Read To Dare a SEAL (Sin City SEALs) Online

Authors: Sara Jane Stone

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Series, #Bdsm, #maid-of-honor, #Vegas, #sexy, #Brazen, #Military, #contemporary romance, #Erotic, #revenge, #best man, #dare, #SEAL, #wedding

To Dare a SEAL (Sin City SEALs) (7 page)

BOOK: To Dare a SEAL (Sin City SEALs)
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Jack moved to her side and dropped his towel on the chair. She shifted her gaze away from his muscles and noted the stiff, halted way he grabbed his dry shirt from the chair and pulled it over his head.

He turned to her, and she realized she was clutching to her chest the oversize T-shirt she’d used in place of a fancy beach cover-up. He reached out and placed one finger under her chin, then tilted her head up until she was staring into his blue eyes.

“You’re right, I don’t get distracted,” he said, his tone low and serious. “And I don’t give a damn how small that woman’s bikini top was. The only tits, shit—the only
I want—”

“You can say tits, Jack.”

He looked hard at her. “The only breasts, the only tits—the only
—I want to see are yours.”

The way he looked at her—he wasn’t smiling. He always offered a hint of charm with his words. Maybe he turned serious like this on missions with his team, but—

“And I don’t cheat, Natalie. I’m not like my brothers. I played the cards I was dealt, plain and simple. Your tricks and that woman’s breasts had nothing to do with my loss. Understood?”


He dropped his hand and turned to the cabana. A few of the guests still lingered out front. “I’m going to change into dry shorts,” he added. “Then we’ll shop.”

She’d hit a nerve. There was a lot she didn’t know about Jack Barnes. But she had a feeling that his past cut deeper than she’d first suspected.

“I’m sorry, Jack,” she whispered as she picked up her bag and headed for the women’s bathroom.

Inside, she quickly swapped her wet suit for dry panties, shorts, and an oversize green T-shirt. One glance in the bathroom mirror and she knew she looked like a ragamuffin compared to the well-groomed women in their itty-bitty bikinis. What kind of man would choose shopping with her over a pool filled with beautiful women?

One hell-bent on winning the bet against his brothers.


One who looks at me and likes what he sees. Who honestly wants me.

God. She wasn’t sure which one would be the bigger problem, but she knew which one she wanted and, thus, which one she was desperate to avoid.

“This better be about your brothers, Jack,” she said as she left the bathroom. “Because you can’t have me.”

Chapter Ten

Bang the bartender yet, shrimp?

Jack scanned Colton’s text message and debated tossing his cell phone into the pool. He should have walked away from the bet the second the words crossed Colton’s lips. He should have said
I want her too damn much to pretend this is just about beating you, jackass

The minute he’d said yes to his brother’s challenge, Jack had admitted the past still had power over him. And yeah, maybe it gave him an excuse to spend time with the woman who’d held the spotlight in his fantasies for years. But it had also left her wondering if he’d choose a pair of big tits over her. He’d seen the question in her eyes—without the bet, would he try to talk the blonde into a trip to the topless pool to make her boyfriend jealous?

Maybe last week he would have done just that. Though he’d probably have hit on the dealer, not the drunk woman with the x-large boyfriend. But now that he had a chance to get to know Natalie? The woman wasn’t just in his fantasies. She
his fantasy, and any other woman would be a distant second trying to match the satisfaction he’d experience finally feeling Natalie’s body against his. Another one-night fling with someone who didn’t give a damn about him wouldn’t do anything for him now. He’d rather have the woman who listened closely, who called him on his shit, and who stood up for him when his brothers reminded him of just how much the past still hurt.

Jack looked down at his phone and started to type. He was tempted to call the whole thing off. But dammit, he couldn’t give up. And he sure as shit couldn’t hand Colton a victory.

You’ll know when I win.

atalie walked out of the bathroom and spotted Jack standing in front of the cabana. His flip-flop-clad feet were planted hips distance apart, and he’d shoved his hands into the pockets of his tan cargo shorts. At first glance, he appeared relaxed. But the muscles in his jaw remained tight. Where was his smile?

She moved to his side. “Let’s go. We have a lot of shopping to do before tonight’s dinner.”

He gave a curt nod and fell in step beside her. As they exited the pool and headed for the labyrinth of shops located in their hotel, she turned to him. “How bad was it?” she asked. “Growing up with your brothers.”

His lips formed a thin line. “By the time I was born, Patrick, the youngest of the bunch, was already seven. I was a surprise. And the rest of them were close in age. My mother called them her ‘gang of little men.’ They took that to heart. And Colton was their ringleader.”

