To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Steeling herself for what she had to do next, she took a deep breath and said, “Very well.” Then she slowly got up, making sure not to put too much weight on her injured foot, and began pulling up the tunic over her head.

When she tossed the tunic on the ground and stood completely naked before Merlin, she looked at him, her brow lifted, tempting him. His eyes had opened wide in shock at her actions.

“If those are your orders, then let’s get on with it.” She sighed for effect.

His lips broke into a smile, and his jovial eyes ogled her bare breasts and cunt for several minutes. He obviously admired what he saw. His appraisal excited her. His hunger and lust in his eyes drew her in. Her nipples became taut as the cool air, and his hungry stare caressed them. Wetness slipped out of her pussy lips with the pleasure of having him look at her in such a desirable way.

He cleared his throat and said, “Yes, it is best we do as Serona wishes, or we will both suffer the consequences.”

Merlin couldn’t have spoken truer words, Velona thought. In her past experiences with the mighty and evil sorceress, Velona had seen how Serona punished those who disobeyed her. Death would have been a kinder dealing than what she inflicted on the disobedient.

She gazed at Merlin as he bent down to search in his sack, and wondered how he had suffered by her wrath. Did his scars run as deep as hers did? Although he seemed unaffected by Serona’s control and abuse, he could very well be suffering deep inside. And that reason alone made what Velona planned next very difficult to do. But she had no choice. She must escape and find a means of reclaiming her powers. Nothing and no one must stand in her way.

When Merlin took out a bulky bar of soap and a wide cloth and dipped it into the water, he turned to gaze at her body. His half-closed, sultry eyes made her legs weak. He stood and brought the soapy cloth to her neck.

Right before he touched her skin, he looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry, my lady, but the water is now cold.”

On contact of the icy cloth, Velona took a deep breath. A high moan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and let the cold seep into her flesh to her bones. He slowly and gently moved the cloth over her skin across her collarbone and continued to go back and forth, inching lower with every stoke until he came to where she anticipated. And right when she expected the cloth to make contact with her right mound, he removed it.

She opened one eye and saw him beaming a wicked smile as he languidly took the cloth and dipped it into the water. Once again his eyes looked at her with an expression of daring. A daring for dominance.
A grin threatened to break free as she pondered the significance.

Yes, in this game they each played, perhaps dominance was the primary prize, but the ultimate goal for Velona was her freedom. And she would be the victor no matter what the cost.

Anticipating his next move, she planned her strategy and countermove.

Chapter Six


The damn mirror began to shake and vibrate, making Jacob jump, startled. “What the devil!”

He looked at it with curiosity as it seemed to dance across the table. He jumped to his feet and stretched to grab it right before it slid to the edge and fell off. Straightening up, he turned to find a safer place to store the vibrating mirror so it couldn’t fall and shatter into a thousand pieces, and that’s when he saw it.

He saw what Merlin spoke of. An hour had passed, and the mirror had awakened. Instead of showing the viewer’s own reflection, it’d been transformed into a spying looking glass, one that displayed an image of an alluring beautiful siren standing completely naked. The bright sun’s light beaming on her made her look like an angel brought to earth to be adored by men.

There was a man beside her, leaning over a pail. As he stood up, his face came into view. Jacob’s mouth fell open in shock. “Merlin!”

It took a few seconds as his mind melded all the information together. His eyes widened, and he whispered to himself, “Pondora...”

May God strike him down for his ignorance, but never in his life did he expect that beautiful nude enchantress was the evil sorceress the country feared and that he and Merlin had been obsessed with vanquishing all these months. And thanks to the mirror’s magic he saw every detail of her lovely eyes and face and of her divine body.

Her luscious, round breasts whose aureoles were dark and puckered made his cock rise to excitement. His cock hadn’t had the pleasure of a wet pussy in many, many months, and now having to behold this goddess in the nude made him want to come. And seeing his brother bring the cloth to her luscious left breast didn’t help either.

Much to Jacob’s delight, the mirror served not only as a looking glass, but it carried to him all the sounds that passed in the tower. He slid his feet backward while never breaking his gaze into the looking glass. He moved slowly until his calf hit the chair next to the table, and he sat down. Moving the mirror closer to his face so he would not miss a sound or action about to happen, he waited for what his lucky brother would do next. Now he understood why Merlin left him earlier with a sly, smug smile.

Merlin began to make circular motions around her mound, making its skin glisten in the sunlight. Jacob could see goose bumps form and the nipple rise. Pondora’s reaction had him sighing in pleasure. She obviously enjoyed Merlin’s ministrations.

Merlin changed his movement to a back-and-forth action, going from one breast to the next. With her eyes closed, she moaned softly.

Merlin stopped and asked, “Did I hurt you, my lady?

Her beautiful blue eyes opened, and her brow lifted. In a panting breath, she replied, “No, not at all. Please go on, Merlin.”

A sly grin formed on Merlin’s lips again. “I heard you moan and thought maybe I had caused you pain.”

She laughed. “Well, the type of moan would depend on the pain you inflicted, now wouldn’t it?” She sighed teasingly. “But no, I am fine. Better than fine, please continue. As you said before, I am filthy and need a good washing.”

Jacob saw Merlin’s Adam’s apple lift and fall as he took a deep gulp. She had obviously taken him aback with her response. It seemed like his brother was trying to play a cat-and-mouse game with the diabolical sorceress, thinking he would win. But it was plain to see the sorceress had the upper hand, not he.

At least for the moment, until Merlin replied, “Yes, your ass needs cleaning, my lady. Please turn around and bend over so I may wash you there.”

Her eyes widened with shock. “B–But I cannot lean on my foot. You know it is sprained.”

