Read Time After Time Online

Authors: Elizabeth Boyce

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Historical

Time After Time (133 page)

BOOK: Time After Time
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A few minutes later, Lady Uffington joined the group. “I am not an active participant,” she said, “but I agree there’s a need to uphold the law for the vulnerable so they are not abused.”

She was glad to have another woman on board, and she was about to say so when Lady Uffington softly said, “Thank you for saving my son.”

“It was nothing, my lady. I only did what anyone would have done in that situation.”

Lady Uffington studied her for several minutes before stating, “I disagree. I can’t imagine what would have become of my Teddy had it not been for you and your husband.”

She didn’t know what to say to that, so she commented on the plight of the kidnappers instead. “I heard the boy’s nurse has been apprehended.”

Lady Uffington discreetly cleared her throat. “Yes. And you will be glad to know I have taken your advice and given the girl’s family some money. I cannot forgive what she did, but I thought you would approve.”

“That’s, er, very magnanimous of you.”

“Thank you. Since Teddy’s rescue, I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be of ‘noble’ class.” Lady Uffington smiled. “Now then, where is that handsome husband of yours so I can thank him as well?”

Penelope scanned the room. “I do not see him anywhere.”

Her hostess shrugged. “Perhaps he went out into the gardens for a breath of fresh air.” She gave her an approving look. “You have changed Ravenstone, you know. He used to shun soirees such as this.”

“His sister is enjoying her first Season,” she reminded the older woman.

Lady Uffington’s brows rose. “There was no need for him to re-enter Society’s ranks to launch his sister. He is doing it for you, my dear. I never thought Ravenstone would be so devoted a husband.”

She almost smiled. Lucas might not love her yet, but he had certainly dedicated himself to his husbandly duties. Then again, performing duties was a big part of who Lucas was. His devotion might not have anything to do with her at all.

The group was discussing the best ways to disseminate information when Olivia appeared at her side, accompanied by Lord Westville.

“Olivia, is anything wrong?” Penelope looked questioningly at Lucas’s friend, but he avoided her gaze by flicking an imaginary piece of lint from his superbly tailored evening coat.

Olivia’s clenched fist crushed her lacy handkerchief. “I cannot find Lord Blakewood, and Lucas is also nowhere in sight.”

Westville hesitated before speaking. “We are not certain what is happening. I am sure Ravenstone knows what he is doing.”

“He is going to kill Lord Blakewood!” Olivia wailed.

“Calm yourself, Olivia,” she said quietly, “Lord Westville is correct. This is no time to go into hysterics. Lucas knows what he is doing.”

Olivia shook her head. “He is going to murder Lord Blakewood, and everyone will say Lucas was acting just like our mother.”

Penelope turned to Westville. “My lord, would you mind taking Olivia home while I try to find where my husband has gone? I don’t think she can take any more of this, uh, excitement.”

“Of course,” he said. “My aunt and I will take care of her.”

“Lady Wortley will not mind your absence?” Olivia asked.

Westville looked uncomfortable at the mention of his current mistress. “Lady Wortley will find someone else to entertain her tonight.” His discomfiture was obvious as he faced Penelope. “How do you plan to get away from here if you fail to find Ravenstone?”

“Lucas will not leave me here without a means to go home. Even if I fail to find him, I am sure he has made some arrangements.”

Westville seemed doubtful. After a moment’s hesitation, however, he accepted her explanation. “Very well, but send word if you need me to come back.”

She swallowed past the lump in her throat as she watched Westville take Olivia away, stopping only to collect Aunt Lucy before they were swallowed by a rainbow of ball gowns.

She waited a few minutes more before excusing herself from Colonel Martin’s group, stopping every once in a while to talk to people while surreptitiously scanning the ballroom.

There was no sign of Lucas at all.

Where was he? She couldn’t believe he would actually ignore everything she’d said while the two of them were dancing. She refused to believe it.

Lucas loved his sister. She knew he was capable of seeing past his duty of obligation and relent for the simple reason it would make Olivia happy. She had to convince him of it, because if she couldn’t convince Lucas to bend enough to consider his Olivia’s happiness, what chance did Penelope have of ever convincing him to love her?

