Time After Time (90 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Boyce

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Historical

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“Of, course,” she laughed. “Randy, David, this is my dear friend, Michael Dennings.”

“Oh, the one you almost — ” David stopped at a stern look from Joanna. “Oh … well … It is a pleasure,” he finally managed.

Emily explained to them Michael’s protection of her, and they began to relax. She also told them of Michael’s warning about the search for Jonathon.

“The Raleigh Tavern was abuzz with news of his escape,” Randy explained. “He received a severe wound to his side, but only a flesh wound at his temple. It stunned him, but did not stop him. Not our Jonathon. Gates has half his crew searching, but no one has turned up a clue as to his whereabouts.”

“They traced him quite a distance out of Norfolk, but lost his trail after a day,” Michael explained.

Speculation about Jonathon continued until suppertime, when they invited Michael to join them.

“Thank you, but I must, at all costs, appear at odds with all of you,” he replied. “Walters is steadily improving, and with luck we will be away from here the day after tomorrow. I will, however, return someday to accept Emily’s most gracious offer.”

Emily escorted him to the door, but paused before opening it.

“Michael — ” She blushed and looked down.

“I know, Emily,” he said quietly.

“I am so sorry that I hurt you, and now you save my life when you could have … I can never thank you enough.”

“Emily, I will always carry you in my heart.” He looked down uncomfortably, and then looked into her eyes. “I could not bear to see you hurt. Brentwood is a lucky man.” He kissed her cheek then opened the door. Emily watched his soldiers salute him, and he jammed on his tricorn as if leaving in anger. She whispered a prayer of thanksgiving for his friendship.

• • •

True to his word, Michael ordered Captain Walters carried out to one of the wagons, and the regiment set out for Williamsburg two days later.

A sense of peace pervaded the house at their absence and spirits rose at the thought of Jonathon’s survival. Randy remained with them for several days to reassure himself that no redcoats had lingered.

They sat at supper one evening when they heard a carriage approach. Rising, David went to the door to greet the guest and returned to the dining room with Deidre. They all were shocked at her appearance. Her usually carefully coiffed hair was disheveled, pinned haphazardly and hanging in her face. No color highlighted her cheeks, which were drawn, attesting to her hunger. Her eyes were dull, her mouth slack. Looking around the room, she raised her hands in a helpless gesture.

“I have nowhere to go,” she stated simply. “The slaves have fled, the food is gone, my home is mortgaged to the British, and they refuse to allow me to remain.”

There was no spark of defiance; no fight remained in the beaten woman. The room was quiet as each digested this news. Joanna looked at Emily. It was her decision; it was her home.

Emily rose from her chair and went to Deidre. She put an arm around the woman’s frail shoulders.

“Come and eat, Deidre. Of course you have somewhere to go. You will stay right here with us,” she said softly.

Deidre looked into her eyes. “I — ”

Emily shook her head imperceptibly.

Deidre looked at her with what appeared to be a mixture of disbelief and gratitude.

They all resumed eating supper.

• • •

Life had become more agreeable at the manor, but Emily grew more impatient and anxious about Jonathon each day. The weather had remained mild, so she took many walks and busied herself with the gardens to try to calm her thoughts.

She was on the veranda when she saw a carriage rolling up the drive. Hastening out to meet it, she hoped it would bear news of Jonathon. She exclaimed in surprise when she saw her brother alight.

“Andrew!” she cried as she ran up to embrace him.

“Em!” he caught her up and swung her around.

“Drew, be careful,” she said, laughing. “I have such good news, Drew. Jonathon is alive! But I do not know where he is. Have you heard anything of him?”

“Em, I must talk to you. Come for a ride with me,” he urged.

“What is it, Drew?” she asked, concerned.

“Just come with me, Em,” he insisted.

“Drew — ”

“I must talk to you about an important decision I find myself faced with. I trust your judgment, Em.”

She paused for a moment.

“All right. Let me get my wrap,” she agreed.

Emily ran into Joanna in the hall.

“Whose carriage is that?” she asked Emily.

“It is Drew. He needs to discuss something with me, something urgent. I hope he is not planning to marry already!” Emily exclaimed.

Joanna laughed.

“Well, have a pleasant ride.”

The air was brisk, but the sun warmed their faces as they rode along. Emily pressed Andrew, but he said he would reveal his news at the right time. They rode for quite a while as Emily related the story of Captain Walters and Michael Dennings to him.

“Drew, how far must we ride before you tell me what this is about?” she implored.

“Just a little farther, Em.”

