Time After Time (220 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Boyce

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: Time After Time
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Chapter 16

Tristan woke to the same sounds as yesterday and the day before. The creaking of the ship as it cut through the ocean waves, the sails snapping in the constant breeze, the muffled voices of the crew on deck. And something new—the light breathing of Caralyn as she slept in his arms.

His belly tightened in surprise. Never before had he woken with a woman in his bed. Granted, he’d had his fair share of women, but none had ever stayed for more than a few hours, none had been invited to stay.
new experience made him smile. He rather liked waking up with Caralyn. She nestled against him, her back pressed to his stomach. A low growl rumbled from him when she snuggled her backside tighter against the curve of his groin. The innocent-in-sleep move speared the warmth of her body straight through his skin to heat his blood. Indeed, waking with her in his arms gave him a thrill he’d never known. The thought dawned on him he’d never realized how lonely he’d been until she stepped onto his ship and made him an outrageous offer.

Last night had been a revelation. Making love to her changed him, made clear in his mind exactly what needed to be done. First, find the blasted treasure, then make Caralyn his for eternity. His father and the demand to marry some other woman be damned. The weight on his shoulders to carry on the family name sat like the
anchor, but he would meet his obligations—on his terms . . . and with the woman of his choice.

The object of his thoughts sighed and snuggled closer against his chest. Tristan inhaled her scent and his muscles tensed as doubt and questions filled his mind. There had been more than one revelation last night. Caralyn had surprised him with her admission she was promised to someone. Why had she not mentioned her betrothal before now? Did she love this man she was to marry? Or was her hand being forced as Tristan’s was? Could she resolve her own commitment? If she were free to be his, would she want him?

He had too many questions with no answers and yet, his heart swelled with hope, with desire. He couldn’t imagine his life without her. He loved the sound of her laughter, the impish grin she usually wore, and the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. He loved her spirit and determination and her kindness. He loved how she’d grown so fond of his son.

He loved . . .her.

The realization struck him like lightning, like the green flash he sometimes saw on the horizon when the sun dipped into the ocean. He wanted to laugh with the pure pleasure of the knowledge, not only in his mind, but in his heart.

Filled with wonder and awe, with unbridled joy and a new resolve, Tristan leaned up on his elbow and watched her sleep. He smoothed her curling tresses away from her features, the glossy strands sleek and soft; the alluring fragrance drifted to his nose and made him smile. She seemed more beautiful now and he couldn’t resist reaching out to caress her cheek with the back of his hand. Her skin felt like warm silk. She sighed and her backside pressed more firmly against his manhood. His smile widened.

He nuzzled the back of her neck, his breath fanning the fine hairs residing there. He watched, fascinated, as goose bumps pebbled her skin.

The sheet covering them both exposed her tanned shoulder and he traced his fingers along the smooth expanse of skin. He caressed her shoulder, collarbone, and side of her throat. His lips followed the imaginary path as he pressed light kisses on her dewy flesh. Caralyn moaned deep in her throat, her body moving against his, arousing him more than he thought possible. Blood surged through his veins. His heart pounded in his chest and pulsed in his ears so he no longer heard the sounds around him.

He pushed the sheet further down, grazing her arm with the lightest touch of his fingertips, caressing her ribs and her stomach before cupping her breast. Her nipple sprang to life, puckering beneath the subtle scraping of his thumb.

Caralyn released a startled gasp and turned her head on the pillow. Her body tensed within his embrace, and her eyes opened wide as a blush colored her face. “Oh, Tristan! What have I done? What have we done?”

Her voice held pure anguish, and for a moment Tristan read her emotions so clearly, he felt them within himself. Passion and desire radiated from the deep blue of her eyes, but remorse and perhaps a little guilt reflected there as well. He understood. He truly did. She
promised to another. Honor dictated she should have gone to her wedding bed pure and untouched, and yet, she’d given herself to him, fully, unconditionally, with an enthusiasm and a passion that equaled his own.

“You . . . you must go. I . . .” She tried to slip from the bed, but he tightened his arms around her.