She pasted a smile on her face as another group of people crowded around her, and she danced when someone asked her to dance. But every second that ticked by, Penelope was aware of Lucas’s absence. She reminded herself to have a little faith every time she scanned the room and failed to see his face.

But as the minutes turned to an hour, she felt the tiny hope that had flared in her heart since their wedding burn out.

Chapter Eighteen

Lucas finally tracked Blakewood in the Uffington library. He’d been searching for the young man for the better part of the last half hour.

The hesitation he felt when he strode into the large, dimly lit room thoroughly annoyed him. There was no reason to feel like he was betraying Penelope by pursuing a goal she did not approve of. This had nothing to do with her. Bloody hell, he was only doing his duty by protecting Olivia.

This was not the time to weaken in his resolve. Just because Penelope gave him endless pleasure in bed did not mean he would let her control his actions out of it. He’d been far too indulgent with her as it was.

“Blakewood,” he called out to the young man standing in the middle of the room. “A word, if you please.”

The other man slowly turned around to face him.

“Well, if it isn’t the heroic Earl of Ravenstone,” Blakewood said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. The dim light from the wall sconces threw shadows across his face. “Why am I not surprised to find you here?”

“I came here to warn you,” Lucas intoned. “Stay away from my sister. If you have a problem with me, then come to me, and we will deal with it as men.”

Blakewood emitted a harsh laugh. “What makes you think I have a problem with you?”

“Come, now, we both know you blame me for what happened to your father.”

“You have no right to talk about my father!” Blakewood’s hands clenched into fists. “You gave him no choice but to flee to France, leaving my mother and I to deal with the mess he left behind.”

He cocked one eyebrow in response to the young man’s heated display of emotion. “Your father got exactly what he deserved for his unethical financial strategy. Do not delude yourself that I was the only one who would have sought justice for what he’d done. He was lucky he was not hanged for his crimes.”

“You’re lying!”

“If you do not believe me,” he said derisively, “ask his man of affairs.”

“Hah! I will do no such thing.”

Lucas turned to inspect a painting that hung on the far side of the room. “That’s up to you of course. Frankly, I do not care what you do with your time as long as you spend it far away from Olivia.”

“How touching. I didn’t realize you were such an affectionate brother.”

He kept his tone light. “If you harm my sister in any way, I will make sure you end up just like your father.”

“Bastard!” Blakewood’s fists clenched once more. “I would never harm Lady Olivia.”

“Then why aren’t you courting her properly, as a lady of her station deserves?”

Blakewood gave him an incredulous look. “Are you telling me I may call upon her at your home?”

He was appalled by his own suggestion, but he wasn’t backing down now. He had to find out if Blakewood’s intentions were honorable.

“I am telling you,” he clarified in a dispassionate tone, “to grow a spine and make an attempt to behave honorably, instead of cowardly scurrying under a lady’s bonnet.”

With that last goading statement, Lucas made for the library door.

He didn’t know what made him taunt Blakewood into courting Olivia properly, as Penelope had suggested. There was simply no explanation for his actions.
Damn! Now I have to deal with Blakewood calling upon Olivia!

Since he’d known Penelope, she’d made him do things he would never have normally done. And he wasn’t only thinking of the things he’d had to do during their courtship, such as tutoring her half brother or advising her stepfather on investments.

She’d made him care about her to the point where Lucas was doing things against his better judgment to please her. His actions tonight were uncomfortably reminiscent of his own father’s weakness when it came to catering to his mother’s whims.

Bloody hell! I am
turning into my father!

He strode through the ballroom, looking for the person who was responsible for this disaster. He found her almost immediately, talking to a group of people who fawned over her. He approached her and gained a bit of satisfaction when she looked up and turned to him at once.

“Lucas!” Penelope said his name as if she had been clinging to it for dear life. “I have been looking everywhere for you.”

He glanced at the people milling around her. “So I gather. Are you ready to go home?”

She looked at him searchingly. Whatever it was she saw in his expression made her acquiesce to his politely worded command.

“Yes, I am a little tired.”

