Read To Collar and Keep Online

Authors: Stella Price,Audra Price

Tags: #Romance

To Collar and Keep (6 page)

BOOK: To Collar and Keep
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She nodded. “A little bit, yeah. It’s complicated but once you get your head around it… It’s hardly rocket science, which coincidently isn’t that hard. It’s like brain surgery on a very tiny scale. Once you know where everything is and what it does, it’s easy. Not that we know what everything does yet, which is why it’s so fascinating.” She grinned excitedly. “I only got to look at human DNA, think of the possibilities.”

He smirked. “So you know that I’m getting my doctorate in astrophysics, right?”

“You are?” She flushed. “I was only kidding about the rocket science part. I’d love to peek at your notes sometime.”

He laughed and ran his hand up her torso and weighed her breast in his hand. “Only if I can take a look at yours. My minor in graduate school was in crypto genetics. It was something I was interested in.” Harley grinned. “I got me a woman that rivals me in looks and brains… Shall we see about the way you fuck?”

“Please, I’ve been dying to since I first saw you. I couldn’t have broken the rules much more though. How was your pet?”

He growled. “Not you…not remotely you. And she’s not mine anymore.”

“Ah…I wasn’t implying that she was. I had to sit in my room alone.”

“Had you just walked out of the darkness, you could have had me,” he offered.

“I couldn’t have. Sebastian had only bought me an hour of time, and we’d used most of that up. Plus, you could have collared me there, and my father would have hit the roof.”

“I wouldn’t have… I didn’t know it was you.” He grinned. “Your voice is like a drug, you know that?”

“No, but I know how yours affects me. I’m practically soaking though your pants.”

He smirked. “Then take what you want sweetness…and enjoy your power…because you will bleed for me this night and wake with my collar.”

Harlequin growled as she played with him, enjoying his new concubine. She was smart, dead smart and more so, she knew it. She was beautiful, but it was made so much sexier to him by her mind. He never wanted to be bound to a woman that didn’t understand how his mind worked, and now he wouldn’t need to worry. All that remained was seeing how far her limits went, and if he could coax her to enjoy his kinks with him.

He stood with her still on his lap and walked them to the bed, kissing her all the while. She moaned, wriggled in his grasp, responsive as all get out to his attentions.

When they kneeled on the bed, she broke the kiss to give him a sultry smirk, and he gave it right back. She thought he would take her now, but he had something special in mind.

“Now, pet, we have a third rule for you to abide by. This one you will always enjoy. From this point on, you will never wear underwear and will always attend me no matter where we are, in any way I see fit.”

She moaned. He set her down and pulled away from her completely, walking to his wardrobe and opened the doors. “Now love…why don’t we play a little game?”

“I like games,” she purred, flashing him a sultry smile.

“I’m sure you do,” he said as he pulled a few choice items out of the wardrobe and placed them on the settee in front of the bed. Long, black silk ties, a soft suede flogger, and a small, black lacquered box. He made sure she saw them all and gauged her reactions to them with pleasure. She was interested and painfully so.

“Something tells me this isn’t your average game of twister.”

He chuckled and turned to her. “No, no, it’s not. Though we will get into that soon enough.” He picked up the ties and walked back over to her, rolling the silk over her shoulder and down her nipples, slowly, so slowly, as his other hand gripped both her wrists behind her head.

She watched his face, letting him bind her as he wished. “You’ve been thinking about this for as long as I have, haven’t you? Are you always this meticulous?”

“I have been planning our first liaison for some time,” he admitted. “And I have dreamed of having my sweet concubine bound for my pleasure as well.” He grinned and wrenched her arms up over her head and tied it to the canopy bar above. “Now don’t struggle much…you will enjoy all of this.” He went back to the settee and picked up the box and the suede flogger and brought them both over. “I had thought to blindfold you for this first time, but decided against it. I wish to see your eyes shine in the mirror while I take you.” He said as he motioned to the mirror in front of her on the wall.

