Time After Time (47 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Boyce

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: Time After Time
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Camden poured them both more whisky. “My father grew up poor,” he said, and though it seemed a non sequitur, Del knew he had taken her gift of self-exposure for what it was, and was now returning it in kind. “Grindingly poor. His mother was weak and sickly, and his father was a sot and a bully who drank and gambled away whatever money the family happened to earn. My father would wake up some mornings to find a sibling gone, sold for work or — other unpleasantness.” Camden shook his head, as if it were all unspeakable. “He wouldn’t really talk about it, just a few comments here and there that hinted at a wretched childhood. He developed an all-encompassing drive to better himself, to create a means to escape his circumstances since none was going to just present itself. And he succeeded. He not only clawed his way out of the dire conditions of his youth, he became massively wealthy. He built a thriving business out of nothing, amassed properties and carriages and all manner of material goods. And he did it on his own, with nothing but sheer determination and stubbornness. It’s positively unheard of. But it’s not enough for him, he always wants more. Not just more money, but a title, and if not that then at least greater social respectability.” Camden shrugged and gulped his whisky. “The thing is, I’m beginning to think it will never be enough. That no matter what wealth or social position he achieves, it won’t fill the hole inside him because that’s not what he’s really seeking.”

“And your father has made his goals yours as well, hasn’t he?” Del asked.

Camden nodded. “If we are just driven enough, he tells me, disciplined enough, ruthless enough, we can make privileged society accept us as one of their own. But they can sniff it out you know, that he doesn’t belong. His accent, his manners, he is like a small child in his father’s clothing, trying to pass himself off as man. He only succeeds in looking ridiculous.” He gave a weak smile. “He’s become increasingly frustrated over the years as his wealth has increased but his social standing remains far below where he thinks it ought to be, and he now thinks it’s up to me to secure our social position.”

“You don’t seem overly concerned with such things, though.”

“I’m not, though I don’t think my father could even conceive of such a notion. I’m a man of legal age with an immense inheritance poised to take over an enormously successful business, and yet I don’t want any of it. I feel no more in control of my life than you did. Independence, freedom, control. I sometimes think it’s all an illusion.”

you want?” Del asked.

Camden seemed surprised at the question, as if no one had ever asked him that before. “What do you mean?”

“If you could go anywhere, do anything, what would it be?”

Camden looked thoughtful. “I’m not even sure.”

“Hmmm,” Del said, sizing him up. “I could see you breeding horses on a small, quiet farm up north.”

“What makes you say that?” Camden looked a bit spooked, as if she had read his thoughts.

“It’s the way you look when you ride Sebby, the way you talk to him, handle him. You are usually the most reserved, guarded person I have ever met, but when you are around horses you seem — joyful.”

“As I’ve told you before, horses are so much easier to understand than people. They have no expectations, place no demands — save a clean stall and plenty of food, of course.”

Del laughed. “It’s more than that, though, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Camden said softly, “it is. I’m not sure I can explain it — when I am riding Sebby, I can feel his power and it is simple and pure and raw. It is as close to real freedom I think I will ever get, the feeling that I could gallop away to anywhere, jumping any obstacle in my way.” Camden looked down at his hands, flexed as though they were even now holding the reins. “I suppose I sound positively idiotic.”

Del laid a hand lightly on his arm. “Not at all. I understand the desire to escape, to leave it all behind.”

Camden covered her hand with his and met her eye.

Del’s breath caught.

Her surroundings suddenly shrank to include only her and the man sitting beside her. She could hear his breathing, deep and even. She could hear her own pulse in her ears, rushing and slightly erratic. His hand on hers was large and warm and her skin was hot where they touched. It was as though every nerve, every feeling and sensation were concentrated where their hands met.

It was the whisky, Del decided, that made her bold and temptatious. She wanted to lunge at him, to tug at his shirt until it fell away and beg him to do the same to her, until nothing stood between them. She laughed and shook her head, as if she could shake the wanton thoughts from her mind. She began to pull her hand away, but Camden’s fingers tightened, stopping her.

“Del.” He brought his other hand up to her face, gently rubbed his thumb along her cheek, but he said no more.

