Read Tis the Season to Be Sinful Online

Authors: Adrienne Basso

Tags: #Fiction, #General

Tis the Season to Be Sinful (10 page)

BOOK: Tis the Season to Be Sinful
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She pushed upward and Richard groaned, his movements quickening. He drove in hard and fast and she was surprised to feel the stirring of a second climax begin. But it had no time to fully develop. Suddenly, deep shudders rocked him. She waited to feel the hot surge of his seed pour into her, yet it did not come. Curious, she flexed her inner muscles to see if he had withdrawn and felt the solid proof that he was still deep inside her body.
“Sorry, I couldn’t wait for you,” he murmured, circling his hips and grinding himself against her.
Startled, Juliet felt a jolt of pleasure. She moved her hips, searching for the right pressure, the needed friction. Richard kept pace with her, their bodies sliding together. The sensations built quickly and then the spasm took hold, not as violent or intense as before, yet still totally satisfying.
Richard rested on top of her until her shuddering ended, then pulled himself from her body and rolled onto his back.
Her senses drowsy with the sweetest satisfaction, Juliet savored the incredible emotions of release. It truly was like no other feeling in the world and she was not embarrassed to admit she had missed it. Missed it dreadfully.
It was amazing, really, that she had been able to capture it so completely with Richard. It had to mean something that she felt secure enough to give her passion free rein. Precisely what, she wasn’t certain, but at the moment she was simply too tired, too content to think about it.
Richard left the bed and a coolness spread over Juliet’s body. She heard him over at the washstand, pouring water from the pitcher into the basin, then wringing out a cloth. When he’d finished, he blew out the candles. Returning to the bed, he pressed his lips to her shoulder before stretching out beside her. Juliet smiled in the darkness. Snuggling close, she fitted herself against Richard’s warmth and promptly fell asleep.
Chapter 6
Lost in contemplation, Richard stared at the ceiling, the only spot in the whole room that wasn’t covered in hideous red roses, and waited for his wife to fall asleep. He had just experienced the most intense sexual encounter of his life and it completely baffled him.
He was not sure he had ever made a woman climax so intensely. It had brought him nearly as much pleasure as her and his immediate thought was that he wanted to do it again. And again.
Sighing, Richard covered his eyes with the back of his forearm. Juliet’s wanton abandon was clearly a part of her passionate nature, yet he was certain their amazing sexual encounter was rooted in her willingness to open herself completely to him. He felt a stab of tenderness, followed by a stab of guilt.
She trusts me!
The realization moved him profoundly, but Richard pushed the thoughts and emotions away. He didn’t want to think about it, couldn’t dwell on it. He intended this marriage to be like a business partnership because that was what he knew, that was what he was so successful at doing. These intense, confusing emotions would only serve to muddy the waters and that made him very uneasy.
Lying beside him, Juliet stirred. Her skin was covered with a thin sheen of perspiration. She shivered and he immediately pulled the covers over her, wrapping her snugly to prevent a chill. But it wasn’t enough for her.
Murmuring contentedly, she snuggled against him. Richard’s arm went around her, drawing her close. Her head lay in the hollow between his neck and shoulder. A perfect fit.
In the darkness Richard waited. Her warm flesh draped over his, her glossy hair spilling across his shoulder and chest, her fragile hand pressing lightly over his heart. Gradually Juliet’s breathing slowed and deepened, but by then Richard’s desire had flared.
Damn, he wanted her again. Her legs locked around his waist, her hips moving up to meet his, thrust for thrust, her head thrashing from side to side, her breathing coming in short pants as her excitement mounted. He wanted to watch her lovely face as he moved within her body, wanted to lose himself in her seductive spell.
Blast and damn!
Knowing he couldn’t stand this torture another second, Richard carefully withdrew from the bed. Juliet mumbled in her sleep and turned, curling up against his pillow. Breath held, Richard waited anxiously as she settled herself. Soon, the deep, even breaths of sleep resumed. It was safe to leave.
But not nearly as easy.
Raw with wanting, Richard stood beside the bed, gazing at his sleeping bride. Unable to resist a final touch, he smoothed her hair with trembling fingers, then leaned his cheek against hers and whispered, “What the hell am I going to do with you, my fair Juliet?”
