Read Their Runaway Mate Online

Authors: Selena Cross

Their Runaway Mate (2 page)

BOOK: Their Runaway Mate
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Anna edged toward the partially open door to Drew’s study and peered in, hearing a deep male voice speaking that was not Drew’s voice. There, leaning against Drew’s desk, was a magnificently beautiful man, with dark hair and an impressively lean, yet muscular body.

“And I see that she is making you tense and edgy as well.”

“Yes, well, I can only tolerate being near her for a small amount of time without wanting to go crazy,” She heard Drew sigh in frustration from somewhere behind the door. “Especially with her scent when she is around me, assailing me.”

Were they talking about her?

“In due time; we will not have to deal with it for long.” The man said, and Anna noticed him stroking himself through his expensive looking pants.

“Yes, but until then she is driving me insane.” Drew came into view when he lunged at the other man, embracing him.

She watched as they kissed each other passionately, their tongues dancing in and out of each other’s mouths. Drew pushed the man’s hand away and ripped open the button and zipper of his pants. Anna gasped as she watched Drew’s hands dive into the man’s pants, stroking the man’s long, hard cock. She could see the mushroomed head of the man’s cock and thought it was beautiful. She wondered if the rest of it was as large and magnificent as the head. She felt wetness gather between her legs and fought the urge to touch herself to relieve the ache.

“God, I’ve missed you.” Drew said to the man as he pulled away from his mouth.

“I couldn’t think of anything else but getting back to you as soon as possible. I want to feel you sucking my cock so bad.” The man said.

Drew blew out a harsh breath, “Fuck, I want that too. I am dying to have your cock in my mouth.”

With that Drew dropped to his knees and reaching he pulled the man’s long, thick, gorgeous cock all the way out of his pants. He licked the pre-cum off its bulbous head, licked down to the bottom of his shaft, along the long vein, then back up.

Anna’s hand found her clit and rubbed lightly, despite herself.

“You taste so fucking good,” Drew said before he sucked the man’s cock into his mouth again.

Anna had never had a cock in her mouth and wondered if it tasted as good as the rapturous look on Drew’s face indicated it did.

“Oh yeah, just like that, god, I love watching you suck my cock.” The man’s voice was husky with desire as he grasped the back of Drew’s head.

Anna watched as the man guided Drew up and down his cock, her fingers taking on the same rhythm as the man’s thrusts.

The man groaned in pleasure then closed his eyes and let his head lull back.

Anna watched, mentally taking notes as Drew continued to suck and bob his head up and down, while he fondled the man’s balls firmly, then rubbed right behind his ball sack, to the puckered hole of his anus. She only assumed he was playing with the tight ring of muscles as she listened to the man’s desperate pleas. She could barely see Drew finger fucking the man, while he sucked his cock.

She wondered what it would be like to be fucked there. Her fingers slipped into her pussy, while her thumb continued to rub her clit, pushing her closer and closer to the edge until she just hovered there, needing something she didn’t know what though, to push her over the edge. Then she found it as the man yelled his release and she watched Drew swallow his cum with a look of pure bliss on his face. She covered her mouth with her free hand to muffle her own cry of release.

She leaned against the door jam as she caught her breath. She wiped her juices against her pajama shorts, and opened her eyes slowly to witness Drew and the man embracing each other, kissing passionately.

They confessed their love to each other, then just stood there leaning against one another, lovingly.

They never noticed their audience as they moved away from the desk to go behind the door, to what Anna figured was the couch. She imagined them sitting on the sofa, embracing one another, happy and sated.

Unlike them, Anna was far from sated and happy, she was miserable now. She felt a tear run down her cheek and wiped it away forcefully, she would not cry over this. She now knew she did not have the chance with Drew that she first thought she had. She must have misread his attentions. She thought they were those of attraction, when they were actually those of mere tolerance. In reality, Drew couldn’t stand her, and they’d be getting rid of her very soon.

She walked briskly back to the room she currently occupied. Well, if they thought they were just going to walk all over her, then kick her out, they were sorely mistaken. They couldn’t fire her because she was quitting. She decided right then and there, she’d pack her things tonight. Then tomorrow morning, before Drew and his lover left their bed, she would sneak away and never look back.