He led her out of the ballroom and into the foyer, then lifted her up into their waiting coach. He stared at her as the coach swayed and moved away from the Uffington house, wondering yet again why this one tiny woman had such a volatile effect on him.

“Lucas?” she asked. “Are you well? Is everything fine?”

“I am all right, nymph. But I do not know if everything is, indeed, fine.”

“What do you mean?”

He hesitated before replying. “I have told Blakewood to stop sneaking around behind my back and court Olivia properly if his intentions are honorable.”

“You have?”

“Yes,” he confirmed. “I am not happy about it, but — ”

He grunted as she landed with a soft thud against him. His arms closed around her. “I gather you’re pleased?”

“Oh, yes, Lucas. Very pleased. You do love your sister, after all.”

He had to turn away from the hope shining in her eyes. “God, Penelope, do you always have to look at me that way?”

“What way?”

“As if you think I’m the answer to all your dreams. Let me tell you right now that I am not.”

“I disagree.”

“Then you will be in for a disappointment. Don’t assume I agreed to let Blakewood court my sister because you suggested it. I did it because I thought it was the right thing to do.”

“Of course.”

He shifted her on his lap. “You will not wrap me around your little finger. I am not a lapdog who will do your every bidding.”

“I never said you were a lapdog.”

“Dammit, Penelope, why do you love me?” He regretted the question as soon as the words left his mouth. What the devil was he doing? Why was he forcing her to see the error in her judgment when it came to his character?

His own answer hit him with a force that took the breath out of him. He wanted to know if she could love him for what he really was — a man who was far different from the paragon she assumed he was. And he wanted her to think that, despite everything, he was still noble and honorable and admirable. Christ, he wanted stupid, impossible things.

“I love you because you are brave, kind and generous,” Penelope answered.

Each word was like a stake that stabbed into him. “I am not kind, nymph.”

“And you accept me for who I am,” she added.

“What choice do I have? You are my wife,” he grumbled.

Penelope slid off his lap. “Butter the crumpets! This is turning into a daft argument. What is the matter with you tonight?”

He was grateful to be saved from forming a reply when the coach stopped in front of their townhouse and a footman opened the door.

“Please help my wife out, Harris. I have just remembered that I have to meet someone at my club.”

Though Penelope gave him a strange look, she apparently decided not to question him further. Thankful for being given a reprieve, he made sure Penelope was safely inside the house before giving the order to his coachman to drive on. He was in a peculiar mood, and he didn’t know if he could risk being with her tonight. He needed time to think and compose himself.

• • •

“His lordship must have had a very important meeting if he is staying away from home this evening.”

Penelope met her maid’s inquiring gaze in the mirror. “He must have, Bess, because he left as if the hounds of hell were after him.”

Her voice probably sounded too sharp, because Bess looked almost ill at the possibility that she’d offended her new mistress.

“I’m certain his lordship had good reason,” Bess said meekly before resuming her endless task of brushing Penelope’s hair.

He did have a good reason
, Penelope thought. She’d sensed his inner turmoil the minute they were alone in the coach. However, she failed to realize exactly what had been bothering him so until she heard the sound of the horses’ hooves thunder away from the house in a much quicker rhythm than usual. Lucas was fighting her, and tonight he’d performed a strategic retreat.

Until that moment, she had been too afraid to actually believe Lucas could ever begin to care for her. Until tonight, she’d been trying to be content to love him and not to expect him to return those feelings. He’d been kind and generous, and he seemed to want her very much. What else could an unwanted bride ask for? After all, their wedding had been only a matter of honor to him — it wasn’t as if she was particularly useful to a man like Lucas, what with her lack of dowry and social connections. She’d been too scared to fight for his love.

But perhaps she wasn’t so unwanted anymore. Lucas’s actions after he’d talked to Blakewood spoke too loudly to be ignored.

He was a man who had witnessed his father broken by love, and he was scared. Lucas was battling what he was feeling for her with everything he had at his disposal, and she didn’t like it. His actions affected both their lives, and she had the right to mutiny if she didn’t agree with his motives.

BOOK: Time After Time
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