The next morning, Juliet awoke alone in the comfortable bed. She stretched her hand out, running it along the space beside her, the coolness telling her it had been empty for many hours. Perhaps most of the night.
Sighing, she rolled to her back, feeling the ache and soreness in her muscles. He might have abandoned her during the night, but before he left her, Richard had made love to her very thoroughly.
Physically, at least. The emotional intimacy had been lacking on both their parts. More on his than hers, she admitted, but that would change over time. She would see to it.
Washed and dressed, Juliet entered the morning room with trepidation tightening her chest, only to find it empty. She listened motionless as a blushing footman told her Mr. Harper was still abed, then added that the children had finished their breakfast and gone off on an extended walk with Mr. Barclay.
Dismissing the servant, she poured herself a cup of coffee. Sleeping alone, now breakfast alone. Was this to be the new routine?
Despairing at the thought, she took a bite of dry toast and tried to logically consider her options. She had just rejected the idea of casually wandering past the master suite when Richard strolled into the room. The toast dropped noisily from her fingers, landing beside her empty plate.
“Good morning, Juliet.”
“Bonjour, mari.”
Her face heated at his puzzled frown. Goodness. Her nerves had prompted an idiotic impulse that had most assuredly backfired. “I apologize. You don’t speak any French.”
“Only enough to order a meal from a dinner menu. If it isn’t too long.” He paused. “And I’m not too hungry.”
Juliet smiled as a sense of relief spread through her. “I can read it well enough, but my accent is atrocious.”
“I thought it sounded rather pretty. What did you say?”
“Hello, husband.”
“Tres bien.”
He nodded.
“Bonjour . . .”
Juliet supplied. “Which I believe is correct. Though the direct translation could be ‘woman’ instead of ‘wife.’ I’m afraid we’ll both need lessons if we ever travel to France.”
“We can hire an interpreter,” Richard said dismissively.
Juliet smiled wanly. It was a logical solution, she supposed, but one she would never consider. Half the fun of traveling abroad was trying to speak the language.
He took the seat beside her and her eyes widened at the contents of his plate. Eggs, fried potatoes, bacon, kippers, toast with butter,
blackberry jam. He began eating with gusto and she found herself gazing at his mouth as he chewed, then swallowed.
Such a normal domestic moment, yet her mind was summoning an erotic image of his kisses last night—hot and raw and sweet. There were moments when they were together in bed that she felt as though he wanted to devour her with his lips and teeth and tongue, just as he was devouring his breakfast right now.
A wave of desire swelled through her as she remembered the feel of his mouth on her heated flesh and the wild pleasure he had evoked. It had been all-consuming, with an intensity she was looking forward to repeating. Soon.
“Is anything wrong?”
Startled, Juliet nearly fell from the chair. “No,” she squeaked.
I am merely becoming a wanton lunatic while watching you eat your breakfast. Breakfast!
He considered her for a moment, then returned to his meal. Trying to keep her expression neutral, Juliet let out a quiet sigh.
“I wanted to discuss the renovations and redecorating plans for the manor,” he said, pushing away his empty plate. “There’s a great deal that needs to be done. Can you give me the name of the individual who created the master suite?”
Juliet lifted her cup, realized it was empty, then returned it to the saucer. “I designed the room, putting in the personal touches that appealed to Henry and me.”
Richard’s brow lifted. “I had no idea. I like it very much the way it is now, but naturally understand that you will want to make it over again.” He hoisted the silver urn and filled her cup.
“Why?” she asked as she stirred a spoonful of sugar in her coffee.
He gave her an astute look. “Aren’t you uncomfortable with me using it?”
“Not at all.” He continued to stare at her and then Juliet realized the cause of his puzzlement. “I never occupied the room. Henry became ill before it was finished. Then once it was completed, it became necessary to move to the dowager house.”
“Do you mind if I take the room as mine when I’m here?”
Juliet tried not to squirm. Two things about his question bothered her. He had not asked
to join him in the suite and the words “when I’m here” suggested he didn’t plan on staying at the manor very often.
“As owner of the manor, I suppose the right to occupy the master’s suite falls to Edward, but I think it’s a bit too much space for a ten-year-old boy, don’t you?” she asked, answering his question with one of her own.
“Yes.” Richard smiled. “The running of the household is naturally your domain, but if you are interested, I’d like you to oversee the renovations and refurbishment of the manor.”
“That’s a very important job.”