She saw the stark wanting on Camden’s face, but she also felt his hesitation and knew he was leaving it up to her. If she withdrew from him now, he would let her go, and her life could return to the way it was: simple and predictable and without pesky complications.

It was a lie, though, and she knew it as soon as she thought it. Things would never be simple again. She had met Camden and he had breached all of her defenses and now she was raw and exposed, like a nerve jutting through a bloody, jagged wound. She could go back to London and never see him again, but she wouldn’t be the same. The truth was, she didn’t want to be without him. It terrified her to think it, however, much less communicate it to him through either word or action.

Leaning into him now would be a declaration, one she couldn’t take back.

“Del,” Camden said again, and Del could hear the warning in that simple utterance.
Take me or leave me, it is your choice to make, but you must decide now
, he was telling her.

A thousand panicked thoughts raced through her mind, and Del knew she was in danger of being overwhelmed by them. She had to take control of herself, to choose a course of action before he slipped away. She shut off her mind and took a deep breath, like a diver about to plunge into the ocean. “Camden,” she said, leaning into him just a bit.

He smiled. She had given him the answer he needed.

Camden brushed a few stray tendrils of her hair from her eyes and then cupped her face with both hands. He stared into her eyes for a moment, gauging her, before leaning in to brush his lips against her forehead. He pulled away slightly and his hands dropped to rest on her arms, and Del knew he would not ask anything more of her.

wanted so much more.

Now that she had taken the plunge she wanted to go the full depth, and she was not content with a sweet and gentle — but entirely too chaste — kiss to the forehead. She grabbed a fistful of Camden’s shirt and pulled him to her. His eyes widened in pleased surprise. He brought a hand to the back of her head, his fingers tangled in her hair, and he pressed his lips to hers. The contact sent waves of heat through her body. She was electrified, entranced, and desperate for more of him. She touched his cheek, ran a thumb along the roughness, reveling in all the tactile sensations he presented.

She pushed into him until he was lying flat on his back, covered by her body, her skirts flowing around them. She kissed him hungrily, and he let her, until she could feel his intensity increase and he rolled over and their positions were reversed. Del clawed at him, greedy and impatient, but he drew away.

“You are so beautiful,” Camden said, his voice low and barely audible.

He looked at her as though she were a sacred miracle unfolding before his eyes, and it took her breath away. He didn’t see her as lesser, as a merely a vessel for his prurient desire, as a creature who owed it to him to be available for his needs but then should be shamed and discarded because of it. He saw beauty in her, value in her, even redemption and salvation in her. She knew it by the way he touched her, gently and almost reverently. By the way he held her gaze, that simple action telling her he heard her, and saw her, and knew her to be a full and complete — and worthy — person. By the way he defied the orders of his domineering father and the judgment and opprobrium of a disapproving society to be with her.

It wasn’t that she needed Camden’s approval, that she would demean herself to seek it or change her fundamental being to keep it. It was humbling nonetheless to know he so freely gave it, that he saw beyond her surface, knew her fears and flaws and anxieties, and wanted her for all of it.

“Kiss me,” Del demanded, unable to bear the space he had put between their bodies.

She put a hand behind his neck and pulled him down to her. He complied, covering her lips with his and kissing her until she couldn’t breathe. She tugged at his shirt until the buttons gave way and the linen fell away from his chest. His skin was a shock of heat in the coolness of the autumn day, and Del pressed into him, letting it envelop her. She ran her hands along his torso, feeling the rise and indentation of each muscle. It sent shivers through her, his heat and hardness, and when he groaned against her neck and his skin rose in gooseflesh beneath her fingers, she knew he was affected too.

His kisses became harder, more urgent and restless. He shifted his weight slightly to one side and ran a hand along her body, down her side and along her leg, and she felt the heat and energy in his touch even though there were still layers of clothing between them. His fingers caught her skirt and he began to pull it up, exposing her legs. The cool air was a shock to her naked skin and it thrilled and excited her. His hands were on her now, his fingers burning trails along her thigh. He kissed her cheek, her neck, and then moved down to the delicate skin along her collarbone. His hands roamed higher up her side and cupped her breast. She moaned and arched her back. His lips were at the neckline of her gown now, and he was tugging at the fabric when he suddenly stopped, whipping his head up. One of the horses had whinnied, and it brought them both back to their surroundings.

