Thrust into the Alien's Arms (Lords of Astria) (2 page)

BOOK: Thrust into the Alien's Arms (Lords of Astria)
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Chapter 4             


Shauna sailed into work the next day, after being taken to the height of ecstasy and beyond with Adax the entire night before. She was still confused as to whether he even existed, but she felt almost as if she had a secret admirer, or a sort of physical pen pal. A gorgeous one, who wanted her, who wanted to please her, a sex toy that even gave compliments.
How could a girl want anything more? So what if I don’t get any sleep! I could get used to this!


Jennilee popped her head around the corner of the backroom door, and asked her into her office, which normally would have sent Shauna into a tailspin – but today, riding on the high of the night before, nothing could touch her.


“Yes, Jennilee?”


“Not sure what happened yesterday Shauna,” her manager said sternly, “but we can’t be dealing with problems every time we go through the instructions on how to fold. Am I being clear?”


The voice came into her head again. “
Say that you are aware of the problem and are taking every possible step to correct it – and that you perfectly understand her concerns. It won’t happen again.”


Puzzled, Shauna repeated the commanded words. Jennilee was immediately mollified. Her face softened and she marked something down on her paper in front of her. “Excellent Shauna, I am glad to hear that. Now let’s have a productive day today, yes?”


“Of course, yes,” Shauna said quickly. “Let’s get to it!”

She buzzed around the store, selling a record number of pieces, as the other employees watched her in awe. Whenever she had felt unsure about anything, her mind gave her the exact thing to say to bring a sale to the next level. Even as she folded and organized, her fingers were flying, doing each task in half the time.
Shauna had seemed like such a bump on a log,
thought the coworkers,
but today, she is on fire!


“Keep it up Shauna, you are doing great,” Adax’s voice was clear in her mind. “You are beautiful, and powerful, and strong and loving. You don’t need this job, but you do it for now because you are great at it.”


“Yes,” she said, mentally. She tried to push away the confusion. After all, she was doing great. Clearer and stronger than ever…wasn’t she?

Chapter 5


Adax was pleased with the boosts he was sending his nubile princess-to-be. She was 36% more productive in her work, and 52% more successful in her social engagement.


His eyes wandered to the window again, taking in the serenity of the landscape, the purple waterfall, the rich leaves of the trees, the multicolor hues of the sunrays. He began brainstorming more ways that he could improve Shauna, improve her life, her productivity. It wouldn’t be hard. Those earth creatures were easy to read, to anticipate, to understand and to reprogram when necessary.


No matter, he’d figure it out later. In one hour there would be a council meeting on B3-6, to discuss the current Dark Nebula threat. The aliens of that world were threatening the earth were getting closer, and time was of the essence. If he wanted to do his part and save face with the federation, he
to mate with Shauna, and right away.

Chapter 6             


After a stunning week at work, Shauna was on a high. Jennilee had been extra-satisfied with her production, even going so far as to wonder aloud what had happened to her.


“Shauna, it’s starting to make me think you are on some kind of steroid or something,” Jennilee grinned. “You’re currently my best worker.”
“Thanks,” she said airily, but inwardly she wondered as well. She had been feeling extraordinarily powerful, but also a little unlike herself. The nightly pleasuring sessions had been increasing in intensity, to the point where she was getting probably an hour of sleep per night – not nearly enough. Underneath the high-strung, energetic exterior, she was feeling a bit winded. Her body was not used to so much activity.

Chapter 7


Jag looked at the screen that currently displayed the planet B3-6. He rubbed his lizard-like knobs on his chin in glee. The earth woman that the Eldazon Adax was trying to mate was a tasty little morsel if he had ever seen one. Curves for days, a body you could sink your teeth into, and a head you could bite off after mating, drinking her sweet blood to get your strength back. He was excited. And he liked the challenge, too. What a wonderful way to prove dominance over the Eldazon race, to snatch the intended of the Prince, mate with her and eat her!


It wouldn’t be difficult either. These earth women seemed to be indolent, easy to control, floozy-types. He knew that the Eldazon prince was already making progress with his Earth woman in the sexual stimulation arena. She had peaked several times and they only had just met. And he had done it with just his mind. Certainly with his superior ability Jag could do the same. He would show this earth harlot who was boss, who was the one who could deliver the most OPM (Orgasms per minute), and it wouldn’t be a little purple ninny like Adax. He couldn’t help himself and rubbed his barbed cock against the power console, the little points on his prick giving him an extra frisson as he pushed them against the buttons.


Oh to dig into that Earth slut’s canal and make her weep,
he thought, closing his cold eyes in pleasure. He then imagined how it would feel shoving himself down her throat, the barbs digging grooves into the soft skin, the blood lubricating her passage so that he could ram harder.


He roared as a piddle of black cum trickled out of his member. He had the supreme urge to bite something’s head off, so he settled for one of the insects in his terrarium.
He could always get more
, he figured, as he crunched through the exoskeleton into the sweet guts of the creature.


Disappointing. They can’t even scream.

Chapter 8


The meeting went as meetings do, thought Adax as he watched Jaron blathering. He had gone off topic at least four other times, more in love with the gurgling sound of his own voice than with the continued safety and success of the earthlings that they had pledged to protect from the aliens of the Dark Nebula. He couldn’t help but think of his lovely Shauna, with her soft inside parts and her voluptuous curves that housed them. She was the most lovely of all earthlings, he thought as he traced a small Eldazon heart-shape on the council table with a pale purple finger. Shauna plus Adax, he wrote. He thought of things he could do with that finger. The ways it could move, and the speeds it could vibrate, penetrate, anything really, were more than any earthman could even dream of doing. He knew she would have to love him.

“And our only hope is to join this federation. Adax?”


He was jolted out of his reverie.
What did Jaron want?


