Through the Dom's Lens (11 page)

Read Through the Dom's Lens Online

Authors: Doris O'Connor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Interracial, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Through the Dom's Lens
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"See, told you.
smitten with you, and I'm surprised he hasn't slapped a permanent collar on you
yet, my dear."

hand went up to her neck involuntarily, before she hastily dropped it back to
her side and took a long swig from her champagne flute.

, keep your voice down. People will hear, and besides
we haven't got that sort of a relationship. We're very much just living in the
moment, and that's fine. I'm not looking to settle down and—"

You love him. That's plain to see on your face when you look at him or even
just talk about him. And he feels just the same way about you. No, trust me on
this, sis. I've known Master J for longer than you, and never, ever have I seen
him like this. If he hasn’t collared you yet, then I'm sure it's only because
he doesn't want to cause you problems with the school. I bet you have a play
collar on when it's just the two of you."

fought her blush and cursed her complete inability to stop wearing her feelings
on her sleeve like that.

laughed and
winked at her.

so, and I bet he had it handmade just for you, too."

had hit the jackpot with that unerring ability
of hers to see straight through Sally's attempts to keep things to
. Her play collar wasn't the only purpose made thing.
Junsako had surprised her only last month with the most beautiful nipple chain
to attach to her piercings, and nothing got her into the right submissive head
space faster than to have him attach that chain and buckle the collar around
her neck. Her nipples throbbed inside her bra, and moisture dampened the lace of
her thong at the mere thought. Damn it, it had been several weeks since they'd
last played, and she missed it. She'd missed him.
Maybe now
that the exhibition was finally back in London she would see a bit more of him.
In any case the summer holidays were fast approaching, and Sally's stomach
tightened in delicious anticipation of being able to spend those six weeks with

look, I told you he was going to make an announcement."


and gentlemen, can I have a moment of your time, please?"

A hush fell onto the room, and Junsako smiled
at his intended audience, before he sought his pet's gaze.
The churning in his gut subsided somewhat
when Sally smiled at him. God, she was so goddamn beautiful. There was no
mistaking the family resemblance between
Sally, stood next to each other as they were. Similar yet oh so different, both
were stunningly beautiful in their own way, even if the world at large would
always say
was the role model to strive after.

didn’t agree, and it was about time he showed that world just how much his
little pet meant to him.

days and weeks he'd been away from her had been pure torture, and whilst they
had talked every day he'd been away, it was no substitute for holding her lush
body in his arms, listening to her infectious laugh and falling asleep with her
draped all over him after a scene.

approached again, and he stopped her with a quick glare in her direction. The
French super model could not take a fucking hint, and he hadn't missed the way
his little Sally's shoulders had slumped and she'd turned her back on him
earlier when the woman had wrapped herself around him like a fucking octopus.
Thank God, he'd sent
over to keep an eye on
Sally. He knew she hated attending these things, and the fact that she did it
anyway gave him a warm glow inside.

felt for the little packet that had burned a hole in his trouser pocket all
evening, and closed his fist around it. Sally might well hate him for doing
this so publicly, and there was always the possibility that she might turn him
down, but he’d had enough of hiding his feelings.

was his, and it was time everyone knew that.

nodded at the assembled press, and continued with his address.

that my exhibition is at an end, I would like to announce my intentions for the
coming year. As you all know I have been incredibly busy with taking on
assignments all over the world, and organizing my shows."

stopped to make sure that he had everyone's undivided attention, and he spread
his arms wide for more dramatic effect and to encompass his pictures displayed
along the room.

exhibition will be the last one I will be putting on for the foreseeable

expected uproar made his smile deepen, and he sought out Sally's gaze again.
Her mouth had dropped open, and she stared at him wide eyed, before she snapped
her mouth shut, shook her head at him and mouthed, “

assembled reporters were less inconspicuous, and he raised his hands to get
them to quiet down.

and gentlemen of the press, if you check your inboxes you will find my press
statement, explaining the reasons behind my decision and my exact plans for the
future, but, in short, I will not be travelling on business, and any exhibition
of my art will only take place here in London. Anyone wishing to procure my
services will have to do so right here. I've let work rule my life for too long,
and there is someone in this room, I'm not prepared to be away from

smiled at Sally, and if possible her eyes grew even huger. He held out his hand
beckoning her toward him, and behind her
clapped her hands and took from her the flute Sally still held in a white
knuckled grip. Her sister gave her a gentle shove in his direction, and Sally
walked toward him with her cheeks stained crimson.

she was in touching distance he yanked her next to him.

on earth are you doing, Sir?" Her furious whisper in his ear steeled his
resolve that he was doing the right thing, and not caring about their audience
he pulled her in for a kiss. Her surprised gasp gave him access, and he slipped
his tongue past her lips until he could wrap it around hers.

stiffened, but when he stepped up his assault and deepened the kiss, she melted
against him, and kissed him back with all the passion she was capable of.

the time he released her, the blood was rushing in his ears, and Sally looked
as stunned as he felt.

