This Is Where I Sleep (7 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Patterson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: This Is Where I Sleep
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I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and pulled him even closer. By now, he was pounding me into the mattress and it felt like heaven. I raised my other leg to wrap around his hip and secured them around his waist. I pushed the back of my head into the pillows, granting him better access to my neck. He continued to suck and moved his hands under my ass, raising me up. With every stroke, he hit my G-spot. My vaginal walls started fluttering and I knew another orgasm was just seconds away.

“Li, I’m about to come.”

“Come for me, CeCe. Let me see it.” He pulled back to look into my face.

The passion filled expression on his face sent me over into oblivion. I clenched my pussy around his thrusting cock and my second orgasm flooded my whole body with euphoria. I knew he wanted to see me come so I struggled to keep my eyes open watching him as he watched me. My orgasm must have triggered his and soon after he threw his head back and the vein at the side of his neck bulged, at the same time I felt him release inside of me. He continued to pound and thrust until the last tremors of his orgasm subsided. I finally closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing. I felt him above me as he pulled out and moved to my side. The sense of loss was immediate, but I pushed it away. Slowly, my common sense returned and I realized what had just happened between us. My eyes sprung open and I saw Liam watching me. Without a word, I hopped out of the bed and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

I locked the door and pressed my back against it, covering my face with my hand. “What the hell did I just do?” I murmured to myself. I let my hands glide down my face and turned to stare in the mirror. My hair looked tousled, and I noticed red marks forming on my breasts and neck where Li sucked my skin. Despite my brown complexion even minor bruising tended to show up easily.  The marks and the throbbing between my legs reminded me of exactly what had happened.  I sighed deeply and ran my hand through my messy, short curls. I grabbed the robe hanging on the door and made a decision.

I cinched the robe securely at my waist before stepping out of the bathroom door. I nearly walked right into Li, who was standing in the bathroom doorway, and I had to tamp down the urge to beg him to take me again. The hard set of his jaw and his closeness told me he was determined to not let what just happened go.

“CeCe,” he called, and the passion in his voice made my belly quiver.

I ignored him and squeezed past to the bedroom entrance, stooping to pick up his shirt and suit jacket. I tossed his clothing in his direction. “It’s time for you to go.”


“You heard me. It’s time for you to go.” I moved to the opposite side of the bed and found his boxers and pants and tossed those to him as well.


“Don’t call me that!” I shouted. That damn nickname got under my skin. It was too intimate, and I didn’t want to feel close to Liam. I just wanted him to go. “Get dressed so you can go.”

“You can’t just kick me out.”

“Why the hell not?”

“Goddammit, Ce—”

I gave him a murderous look.

“Coral, just talk to me.” By then, he was putting his boxers back on.

I refused to even look at him, knowing that if I did, I would have fallen back into bed with him, and talking would be the last thing we did.

“No,” I said petulantly, shaking my head. “Just go. Now!”

I heard him let off a rant of swearing, but I remained with my back to him until I saw him go to pick up his shoes out of the corner of my eye. I moved to walk past him to the suite door, but his arms caught me around the waist. I was caught off-guard, and before I could break out of his hold, he caught my free hand and pushed it around my back, holding us chest to chest.

“Let me go.”

“I will. I’ll also leave, but this isn’t over. You and I are far from over.”

“Fuck you, Li,” I spit out.

The mischievous smile he gave me caused my belly to quiver all over again. “You just did,” he cockily stated before pressing a quick peck to the tip of my nose and releasing me.

I didn’t turn around as the door opened and closed. I felt the loss of him as he exited. I closed my eyes and counted down from ten to one, trying to regain some sort of control over my wayward emotions. Part of me wanted to run back to him and ask him to come back. The other part wanted to kick his ass for stirring up all this shit I worked hard to bury. I hated feeling so out of control.

I opened my eyes and walked back into the bedroom. I sat on the bed and tried to talk myself out of chasing Li down. I wouldn’t do it. I stood and began picking up my discarded clothes and the pieces of my disarmed gun. Once I put all that away, I called down to the hotel’s maid service and requested a fresh pair of bed sheets and pillow cases. There was no way I could lay my head down in this bed with Liam’s scent all over it. It took less than ten minutes before the sheets were delivered, after which I changed the sheets and then prepared to shower. I knew I wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight, but what else was new?




This stubborn ass woman.

A whole damn week had passed since she kicked me out of her hotel room. Imagine that. She kicked me out of a damn hotel that I own. Technically, Jeremy owned that portion of the company, but I still signed off on the financials. For the last week, she’d been working with Ron to get through the employee interviews and so far nothing had turned up. She’d done everything in her power to not be alone with me or to avoid me altogether. However, I’d finally figured out how to get her alone.

My phone rang loudly, interrupting my thoughts.


“Mr. Bennett, your father is on line one.”

The scowl on my face was instant. He was the last person I wanted to talk to. Ever. He usually called in to check in on the business while he was in Austin. I provided him minimal information, so there was a lot he didn’t know. Over the last few years, I’ve had a team digging into his history to get all the dirt on him.

“Put him through,” I told my secretary.

“Hello, son. How is business going?”

Straight to business. That was my old man. Didn’t stop to ask about his granddaughter or me. He was a son of a bitch, but most people didn’t know that about him. He painted a perfect image for the outside world, but behind closed doors, it was a different story.

“Hello, Richard. Business is business.”

I started calling him by his first name years ago. My father enjoyed the money and prestige that came with being the CEO of such a large and well-respected company, and even the influence, but he wanted more. Hence, his current position.