“Yes, and you’ll need help. Mr. Barclay has said he would be happy to stay and be your assistant if you decide to take on the project.”
“Are you serious?”
“Of course.”
“The master suite is the only major project I’ve ever attempted,” Juliet said, but her mind was already filling with possibilities.
Most of the original manor staff had already been rehired, along with a few extra servants to ease the burden. Thanks to their skill and efficiency, her daily involvement in running the household was minimal. A house project of this magnitude would be a welcome challenge. She looked into Richard’s sparkling blue eyes and her heart fluttered. It would also provide her with the perfect opportunity to prove her worth to her new husband.
“If the rooms turn out half as well as the suite, I shall be very pleased.” He stretched out his legs under the table. “Plus the money I save by not paying you a salary can be put toward the renovation.”
He named a figure that made Juliet gasp. With such a large amount of funds, she could do wonders with the place.
“I have one request,” he continued. “The floral bedchambers must be the first to go.”
She laughed. “Agreed.”
“And the Egyptian drawing room next.”
She nodded. Richard made a motion with his arm, then pulled back suddenly. He coughed a bit and she realized he had been ready to offer his hand to her to shake.
The cold formality brought a twinge of despair, but Juliet quickly decided instead of being hurt, she would view it as being treated like a professional. Boldly she extended her hand across the table, hoping Richard wouldn’t be offended by her audacity. He looked momentarily taken aback, yet didn’t hesitate to clasp his hand in hers.
The feel of Juliet’s warm, delicate fingers sent a jolt of heated excitement straight to Richard’s groin. He barely managed to contain his groan. Yet he immediately shoved any lascivious thoughts out of his mind, certain that lusting after one’s wife at the breakfast table was something frowned upon and discouraged by polite society.
He let go of her hand and Juliet gave him a sweet smile. Her smile did ridiculous things to Richard’s stomach. Or maybe it was the kippers? Either way, he knew it was time to depart. She had agreed to take on the renovations and he was confident she would do a splendid job. Besides, anything he didn’t like could always be changed later.
There was nothing to keep him in the country, well, except for his luscious new wife. And that was a danger he needed to avoid.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have a train to catch.” He took a final sip of his coffee and stood.
Her face fell. “I thought you’d be staying longer. At least until the end of the week.”
She lowered her gaze. He disciplined himself against the urge to say something soothing, comforting. No doubt it would have been the polite, gentlemanly thing to do. But he was far from a gentleman and most definitely not a man to be cosseting a female, even if she was his wife.
She gazed at him with delicate eyes and he felt the force of her need so fiercely it almost had him breaking out in a cold sweat. For an instant he considered abandoning his plans, but good sense soon ruled. He truly couldn’t stay here dallying with his wife.
Profits on two of his new ventures had gone down alarmingly and he needed to make changes before he lost any more money. A prospective partnership with real potential was emerging and the final negotiations for the sale of a steel mill were nearly complete. Those and many other responsibilities required his immediate and undivided attention. Surely Juliet would understand.
“I have important business to attend to in London,” he said quietly. “I assumed you would prefer to stay here with your children instead of coming away with me.”
“Quite right. Though I do confess that I shall miss you.” Her smile trembled, making him feel like a cad. But the momentary regret was soon followed by a sense of relief knowing he would soon be gone.
It was clear that his wife was forming an attachment to him. That was not necessarily bad; however, he worried that Juliet’s female nature would turn this emotion into a romantic feeling and that could lead to real heartache. For her. Which was the very last thing he wanted.
George’s warning about a lovesick wife resonated in the back of his mind. Their marriage was a practical arrangement, with equal benefits on both sides. Muddling that line would be disastrous.
Richard had no illusions about himself. There were some things that he excelled at and others where he failed—miserably. He could provide Juliet with financial security, protect her from her nasty brother-in-law, and insulate her against the cruelties of the world.
He could not be a devoted, loving, romantic husband. He could not be a substitute father to her children. Detachment from others gave him the edge needed to build his empire and succeed beyond anyone’s expectations, including his own. If he lost that edge, he could very well lose everything else along with it.
Continued success in his business ventures would provide the necessary funds to keep Juliet in luxury for the rest of her life, assured that she had all the money she needed to renovate the manor in any way she desired. Surely that would please his new wife?
BOOK: Tis the Season to Be Sinful
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