Read Theron Destiny (Brides of Theron) Online

Authors: Rebecca Lorino Pond

Theron Destiny (Brides of Theron) (21 page)

BOOK: Theron Destiny (Brides of Theron)
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Chapter 19

“Did you get the information that I need to give to the emperor?” Lars growled out through his clenched teeth. He had paged Hano over an hour ago and had grown very impatient. “What the fuck took you so long?”

Hano knew that Lars was probably going to be angry with him but there was no way to leave the control room without the commander noticing. But he did manage to get the information that they needed. He had copied the route the commander was going to take the ship through on the return journey. It had taken him longer than expected to get into the computer’s navigation files without causing alarm.

“Yes I got it. I told you I didn’t know how long it would take. Do you want us to get caught? The commander was right there the whole fucking time. Give me a break Lars.” Hano was actually starting to have doubts about their plan but he was in far too deep now to pull out. Lars has fast become obsessed with his revenge on the earth woman.

Lars looked at Hano with disgust. If he could have gotten the information himself he would have. Since Hano was allowed on the control deck he had to rely on him to get the information he needed in order to make his plan work.

“Just give it to me already.”

Hano handed him a small chip about the size of a finger nail. “It’s all right there on the Nano chip. The time we leave, the stops we make and the route.”

Lars’ face slowly transformed into one of true evil and hatred. His lips turned upward and his eyes started to dance. “Perfect my friend. Now, I will have my sweet revenge on that bitch and on the commander. She will be mine after all and there won’t be a thing that he can do about it. The Drylons will keep you, Commander dumb ass, so occupied you won’t even miss your little Earth mate until it’s too late.”

“Now that you have the route, can you please tell me how you plan on getting us off this ship?” Hano was becoming impatient himself. Lars had kept most of his plans to himself while Hano had been the one taking the risks of getting caught. It was about time Lars let him know the plan.

“Oh my friend of so little faith. Since we are leaving shortly, I will tell you now my entire plan.  That way you will make no mistakes. When we come out of the wormhole in the Fio star system, the commander will have a little surprise waiting there to greet him. That’s where I plan to tell Gatton to meet the ship. Once the ship is engaged in battle I plan on going to the commander’s quarters and obtain my prize. Once I have her, I will make my way to the shuttle bay.  That is where you will meet me. I disabled a ship there just the other day so that if anyone tried to take off in it they would see that it needed repairs. But little do they know, I just simply blocked the computer’s memory with a special code of my own design. Once we are in the ship and take off, we will head through the worm hole on the other side of the system that leads directly to Drylon.”

Hano had listened intently as Lars laid out his plan for escape. By taking part in his plan, Hano knew that his life with the Therons was over. He would never be able to go back. He would switch sides and fight against those he once cared for and protected. He really didn’t care one way or the other. He had no family left and no hopes of ever having a mate of his own.  Lack of money and protecting her from Lars prevented him from buying a mate at the auction.

“Damn it. Are you listening to me, you fool?” Lars was shouting at Hano with irritation written all over his face. “You asked me for the plan and I am telling you. Pay attention! This plan cannot fail.”

Hano rubbed his face with his hands, “I heard everything you said.”

“You better have because if you screw this up, I will kill you myself.”

Hano realized at that moment that he had made a mistake in joining forces with Lars.  Now, it was too late to do anything about it. He had to go through with Lars plan.



Zeb had finally finished checking the ship around two in the morning. He had scheduled the ship to leave in 24 hours in order to get all the warriors down on the planet time to finish off the last of their assigned missions and be returned to the ship. Every warrior on the ship had to be accounted for before they left. There were a total of forty three warriors down on the blue planet performing scouting missions or retrieving items for their mates. Any warrior not reporting by the given time would be severely disciplined.