“Let me stay, Cara mia,” he whispered against her temple. “Just let me hold you for a little while longer.” He traced the line of her jaw with the tip of his finger. “We cannot undo what we have done nor can we deny what is between us. I don’t regret for one moment what we shared, but I’ll go if you want me to.” He kissed her then his lips capturing hers, showing her, telling her he would leave as he promised.

When Tristan raised his head and gazed into her eyes, he knew she’d made her decision. Right or wrong, she would allow him to stay. She turned toward him, her body pressing against his, her breasts crushing against his chest, the taut nipples burning his skin.

“Make love to me,” she whispered, her voice shaking, her arms trembling as they wound around his neck, pulling him closer so she could touch her lips to his with a tenderness that tugged at his heart. Elation such as he’d never known thundered through him and he did as she asked.

Last night, in the glow of moonlight, their lovemaking had been driven by an urgency that could not be denied. Now, in the warmth of the sunlight streaming into the cabin, the urgency was gone, replaced by a desire to touch and be touched, to learn, to feel. Tristan explored her body as if it were new, as if he’d never touched her before.

He started with her mouth and the softness of her tempting lips. He couldn’t imagine kissing another woman like this, couldn’t imagine anyone else responding to his touch the way she did. Indescribable joy surged through him, making him tingle all the way to his toes. He shifted on the bed, rolling her under him so he could feel the heat of her body beneath his.

His lips traveled along her throat, planting little kisses along her velvety skin, leaving a trail of moisture in their wake. Her head tilted back, pressing into the pillow, exposing more of herself to him and he complied with her silent demand. Tristan kept up his leisurely discovery, his hands caressing her as his lips and mouth touched her face, her ears, her throat. Her breast swelled within the palm of his hand and he kissed a path to the straining peak, settling his waist between her thighs.

Though it drove him insane with need, Tristan took his time. He teased her, touched her, drew the rigid peak into his mouth, and swirled his tongue against the hard nub while his fingertips gently caressed her other breast. Her heart pounded beneath his hands. She shivered, her body writhing under his.

Caralyn’s soft moan filled his ears, spurred him on, encouraged him, and his body hummed with anticipation. How he yearned for her. He kissed his way down her body to the tips of her toes. A giggle escaped her and she jumped when he slid his tongue along the arch of her foot then pulled a toe into his mouth. Her laughter trailed into a moan of pure bliss as his lips and tongue smoothed along her ankles, calves, and knees.

Her legs opened a little wider but when his lips touched her at the apex of her thighs, she snapped her legs closed.

Tristan glanced at her face and saw her embarrassment.

“Don’t hide yourself, Cara. You’re beautiful here, too.” He continued to caress her skin, rubbing his fingers against the curls between her legs. After a moment, she relaxed, granting him access, granting permission for what he wanted, for what he hoped would please her.

A startled cry escaped her when his tongue caressed the swollen folds of flesh where his fingers had been. Her nails dug into his hair, pulling his head closer as her hips moved against his mouth. He teased her with his lips and tongue, loving the taste of her, loving the way she responded to his touch until her breath came in short gasps and her body tensed. Her thighs tightened against his ears and he couldn’t hear her moans of pleasure, but he knew by the bucking of her hips, the clenching of her muscles, she’d found her bliss.

But he wasn’t done teasing her, exploring her, finding new ways to make her shudder in exquisite joy.

“Tristan!” she gasped as his lips traveled across her stomach, over her breast and tight nipple. She shivered as he took the straining bud into his mouth and suckled gently. Caralyn pulled on his hair, bringing him up so she could kiss his lips.

She held his face between her hands and captured his gaze with her own, the warmth of her touch burning his skin, indeed, searing into his heart, his soul. “Take me,” she whispered, her voice raw, her body squirming with need beneath his.

Tristan needed no second urging. He dipped his head and plundered the richness of her mouth as he sank himself into her slick, hot sheath. The heat of her, the tightness of her body around him threatened his sanity. Her legs wrapped around his hips, drawing him deeper. A whimper escaped her as her hips rose from the bed and she met him, stroke for stroke, thrust for thrust. Her eyelids fluttered, exposing the dark blue of her irises for brief moments at a time. The whimper turned to a cry of intense pleasure before her body tightened around him, a cry Tristan stifled with his mouth. Her hands smoothed along the rigid muscles of his back, his shoulders, until her back arched beneath him and he felt her quiver from within.

