Read Through The Veil Online

Authors: Christi Snow

Through The Veil (22 page)

BOOK: Through The Veil
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He glanced over at it. “I think it’s worth the risk to try
it. We’re going to need the heat tonight.”

In short order, they had the horses unsaddled and settled
for the night and then they began to search the hotel for resources. Marcus
located some papers and furniture suitable for burning in the fireplace. They
discovered a large suite located behind the fireplace wall with a huge bed
sitting front and center of another smaller fireplace. Years of dirt and grime
covered every room in the place, but that didn’t keep it from feeling like pure
luxury compared to the brutal conditions outdoors. Lori discovered some oil
lamps that they lit throughout to help illuminate the rooms.

Soon, the horses stood in the main lobby with the fire
blazing in the big fireplace. Once it became clear the fireplaces weren’t going
to set the whole place on fire, Lori and Marcus settled into the suite behind
the lobby. Lori found a closet full of linens which had been wrapped for
long-term storage so they were actually clean. After remaking the bed, it
transformed the room. With the heat coming from the fireplace, it suddenly felt
extremely cozy and romantic.

Butterflies settled into Lori’s stomach. This might be one
of the last nights she’d be able to spend with Marcus. She wanted to do
everything she could to make it memorable.

He was out doing a final check of the perimeter so she set
out some food for him to eat, nibbling on her own to help calm her nerves.

She’d stripped to her panties and wrapped one of the large
blankets around her. Hoping to entice him, she stood in front of the fireplace,
holding it at her breasts loose enough so he could see the tease of her

He stuttered to a halt at the sight of her and those
beautiful green eyes of his darkened with wicked promise. Just that heated
glance and moisture pooled at the juncture of her thighs.

“I have some food if you’re hungry.” She waved a hand to the
meal she’d thrown together and set on the table beside the bed.

The corner of his mouth quirked in humor. “Do you honestly
expect me to care about food when you’re standing there looking like that?”

“Aw, but that’s part of the allure. I plan to feed you,” she
dropped the blanket and his breathing grew immediately heavier, “looking like
this.” Her nipples hardened to peaks, but it was hard to say if that came from
the chill in the air or his scalding gaze on her.

Within three strides he stood in front of her. His large,
callused hands encircled her waist and pulled her into his arms. She stretched
her legs around him and circled his hips, crossing her ankles to hold on at his
back. The heat of his cock against her core, even through his jeans, had her
pushing against him in need. He moaned.

For a moment, he just looked at her with so much emotion and
desire in his eyes. What had she done to deserve this wonderful man? Even if
she only had him for a few days, these were the memories she’d always carry
with her for the rest of her life.

Reaching up, she brushed her fingertips across his eyebrow
and down his cheek, marveling at the contrast in textures. His cheeks held a
couple days’ worth of whiskers, the golden hairs reflecting the firelight like
spun gold. His lips parted with his breathing and her fingertips feathered
across those lush, full lips that brought her such incredible pleasure. He used
his tongue to snag hold of her finger to draw it into his mouth.

Her heartbeat, which had already been pounding through her
chest, picked up even further. As he sucked her finger, she met his eyes that
were filled with passion and emotion. She froze and her breath caught in her
throat. She didn’t want this moment to end.

With her other hand, she grasped the back of his head,
scraping against his scalp with her nails. She began to kiss a trail from his
ear to the collar of his shirt. His hips thrust against her and he loosened the
suction on her fingers and began his own ministrations across her chest just
above her breasts.

Before she knew what he planned, they were flying through
the air with a few flicks of his wings. The air brushed at her bare back, in
stark contrast to where her front pressed against his hot chest. Slowly he
lowered them onto the bed, his purple wings spread out over top of them.

“God, those are so sexy,” she said as she ran a hand over
the top of his downy soft wing.

He shuddered and dropped his head to her chest, his breath
sawing in and out.

“You like that?” she asked. Even through his jeans, she felt
the flex of his hard erection.

“You have no idea.” His voice was low and sensual, and his
back arched into her touch.

“I know of something else I could stroke that might feel
equally good, if you’d get rid of some of these clothes.” She ran her other
hand over the bulge at his groin and tugged at the buttons, freeing them.

He pressed his hands to hers, stilling her movements. “Not
yet. First, you promised me some food.”

Raising an eyebrow in question at his teasing smirk, she
became even further confused when he rose and nonchalantly grabbed the plate
off the side table. She began to rise, but he gently pushed her back with a
shake of his head. “No, you stay right there.”

She began to sputter, “What…”

But he pressed a finger to her lips and gave her a
disapproving shake of his head. “No, be quiet. That’s perfect, but I need you
to be very still, or this will never work, and I’ll starve. No one wants that,
because I
think I’m going to need to keep my energy levels up

He stood there, looking at the plate of food in his hand and
then examining her like he would a sculpture or a piece of art. He wasn’t even
touching her and the lust in his eyes sent tendrils of heat spreading
throughout her core.