Anna woke from a fitful sleep. She hadn’t slept most of the night after watching Drew and his lover, and hearing the harsh things Drew had said about her. She never really thought she smelled bad. She bathed regularly and wore deodorant. Maybe Drew didn’t like her choice in perfume.

It didn’t matter, after she’d gone back to her room and started packing; she began too really take stock of her situation. Why did she think Drew would be attracted to her anyway? Drew was gorgeous, and even if he wasn’t gay, he was way out of her league. Why would he want a frumpy overweight accountant?

Sure she tried to stay fit, but it never really seemed to take away those extra curves she was cursed with. She would never be smaller than a size twelve, which had been fine with her, before last night, of course. Her long mousy, brown hair, blue eyes, button nose, oversized lips, and undersized breasts, should have been a good indicator that she was nowhere near attractive for someone like Drew Bentworth, or his lover, for that matter.

This was why Anna had always kept to herself. Kept her nose in a book, or just hid herself from the world. It was to keep from getting her hopes up, when it came to men like Drew. She knew from an early age that no worthwhile man would ever be attracted to her. The two times she’d gone on a date with a guy, it always ended badly. There was only one time that she’d kissed a guy and that was in high school. The guy had braces and it ended with her getting a cut lip.

No, Anna should have known better than to think Drew wanted her, which was why at this very moment she was sneaking out of the guest room she’d occupied for the last couple of months and making her way toward the front door as quietly as possible.

She saw the taxi she’d called pull up outside the small window by the front door and started to reach for the knob too finally leave this heart-wrenching place. Just as she turned the knob and inched the door open slowly, in hopes it wouldn’t make any noise, a deep masculine voice poured over her from very close behind.

“Where are you going?”

It wasn’t Drew, oh no, Anna knew that voice. It was the same voice that haunted her dreams the night before, when she did finally get to sleep. It was the man from the night before, Drew’s lover. She didn’t want to turn around. She didn’t want to face him, knowing he was even more beautiful than Drew, and pretty much her competition. Although, there was no competition, he had Drew way before she even got a chance and to be truthful, she never really even had a chance.

“Out?” it came out as a question instead of a declaration. As if she needed to ask this man permission to leave the house.

“Do you always take your suitcase when you go out?”

“Uh, I’m going to spend the weekend with friends. I’ll be back Sunday night.” Anna had never been a good liar, but she thought that as long as she had her back to him, maybe he would buy it.

“Turn around please,” the man said. It sounded as if he’d gotten closer.

Anna gulped, she felt faint. She slowly released the doorknob and turned around. She plastered a smile on her face to act as if this was nothing of importance, but by the look he gave her, she knew he knew it was fake.

His brow furrowed with the frown on his face, “Why are you leaving, Anna?”

Great, he knew her name and just hearing him say it made her body tingle with excitement and her core heat up.

“I told you,” she tried to keep her face a mask of indifference, but could tell she was failing. “I’m going to stay with a friend for the weekend. She is having some man issues and needs a friend to lean on.”

Okay. a) Anna didn’t have any female friends and as soon as Drew woke up and joined this little event, he’d verify that point. b) The only woman having man issues, now, was Anna and as much as she needed a friend to lean on, the only friend she knew of that she’d turn to; also happened to be the man she had issues with, Drew.

“Let’s talk shall we.” He suddenly stated as he reached passed Anna and opened the front door wide to wave the cab away.

Damn it, what did he do that for?

The door closed silently and he turned to her, his hand caught her elbow and he began to march her toward the study. Anna panicked. This was the same room she witnessed them having sex, she couldn’t go in there. She tried to dig her heels in and yank her elbow out of his grasp, but he just squeezed tighter.

“What did you get rid of my cab for?” she almost screeched. “I don’t want to talk to you. I want to leave.”

It was no use. She was in the room and sitting in one of the two chairs in front of Drew’s great big desk, while the man leaned against it in front of her. The image of the night before flashed through her brain and she pushed it away. It wouldn’t do any good to get horny right now.