“We must stop,” Camden said. He was breathing hard, almost panting, and speaking seemed a great strain.

“What is it?” Del asked, confused, her senses jumbled.

He looked at her, effort and regret written plainly on his face. “We must stop now while I can — ”

“What’s wrong?”

“We — I can’t take you here — in the open, like rutting animals.”

Del put a hand against his chest, relieved that it was only a sense of innocent modesty that had stopped him. “There is no one about. No house or cottage or village for miles. We are entirely secluded.”

“But — here? Outside?”

“Do you not want me?” Del asked with just a hint of teasing in her voice. It was entirely too apparent just how much he wanted her.

“God no, it’s not that, it’s just — ”

Del smiled. She knew this was a struggle for him, to act against tradition and custom and every deeply held notion of propriety. She wanted to see him free himself, if only just once, from the bonds of societal and paternal expectations and give into his own impulses. She wondered how difficult it would be to coax him into it. She thrilled at the notion of finding out.

“We are entirely alone,” Del said. She traced lazy circles on his chest, smiling when his breath hitched. “There is no reason for us to stop.” She let her fingers drift lower, to move along the waistband of his breeches. His muscles tensed, but he continued to hold himself in check. She stilled her hand. “Is it that you don’t want to, or that you think you
want to?” she asked.

“I want to, my God, I want to,” he said huskily. “But you — I don’t want you to think I’d debase you — ”

Del felt a pang at his sweetness, how he was always trying to ensure he didn’t hurt her in any manner. He held himself back not because he didn’t want it, but because he was concerned about her.

“I don’t think that,” she said, her hand moving to explore him again. “And right now I’m tired of thinking anything. I want you, Camden. Here. Now.”

“I want you too. And I can’t fight it anymore.”

“Then stop fighting.”

Camden exhaled. He reached for her, determinedly, resolutely, as if all his doubt and hesitation had exited with the outrush of breath. One hand was threaded in her hair, the other cupped the full curve of her bottom, pulling her hips to press against his. She pushed his open shirt down his arms until it fell to the ground, leaving his torso naked and flexed. He tugged at the laces of her gown, fumbling with her clothes and undergarments until she too was bared to the waist. Her nipples hardened, and Camden stopped his movements and stared at her, as if to fully savor the sight before him.

He cupped one of her breasts, almost timidly at first, as if uncertain how she would react. When she drew in her breath and arched her back, he became emboldened. He brought his lips to her nipple, licked and then gently sucked, sending waves of sensation down her body to pool as heat and wetness between her legs.

“Harder,” she panted.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered.

“There is sometimes great pleasure in a little pain.”

Camden made a strangled sound deep in his throat, as if what she said had impassioned him almost more than he could bear. He let his teeth graze her nipple, and when she moaned, he did it harder.

She let her hands roam freely over his body. Down his heavily-muscled back, over the curve of his firm backside, along the heated skin of his arms and chest. When her fingers brushed against the front of his breeches, he jumped and his cock stiffened yet more in her hand. She eyed him playfully, biting her lip in a hint of merciless seduction. She rubbed him through the fabric of his clothing. Camden moved restlessly against her hand.

Camden had a fistful of her skirts, and he pulled them up until they pooled around her waist. His fingertips ran the length of one of her exposed legs, traced the curve of her calf, moved along the sensitive skin behind her knee, burned a trail up her inner thigh. Del shivered at the sweet torment of it all. He touched her as though he were an isolated man discovering another person for the first time, all giddy excitement mixed with a reverent awe. She didn’t think he was actually a virgin — though she could see he wasn’t very experienced — just that he acted like this was perhaps the first time it was more than simply satiating a basic physical need. And she finally, fully accepted that it was the same for her. Here, now, with
man, with
hands and lips and body, it was like the first time for her. The first time she was fully engaged, fully present, with every part of her body and mind.

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