“He’s mean,” Natalie said as they breezed past the designer stores in search of more affordable shopping.

“Yeah,” Jack said, easily keeping pace with her. “I think he had a rough time of it in school. He was always a big guy. He played football, but he was never a starter. I think the popular kids made fun of him.”

“So he turned around and picked on you,” she said.

Jack nodded. “At first I couldn’t take it. I was too little. I ran crying to my mother, which only made it worse. But as I got older, I toughened up and fought back. It wasn’t long before I was faster. And it sure as shit didn’t take much to outsmart Colton. But sometimes—”

“He cheated,” she said.

“Yeah. And not just when we were fighting. His football coach benched him for playing dirty.”

“So you decided you’d really show him. You’d become a Navy SEAL. The closest thing to a living, breathing superhero.” She stopped at a store window lined with shoes.

He raised his arm and rubbed the back of his neck. “Not many people know this,” he said, lifting his gaze from the floor. He looked at her from beneath his long lashes. “My mom was always reading romance novels. She’d hide them in the kitchen, pulling the paperbacks out to read a few pages while she waited for dinner to finish up in the oven. One time, when I ran to her in tears—I was still young, maybe six or seven—she told me about this character. He’d been a shrimp like me, the skinny kid who got picked on. But he defied the odds and became a Navy SEAL. After that day, I became obsessed with the SEAL teams. I learned everything I could and swore I’d do whatever it took to be one.”

Her eyes widened and her lips formed a smile. “You joined the SEALs to become a romance hero?”

“No, I joined to serve my country and prove to my brothers I could do anything I put my mind to,” he said, lowering his arm and placing both hands on his hips. His stance mirrored hers—challenging, ready to launch into battle. “Anything.”

Including her. He didn’t need to say the words. The bet hung in the air between them. She’d let her heart melt a little for the bullied boy pushed around by his brothers, but she wasn’t about to wave the white flag and surrender.

“You lost this round, Jack. Now it’s time to shop.” She dropped her hands to her sides and headed for the shoe store.

“Wait.” He wrapped fingers around her arm, drawing her back. And she couldn’t blame him. She wasn’t looking forward to picking out a pair of heels.

She pulled her arm free. “You lost the dare—”

“I know,” he said. “But I thought we were hunting for chocolate body paint.”

“That’s on the list.” She led the way into the store and headed to the section marked sale. “But first, I need to find a pair of heels to wear with my bridesmaid dress.”

f he could survive lying in position for twenty-four hours hidden from sight, waiting for a go from his commanding officer, he could manage shoe shopping. But could Natalie?

She stared at the display tables as if they were littered with live explosives. She picked up a strappy silver sandal with a low heel. “What do you think?”

“Looks great,” he said.

Please let her buy the first pair she sees.

A saleswoman appeared at Natalie’s side. “Can I help you?” She looked to be about twenty years his senior and either highly caffeinated or seriously into her job. “Oh, I love those sandals. And they’re twenty percent off. But we only have them in a size five.”

“I’m a seven,” Natalie said flatly as she placed the shoe back on the display table. “I’m looking for something that will match a pink bridesmaid dress designed for an insane ballerina. The dress stops at my ankle, or close to it. And something on sale would be best.”

The saleswoman blinked and then nodded. She walked over to the wall and picked up a high-heeled, shiny sandal with an intricate pattern. A zipper ran up the back. “These aren’t on sale, but they’re priced about the same as some of the marked down shoes. They’re also comfortable. Would you like to try them on?”

“Yes,” Natalie said quickly. She sounded eager to have their visit to the land of shoes end as soon as possible. She sat down on the leather bench as the saleswoman disappeared into the back.

Jack claimed the space beside her, leaning forward and resting his forearms on his thighs. “You know, I never would have intentionally lost”—hell, he couldn’t even say the word cheated—“to end up here.”

“I know,” she said, accepting the box from the saleswoman with a nod. “But I also know you want to win.”

He watched as she unceremoniously pulled the heels from the box. She kicked off her sandals and then slipped the new shoes on.

“They fit,” she announced. One glance at her impartial expression and he had a feeling that when it came to footwear, her excitement matched his—which was zero. He didn’t give a damn what she wore on her feet. He wasn’t drawn to her shoes, or, shit, her clothes. It was the woman beneath—the soft curves and the fiery, touch-me-if-you-dare attitude—that left him wanting to do a helluva lot more than watch her try on heels.

“Why are you fighting me?” he asked Natalie when the saleswoman left them and carried the box toward the cashier. “Last night—”

“I’m not right for you,” she said, standing up.

