TheVisit FC Bonus Scene (2 page)

BOOK: TheVisit FC Bonus Scene
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My mouth gaped when he sank his teeth into the side of my neck. Simultaneous explosions of pleasure all over my body was definitely the way to make me get loud, and Luke loved getting me to that point. He milked my dick while sucking and nibbling at the sensitive spot on my neck.

“Ahhh…” I squeezed my eyes shut. “Gonna come. Gonna fuckin’ come so hard…”

Luke turned my face further to the side and kissed me just as it hit me. I cried out, loud and reckless and probably clear enough to be heard in the hall, as he pumped rope after rope of hot semen all over his hand, my abdomen where my shirt had rucked up, and my goddamn T-shirt. When I was finally empty, I sagged against him while breathing hard. A dreamy smile crossed my lips.


Luke chuckled again, all warm and growly and hot. “Feel better?”

“I feel brainless.”

He patted my thigh and kissed my jaw. “That was the plan. You were getting all caught up in your fucking head.”

I twisted to look at him, squinting. “So you knew a Rawlings Handie would get me out of my feelings about no one liking me?”


“So you’re like a bisexual Dr. Phil.”

Luke shook his head. “You’re an idiot.”

I grinned. “Can I suck bisexual Doc Phil’s cock to reciprocate? I missed my morning protein shake.”

“If you do that we’ll really be late. I’ll save it for tonight so you can reverse cowboy me in that chair.” He smacked my ass again, harder, and backed away. “Now change your shirt. You shot all over it.”

I bit back a comment about him having given me an excuse to change clothes because we really were out of time.

After changing into a slightly looser black T-shirt, we took a cab to Garrett’s and Kai’s house. My nerves still had me on edge but it was nothing compared to the wreck I’d been an hour ago. Instead of wondering what I’d do to make Kai hate me, I wondered what bullshit I could say to make Garrett and Luke laugh. Between the two of them, it was going to be a night out with the grim reapers rather than a double date.

We arrived at their house, a seriously cozy looking two-story, and I knocked while bouncing on the balls of my feet. Luke stared at me like I was losing my mind.

When the door opened, we were greeted by Garrett’s tall, dark, and smartass mug and Kai’s explosively blue eyes. The kid was even more gorgeous in person. All long dancer’s limbs and silky black hair.

“Hey.” One of Kai’s hands dug a death grip into Garrett’s arm. “Thank you for coming!”

I grinned, went through a quick mental catalog of stupid Costigan shit to say to lighten up tension, and said, “Thanks for inviting us. I’ve been practicing my Super Smash Bros skills for, like, two weeks in preparation for this. You’re going down, baby.”

Luke and Garrett stared at each other like they had melded minds and were both wondering how I existed in the world, but Kai gave me his gamer face and fist pumped.

“You’re on. I will fuck you up as Princess Peach.”

Kai released Garrett and grabbed my hand, dragging me into the house. As we went, I heard Garrett say, “Uh. Hi.”

I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see them exchange some super serious handshake while staring each other down. Jesus Christ. Video games were definitely in order.












Garrett Reid was even more attractive in person than on video. He was as tall as me, with deep brown eyes, broad shoulders, and sharp cheekbones. His body language made it clear this was his house, Kai was his man, and he wasn’t ready to trust me yet.

I respected that.

Past Garrett’s shoulder, Dominic and Kai were in the living room already chatting about gaming systems. Interesting how Dominic spent for-fucking-ever stressed about Kai liking him, and they immediately hit it off.

I focused back on Garrett, and thought for a split second that I wouldn’t have minded being a fly on the wall when he and Dominic had fooled around. If Dominic knew my thoughts, he’d laugh and call me a perv.

“Nice place,” I said. “Appreciate you letting us visit.”

Garrett’s expression softened a fraction. “Sure. Glad you came.” He glanced back at the sound of Dominic’s laughter. “It’s good to see Costigan happy.” He motioned toward the couch. “If you want to head in there, I’ll grab some food and beer.”