She sobbed as her body reacted to his words, swaying back and forth in her bindings. “I’m sure they will.”

He leant in and licked her earlobe. “Of course they will, you’re a very responsive little thing, aren’t you?” He held the flogger out so she could see it, and placed the ends on her thigh. He pulled slowly up, ghosting the soft strips across her skin.

“Mmm.” She chewed on her lip, rocking towards the flogger. “I must be. Not that I have anything to compare it with, I just know that my body sings for you.”

“Not yet…but it will…and it will bleed for me as well.” He reached around and palmed her breasts, rolling her nipples between his finger and thumb.

“You’ll feed from me?” she gasped in anticipation.

Her Satyr licking her blood, drinking it, cementing their bond, making her crave his attention—it was all she ever dreamed of. In school she had learned about vampires, beings that drank blood to live, but this was so much more. A bond between Satyr and concubine was deep, the female needing him to live, but the bond between Satyr and Beloved was eternal, both surviving in a complete symbiosis that started the second he tasted the richness that was her blood.

“From this day forward…” He grinned at her in the mirror and pinched her harder. “Does that excite you?”

“Yes,” she whimpered, nodding. “God, yes, very much so.”

“Good answer.” He looked at her in the mirror and slid one hand down her body and the other picked the flogger up again and moved behind her. He slipping his fingers between her folds and grinned at her in the reflection. “Umm, and so wet for me already.”

“I’ve never been so wet,” she admitted, her face flushing.

“I should hope not, though it’s going to be a constant state for you from this moment onward.” He bent his head and nibbled her shoulder, biting playfully at the skin on her neck as he pinched her clit sweetly. He pulled away and walked around to the front of her and held her eyes with his. “Now watch me undress.”

“Just try and stop me.” Her eyes shined eagerly.

Harley smirked and made a show of it, unbuttoning his shirt slowly and slipping his jacket off. He let the shirt fall to the floor and finished off by undoing his belt and letting his pants fall to the floor. He toed out of his shoes and socks and smiled at her as she licked her lips. She took him all in, and he never saw a woman who looked at him with such wantonness.

“You like what you see, my Bella?” he asked and ran his hand down his chest and cupped himself for her benefit.

“Very much so.” Her eyes travelled freely over him, drawn to his hand. “I find myself doing something that I’ve never done before, or thought I ever would.”

“And that is, love?” he asked as he strode around the bed towards her.

“Thanking my father. He’s never done something so right in his life.”

“Nor mine. But I’m glad they did this.” He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back to him, keeping her flush with his chest, his cock nestled on her lower back, hot as a brand and hard as steel. His hands were possessive on her belly and slowly moved lower to tease her, and one higher to once again cup her breast. “I must admit, I’m in awe of your perfect breasts.”

“You are?” She pushed back against him, thrusting her breasts high into his hand.

“Umm. I never thought you would be this perfect.”

“I know what you mean.”

He grinned and picked up the flogger again. “So…,” he said and ran the straps over her again. He pulled back and hit her side and her ass cheek with the flogger and chuckled at her gasp. “Umm…very responsive…but we will play with this more another day. I had designs on working you up to a frenzy, but I don’t think I need to. You’re already soaking your thighs.” He dropped the flogger on the bed and moved closer again. “Part your knees further.”

She did as he asked, her body throwing off heat. “I think I’m pretty frenzied already. Any more and I think I’d explode.”

“And we can’t have that. Well, not in the way you mean.” Taking up his previous spot behind her, he gripped his shaft and slid it between her thighs and across her wetness. “We will play more later, right now though…” He shifted his hips and slid in slowly feeling her barrier and groaned.

She was tight, so deliciously tight, and he almost lost it. He looked at her in the mirror, and seeing her eyes go wide with the invasion, he bit down on her shoulder and surged forward at the same time, seating himself into her completely. She cried out, and he stilled, letting her adjust.

“Gods, Harley! Fuck,” she sobbed, straining against the bonds.