“After watching you shop for shoes, I think you’re wrong.” He followed her to the register. He waited until she’d paid the saleswoman and accepted her purchase.

“Just because we both dislike shoe shopping doesn’t make us a perfect match,” Natalie said drily.

No, but it was one more checkbox on his mental list of things he liked about her. Once they were outside the store, he spoke up. “The way you screamed my name through the bathroom door, I got the impression that you wanted me, too.”

“I’m not interested in black silk ties.” She thrust the shopping bag into his hands.

“It was just part of the story.”

“It doesn’t work for me,” she said firmly.


He’d heard her come. She’d liked the fantasy he’d described.

“Plus, we argue,” she said.

Because she actually listened to him—every stupid line, every dumbass remark, and every piece of his past.

“Not about things that matter,” he said.

“You just want to win—”

“I do,” he admitted. “But I also want you, Natalie. And I have a feeling you want me, too.” He watched as her gaze drifted lower and stopped at his crotch. “Another story. Only this time, we stay on the same side of the door. Nothing between us.”

She looked up at him, her brown eyes staring into his. Lips parted, the same question—fight or flight—that he saw in her expression night after night from the other side of the bar. And he’d never seen her run. From anything. “Jack—”

He closed the space between them and placed his finger over her lips. He wouldn’t let her run from her own desires, not this time. “I dare you to let me prove it,” he murmured. “Prove you’re dying to get into my pants as much as I want into yours.”

She pushed his hand away. “We’re not done shopping yet.”

“After we buy the favors, I dare you to come to my room and test the paint.” Her eyes widened at the word
, and he knew he had her. She wouldn’t walk away from a challenge.

“And once I’ve licked every bit of chocolate off of you,” he continued, “I challenge you to walk away from this. From us.”

She placed her hands on her hips, her gaze locked with his. Her dark eyes burned bright with determination.

“Accepted.” Her eyes narrowed. “But I bet the chocolate tastes just as good on you.”

“I’m counting on that.” He took her hand and led her through the mall.

“And you’d better be ready,” she said. “Because I
walking away.”

He pulled her through the crowd, bypassing designer stores and packed restaurants. “Darlin’, when I finish licking you, I promise you’ll feel too good to head for the door. Maybe in the past that worked for you—”

“I haven’t—” She pressed her lips closed, holding back the rest of that sentence.

He raised an eyebrow but didn’t say a word as they kept walking. A few stores down, they stopped in front of a shop with a window displaying pictures of women lost in pleasure. Oh hell yeah, he wanted to see Natalie’s expression when the big O hit her—with or without the aid of the adult toys hidden behind the banner.

“This is it,” she said at the same time he said, “This looks like the right place.”

He marched into the sex toy store with Natalie at his heels. He walked past the dildos and whips. With a cursory glance at the handcuffs, he scanned the space and located a sales clerk.

“We need a half dozen bottles of chocolate flavored body paint.” He glanced at Natalie, who stood by his side, every inch of her petite form pulsing with a battle-ready energy. “Will that be enough? Or do you need more?”

She looked down at his crotch again. Jesus, if she kept doing that, he’d toss her over his shoulder and flat-out run for his room. But she let her gaze linger, not giving a damn that the sales clerk was watching and waiting.

“More,” she said. “I’m hoping I’ll need a lot more.”

Chapter Eleven

ack, this room…”

Natalie dropped the Sizzling Secrets shopping bag on the floor of the
marble entryway
. Her deluxe queen bedroom could fit in the sitting area. Her gaze swept over the loveseat nestled between two armchairs. A minibar completed the sitting area. And the bed—oh wow, the king-sized, four-poster bed beckoned like—

“It’s like a fairytale,” she murmured.

“I upgraded.”

“And they just happened to have the biggest suite available when you checked in?”

“Cade has the largest,” he said, and she raised an eyebrow. “Room,” he added. “Cade booked the largest suite. And I thought what the hell? I still own a portion of the family cattle ranch and it’s been doing well, so why not?”

Oh yes, someone lied about needing to share a room that first night in middle of nowhere California.

Or maybe Cade had clued Jack in on Natalie’s shoestring budget. But she didn’t want pity from Jack.

He bent down and plucked the chocolate body paint from the bag.

Or chocolate covered orgasms. She didn’t want those either.

Now who’s the liar?

He kept his gaze on her as he unscrewed the top and tossed it to the floor. “I have a story for you, and this one comes with a happy ending.”

He dipped his fingers into the paint.

Take charge!

