Till There Was You (26 page)

Read Till There Was You Online

Authors: Lilliana Anderson,Wade Anderson

Tags: #alpha male, #Australian romance, #Damaged hero, #second chance romance, #love against the odds

BOOK: Till There Was You
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“Rachel,” he bellowed, dragging his broken body closer, his only thought of saving them.  As a small wind cleared some of the smoke, he could see her slumped over the steering wheel, motionless, her face covered in blood. “Rachel!”

Blind panic set in as flames engulfed the other car. He only had moments to free them and somehow managed to get himself to Rachel’s door.

“Goddamn it!” he cried, his bloodied fists pounding against the door when he failed to get it open. It had been wedged shut from the head on collision. “Shit. Shit.”

“Daddy!” Alana cried.

“I’m coming, baby, I’m coming.” Shifting himself from his wife’s door, Linc reached out and yanked on the handle, gasping in relief when it opened. A second later, a loud boom rang out as the other car’s gas tank went up.

Alana screamed in fear. Linc knew he only had moments before their car would go up, too.

With his child crying and his wife unconscious, Linc pushed forward, trying desperately to unclasp the belt holding Alana in place. She grabbed his hand. She held him, screaming for him, screaming for her mother. But their time ran out as another concussive blast rocked the car, throwing him clear as flames engulfed the car and his heart.

“No!” he screamed. His eyes burning as he heard her terrified shrieks ring out, and just as quickly, they went silent, the crackling flames and bending metal the only sound left. “No.” He said the word over and over again, until eventually the darkness took him. This time, his mind never made it back.

“After that, I quit everything. I quit life, I quit friends, I quit work. I couldn’t stay living in a house that reminded me of them everywhere I looked. So, when Ruth offered me the use of her house, I didn’t even think, I just left as fast as I could.” Linc took in a shaky breath. “And that’s it. I’d planned to live out my days alone in that cabin. And I was doing fine until you, of course. Somehow, you became this bright light that kept luring me back into life.” He shook his head for a moment, pressing his fingers to his eyes as his shoulders shuddered. “I don’t know how to do this again. I don’t know how to be happy when I’m always so damn scared something’s going to happen to you.”

With her own tears streaming down her face, Lily took a hold of Linc’s hand. “Nothing is going to happen to me, Linc. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m ridiculously stubborn.”

“Jesus, Lily, in the last few months, you fell into a creek and almost got hypothermia, and more recently, you were in the hospital after a deer attacked your truck and totaled it. I have reason to feel concern...and I can’t love you and lose you, too.”

“So you’d rather just not love me at all?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know what to do. I just don’t fucking know.”

“Kiss me, Linc.”

Looking at her, his cheeks wet, his eyes red, he blinked in confusion. “Kiss you?”

“Just do it. Trust me, okay?”

Leaning forward, he brought his lips to hers, flinching slightly when his damaged lip made contact before going in again and sucking gently on her lower lip.

“More,” she whispered, kissing him back as her body reacted to the tender way his tongue slid against hers. He let out a moan, deepening the kiss, his hands going around her waist as her fingers slid into that thick hair she loved so much.

“Do you feel it?” she asked, her fingers running down his face and through his beard, until her hands rested on his chest, his heart pounding against her palm. “You’re alive, Linc.”

Pressing his forehead against hers, he released a stuttered breath.

“I get that you’re scared. But this thing between us, the way it makes your heart beat and your eyes fill with light—it’s worth the risk. Everything great in life is a risk, Linc. And you and I, we’re worth the risk, don’t you think?”

With his eyes still warring with his pain, he looked deep into hers, then nodded. “I’ve missed you like crazy.”

Lily smiled, then kissed both of his eyes. “Then take me to bed, Linc. It’s time we got to the happy part.”

Kissing her deeply, Linc lifted her up and carried her into the bedroom. He carefully removed her clothes as they rediscovered each other’s mouths and bodies. Lily discovered the true meaning of making love, again, and again, and again, while they made up for lost time.



n New Year’s Eve, three years after that fateful night when Linc and Lily’s paths had begun to intertwine for the better, Linc found himself walking through the snow with a smile on his face. He was happy. After giving in to his feelings for Lily, he’d finally learned to remember his past and the love that was there without feeling a blinding ache for his loss. At the same time, he could now look to the future and see love there. It was all because of Lily. She had been the best thing that ever happened to him.

“Did you have fun?” she asked, tossing him the keys of the truck she’d bought to replace the totaled one.

“It was pretty amazing,” he replied, catching the keys before rushing toward her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Linc planted a long, passionate kiss on her lips.

Grinning, she pulled back and placed her delicate hands on his broad chest. “I still can’t believe you’ve been living here for all these years and never went to see the Northern Lights. It’s only the biggest tourist attraction here.” 

Opening the passenger door for her to get in, Linc offered a shrug. “Well, I wasn’t exactly into having fun before I met you. Then after, I kind of had a certain woman’s
to keep me busy.”

“True. My needs are very important.” She giggled as she secured her safety belt before Linc walked around the other side of the car.

“You want to check in on the bar, or are you happy to let the others handle it tonight?” Linc asked, starting up the engine and waiting for the heat to kick in before they went on their way.

“Marty handled it fine last year. I think he’ll do just fine again this time around. What I would prefer to do is go to your place. We can build a fire and watch the fireworks from your yard. Besides, I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise? You know Christmas was a week ago, right?”

“Yes.” She grinned and reached for his hand as they drove along. “This is something extra, and it’s for both of us.”

His eyebrows lifted. “Both of us? Well, now I am intrigued. Will I find this gift useful in the bedroom?”

Laughing, Lily shook her head. “No hints. You have to wait until midnight.”

“Okay. Well, I might have a surprise for you around that time too.”