He’d taken off his shirt and the glow from the fireplace
highlighted the ridges of his abdominal muscles. He hadn’t taken the time to
button his jeans back up, so they hung low on his hips, held there by a very
obvious erection peeking out the top edge of the placket. That little teasing
glimpse made her want to taste him, lick him, and tease him from root to tip.
Some of what she considered must have shown on her face because that same
erection twitched and a small bead of pre-cum appeared on the swollen, darkened
head. She bit her lip and fisted her hands in the blankets, trying to resist
the urge to tackle him.

A drizzle of something cold and wet along her nipple drew
her attention back to his actions. He stood above her with a wicked glint in
his eye, squeezing the juice from a piece of fruit. The juice drizzled along
her skin, chilling her, but as the heat from his mouth enveloped her nipple,
she gasped. So many incredible sensations. As he sucked one nipple, he rubbed
the piece of cold fruit over the other one. He spent several minutes moving
between one breast and then to the other until Lori felt positive she could
come from this alone.

Then he reached over to the plate and grabbed the chunk of
meat. He shredded it slowly, dropping little pieces of it across her breasts,
down her stomach, and onto the tops of her thighs. The knowledge that he
planned to follow that trail of food made her want to squirm, but she didn’t
want to dislodge a single morsel. She held very still, barely breathing as he
ate and nibbled his way down her body, leaving her nerves pulsing in his wake.

The torturous descent made her crazy. She wanted him to move
faster, but didn’t want this to ever end. A single piece of meat sat on the
crease where her thigh met her groin. He teased the area around it, his breath
brushing against the damp spot on her panties. Her wet heat clenched in need.
All it would take would be a single touch of his fingers, his teeth, or his
tongue, and she would blast into orgasm. She hovered so close, but he must have
sensed that and took great delight in drawing her torture out.

A wisp of a touch against the fabric of her panties had her
panting in frustration. “Please, Marcus,” she begged.

“Hmm,” he said as he licked again at the top of her thigh.

So close, but he still tormented her. Finally, when she
hovered at the absolute breaking point, he lowered his mouth over her heat.
Tonguing her through her panties, it only took two flicks of his tongue before
her orgasm rolled over her and she screamed his name, undulating waves crashing
over her before she blacked out from the utter euphoria.

By the time she came back to earth, he’d divulged the rest
of his clothing, removed her panties, and settled his body over her. The hard,
full length of his erection throbbed against her thigh, leaving a wet trail
where it pulsed. Her man sat on the very edge.

He gave her a gentle, loving smile. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, hell yeah. That was amazing.”

He chuckled low and slowly moved his hips, rubbing the tip
of his erection within the outer edge of her folds. Immediately, her arousal
shot right back to the heights it had been before. She groaned low as her eyes
closed. Wrapping her legs around him, she urged him to move into her, but still
he resisted.

His wings spread behind his back and he instructed, “Hang
on.” A moment of weightlessness overtook her as he lifted them off the bed,
hovering just above the mattress. His cock poised just barely wedged inside of

He stilled and met her gaze. “I’m so lucky to have found
you. With you, this is different. It’s more.” He closed his eyes and she could
feel the will power that it took not to follow the demands of his body. He
kissed her forehead gently, groaning low as she involuntarily clenched around
the tip of him. “Thank you,” he gasped, “for collapsing at my feet. For
escaping. For sharing your life with me. For trusting me. Now hang on.”

Burying one hand in her hair while the other grabbed her ass
for leverage, he surged into her in a single thrust. The emotions within him
pummeled at her mentally in conjunction with his body doing the same thing

So fucking good.


Him inside her.

This was right.


Something she never thought she’d ever find, but loving him
changed things.

As if sensing her thoughts, his rhythm faltered. He shifted,
and as impossible as it seemed, his erection grew even more inside her. The
weightlessness, combined with his hard thrusts, pushed her over the edge of
orgasm before she even knew it arrived. She shattered again and the clenching
of her core took him with her. Hot bursts of cum coated the inside of her
vagina as every muscle in his body tightened.

He buried his face in her neck, groaning with pleasure, his
breath hitched. His climax went on forever and brought on another round of
spasms by her internal muscles. The ecstasy seemed to be never-ending and left
her boneless.

Slowly, he lowered the two of them back to the bed but
stayed within her as they both continued to experience aftershocks.

Minutes or hours later—she had no idea as she’d lost all
sense of time or space—he finally mumbled, “That’s the only way I’m ever eating

She grinned and drifted off to sleep.







Lori awakened when Marcus tensed behind her. It was still
dark and the coals in the fireplace provided very little light or heat any
longer. “What’s wrong?” she whispered.

He sat halfway up in bed, his bare skin glistening in the
faint light. “I thought I heard something.” He cocked his head to listen.

She shifted next to him. “I don’t hear anything.” She ran a
hand up his back between his wings in a soothing motion. “Could it have been
the horses?”

“Probably, but I should go check just in case.”

He crawled out of the bed and a chill worked its way down
her arms from losing the warmth from his body. He slipped on his jeans and she
scrambled to locate her own discarded clothing.

BOOK: Through The Veil
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