“Yes, well, speaking of business, I’m not sure if I agree with all the time and money you're putting into these alternative energies. Our family has thrived for three generations off of oil and now you’re trying to change it up. I’m speaking with some big oil companies this week about investing in the pipeline. I’m going to suggest Bennett Industries be an investor in this pipeline as well. The payoff will be huge. And you have Jeremy expanding the hotel side. I told you I don’t like that bastard nephew of mine.”

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose to hold off my irritation. “We’ve been over this. The pipeline has a lot of problems, and the future of energy is in alternative energies, not fossil fuels. Bennett Industries will be ahead of the curve with these energies we are working on. And Jeremy is running his end of the business with great success. His involvement in Bennett Industries is not up for discussion. You’re a busy man, and I’m sure you have work to do as do I. Bye,” I said, before hanging up.

I knew that seemed harsh, but most had no idea who that man was. He spent my entire childhood chastising my mother and me then pasting on a smile when we were out in public. I was a bastard before Coral, and well, it was because of him. I watched him do some very unscrupulous things to remain on top, including screwing business rivals’ wives. And that was not even the worst of it.

My father’s call did remind me to have my assistant make a few phone calls for my upcoming Austin trip. I knew exactly the businesses my father wanted Bennett Industries to work with on this pipeline, but instead of the pipeline, I’d been working to convince them to invest in our alternative energies. Before I left my office, I told my assistant to set up a trip for me to go to Austin for a few days to meet with the same businessmen. Once that was done, I rose from my chair and stretched, preparing to pop in on the woman who’d been avoiding me for a damn week.


I walked into the security office and found the object of my affections closely watching the large flat screen monitor hanging from the wall. I watched her profile and noted how intently she was watching the scene in front of her. I glanced at the screen to see Ron in another room interviewing Mikhail from marketing and sales. I looked back at Coral, noting her flawless skin and the column of her neck. My fingers twitched with the need to touch the soft skin and feel her tremble underneath them.

“Stop staring,” she said, keeping her gaze on the screen.

My lips kicked up into a half smile. “I can’t help it.” My voice was slightly deeper than usual. She made me feel all types of shit.

Without looking at me, she asked, “Liam, what are you doing here?”

“Last time I checked, I run this company and can go anywhere I damn well please.” My eyebrow raised. My words had come out harsh. Her refusal to even acknowledge my presence pissed me off. Do you know how angering it was to be in the same room with the woman you’ve wanted for more than a decade, and she wouldn’t even look at you? The same woman, I might add, who’d been screaming my name at the top of her lungs just a week ago.

Finally, she turned to me, rolling her eyes.

“Whatever,” she spat before turning back to the monitor, effectively dismissing me.

Not today
. “We need to talk.”

“No, we don’t.”

“Like hell we don’t,” I growled, losing my composure.

“Li, this isn’t a damn game,” she retorted angrily, turning her whole body to face me. “I did not come here to play whatever game you’re playing. Your employee is dead, and someone in your company may very well be responsible for it. Your other employees could be in danger.
could be in danger. Now, is not the time to play around!”

She huffed, now standing. That pissed me off even more.

I moved closer to her. “First of all, let’s get one thing clear; don’t ever imply that I don’t care about my employees. I care very much that Larry may have been killed because of this company. That is why I actually called Jabari to have him look up any aliases Larry may have had. Turns out, he did and he had a safe deposit box, which housed his laptop. I didn’t need to visit his fiancée.”

“You have his laptop?” she asked, cutting me off.

“Yes, and your stubborn ass would have had it this morning when I requested you visit my office, if you hadn’t been avoiding me. These are my employees.” I pointed to my chest. “I am responsible for every single one and I do not take that lightly. You of all people should know exactly how serious I take my responsibilities as a leader,” I finished, reminding her of the time we served together. I might have been many things—cocky, arrogant, even a showboat when the occasion arises, but I was a damn good leader, and those who worked under me were my team, and I made sure to look after them.         

Those hazel eyes stared at me for a few seconds, taking in what I’d said. When she bowed her head slightly, I knew she was contrite. “You’re right. I didn’t mean to imply that you didn’t care.”

She sighed, running a hand through her short curls. She turned back to the screen, but the look in her eyes just before she turned gave me pause. I know Coral. We spent years getting to know each other as best friends. She didn’t let many people in, but she did let her guard down around me eventually. I noticed her body language as she peered at the screen, watching Ron and Mihkail. In that moment, I had a realization and it caused the hair at the back of my neck to stand up.

“Wait a minute,” I said out loud, staring at her.

She turned, looking back at me, but remained silent.

“This is deeper than Larry or Bennett Industries. You’re worried. Why?” I asked, stepping even closer and gripping her elbow.

She didn’t pull back, but her response was not what I wanted either. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t give me that shit. This is personal for you for some reason. I mean, outside of it just involving me. What is it?” I knew she was holding something back. I felt it. I’ve developed a sixth sense for this woman. I could feel this case held something deeper for her.

“It’s nothing.” She stepped away from me just as Ron entered the room.

“Interviews do—oh, Liam. I didn’t know you were watching,” he said.

“I thought I’d stop by and see how things are going,” I said to Ron, but still hadn’t taken my eyes off Coral.

“Well, it looks like Mihkail’s all clear. He didn’t know anything about what Larry had been working on. Nor, did he speak with Larry in the days before his death. I’m starting to think this is a waste of time. None of these employees have demonstrated any signs they’re lying,” Ron continued. 

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