He wearily made his way back to his quarters but as he got closer he got a renewed jolt of energy. What waited for him had his heart racing and his cock hard and straining to escape his pants. Once inside his rooms everything was quiet. Books and Knox were curled up together on the sofa, with one of them slightly snoring. Who would have ever thought that a rewa and an alien animal called a cat could become such good friends.

His shirt dropped to the floor as he walked to the bedroom. Pushing the door open, he saw the shape on the bed that he couldn’t wait to feel. He sat on the edge of the bed a slipped his boots off then stood. Next the pants slid down his hips and well-toned legs. His cock had sprung free from its trap and was now as hard as ever.

Lifting the sheet he slid into the bed and over to his mate who was lying on her back. He moved the sheet off her slowly since he didn’t want to wake her just yet. He wanted to be able to look at her. Her breasts had a soft glow to them in the dim light of the room. His gaze traveled down her to her stomach and then to the area that intrigued him the most. Her soft curly woman’s hair just begged for his touch. He wasn’t going to able to hold out much longer if he just kept looking. He had to touch her.

He leaned over her and gently blew on her exposed breast. He waited to see this would cause a reaction. When none came, he blew a little harder this time causing the nipple to pucker. That was it. He had to have her in his mouth. He brought his mouth down and covered her nipple. He swirled his tongue around the hardened peak then began to suck. His free hand had moved down to her woman’s core. He threaded his fingers through the hair and then cupped her sex in his hand. He heard a moan escape above him. He flicked his tongue across the nipple and this time she moaned louder.

When he looked back up at her face, two partially open eyes stared back at him brimming with desire.  A smile played at the corner of his lips as looked into his mate’s eyes feeling as if her gaze could glimpse his very soul. He brought his lips to hers as his fingers continued to seek out her heat. Their kiss deepened in a frantic way. Tongues danced together as they both moaned in response to the pleasure they were experiencing.

Zeb pulled back, “I must have you now nea hela.” Without waiting for her response he was up on his knees positioning himself between her legs. He spread her legs as far open as he could without hurting her and placed his cock at the entrance of her sex. “You are mine forever nea hela. No one will ever take you from me.” The soft glow of the room lit up her face as he spoke to her. Her face revealed to him that she wanted him as much as he wanted her at this moment. One thrust was all he needed in order to bury himself completely inside her.

Avery screamed out his name as he felt her moist channel tightly grip his shaft. He started to pound into her as fast as he could but it wasn’t enough. His fingers spread her lower lips so that he could see himself burying his shaft within her.

“You are so beautiful nea hela.” He kept thrusting into her over and over. Soon he could feel her channel starting to clench around his shaft, milking him for his seed. She screamed out again at her peak of pleasure causing him to do the same at his release. His body convulsed as the last of his seed filled her womb. Sweat covered their bodies as he fell on top of her.

Lying heavily on her body, breathing hard, and still joined to her he said in a husky voice, “Nea hela, I am sure my seed has taken to your womb.”

“How would you know that?” She tenderly held his face in her hands and looked into his eyes.

Smiling, “It has been said within my race, that a warrior might know the exact moment of conception if he wishes it to be. Besides having you by my side for the rest of my life, I want children with you, many children.”

She gave a small giggle as his words sunk in, “Do you really think you just gave me a child?” She kissed the lips that were lingering over her face.

“I know it in my heart, my love. I want to see you grow round with my child in your belly. He will be a fierce warrior.”

“He? What if the baby is a girl? Will she be the apple of her Daddy’s eye?”

He drew in his brows and tilted his head at her comment, “I am not sure I know what you mean, Little One, but I do know that I do not have an apple in my eye.”

Avery looked at Zeb and burst out laughing. Tears started on run down her face from laughing so hard. “It’s a saying back on earth. It means she is precious to her Daddy and that she has him wrapped around her little finger.”

He thought about that for a moment, “If we were to have a girl, she would be as beautiful as her mother and I would protect her as thus. I would kill any warrior that ever laid a hand on her.”

