Time After Time (239 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Boyce

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: Time After Time
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“Ginger bested you,” Joseph said. “I think you should leave right now.”

“So you can be alone with her? How do I know you won’t try to do the same thing?” Richard growled. “After all, you could be after her for her father’s money, too.”

“She is the sister of my best friend. We must go rescue Elizabeth now from your cohort in crime before he does to her what you tried to do to Ginger.”

Joseph put his hand on Ginger’s waist and attempted to guide her away from the Englishman. But Richard grabbed his arm to prevent his departure.

“Not so fast, Frenchie. It took a lot of planning and work to make tonight happen. I might have failed in my attempt, but Cedric still has a chance.”

Joseph shrugged off the aggressor with a slight shift of his shoulder. Richard lost his footing and fell to the ground.

“Bless my bloomers,” Ginger gasped as Richard slumped to the soft earth. “Have you hurt him, Joseph? Not that he wasn’t asking for it.”

“No, he has merely lost his advantage. Let us leave him and go find your friend.”

“You’re right. Let’s hurry and find her. After all, it’s because of me she got waylaid. My goodness, I hope we’re not too late. Hurry, Joseph.”

Chapter Eleven

As Joseph and Ginger walked quickly through the park, they came upon several couples in various stages of undress, so wrapped up in each other they had no qualms about being discovered. The Pleasure Garden was living up to its name this evening, it seemed. Joseph had the keen eyes of a hunter and managed to see most of these couples first and to steer Ginger from the most flagrant acts being committed. However, she was able to view a few indiscretions, and her eyes widened as she took in sights she hadn’t seen before. She uttered not a sound, but huddled closer to Joseph as they hurried along.

From behind a hedge came the sound of a woman’s full-throated moan of delight. Joseph put his hand on Ginger’s arm as they stood motionless, and waited.

“Yes, yes. Oh, Cedric, I’ve never felt like this before.” The woman moaned again, and Ginger caught the sound of fabric being ripped. She tugged on Joseph’s arm.

“Cedric Smith is the man who was with Richard Douglas,” she whispered. “Most likely, we’ve found Elizabeth.”

As one, they moved around the hedge. Elizabeth lay sprawled on a bench with her breasts exposed. Cedric knelt by her side, one hand creeping up her leg while he suckled her breast. Elizabeth’s eyes were closed in rapture, but popped open as suddenly Cedric wrenched his mouth away. Her moan of dismay became one of despair as she spied Joseph and Ginger.

Joseph took hold of the man’s jacket and pulled him off, shoving him to the ground. He removed his coat and placed it over Elizabeth’s exposed bosom.

“Get up and cover yourself please, Miss Martin. It is past time for you and Ginger to be home. Both of you have caused me nothing but trouble this evening.”

Joseph’s gruff voice made Elizabeth blush in embarrassment. Cedric still lay on the ground, but had propped himself up on his elbows.

Grasping Joseph’s coat to her chest, Elizabeth rushed to his side. “Are you all right, Cedric?” She turned back to Joseph. “I had no wish to be saved by you, Mr. Lafontaine, so if my being here has caused you trouble, it’s of your own making. I am quite happy to be with Cedric.”

Ginger went to her friend’s side and pulled her up off the ground. “Get a hold of yourself, Elizabeth. This man has manipulated you into a most compromising position. Richard Douglas told me of their plan to destroy our reputations this evening, just so they could get their hands on our fathers’ money. It’s fortunate only Joseph and I found you. Otherwise, you’d have to marry this lout.”

Elizabeth gazed at Cedric, with a look of adoration on her face. “He is no lout, Ginger. I would happily marry him, should he ask for my hand. I’ve never felt this way toward any man.” She ran her hands through Cedric’s tousled wispy blond hair as she helped him to his feet. She then put her arms around him and raised her mouth to his.

“What would your mother say, Elizabeth?” Ginger wailed.

Elizabeth took a deep breath and unwrapped herself from Cedric’s body. “You are right, Ginger. Mother would not approve of my behavior. But then, she never met a man like Cedric, either.”

Cedric took one look at Joseph’s stormy face and apparently decided not to take a stand.

“I’ll call on you tomorrow, Elizabeth, at your home.” He kissed her hand before he disappeared into the night.