I should have done a long time ago, pet."

grasped her hand and went down on one knee, ignoring the catcalls and surprised
gasps of the crowd around them, his attention solely focused on the woman he

out of his pocket the ring he'd purchased on his trip to New York, he held the
ring up to Sally.

the most important person in my life, and I could not imagine my life without
you in it. The last six months have been the happiest I've ever been, and I
know I haven't said it before, but I love you, Sally."

choked sob escaped her, and the way her eyes filled with tears gave him the courage
to carry on with his speech, even as she tried to get him to get up off the

get up. Everyone is staring. Sir, please, you don't have to do this." The
whispered words made him smile, but he stayed put and continued.

my love, I
have to do this. I'm not prepared to let my work interfere
in what we have anymore. Will you please accept this ring as a token of my
commitment, a symbol of my love for you, always, or at least as long as you'll
have me?"

hush fell on the room as everyone waited for her answer. Cold sweat ran down
between his shoulder blades, the longer she simply stood there, silent tears
running down her face.

she finally nodded, the room erupted into pandemonium, and he let her pull him

take that as a yes then?" he asked.

yes, I love you, too, Sir, so very much, but I thought you didn't believe in

smiled through her tears, and he kissed them off her face and slipped the ring
on her finger, and interlinked their hands.

didn’t until I met you, my love," he said. Even to
ears his voice sounded choked with emotion, and Sally kissed him.

you sure about this, Sir?" she said in between kisses.
"Your work is—"

as important as you are. They can damn well come to me, if they want me,

excited screech
in their ears broke their private moment, and the rest of the room took her
action as consent to crowd in on them.

the time the last question had been answered, and security shut the doors,
Junsako was exhausted, and Sally tugged him along.

get out of here, Sir, before you fall down. You're not much good to me if you
collapse, are you now."

bossy little
you're turning out to be,

bet I am. You flew in this morning, and you have been up for hours. Jetlag is
no doubt catching up with you, so you bet I'm being bossy,
ir. You can punish me in the
morning, but for now, let's go."

frowned at him when he shook his head and pointed to the floor.

is one last thing now we’re alone, pet."

pulled out his other purchase out of the breast pocket of his suit, and after a
moment's hesitation Sally sank to the floor. Head
palms up on her open thighs, she presented herself, and his heart beat faster.
He had intended to do this at their home with her naked in front of him, but
doing it right here in front of the picture that brought them together, was
perhaps far more fitting. Her dress rode up her thighs exposing the top of her
stockings, and despite his tiredness his cock signaled his eagerness.

will just look like a necklace to anyone else, but I have the key, and it will
signal that you're mine, pet. Will you let me collar you, my sweet?"

looked up, and even though she was crying again, happiness shone out of her
eyes, and she nodded.

yes, please, Sir."

"Very well then."

placed the thin platinum chain around her neck and attached the delicate lock.
It took him several attempts to lock the thing, due to his hands shaking so
much with the enormity of the moment, and when it finally clicked in place, he,
too, had to blink away tears.

this collar I pledge my love to you. I will cherish and honor the precious gift
of your submission to me, and I promise to always keep you safe and protected
as your Dom and Master of your heart."

nudged Sally's chin up, and he saw his love reflected back at him.

I will promise to always keep you on your toes, and order you to bed when you
can hardly stand up,

grinned at him through her tears, and Junsako laughed as she got up and all but
dragged him out of the back door.

taxi was waiting for them, and Junsako gratefully slid into the back seat and
shut his eyes, only dimly aware of Sally giving their driver directions.

held out his arm, and she snuggled into his side and kissed his jaw.

get you home, Sir, where I can look after you. Look what you get up to when
left to your own devices."

grinned and pulled his precious pet closer to him. She would keep him on his
toes, for sure, and he damn well liked the sound of that.





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