“Yes, that’s true. Then lean on the wall behind you and spread your legs.”

“If it is my ass that needs cleaning, why must I spread my legs, too?”

Merlin leaned in closer to her, his eyes staring at her in seduction. And then he blurted it out, shocking both Pondora and Jacob. “Because I’d like to wash your cunt, my lady, and taste it, too.”

Anger seemed to rise in her instantly. She squinted, and her lips pursed in a tight thin line. The sorceress obviously did not like his response.

Jacob slapped his hand hard on the table and chuckled. “Bloody hell! Good one, dear brothe—”

He didn’t finish his cheer. He couldn’t. The room suddenly became dark, and a cold wind that came out of nowhere blew in around him, making a cyclone-like spinning action. He couldn’t breathe with its intensity.

!” a female’s screeching voice spoke. Chills of terror crawled up Jacob’s spine, and a shudder overcame him.

In the looking glass Jacob held, the image of his brother and the beautiful enchantress vanished. In its place a demon with yellow eyes appeared and stared straight at him. It grew from a tiny image to a bigger one. And it continued to grow exponentially fast until it was as big as the glass itself, making it shatter into a thousand pieces, as if it exploded.

Complete darkness and utter silence possessed the room now. All Jacob heard was the frantic pounding of his heart against his chest. His brain rattled from the acute loudness of the voice and the shattering of the glass mirror that had been inflicted upon his eardrums. Jacob’s mind instantly went to alert when he remembered the screeching female voice’s warning word.

That was the Gaelic word for vengeance.

Jumping from the chair and darting for where he remembered the door was, he broke free of the prison of darkness that had now become his room. He needed to get to Merlin and save him. Their plans, Merlin’s plans, had gone awry. They had been so deadly wrong. They had not taken away Pondora’s powers. She still had them, and they were as strong as ever, stronger than Jacob could have ever surmised.

Now she was going to seek her revenge on Merlin unless Jacob got to the tower first. What he’d do when he got there to try to stop her, he didn’t know. Her powers, from what he saw in his room, were unsurpassable. But he had to try and save his brother even if he died in the attempt.

Each step his feet took as he ran felt like tiny steps made in the giant’s den. A figurative clock appeared in Jacob’s mind, its hands moving in a quick pace.

He needed to run faster. Time was running out.
Ticktock. Ticktock.

Chapter Seven


Velona wanted to slap Merlin’s face. The audacity! Did he even know who she was? What she could do to him with a wave of her hand?

For a moment, she forgot she was now powerless and wanted to give Serona’s servant a lesson he would never forget. But then reality came crashing back down on her a few seconds after, when she lifted her hand and none of her magic energy spewed from her fingertips in the form of lightning.


Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she waited until his smug smile disappeared. Too bad she couldn’t wipe it from his face herself. She looked at him through half-closed eyes and wondered who exactly Merlin was. How did he come to be Serona’s servant? Was he forced into the situation? Or was he here of his own free will?

The way he admired Velona’s body told her that he was here now washing her of his own free will. He enjoyed this job immensely, and she had to admit so did she. His nimble-fingered touch was one of a kind.

The chills of arousal she experienced when he washed her breasts, caressing them and rubbing the nipples with the cloth, made her wet between the legs. Her clit throbbed, and she even opened her legs as passion and lust poured through her body. Her back arched forward. She wanted and needed more of his cleansing attention to her breasts.

But now when he told her he not only wanted to wash her pussy, but lick it as well, her first reaction was of appall. Not so much at the thought of it, because imagining his hot, full lips on her clit and pussy lips, kissing them, sucking them, and his tongue circling her clit and darting into her pussy had her wanting to writhe in delight. But what irked her to no end was the fact he assumed she’d allow him to do that to her. She may be powerless at this moment, but that did not mean she was a trollop who allowed a complete stranger to lick her wherever or whenever he wanted. Did he ever hear of foreplay or getting to know the woman before tongue fucking her? She guessed not.

Now what should she do next? Should she refuse his further advances and leave it at that? Or should she give him the pleasure, as well as herself, of having her cunt licked? She thought of her primary goal, which was finding a means of escape. If she could distract Merlin by getting on his good side and seducing him, then she could trick him into letting her free either by deception or by distraction. One or the other would work. She just needed to wait for the most opportune time to present itself.

Giving him a wide smile, she said, “All right, Merlin.”

She turned around, clumsily trying to put weight on her injured foot, and leaned her hands on the wall. She braced her weight more on her good foot and spread her legs, lifting her ass so her pussy was free for him to do whatever he wished.

She heard him redip the cloth in the water and then lather it with soap. He gently placed the cloth on the top of her left ass cheek and rubbed the cloth downward. She jumped on first contact with the ice-cold cloth.

“I’m sorry. I wish it would be warmer for you.” His voice sounded sincere. Hmm, Merlin did have a soft side. She had her doubts, but he now confirmed it.

She laughed. “Actually, it feels nice.”

He chuckled, too. “Ah, then that’s good.”

He brought the cloth to the bottom of her right ass cheek and rubbed it. She could feel soap bubbles forming as he spread the thick lather widely over both cheeks. Then he brought the cloth to her cunt, and she sighed before holding her breath.

The cold sensation of the material touching her pussy aroused her more than anything else in the mortal world ever had. She almost climaxed with the contact.

He moaned as he tossed the cloth into the pail and used his hands to spread the soap all over her cunt in a back-and-forth motion. Shivers of ecstasy traveled from her pussy, some heading to her breasts, making her nipples more taut, while others traveled to her legs, making her shake slightly.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, savoring his curious and caressing hands. When he directed his attention to her ass, he said, “Bend over a little more.”

BOOK: To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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