“First we talk. Then, if you still wish to leave, you can leave,” he said gruffly, “Now tell me the truth. Where are you going? And, why?”

He towered over her, his eyes assessing her. She felt like a child being chastised.


Just as she began to stutter her response, Drew strolled into the room, “Carter, why is Anna’s suitcase by the front door?”

He stopped in the middle of the room and took in the scene. Anna felt herself flush at his surprised look.

“I was just asking her the same thing,” said the man she now knew as Carter.

Anna couldn’t bring herself to look at either of them, so she just looked down at her hands in her lap.

“I’m quitting,” she whispered, doubting they’d have been able to hear her.

However, she was wrong because suddenly Drew was there kneeling at the side of her chair, forcing her to meet his eyes.

“You quit? Why?” asked Drew.

Anna noticed that now it appeared it was Drew’s turn to panic.

“Aren’t you happy here?” asked Drew, with a look of confusion.

Anna fought back the tears that stung her eyes and threatened to make an appearance. She’d been happy here. Happier than she’d ever been before in her life, but it was all an illusion. She’d been delusional to think anything more than friendship would come from her relationship with Drew.

“No,” she croaked. “I’m not happy and I want to leave.”

Her heart broke at the look of hurt that appeared in Drew’s eyes. Now he looked like he was about to cry.

“What did I do wrong? I’ll fix it.”

Why would he think he did anything wrong? Why would he even care?

“You did nothing wrong,” came Carter’s stern and cold response. “She is just a selfish little brat that wants more than she’s entitled to.”

Her head snapped up and she gaped at Carter. Did he know that she was upset because she’d fallen for Drew and now knew she couldn’t have him?

He glowered down at her, “She probably thinks by acting this way we’ll offer her more pay. The fact that we allow her to live in our house and take care of everything for her, while we still pay her, isn’t enough.”

Wow, never mind, he was way off the mark.

Then a thought popped into her head. Perhaps if she agreed, they’d let her leave without a fuss. She stood up and turned to face both of them.

“That’s it. You got me. I know you both are rich and I think you are cheapskates trying to rip me off.”

Drew stood as well and just gaped at her for a moment. It wasn’t true, damn, they paid her way more than anyone could really expect. Especially, since they let her live in their mansion and took care of everything for her. She’d always felt guilty about it every time she received her paycheck.

Then he glared at her, good, angry Drew she could deal with, hurt Drew, not so much.

“Okay, fine. Leave then. Let us know where you end up and we’ll send your final paycheck there,” said Drew angrily.

Anna was stunned for a moment, but then she heard Carter practically bellow, “No.”

Both her and Drew looked at him in shock.

“She is not leaving this house. We did not spend so long searching for her to let her just walk out the door. I don’t care if she is a selfish, cold-hearted bitch. We brought her here for a purpose.”

Okay, that was unexpected, a bit hurtful, and confusing as hell.

“I’m quite sure you can find another accountant to suit your needs.” Anna couldn’t help but glower at them both.

Carter just laughed coldly. “You think we brought you here to take care of our accounts? You are just out of college and have no real accounting experience. Why would we hire you?”

Man, this guy knows how to dig deep. Anna couldn’t help the tear that fell down her cheek.

“I’ve been asking myself that since I started,” she answered truthfully.

He just smirked, “The first honest thing you’ve said so far.”

Anna couldn’t help it anymore, this man was really pissing her off, she just snapped, “Fuck you, asshole!”

The moment her hand met his cheek the room fell under a dead silence. Her other hand flew to her mouth in shock and her eyes felt like they were going to fly out of their sockets.

Drew looked from her to Carter and back again, while Anna waited for Carter’s reaction. Almost instantly, he grabbed her by the arm and began to drag her out of the room. Anna fought but then stopped as she realized he was probably kicking her out as she’d wanted. However, then he took a completely different direction and started marching up the stairs. Anna started fighting again, fear coursing through her body.

“Stop, where are you taking me?” She yelled.