“Well, now
the one who’s intrigued. Tell me more...”

“Nah-ah,” he said with a shake of his head. “Fair’s fair. I wait, and you wait.”

She folded her arms and pouted. “Surprises aren’t nearly as fun to wait for as they are to prepare.” Her comment caused Linc to throw his head back and laugh.

rriving back at his place, Linc and Lily greeted Shade and their new dog, another husky named Blaze. They’d found her at a rescue shelter a couple months before and couldn’t resist giving her a home.

“Ready to celebrate the new year?” Lily asked the dogs while Linc built an outdoor fire in an iron pit. They both sat and howled, leaving Lily laughing as she ran inside to grab a thick blanket and fill a thermos with hot chocolate for extra warmth.

“It’s about to happen,” Linc said, looking at his watch as the seconds ticked toward midnight. “I’m looking forward to finding out what this surprise is.”

“Well,” Lily started, rising from her seat to slide onto his lap. She watched the stars reflect in his irises as he smiled up at her, puzzled amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes.

“So far, I’m liking where you’re going.” He smiled as his hands moved to grip her hips.

Lily’s eyes went wide as she felt Linc’s interest growing and pressing between her legs. “Oh, and I like where
going.” She moved gently against him, grinding her hips over his growing heat as his hands slid around her waist.

“Mmmm, this is one way to warm up and bring in the new year.”

“Want to feel something nice and warm?” she whispered close to his ear as she took one of his hands in hers and guided it between them.

“How is that even a question?” he murmured, looking at her with a hunger in his eyes that never seemed to diminish, no matter how many times he enjoyed her.

Lily undid the drawstring of her pants slowly, teasing Linc as she made him wait. Then, she slid her top up a little to give him access to the waistband.

“Wait,” she whispered, pressing her lips to his as she kissed him until the distant sound of fireworks began to light up the sky.

He grinned against her mouth. “Happy New Year.”

“Happy New Year,” she whispered, sitting back again as she slid his hand beneath her top, directing it downward, but stopping him far short of the destination he had in mind. A puzzled look danced in his eyes as Lily held his hand over her lower stomach. “There. That’s where your surprise is.”

“It’s definitely warm, but I know a place that’s warmer and a little wetter,” he teased, trying to snake his hand lower.

“Not yet.” She kept Linc’s hand pressed on her belly. “Your surprise. It’s right here.”

He struggled against Lily for a few more moments before going completely still, his eyes now hidden from her as he stared down at where his hand lay covered by hers, resting against her bare skin.

“Really?” he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper as his surprise became apparent to him.

“Yes.” She grinned.

“Are you sure?”


“How far along?” he asked, still not raising his head, his eyes glued to her stomach.

“About two and a half months now. Are you happy?” She cupped his face in her hands, directing his eyes to meet hers. They’d spoken about children and the future they wanted to build together. Linc had said he was ready to have a family again, but Lily had still been nervous about telling him she was pregnant. The idea of something and the reality of something were often two very different things.

Lily saw two things in Linc’s eyes when he met hers. The first were tears of joy and the second was the reflection of the dancing lights above that seemed to be there to celebrate for their joyous news.

“Yes,” he said finally. “I’m extremely happy.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Lily kissed him intensely, more than relieved that he was as excited about the baby as she was.

“I suppose that means I should marry you now...” Linc commented, running his fingers down the length of her hair.

Lily pushed back and folded her arms across her chest. “You don’t have to feel forced, Linc. We’re already committed to each other.” She shook her head as she felt her temper flare inside her. “Besides, what kind of a proposal is that? I hope if you ever ask me to marry you, you think of something a little more romantic than an offhanded comment.”

Linc’s grin spread over his face as his mirth-filled eyes sparkled up at Lily.

“What are you laughing at? I’m serious.”

His features softened as he reached a hand up to touch her face. “I know. Honestly, I was thinking proposing to ring in the new year might be romantic enough for you.”

“Excuse me?” Linc shifted her off his lap and lowered himself to one knee in front of her. “Linc. What...what are you doing?”

He grinned as he reached into his pocket and produced a small black jewelry box. “This is my surprise, Lily.” He held the box up and opened its lid. “Will you marry me?”

Lily’s hands covered her mouth as she gasped and stared wide-eyed at the glinting diamond ring in front of her. “Are you serious?”

“Of course. We’re forever, Lily.”

“Then yes!” she yelled, accepting the ring as Linc slid it on her finger. “Yes.” Wrapping her arms around Linc’s neck, she lunged at him, toppling them both over in the snow. “Yes.”

Pressing her lips to his, she kissed him with all the joy she felt inside. They were starting the new year in the best possible way. Together, they were complete.

“So, about that warmer place,” Linc asked after they came up for air.

“And what place might that be?” she teased, wiggling a hand between them to grip the bulge that always responded to her touch.

“Might take me a while, but I’m sure if I try real hard, I should be able to remember how to find it.”

“I like hard,” she whispered, giving him a squeeze that ended any remaining interest either had in the fireworks above.

Linc scooped her up in his strong arms, carried her inside, and laid her gently on the bed, stripping her bare before shrugging out of his own clothing, leaving them both naked and illuminated by the shifting lights of the sky outside.

Lily felt her body respond to the hunger Linc looked at her with, his eyes drinking in every curve and swell of her body. The effect on him was clear to see as his manhood stood fully erect. Kneeling at the side of the bed, Linc parted her thighs, and she shuddered in anticipation. He leaned in to breathe in her scent and a second shudder wracked her body from a well-placed tongue.

“Happy New Year,” she gasped as her body responded to his mouth, building to bursting when his fingers slid inside her. “Oh yes,” she moaned, her body quivering as she came hard. “I love you so much, Linc.”

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