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he struggled for control, the muscles in his arms bulging as he supported his weight and plunged into her soft, yielding flesh. He smothered the urge to laugh. The pleasure he experienced from her was like nothing he’d ever felt. Caralyn bit his shoulder and cried out once more as ecstasy took her in its grip. Her slick sheath throbbed around him, squeezing and releasing the length of his rock-hard shaft until Tristan could resist no longer. With a groan of triumph, he thrust into her one last time and stiffened, spilling his seed into her in a hot surge.

“Oh, Tristan,” she cried and held his face in her hands, bringing his mouth to hers. “Will it always be this way between us?”

Tristan chuckled. He couldn’t help it. Her question tickled him, made him feel as if he owned the world, but also made him wonder. Would they have an always? “No, Cara mia, it will be better.”

“Better?” Her smile widened even though tears appeared in her beautiful blue eyes, making them twinkle. “I don’t think I could stand better.”

“Don’t cry, my sweet.” Tristan slid from her body and held her close. He closed his eyes, reveling in the warmth of her, reveling in the joy filling his heart. She sighed as she nestled against him.

Around them, the sounds of the crew once more met his ears, the bosun’s whistle blasting out several short toots. Tristan wanted nothing more than to stay here with Caralyn, but knew he should be up on the deck, guiding the
toward Izzy’s Fortune and his future. A future with Caralyn.

He sighed against her neck. He had a duty to perform as Captain. He didn’t let his men shirk theirs so he wouldn’t evade his own no matter how much he wanted to. “I hate to leave you, Cara mia, but I have a ship to command.” He rose from the bed then leaned down and kissed her. “And a treasure to find.”

He dressed quickly, pulling on the same clothes he wore yesterday, but his gaze kept coming back to her, time and again. She snuggled beneath the sheet, her hair tousled around her shoulders, a warm glow staining her features, a satisfied smile spreading her swollen lips. A slight redness stained her cheek from his whiskers, but it was her eyes that drew him. They fairly danced in her face, the warmth in them changing their color to indigo. She looked so tempting, so adorable, he nearly changed his mind, but knew he couldn’t. He sat on the bed and kissed her again, his lips moving over hers, loving the response she gave, loving the softness of her arms as they wound around his neck, drawing him closer.

“If you keep kissing me like that,” he chuckled, “I’ll never leave this cabin.”

Caralyn grinned. “That is my intention, Captain.”

“Hmm, if that is your intention, then I’m more than willing and able to comply.” He touched his lips to hers, unable to resist another taste. “But I’m sure someone will be knocking on this door before too long.” He stroked her cheek then stood and strode to the door. “I’ll bring you a cup of coffee and a biscuit in a moment.” His hand rested on the doorknob, but he didn’t turn it. Reluctance to leave her swelled in his heart and his gaze remained on her. He wondered what she thought, what ideas were going through her mind, but her countenance revealed nothing. He sighed, gave a slight nod then finally left the cabin.

• • •

As soon as the door closed, Caralyn scrambled from the bed, slipped into her robe, and rushed to the small mirror hanging on the wall. Her reflection stared back at her. She hadn’t changed. Except for a rash of redness on her cheek where his whiskers had chafed her skin, a glow to her features, and slightly swollen lips, she looked exactly like herself. No sign hung around her neck to proclaim her a loose woman, no tattoo stenciled across her forehead said she’d given herself to him.

She may look the same, but she certainly didn’t feel the same.

Oh dear God, what have I done?

Remorse and shame made her stomach clench, made her face flame with embarrassment as she remembered how uninhibited she’d been, allowing him to touch her,
her in the most intimate of places. Last night, she could understand her actions. Almost. She had been carried away by her emotions, but this morning when she’d had the opportunity to make him leave, why had she let him stay? And why had she begged him—
him—to make love to her?

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