Elizabeth sighed deeply as she turned her back to Joseph and Ginger and slid her arms into Joseph’s jacket.

Ginger could contain herself no longer. “Cedric? Really?”

Elizabeth looked at her best friend and shrugged. “What can I say? He’s not like any other man I’ve known, Ginger. I can’t expect you to understand — you don’t like men.”

She turned away and missed the look of desire on Ginger’s face as she stole a glance at Joseph. Together they left the Pleasure Garden, and walked to the Fitzpatrick household.

• • •

When Ginger and Elizabeth received the invitation from the English gentlemen to attend Niblo’s Theater, attached to the Pleasure Garden, they hid it from their mothers. They hoped they could take a quick stroll through the infamous garden, but if their mothers found out where they were headed, they’d be forbidden to leave the house. Even if their mothers did agree to the outing, the young ladies would have been chaperoned, and would never have been able to set foot in the Pleasure Garden.

Elizabeth and Ginger concocted a plan: Each would tell her mother she was being accompanied to the theater by the other girl’s mother, and they would spend the remainder of the night together at Ginger’s home. Their plan had worked until things got out of hand in the garden.

They quietly made their way to Ginger’s bedroom and changed into their nightgowns. As they crawled into bed, Elizabeth chatted away about her newest conquest, and how wonderful Cedric was.

Ginger reiterated, “I repeat what I said at the Garden — Cedric? Really? Isn’t he a bit, well, old? And balding?”

“Being older just means he’s had time to experience women. A lot of women. And I found out tonight his years of experience have resulted in his ability to do wonderful things with my body.” Elizabeth sighed dramatically. “I tell you, Ginger, if you ever were to find a man like Cedric, whose fingers can do the most magical things, whose mouth is so hot when it touches my skin, you’d understand what I’m talking about. I can imagine myself in his bed, with him doing wicked things to my body, for the rest of my life. I don’t care if he is balding. It just means I’ll have more of his delectable skin to cover with my kisses.”

“Elizabeth Martin, you are shameless!” Ginger threw a pillow at her, and then wrapped her arms around her best friend. “That’s what I love about you. We did have some fun tonight, didn’t we?”

“We always have a good time together. Even the dramatic rescue by Joseph to save my reputation was rather, well, divine,” Elizabeth said as she drifted off to sleep.

Restless, but not wanting to disturb Elizabeth, Ginger got out of bed and strode quietly to the window. Elizabeth had carelessly tossed Joseph’s jacket on a chair nearby as she undressed for the night. Ginger carefully picked it up and draped it over her body. She inhaled Joseph’s scent and her mind went back to the scene of Elizabeth and Cedric in the garden. She wondered if she would feel the same about Joseph if he touched her intimately the way Cedric had Elizabeth. Would she be here waxing poetic about him?

She longed to tell her best friend about her feelings for Joseph, but he had shown no indication he harbored similar intentions toward her. He had only been cordial and friendly, what she would expect from her brother’s best friend. Until she knew that he shared her feelings, she would keep her desire to herself.

Ginger wrapped herself tighter into the jacket, inhaling the sweet scent of hay mixed with musk and another, uniquely Joseph smell. She fell into a troubled sleep, dreaming of Joseph touching her as Cedric had touched Elizabeth, kissing her deeply and possessively, and stealing her breath away.

Chapter Twelve

The Intersection of Broadway and Bond Streets, June 1855

Broadway was the showiest, most crowded street in New York City. Not only was it the main artery, it also was where trade and fashion intersected. Storefronts and businesses butted up against private homes; churches nestled next to theaters and barrooms. The sidewalks teemed with men, women, and children from all walks of life. Streets were packed with carriages, horses, and mule teams. Maneuvering from one side of the street to the other required finesse, quickness, and sure-footedness. Many a person had slipped and fallen while trying to dodge the droppings left by the horses or attempting to avoid running headlong into people, animals, or buggies.

It was the perfect place for Ginger to take to a soapbox in her bloomers.

She knew if her mother or father ever discovered she had become such an outspoken advocate of women’s rights, she would surely have every one of her few remaining privileges stripped away. But she was not content with the pace of Amelia Bloomer’s movement toward equality of the sexes, and wanted to do her part to speed up the cause.