I took a seat on the couch along the side wall. Dominic and Kai were in front of the large, wall-mounted TV, sitting side-by-side on a bright orange bean-bag looking chair. Dominic definitely was happy, and more relaxed after his session with “Bisexual Dr. Phil.” My boyfriend was corny as fuck. His long legs were stretched out in front of him, and Kai sat cross-legged. He thumbed a button on the remote, a constant sound that I chalked up to nerves. I didn’t know what to do to make him feel better, so I went with no sudden movements. He glanced at me and brushed his shaggy dark hair out of his eyes as he fired up the Wii U.

He was cute as hell, with a big smile and a larger-than-life presence. I could see why people liked to watch him on his channel. “Wow, this is actually kinda rude, huh?” he said. “You guys show up and in minutes, we’re gaming already.”

I waved a hand. “Nah, I’m used to it.”

Kai smiled again, and stopped thumbing the remote.

“Hey,” Dominic said, not taking his eyes off the TV.

“Hey back,” I said.

“We need this thing.”

“What thing?”

Dominic leaned his head back and peered at me. “This orange chair thing.”

“It’s ugly.”

“It’s comfy as hell!”

I lifted an eyebrow.

“Micah would love it. If we had this chair, we’d play longer and wouldn’t annoy you so bad on rainy Saturdays.”

I thought about that. “Yeah, but then you’ll also stay up too late playing games when I’m trying to fuck you.”

Kai laughed, while Dominic gave me the finger and turned back to the TV. “All right, so I’m Donkey Kong.”

“You know I’m the Princess,” Kai said, batting his eyelashes.

Yep, cute as hell.

Their characters began to fight on a red double-decker airplane, and even I could tell Dominic was outmatched.

The couch dipped as Garrett sat down, handing me a beer and placing a massive plate of nachos on the coffee table. He kept glancing at Kai as he opened his beer.

“Thanks,” I said, glancing at the label. “What’s this?”

“Local brewery. That all right?”

I took a pull and let the hoppy brew slide down my throat. “Hell yeah, this is great. I get micro-brews locally all the time, and Dominic hates it and wants to know where his Bud Light is.”

I took another sip of my beer and turned my head to see Garrett watching me with a small smile. “Costigan, his abs, and his beer choice are as ‘Murican as it gets.”

I laughed. “That’s the truth.”

Garrett was quiet for a moment. “On base, I’m not sure we were what I’d call friends. First, because he was kind of an asshole, and second, because I wasn’t trying to make friends but…” his voice trailed off. “Guess it took getting out of the sandbox to see he doesn’t make a bad friend.”

My mouth quirked at the side. Not quite a smile but close enough for a stranger. It was hard to picture my Dominic ever being an asshole, but there were glimmers here and there whenever he got pissed off or defensive and went into Staff Sergeant mode. I hadn't seen much of that since our early days together though.

“He says dumb shit on the regular that makes me laugh, gets grumpy when he’s hungry, and eats all my peanut butter, but I still love the bastard.”

On cue, Dominic's thick Staten Island accent exploded into the room in surround sound. “What da fuck, yo!” He slammed his hand down on his leg. “Stay on the fucking plane, ya ape!”

Kai put his hands in the air and waved them around, shimmying his hips in a victory dance.

“Let’s go again." Dominic scowled and gently shoved Kai's shoulder. "This is some bullshit.”

“So salty.” Kai said in a sing-song voice.

“Oh, ho. Gonna be like that, huh?” Dominic’s voice held a hint of amusement as he narrowed his eyes at the TV.

Kai turned to Garrett and smiled at him, big and radiant, before his Princess Peach went at Donkey Kong again.

With that smile, Garrett exhaled loudly and leaned back on the couch. He gulped his beer, then turned to me again. “So what’s it like living with Costigan?”

I swallowed a mouthful of nachos. “Sometimes it’s like having a third teenager.”

“Oh yeah, you got kids, right?”

“I do. Twin teenagers.”

His dark brows rose. “Shit.”