Her brain fired the command, but her limbs refused to move. She glanced at the bed. She had a plan, dammit. And it did not involve a four-poster frame fit for a queen.

“Once upon a time, there was a warrior princess,” he began, “who challenged a prince to a chocolate-covered orgasm duel.”

She laughed and shook her head. “A duel with a
” she corrected. He might be the Prince Charming of the Navy SEALs, but in here, with her, he was just Jack. If she lost sight of that…heaven help her, he might win. “A man destined to lose the duel.”

“Take off your shirt, princess.”

The deep rumble of his voice seemingly bypassed her common sense, speaking directly to her hands. Her fingers toyed with the edge of her T-shirt. And then he smiled at her. A sweet, playful, and—dammit—reassuring grin.

Oh God, this time I might hand over my panties.

She pulled her T-shirt over her head and tossed it aside. She squared her shoulders and faced him wearing only her bikini top and jean shorts.

“Place your hands behind your head,” he ordered as he dipped his finger into the chocolate. He reached forward and painted a line over the swell of her breast, careful to avoid her suit. His touch sent a shiver down her spine.

“Jack,” she said, her voice soft and needy.

He looked her straight in the eyes. “Yes?”

“I want to touch you.”

“Believe me, I want that, too.” He drew a line over her other breast. The chocolate felt warm on her skin. And the anticipation—waiting for him to lick it off—left her body aching to be painted, touched, and tasted.

“But right now,” he continued, “I need you to place your hands behind your head.”

She curled her fingers against her palms, forming tight fists at her sides. “I can’t. If I let you win—”

“Natalie.” His tone was gentle but still sparked with desire. “This isn’t about the bet. We won’t touch the bed. This is just me wanting you. Like crazy. For so damn long.”

She swallowed, then murmured, “How long?”

“From the first time you told me to sit down, shut up, and drink my beer.” He dipped his hand into the chocolate again. Slowly, he connected the lines on her breasts, allowing his finger to dip into her cleavage.

“Would it work now?” she asked. “If I told you to sit down, shut up, and let me paint you?”

He chuckled. “You’ll get your turn.”

“But—” She closed her eyes as his finger slid beneath the small knot of polka-dot fabric nestled between her breasts. He pulled it forward. And she opened her eyes to see him stealing a peek at her breasts. “I want to go first,” she said.

To dominate. To win. To leave you wanting.

“Not a chance, Natalie.” His finger brushed the side of her breast. She gasped. Oh God, she wanted to melt into his touch.


“That’s it, darlin’,” he murmured, his fingers moving up and down the sides of her breasts, teasing, tempting…and then he stopped.

“Jack,” she pleaded.

No, no, no! Do not beg.

“Take off your bikini top,” he said. “Let me in. Let me see you.”

She reached for the closure at her back and released the top. The straps slid off her shoulders, and she tossed the bikini beside her shirt.

“Natalie.” He dropped to his knees and set the jar of paint by her feet. Still staring at her bare breasts, he dipped one hand into chocolate and scooped out a handful. “Please place your hands behind your head,” he said as he rubbed his palms together.

This time, she obeyed. She raised her arms, pressed her palms against her hair, and interlaced her fingers. The sight of this man at her feet—

He reached up and wrapped his large, powerful hands around her oh-so-average-sized breasts. Leaving behind a pair of handprints, he traced lines over her skin. His thumbs brushed back and forth over her nipples. Sensation rippled through her. She was so close to giving in and letting him claim every inch of her. So close—

He leaned forward, his height offering an advantage even though he was on his knees, and licked the underside of one breast. And she moaned. The sound filled the entryway.

“Tell me,” she demanded. “What did you want while you watched me from the other side of the bar?”

“This.” His hands moved to the button on her shorts. He left chocolate marks as he freed the closure and drew the zipper down. Then he pulled her shorts down her legs. “Kick them off.”

She sent her shorts flying across the room as he dipped his hand into the body paint again. And now she was standing in front of the one man she’d never planned to fall for wearing only her underwear.

“I wanted you.” He drew a chocolate line from her chest to the top of her panties. “I wanted a peek behind your defenses.” His tongue ran over her skin, licking up the path. When he reached the fabric, he paused.

“My underwear isn’t a barricade waiting to be stormed,” she said.

He laughed. “Nine times out of ten, you turned your back to me when I came into the bar. And I’ve been dying to find out if your ass feels as good as it looks.”

“Jack.” She struggled to add a note of warning to her voice. But he ignored her. His chocolate-covered hands ran up the backs of her thighs and slipped beneath her underwear.