“Uh, yes?”


Shit, he hadn’t been listening, and now Jaron had called him out. The group chuckled and sneered as he clearly was at a loss. He was having a difficult time figuring out a way not to look foolish.
Might as well scare them a little.
He stood up, drawing himself to his full, impressive height, and leaned forward, fists on the table.
“Does someone have something to say?” he roared, “Or are all of you just looking to be fired?”


“Sorry your Excellency,” muttered a voice. Another joined in. It was his brother, Cael. Would he save Adax from embarrassment, or would he increase it?
Hard to tell.


“Yes,” said Cael. “We are all just excited to hear
how the pursuit of an earth creature is going.
Have you found anyone yet who might be suitable?”


Thank god for his brother,
Adax thought, sinking down to his chair, satisfied. He warmed up to talk about what had recently become his favorite subject.


“The earth woman I have chosen is named…Shauna,” Adax proclaimed. There were murmurs from the assembly as the others tried to pronounce the strange collection of vowels and consonants. “Quiet, please. Shauna is a goddess, clearly beautiful, strong and kind, a perfect specimen for the people of Eldazon to look up to, to be guided by.” He was feeling good now. “And I have made great strides already to have sexual congress with her – remotely, of course.”
There was a collective intake of breath as the assembly tried to process Adax’s announcement.
Not only had the prince and Lord of Astria found an Earth woman, he had already near-mated with her, it seemed. Perhaps they would be saved, and this crazy treaty would work?


“Yes, I have great confidence that she
be the co-leader of the country with me, Adax. And B3-6 will continue to prosper as the tourist mecca for the free known universe!”
There was much rejoicing as Adax concluded his speech. People rushed to shake his hand, to press their foreheads together as in Eldazonian tradition, and congratulate him.


He enjoyed all their attention and the near miss of being humiliated by Jaron, but he began to doubt himself.
Would he really be able to secure the earth woman? Because if not, he was really going to lose face in front of the council.

Chapter 9             


Shauna lay in bed again, waiting for Adax to come to her. He was taking a long time. Where was he? Admittedly, she had gotten rather addicted to his nightly visits. She was feeling great and her general stress level was really going down, despite the new job. Her commissions were up and she was starting to think she might be able to move out of her apartment. It was a bit of a hole, and she had so recently been afraid she wouldn’t make rent. She had even bought herself some flowers and secretly pretended they were from Adax – but most of all did her best to pretend that he was real, and not some strange figment of her imagination.


She didn’t know who he was or why he had come for her, but she figured she had probably just developed some kind of delusion, maybe brought on by stress and lack of sleep. Maybe she had bumped her head and forgot about it, or perhaps there was something funky in the air. But gorgeous men who enter your body from within, she knew they didn’t exist in anyone else’s world. Still, a delusion who made you come harder than ever was a lot easier to take than the delusion of devotion she had nursed with a few of her exes. They were a motley crew, she figured, the men she had tried and failed to have relationships with.


But Adax still hadn’t shown up, and what’s more, he hadn’t told her he wasn’t going to be visiting her that night. No, and he had even outright said to her that he would be around as much as she needed him


If he really were a figment, wouldn’t he be just as easy to conjure up tonight, as any night?
Am I just going to have to do this myself?
Shauna grimaced. But just as her hand drifted in between her legs, she felt it.
It was the familiar sensation of being touched, when nobody else was there. Pleasure from within. She sunk deeper into the mattress as her eyes rolled back in anticipation. Something was rubbing against her slowly, thickly, and she began to gyrate her hips lightly. When she pulled away, she cried out. It was painful! What were those pointy bits?


What had happened to Adax’s prehensile cock? His fingers, his mouth?


This was something altogether different. And it felt like it was scraping its way against her. She yelled in her mind, “This isn’t fair Adax!” and covered herself. But it was difficult, since the intruder was imaginary? “Stop it! And never do that again!”
All she heard in response was a cold laugh, but at least the sensation ceased.

Shauna lay in bed, a little scared. Adax had never done any such thing before. Sure he had been visiting her for only a mere couple of weeks, but he had been concerned with her pleasure above all else, and her acceptance of him was paramount. His velvety-soft skinned stiff cock was not just a confusing surprise now, but a craving.
So why was he suddenly playing these silly games? Did he not respect her anymore? Was he like all the other guys?


Why was she asking questions about someone that didn’t even exist?


She fell into a fitful sleep, tossing and turning.


Chapter 10             


Much to Adax’s chagrin, he wasn’t allowed to leave after the assembly, and “meet” with Shauna as he usually did. Instead of adjourning like usual, the Eldazon council had decided to throw an impromptu party to celebrate his locating a bride. Adax had always been a bit of a playboy in the past, and his trillionaire fortune as well as his handsome looks had meant that there was never a shortage of mates for his bed whenever he had the mating urge come upon his perfectly sculpted body. All his good qualities made up for the occasional bad, one of which was the tendency for Adax to be a bit oblivious socially. Locals chalked it up to his being a prince, and always getting what he wanted – when sometimes he didn’t understand that everything he wanted wasn’t what they all may have. The things they did want were peace in their land and continued economic growth and success, and that all depended on Adax’s securing of an Earth bride. B3-6’s would do its part in keeping the Milky Way peaceful and united, and with it, would be accomplished, and with it the chance for greater success. As much as they tried to ignore the threat of the Dark Nebula when tourists came to their land, they knew that the shadow currently lurked behind every black hole in the galaxy.


A guard shivered in his uniform outside the party doors, another victim of the general stress that was making B3-6 less of a vacation spot and more of a cold war refuge. Their reptilian faces swam across his consciousness, and their reputation for being merciless bastards was not far behind. Every Eldazon knew that if a Nebulan got its hands on you, you were in trouble. Serious trouble.

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