“I split time with their mom, so we get a break sometimes.”

Garrett wiped the condensation from his bottle as Dominic hollered at the TV and flailed a hand. “Get the fuck outta here!” He snorted in disgust while Kai pressed his lips together to suppress a laugh. When a giggle bubbled out, Dominic’s face immediately split into a grin. “You’re a little shit.”

Kai stretched his arms over his head. “A little shit who owns you in Super Smash Bros.”

“Dominic,” I said. “Take a break from getting your ass handed to you and eat some nachos.”

He perked up and abandoned his spot on the orange abomination to kneel beside the coffee table. He dropped a handful of nachos into his mouth, then moaned as he chewed. “Oh fuck, these are good. Who cooks?”

“Garrett,” Kai said from where he sat on his boyfriend’s lap, licking melted cheese from his fingers. “Before him, I lived on ice cream.” He widened his eyes and pointed at Dominic. “Hey.  You should totally join me tomorrow morning on Twitch! You’re cute as hell and if we get Luke in frame too, Chat will go nuts.” He turned his head to Garrett. “What do you think?”

“Go for it,” Garrett said. “Bonus: It’ll annoy your mods.”

“Oh good point.”  Kai wrinkled his nose. “My mods have been super weird lately, and it’s irritating me, so making their lives harder sounds like fun.”

“We met your mods at FallenCon,” Dominic said. “There was definitely some drama going on between them. Billion dollars says they boned. I got a vibe.”

I wasn’t sure what they were talking about. At FallenCon, I'd been focused on trying to get my kid home safe without losing it on Dominic. “Who were the mods?”

“The surfer looking one, and the tattooed scowly guy.”

“Ohhh yeah,” I said. It had been enough of an oddity for me to have remembered. “They were glaring at each other from across the room.”

Kai huffed. “I tried to interrogate them, and they are tight-lipped.”

“Garvy didn’t even seem thirsty for your attention like he normally is,” Garrett said.

Kai shot him a look and Garrett rolled his shoulders unapologetically. “Just saying.”

Kai sighed and turned to Dominic again. “So how about it, Costigan? Will you come on camera with me?”

“Can I flash my abs?” Dominic asked.

Kai rolled his eyes. “Of course.”

Dominic flexed his biceps, hamming it up, and was so fucking adorable that I couldn't help myself. Pre-Dominic, I would have never considered myself a PDA type of guy but now I grabbed him and pressed a hard kiss to his lips before letting go. Dominic’s face was flushed when he went back to eating nachos. He tried to play it cool but was visibly flustered by the attention. Garrett nudged Dominic with his foot, teasing him, before shooting me one of his reserved smiles.

Ah, so I guessed I did have Garrett Reid approval. Between that and more of Dominic's happy chatter and sunny grins, I was confident this trip had been a good idea.






Shockingly, this visit wasn't turning into a massive clusterfuck. Not that I'd necessarily thought Kai and Dominic wouldn't get along—I'd expected this ridiculous match of smart assery and weird jokes—but I hadn't been too sure about Luke.

First of all, my first impression of him had been Costigan all tense around him at the convention. My inner paranoid overprotective monster had reared up even though Costigan could kick my ass on a normal day, and he literally did not need me worrying about who he was fucking. But I'd worried anyway.

Second, he was older than all of us and seemed like an actual grown-up. Which meant he could have been potentially judgmental about video games. I didn't want to deal with some dude coming in here and being skeptical about what Kai did for a living. Some of my coworkers tried that shit, and I was sick of it.

Third, well there was no third other than worrying about Kai's anxiety and how he would react to strangers in our house.

But it was all good. Luke tolerated video games and showed real interest in Kai's career, demanded he pay for dinner (Chinese) since we were hosting them and didn't argue when Kai and me insisted on at least paying for half. He also told me how to actually take care of our fucking yard since my thumb was the farthest thing from green, and I was sick of getting disapproving looks from neighbors.

BOOK: TheVisit FC Bonus Scene
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