“In time…” He grinned at her in their reflection and growled as he started to move. “Watch me. Keep your eyes on mine,” he said softly in her ear. “Gods, you’re so wet and tight… No pain, right? No, you like this… Fuck your sheath is gripping me so tight, and you haven’t even come yet.”

“No pain. I can just feel you so completely.” She closed her eyes, then forced them back open, watching him, her eyes darkening.

“Such a good girl,” he whispered and licked her neck. “Gods, you feel so fucking perfect, and you’re mine.” He rolled her clit between his fingers. “Don’t look away…gods, I can feel how fucking close you are. Come for me darling, so I can bleed you.”

His words sent her over the edge as she crashed into her orgasm.

Holding on wasn’t easy, but he maintained, watching her eyes go glassy, then wide, then soft as she panted out her pleasure.

He purred in her ear. “Such a good girl…takes direction like a champ.” He groaned and licked behind her ear.

“Fuck, you’re dripping down my shaft, baby.” He nibbled and worked her hard, feeling her close to cresting once more. That she could come so quickly after the first, he was indeed lucky with his concubine. He felt her start to shudder and kept his eyes on hers as he quickly bit down, feeling his teeth sinking into her sweet flesh, tasting her blood for the first time. Bliss poured into him and sent him over the edge, shooting his seed into her body as it contracted around him tightly.

“Oh, yes, thank you,” she purred faintly, her body sagging against the silk ties.

Harley pulled away, licking her wound with his tongue, groaning. Nothing in the world tasted better than her blood. He licked his lips and kissed the bite mark. “Umm, you are intoxicating.”

“That was amazing.” She looked up at him awed, her body still quivering.

“Yeah, and I understand it only gets better. Next time we will have to utilise your position. I do so like seeing you tied up.” He reached up and let her arms down and cuddled her to him.

“I like it too, the thought always excited me…as with this.” She lifted the flogger, stroking it over his chest.

“A little kink never hurt anyone. Ask Ben and Minerva.” He grinned and pulled her to him, and they lay in quiet repose for several minutes. Later, he moved over and grabbed the small box. “For you.”

“Me?” She took the box peering curiously at it.

“Who else gets my collar?” he said, opening the box and producing an inch and a half thick piece of leather with a silver ribbon running over it, stamped with words written in Puckish, the original language of Satyr. The symbols were refined, scrolling and worked into the ribbon with sterling silver thread. In the centre was a large piece of jade, milky and solid with a small piece of moonstone on either side. They were all set in platinum.

“It’s beautiful.” Her fingers stroked reverently over the leather.

“It’s yours. Always has been. When I was sixteen, I had it commissioned.”

“I love it. Will you do the honours?”

He smiled and nodded. “Lift your hair, baby.” Harley moved behind her and put it round her neck as she lifted her hair. “As soon as this closes, you’re mine Arabella, and I couldn’t be happier.” He let the ends touch and magic pricked the air as the seams knitted together to make one unending piece of leather and ribbon around her neck.

“Mmm, feels good to be yours, finally.” She explored the collar, looking at it in the mirror.

He watched her, his body waking seeing her move. She was so sexual, so sensual. It made his body burn with need of her again. “And all it entails.”

“It suits me, don’t you think?”

“Better than I’d hoped it would. Now come here, you magpie.” He grinned. “We are far from finished this night.”

“We are?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him boldly.

He groaned and flipped so she was stretched on top of him. “Ummm, indeed love. Such a sexy bitch.”

She straddled his waist, grinning down. “So you’re pleased with me?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

Harley laughed. “Fishing for compliments, now? Such a naughty concubine.” He spanked her ass and winked.

“Not fishing. When I fish, you’ll know it.” She brushed his hand against her ass.

“Liked that, did you?” He didn’t need to see her eyes dilate to know the answer. His lovely concubine was a closet kink lover, and he was going to love opening her up to new things.

BOOK: To Collar and Keep
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