“I am taking you to your room. Where you’ll stay until you learn to grow up,” Carter growled back.

Drew followed on her heels. “Carter, calm down. We don’t need to do this.”

They’d reached her door and Carter had flung her onto her bed before he turned to address his lover. “Do what? Put up with this insolent brat because she’s our only means of ever having a family?”

Anna sat there shocked. Did that mean what she thought it meant? Did they just hire her to give them children? Nothing was making sense now.

“No, we don’t have to be cruel to her and not give her a choice in the matter,” Drew spat back.

“You were the one who wanted to find her so badly. I was fine with it just being us,” Carter’s voice had reached new octaves by this time. “Now you want to give her the choice of walking out on us, and taking our chance at pups with her?”

Wait, pups? What?

Drew gave Carter a withering stare, “Carter, watch what you say in front of her.”

“No, I will not watch what I say. In fact, I think we should just show her now. Let her decide after that if she wants to run off and blab to the known world about our existence, while she is taking away our heirs.”

“Carter, you are being a belligerent idiot right now and I think you need to just calm down.”

Anna sat, in stunned silence, as Drew went to pull Carter from the room, but Carter pulled away and suddenly began to shake all over. Anna heard the sound of bones cracking and clothes ripping as she watched Carter’s body begin to reshape itself, until finally a large black dog sat in front of her growling. No, correction, it was a large black wolf.

Anna didn’t know whether to scream or pee herself as the wolf bared its teeth at her and stared her down. All she really knew is that she was about to become kibble.

“Carter, no more,” Drew yelled from the top of his lungs. “What have you done? Now she’ll never be allowed to leave again.”

Anna’s head snapped to Drew at that remark, but he was too busy yelling at the wolf Carter had turned into. Were they going to kill her now that she knew their secret? Why did she always find herself attracted to the wrong men?

Drew looked at Anna, “Try to calm down. He can smell your fear and it is making him nervous.”

“Making him nervous?” she whispered indignantly.

“Yes Anna, now just calm down and everything will be alright.”

Almost like turning on a switch her fear went to anger, “Alright? Everything will be alright? Exactly what is right about this situation, Drew? Exactly what is right about any of this? I am not some brood mare for you and wolfie boy here. I am a human being and I deserve to be treated as such.”

Carter growled in answer and Drew just smirked, “He is treating you as he would a human. He hates humans.”

Anna wanted to throw her hands up and scream, but she didn’t want to make any sudden movements incase Carter decided she was lunch.

“Why do you want me then? If you guys hate me so much because I’m human, why even bother with me? Couldn’t you find someone within your own species to breed with?”

Anna didn’t know why she was no longer afraid of the big bad wolf standing in the room and she didn’t care at the minute. At that minute, she wanted answers and she had enough adrenaline pumping through her veins to get them.

Suddenly, Carter stopped snarling and sat back on his haunches, but Drew looked just as tense.

After long seconds of no one speaking, or growling, Drew finally broke the silence, “Why aren’t you afraid of him anymore?”

Anna looked at Carter then looked at Drew again. She tried to think about the answer, but came up with nothing.

“I don’t know, I’m just not,” she finally stated. “I still want my questions answered.”

“We want you because you are the only one who can become pregnant with our seed,” Carter’s deep voice came from the floor, making both Drew and Anna look to him.

Anna saw that Carter had changed back into a man and now crouched down on the floor completely naked. She couldn’t keep her eyes from scanning over his broad shoulders, muscular abs, and large cock nestled between his thick thighs. His cock twitched at her stare and she turned away quickly to look at the wall.

“How do you know that I can carry your seed?” she asked, looking at the flowery wallpaper.

“Because of the way you smell,” Carter said in disgust as he stood and walked out of the room.

Anna whipped her head around to find Drew still standing there.

“The way I smell? How do I smell?” she all but whispered.

“You smell like our mate,” Drew said with a sigh.

He suddenly looked very tired and sad and Anna wanted to do nothing but go to him and comfort him. However, she remembered they didn’t really want her there, they just wanted to use her to give them babies, and then she would be gone.

BOOK: Their Runaway Mate
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