d betray me to get even? Will it make you happy to see me strung up?”

Zoey couldn’t believe Pierce was saying such terrible things to her. “No! Of course not! They can’t hang you for so minor an offense.”

“These are vigilantes, Zoey. They make their own laws. Reed has a special reason to hate me. I married the woman he wanted. He should be
grateful it wasn’t him Polly betrayed with just about everyone and then ran off with an actor who promised to get her on the stage.”

“I’ll follow you to Dry Gulch.”

“Why? So you can gloat? Give it up. We enjoyed one another while it lasted. You used me just as I used you. You had the protection of marriage and I had the use of your body. That’s all I ever wanted from you,” he said, choking on the words. Saying them made him feel like a bastard despite being forced into this marriage.

Dismayed, Zoey stared at him. They had been through so much together. How could he brush her off like this? How could he think she’d betray him? She and Pierce had been as close as a man and woman could get, and she’d thought … Whatever she’d thought no longer mattered. Pierce had never lied to her. They both had known he’d leave when the time came. He planned to forget her completely and never look back on their time together.

That thought brought another. Maybe … just maybe, Pierce really did seduce Cora Lee and get her with child. Had he beaten her, too?

“Time’s up,” Reed growled as he and his men mounted up.

“Forget me, Zoey,” Pierce said as Reed grasped the reins of his horse and jerked him forward.

Tears blurred her vision as she watched Pierce ride out of her life. She watched as long as she could, then walked slowly back to the house. How could he believe she’d betray him? Despite his hurtful words, her inclination was to follow him to Dry Gulch.

*    *    *

Pierce’s face was grim as he rode away from the Circle F. He could still see the hurt look on Zoey’s face when he’d accused her of betraying him. He wasn’t proud of what he had done, but it was for the best.

They were barely out of sight of the ranch when Pierce saw two riders approaching them. He tensed when he recognized Samson Willoughby and Pete, wondering what else could go wrong. Reed raised his hand and the vigilantes reined in. Willoughby rode directly up to Pierce; he looked cocky and sure of himself.

“Is this your doing, Willoughby?” Pierce said, glowering.

“You could say that.” He gave Pierce a nasty grin. “Just paying you back. If not for your interference, both the Circle F and Zoey would be mine by now. I’ll still have them, and you can’t do a damn thing about it Thanks to Zoey, I learned you were wanted in Dry Gulch.”

A pain shot straight to Pierce’s gut. “You lie!”

“You think so? Zoey sent Pete to town with a message for me. When I found out who you really were, Pete rode to Dry Gulch to contact the vigilantes there. He was in my employ from the beginning. He was my eyes and ears on the Circle F.”

“I don’t believe Zoey told you anything, Willoughby. Zoey hated you. She had no reason to turn on me.”

“Perhaps she changed her mind. Women are fickle creatures. One never knows what they’re thinking or what they’ll do next.”

“You’re dreaming if you think Zoey wants you.”

“Perhaps not.” Willoughby moved closer, so that only Pierce could hear. “She’ll need a man now to take care of her in bed. Since you’re already married and can’t marry Cora Lee, my guess is they’ll string you up. Reed seems to dislike you. But don’t fret, I’ll be taking your place in Zoey’s bed. You’ll go to your grave wondering whether I’m lying about Zoey betraying you. By the way,” he said with a salacious grin, “I’m grateful to you for breaking her in for me. Deflowering virgins is rather unpleasant.”

“Damn you!” Pierce blasted, lunging at him and nearly unseating himself in the process.

“Here now,” Reed said, pushing Pierce back into the saddle. “Don’t talk like that to an important man like Mr. Willoughby.”

“Never mind, Reed, I’m through conversing with your prisoner. Take him away. I have some pressing business with Miss Fuller.”

“Leave Zoey alone, Willoughby,” Pierce called as Willoughby rode off laughing. “She can still ruin you.”

“She can try, but I doubt she’ll succeed, not without you to back her up,” he threw over his shoulder.

Zoey changed into denims and flannel shirt and left the house to do the chores. She tried to erase Pierce’s cruel words from her mind, but they kept returning. How could he believe she’d inform on him?

The sound of pounding hooves turned Zoey’s gaze toward the road as she shaded her eyes against the sun for a glimpse of her visitor. Had
Pierce returned? Her hopes fell when she saw Willoughby ride through the gate. He spied her outside the barn and reined his horse in her direction.

“What do you want?” Zoey asked, glowering at him.

He grinned. “I can’t stay long. Just wanted you to know that I’m available when you get to hankering for a man. Your so-called husband won’t be back, you know. I harbor grave doubts about Pierce Delaney reaching Dry Gulch alive.”

“This is all your fault!” Zoey charged. “Get off my land.”

“How long will you be able to survive when your hands learn you’re on your own again? They’ll quit, just like they did before. Taxes are due soon. When you can’t raise the cash to pay your taxes, come see me.” His eyes gleamed with barely contained lust as he stared at her breasts. “I’m sure we can come to some kind of ‘arrangement’ that will be mutually satisfying.” Then he tipped his hat. “Good day, my dear.”

“Go to hell, Willoughby! I’ll have sufficient funds from the sale of my beeves to pay the taxes and keep my ranch solvent. It will be a cold day in hell when I come to you for help.”

“I expect that day to come sooner than you think, my dear.”

Chapter 10

Dry Gulch, Montana

had Delaney, catching a glimpse of one of the hands riding hell for leather toward the house, dropped the hammer he’d been using and ran to the front gate to meet him.

Bill Wise brought his horse to a prancing halt and leaped from the saddle. Chad paled when he noted the look on Bill’s face.

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