Soon they came to a small clearing, and Emily recognized the cabin where she and Jonathon had spent their first night. Memories of their lovemaking flooded her, and her heart raced. She had refused to allow herself those memories for so long, too painful to bear while she believed Jonathon dead. But now she let them wash over her like warm, gentle waves. She blushed at them and was suddenly very warm. She turned to look at Andrew. His face was covered with a wide grin.

“Andrew, what — ?”

He helped her down and led her to the cabin door. He opened it, and she stepped inside. Her eyes took a moment to adjust from the brilliant sun outside to the dimly lit room. When they did, she saw a figure lying on the bed.

Her heart stopped, and she could not breathe. Her knees buckled, and Andrew supported her weight.

“Jonathon! Jonathon!” She ran to the bed.

“Love,” he whispered as she buried her head in his chest. “My beautiful Em.”

She looked up at him through her tears. Her hands stroked his face and chest, their desire for the feel of his body unquenchable.

He pulled her forward and kissed her long and full. His mouth on hers was the sweetest sensation she had ever known.

Emily laughed and cried. She barely noticed Andrew’s quiet exit; she presumed he would return to Brentwood Manor to share the news.

• • •

Once her eyes had adjusted to the darkened room, Emily saw how pale and weak Jonathon looked. Concern gripped her.

“Jonathon, we must get Dr. Anderson to look at you,” she insisted.

“You are the best medicine for me, Em,” he argued.

“Oh, Jonathon. I cannot believe you are really here!” She bent to kiss his lips. “What happened? How did you get here? How did Andrew find you?”

“Stop, stop! I shall answer your questions later, love. But right now I feel the need for some tender ministrations.” He chuckled.

“I do not think your health is quite ready for that, Jonathon,” Emily scolded.

“Well, we could explore just what my health is ready for, Mrs. Brentwood.”

“I can see the British were not able to tame you,” she teased.

“Only you have ever been able to tame me, love.”

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10151 Carver Road, Suite 200

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Copyright © 2013 by Andrea R. Cooper

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, corporations, institutions, organizations, events, or locales in this novel are either the product of the author's imagination or, if real, used fictitiously. The resemblance of any character to actual persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.

ISBN 10: 1-4405-7122-8

ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-7122-0

eISBN 10: 1-4405-7123-6

eISBN 13: 978-1-4405-7123-7

Cover art © 123rf.com


To my Grandmother (McLaughlin) Hyde, who was proud of her heritage, and instilled that same curiosity in me. She never knew that Vikings might have been part of our ancestry, but she would have loved that. Her childhood stories of her feisty temperament were my inspiration for the heroine and this story.

my husband who not only showed me love is real, but opened up a world of magic and fantasy. Who encouraged me to indulge in my love of reading, and never told me to give up my dream of becoming a writer. And who wrestled with little ones so I had time to write. Thank you for your support. I love you.

To my children, Troy, Levi, and Chloe, may you always follow your dreams, and hold onto them until they come true. Never accept defeat even when friends or family doubt you.


  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Dedication
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Chapter One
  6. Chapter Two
  7. Chapter Three
  8. Chapter Four
  9. Chapter Five
  10. Chapter Six
  11. Chapter Seven
  12. Chapter Eight
  13. Chapter Nine
  14. Chapter Ten
  15. Chapter Eleven
  16. Chapter Twelve
  17. Chapter Thirteen
  18. Chapter Fourteen
  19. Chapter Fifteen
  20. Chapter Sixteen
  21. Chapter Seventeen
  22. Chapter Eighteen
  23. Chapter Nineteen
  24. Chapter Twenty
  25. Chapter Twenty-one
  26. Chapter Twenty-two
  27. Chapter Twenty-three
  28. Chapter Twenty-four
  29. Chapter Twenty-five
  30. Chapter Twenty-six
  31. Chapter Twenty-seven
  32. Chapter Twenty-eight
  33. Chapter Twenty-nine
  34. Chapter Thirty
  35. Chapter Thirty-one
  36. Chapter Thirty-two
  37. Chapter Thirty-three
  38. About the Author


A special thank you goes to Jennifer Lawler for giving me and this story a chance. Thank you to Ashley Myers who bled my manuscript like a ravenous vampire, but through her guidance it was reborn into a better version. The Crimson Romance editors, for polishing my story further and inspiring me to make my writing better. Thank you Crimson Romance staff for helping my story reach others.

Thank you to my writing group, friends, family, and strangers who supported me by listening to my ramblings about this book, or reading it and offering insights.

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