“Perfect,” he murmured.

“You wanted to see me naked,” she said, staying focused on their sexual connection.

“Yes.” He glanced up at her. “And I wished to slip behind the invisible walls you erected the moment I walked in the door. I’ve dreamed about touching you. But Natalie, I also want to learn more about the fierce woman who appears so damn determined to keep everyone at arm’s length. All that fire—it must be protecting something.”

“Me,” she said softly. She kept the world away, protecting her heart from another loss, another rejection. And another wrong turn that would end in guilt and pain.

“You’re safe with me.” He leaned forward and drew the top of her underwear away from her stomach with his teeth. His tongue darted out, licking her skin.

“Jack.” She arched her back and pressed her hips forward against his lips. She wanted more, so much more, here in the entryway, where it didn’t count toward the future. This wasn’t about the bet. The way his tongue slid lower and lower beneath her underwear…the feel of his hands cupping her ass…that was all that mattered right now.

He gently released her panties as his hands slid out from her backside and stripped her naked.

“Step out and spread your legs,” he said. “Let me in. Let me taste you.”

“You can’t possibly…”

“Watch me.” He smiled up at her as he slipped one hand between her legs.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she gasped. His index finger explored, teasing and testing her. “I already gave you my underwear.”

He laughed and slid his finger inside her as his thumb brushed her clit.

“Jack!” she cried, hating the note of desperation in her voice. But she needed him to do something. Her knees threatened to buckle. “It’s been so long. And it feels so good. I can’t… I’m going to fall.”

“I’ve got you.” He abandoned his intimate touch and wrapped his hands around her waist. Then he lowered his head and ran his tongue over her clit. Once. Twice.

And then he pulled away.

“What are you doing?” she demanded. “You can’t stop.”

“Do you think I can make you come like this? Do you dare me to try?” He bent his head and licked her again, offering just enough pressure to drive her wild—and then…nothing.

“Jack,” she said through clenched teeth. “I won’t beg.”

“I’m not asking you to. I’ve dreamed about doing this for too damn long to wait,” he murmured. One more lick, and oh, the sensations rushing forward, pushing her closer. Then he drew back.

She stared down at the Navy SEAL on his knees, waiting for her answer. “Yes,” she said. “I dare you.”

His smile faded and his jaw tightened. The look in his blue eyes—it was pure heat. “Watch me, Natalie. And when you come, scream my name.”

Keeping his hands wrapped around her hips, he buried his face between her legs and licked his way to her clit. His tongue stroked and teased, then swept lower and slipped inside.

He let out a deep moan and withdrew his tongue, leaving her feeling empty. She wished he would use his hands, fill her with his fingers. But he wouldn’t lose the dare.

As if reading her thoughts, his grip tightened around her hips. He licked and sucked. The movements shifted from controlled and measured to wild and erratic. He gave her more and more and more.

She closed her eyes. She couldn’t watch the too charming SEAL worship her body with his mouth. But as soon as she shut out the sight of this man, on his knees, his large frame bending at impossible angles, her feelings threatened to overtake the pure bliss.

She’d ridden an emotional roller coaster for years, racing through grief, hostility, and rejection. The ride never stopped. But she’d never reached this peak. The SEAL kneeling at her feet thrust her into unfamiliar territory. She’d dated. She’d slept with men—maybe not recently—but she was always careful to keep them at arm’s length. Still, she’d never felt worshipped. She’d never met a man who threatened to push her vibrator into second place when it came to his ability to make…her…

“Jack!” Her hands fell from behind her head. She needed to touch him, feel him. And make damn sure he didn’t stop. Her fingers gripped his shoulders, nails clawing at his shirt. “Jack, oh God, Jack!”

His tongue pressed against her clit and she detonated. The pleasure spiraled upward, claiming control of her body, and pushing into her mind. She let go, riding the high until—

It stopped. Natalie opened her eyes and glanced down at the large warrior panting at her feet. His biceps bulged, his muscles working overtime to keep her upright.

“I win,” he murmured.

“What?” She fought to collect her thoughts. Her body hummed with the aftershocks of an orgasm that put her vibrator to shame, and he thought he’d won?

“The dare,” he reminded her.

She stumbled back, out of his reach, and focused on staying upright. She refused to melt into a puddle in front of him. And she sure as hell wasn’t going to leave him feeling like he’d come out on top.

He thought he’d won? No. The battle had only just begun.

She placed her hands on her hips. “Time to hand over your boxers, Jack.”

BOOK: To Dare a SEAL (Sin City SEALs)
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