He kissed her again before he rolled onto his back, bringing her with him. Her head was now lying on his chest where she lightly fondled his chest. The room was still bathed in the soft glow of the lights along the walls and the curtains to the room were drawn back. She looked out the window to the view that was offered to them.

“Will we ever come here again?” Her hand had stilled when she had spoken.

Zeb moved his arm around to touch her bare back. His fingers were making circles in a slow steady motion. “I promise you Nea hela. We will come back and see your aunts. Maybe when we return, we will have a surprise for them.”

“That would be wonderful.” Silence over took both of them now that they were relaxed. It wasn’t long before she heard the sound of a soft snore coming from the man she was laying next too.

She lifted her head and looked to see if he was truly sleeping. The hand on her back had stopped moving now and twitched softly. She knew then that he was definitely asleep. She lay on her side watching him sleep and wondered to herself, how in the world her life had taken such a drastic turn. A scenario she hadn’t been happy with at first. Now however, she couldn’t imagine her life without him. Her aunts had always told her there was someone out there waiting for her but she never in a million years would have thought he would come from a different galaxy. Humans didn’t even know for sure that aliens even existed and here she was virtually married to one and possibly pregnant by him.

Her eyes finally grew too heavy to keep open. The thoughts in her head slowed down and sleep finally came, but before sleep had its final grasp on her, she felt two little thumps on the bed as Knox and Books jumped up behind her. Both animals curled up together near the arch of her back and fell asleep. Avery let out a contented sigh and finally let sleep take her away.
















Chapter 20


“Are all systems ready, Brylon?” Zeb questioned the ship’s engineer.

Brylon walked over to Zeb and stood by his side as he went over the last items on the check list. The ship would be moving out within the hour and everything needed to be checked. Brylon confirmed that it was all in working order. The last thing they would need was the ship to malfunction while going through one of the worm holes.

“Everything checks out Commander and all personnel are accounted for. As we speak, the few remaining outer doors are being sealed.”

As the two warriors talked about the ship’s preparations, Zane appeared on the ship’s command center.

“Hey Doc! How’s it going?” Ceran greeted the ship’s doctor.

Zane gave his head a shake as he walked by Ceran, “Things could be a bit better.”

Zeb heard his friend’s reply, “What is wrong. Is your mate ill?”

“No nothing like that. Let’s just say she is very strong willed and does not attempt to do anything she does not want to. She is a handful. I really need to bring Gracie over to your place so that she and Avery can talk or do whatever females do. Half the time, I have no idea what she is talking about.”

Zeb laughed as he saw the frustration growing in his friend’s face. He knew what the man was going through. Sometimes Avery said some of the oddest things. When he questioned, she would have to explain to him the meaning of what she was trying to say in order for him to understand her and he did likewise when the occasion called for it.

“Why don’t you bring her over to Avery while we travel through the holes? I cannot leave the command center until we are safely through each hole and I am sure Avery would enjoy the company. Not much she can do while the ship is traveling. You understand why I do not want her leaving our quarters unaccompanied.”

Zane thought for a second, “You know Zeb that is an excellent idea. That would give me a chance to get the inventory completed and put the clinic back in order.  Then I can be sure of what supplies I will need to pick up once we return to Theron. When would you like me to bring her over?”

“You can go get her now. The ship will be leaving within the hour and I told Avery that I would not return to our quarters until after we arrived at Theron. I will have a message sent to her immediately to let her know that Gracie will be coming for a visit. That way she will not be alarmed when you arrive at the door.”

“That would be great and I know Gracie would love to spend time with Avery. She has been asking about her for the past few days. I will go and get her. Send the message to your mate and tell her to expect Gracie in about thirty minutes.” Zane turned and left the command center.

“Ceran, would you please send a message to my quarters.” Zeb asked.

Ceran turned when his commander had addressed him, “Yes Commander.”

BOOK: Theron Destiny (Brides of Theron)
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