She had carefully orchestrated her outing. She feigned an upset stomach at Elizabeth’s home, in front of Mrs. Martin. Then, instead of directly walking the few doors down the street to her own home, she took advantage of the extra stolen hours of freedom. She ran to Broadway, along the way stopping in an alley to divest herself of her crinolines and skirt and pick up the box she had placed there earlier.

She staked out a position on a busy corner and set the box down. No one paid any attention to her at first. She stood on top of the soapbox and began to speak loudly over the cacophony, cupping her hands around her mouth to make her voice carry. A few nearby shoppers uneasily looked her way. Satisfied she was making at least some small impact, she grew emboldened. Her cries became more insistent, as she rattled off the reasons why women should be treated as equals to men.

She had worked herself up into a full head of righteous steam and a small crowd gathered at her feet. She knew a few of the men were there just to leer at her in her bloomers, but she hoped at least some of her message was getting through their thick heads. She stood a better chance of making an impact with the women in the audience, whom she hoped would heed her advice not to bend to the wishes of their husbands and to develop their own voices.

From behind her, someone yelled, “Runaway buggy!”

Ginger turned in time to see the out-of-control horse and buggy, along with its frightened passengers, hurtling down the street. From her position on the box she saw Joseph approaching her, directly in the line of the buggy, and her heart clenched. She yelled out to him as she jumped from the box and into his hard body. The collision of their two bodies knocked them out of the path of immediate danger.

She opened her eyes just as the horse and buggy smashed into the box on which she had been standing. Wrapped in a solid pair of arms, they rolled out of harm’s way as the runaway buggy hurled past, mere inches away. She looked up into Joseph’s dark brown eyes, and fainted.

• • •

The sweet scent of hay wafted into her nostrils as she struggled to regain consciousness.

“There, there, little one,
ma petite
. Crazy
. You are all right.”

The soothing sounds were murmured like a chant. A cool damp cloth was laid across her forehead.

She opened her eyes and looked at Joseph. For a long minute, they merely stared at each other. Ginger’s heartbeat escalated with every second their eyes were locked. Neither spoke or broke their gaze. When she knew she would explode if she didn’t move, she finally lowered her eyes and struggled to pull herself up.

“Where am I?”

Joseph helped her to a sitting position, and then leaned her back against the stall.

“You are in the livery, with my horses. What were you doing standing on top of a box in your underclothes in broad daylight?”

She squirmed as his bold gaze took in her scantily clad body. His touch as he helped her to sit up had heated her body, but his eyes raking over her barely clothed form scorched every inch of it. She struggled to breathe. How was it that she could consider herself adequately dressed in her bloomers as she stood on a soapbox in the middle of a busy street, but here, alone with Joseph, she felt like a wanton strumpet? She turned away from his gaze.

“I, uh, I was trying to advance the cause of women’s rights. And, if I hadn’t been on the soapbox, we would right now be picking up your body parts from under the wheels of that buggy. So, you’re welcome.”

Joseph swore softly under his breath, in a language unfamiliar to her.

“What language is it you are speaking? I know a thing or two about the French language, and it doesn’t sound like any French I’ve ever been taught. What is zhaag ... whatever you said?”

Joseph’s eyes narrowed as he sidestepped her question. “Do your parents know where you are?”

“Of course not. What kind of fool do you take me for? And what is zhaag … whatever that word was?”

“It is a phrase we use in St. Louis.” Again he tried to circumvent her questions. “Where did you leave your skirt and petticoats? I will go retrieve them so you can properly clothe yourself and return to your home.”

“In the alley, near where I was standing. Of course, someone could have already taken them.”

“Stay here and I will go fetch them.”

Ginger struggled to get to her feet, but was still unsteady. Joseph knelt by her side, his arms holding her in position.

“Stay seated and do not move until I get back. Do you understand?”

She looked up at the chiseled face, so near to hers that she could reach out and touch it. Her fingers tingled at the possibility and she gulped in an unsteady breath.

“You won’t tell my mother, will you? Or Basil? If they knew what I was doing, I’d be in serious trouble.”

“No, I will not tell them you were here,” Joseph’s voice changed to a gentle tone. “And it is quite possible that if you had not thrown yourself on me, I could have suffered serious injuries, so I am grateful you were.”

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