The Virgin and the Billionaires: The Complete Series (12 page)

BOOK: The Virgin and the Billionaires: The Complete Series
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She still hadn’t gotten
over the shock of last night’s party. She understood that William had a point
and was probably right, but she couldn’t quite let him off the hook. She had
seen documentaries about swinger parties on late night HBO, but she never
dreamed that she would find herself at one.

Besides, she should have
known that was coming. William and Alexander both had wild reputations. Dana
was a little disappointed in herself for failing to see a swinger party as a
possibility. Despite this, she still had a nagging feeling that she was
misinterpreting William’s intentions. Between the dinner incident, the sexy
party, and the fact that he’d given her his phone number last night, Dana was
becoming increasingly convinced that his intentions with her were more than just
professional. Since her affair with Alexander had begun, she found herself
better able to suspend her disbelief that a rich, handsome man like William
might be attracted to her. She’d noticed that since she had been with
Alexander, more people had begun paying attention to her, complimenting her on
her outfits, or simply commenting on the new bounce in her step.

Dana had been replaying her
last night with Alexander over and over again in her mind. It was her new
favorite fantasy to masturbate to. Yet she realized looking back that she was
not only disappointed that she hadn’t had an orgasm by Alexander (then or
ever), but she was also a little disappointed with how quick the ‘sex’ part of
it actually was.

I guess that the first time isn’t always perfect.
Dana’s thoughts
were interrupted by the buzz of her iPhone.


Let’s meet at the Thirsty Scholar at 6. It’s Downtown.


“Alright, then,” Dana said
to herself.

A few hours later, Dana
began dressing up for her date. After a shower, she put on one of the dresses that
Alexander had given her, hoping he would notice, and complemented its earthy
tones with a subtle layer of neutral makeup. She left her hair down, allowing
it to gently graze her shoulders. She gave herself a look of satisfaction in
the mirror, knowing Alexander would approve. At 5:30, she headed out to her

Dana enjoyed watching the sun
begin its descent as she drove Downtown. It seemed that the sun shone
differently in LA. Its light was soft and glowing, enveloped in a warm haze.
She parked her car near the bar and gave herself one last look over in the rear
view mirror before she made her way inside the bar.

The room had a decent crowd
for a Sunday night. It was dimly lit, made darker by the mahogany walls and
bar. A pianist played jazz standards in the far corner. Alexander was sitting
in a booth off to the side. He flashed a half smile at Dana, who made her way
over to join him. He looked her up and down and expanded his grin.

“What a nice dress you have

Dana smiled back at him.
“Thank you,” she replied warmly. She felt happy to see him, almost relieved.
She could tell immediately that his mood was different.

“It’s nice to see you
again.” Alexander took a sip of the foamy pint glass in front of him. He looked
casual in a gray polo shirt and dark jeans. Dana noticed that the steely
resolve his face usually displayed was somewhat relaxed. “Try this beer,” he
continued. “Tell me if you like it.”

He slid the glass over to
Dana. She lifted it to her lips and noticed its tangy, fizzy flavor. “Yes, this
is delicious.”

“I’ll order you a bottle if
you’d like. Can you do beer for a night?”

“Of course!” Dana replied.
“I’m not picky about drinks.” They both smiled.

“Excuse me.” Alexander got
up to order Dana’s drink from the bar. Wanting to look occupied, Dana fiddled
with her cell phone until Alexander returned with her drink.

“Thank you,” she said as he
placed a full glass in front of her.

Alexander squeezed his
tall, broad frame back into his seat. Dana noticed his lovely eyes piercing
through the dark waves of his hair, which was not pomaded and combed into place
as it normally was. She thought Alexander looked even more handsome in his
casual state than she had ever seen him before.

“You look nice today,” she
said with a hint of timidity.

Alexander smiled and said
nothing. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

Dana snapped out of her
thoughts. “Yes?”

“I’d like to make you a

“Why am I surprised? You
make deals for a living.” Dana chuckled.

“Indeed I do. I think this
deal will benefit
greatly, as

Dana raised her eyebrows
flirtatiously. She didn’t know where her newfound confidence and wit were
coming from. It was as if it simply decided it was time to erupt out of her.

“I’m being honest when I say that I enjoy
your sexual inexperience. Among other things about you, I find it immensely

Dana’s heart swelled at
Alexander’s words.

“I also get off on being
the one to shatter that naïveté you possess, on being the one who takes that
inexperience away from you.

“I know that I spoke
differently the last time we saw each other, but there are so many things I
want to do to you. I’m not done with you yet. I want to be the man who takes
away all of your innocence. But please don’t misinterpret my intentions. I
don’t want you to be my partner or girlfriend or whatever. I’m too busy for

it that you want then?” Dana put down her beer and folded her
arms on the table.

“I thought long and hard
about what the best way to go about this would be, to both satisfy my desire
and to be fair to you. I’d like to remain nonexclusive. You can see whoever you
choose, but I never want to know about it.”

“Are you talking about a
‘friends with benefits’ type situation?”

“Not quite.” Alexander
punctuated himself with a large sip of beer. He allowed the glass to clang
against its coaster before he continued.

“I want you to be available
to me whenever I wish. Any time of day or night, 24/7. I’ll respect your
professional obligations, but outside of that, you must drop whatever you are
doing and come to me if I call.”

Dana frowned and shook her
head. “Why would I agree to an arrangement like that?”

“Let me finish,” Alexander
replied impatiently. “This exchange will benefit you, too. It’ll benefit you
sexually, but I will also help you out with some of your expenses.”

Dana’s eyes widened.

“I will be generous, to say
the least. But you must hold up to your end of the deal.”

Dana pondered for a moment
before offering a response.

“Alexander, I consider
myself pretty open-minded, and I appreciate your willingness to allow me my
sexual freedom in exchange for your emotional freedom. But you are the first
and only man I have been with. What makes you think that I’m going to be able
to continue to have sex with you and not get attached?”

“You must trust my ability
to keep you in check.”

“And I don’t want your
money. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“And I don’t doubt that for
a second,” he rebutted. “I respect your drive and passion. Both were clear to
me from the moment I met you. But life is more fun when you can be decadent.
After leaving you ravaged and bruised from a night of
incredibly hot, rough sex
–” Alexander’s voice took on a deep
growl at those words - “I
want to
send you to my favorite day spa so you can relax and recover. If that doesn’t
sound appealing to you, I suppose I understand, but the offer is on the table.”

“Don’t jump to that
conclusion yet. I haven’t said ‘no’,” Dana replied, sensing some twisted sexual
tension entering their conversation.

“You think about it while
we have another drink.”

“And you think about how
you can prove to me that this is a good idea.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ve got
that part taken care of.” Alexander smiled.

Dana put his proposition as
far back into her mind as she could and enjoyed making small talk with her
handsome billionaire paramour. He seemed to be in a particularly good mood that

A basket of fresh French
fries and two beers later, the bar was getting a little busier and it was
getting harder to hear Alexander talk.

Alexander had been slowly
slipping his leg over to Dana’s side of the table, brushing closer and closer
to hers with every shift of his position. Their knees were touching side by
side and Alexander pressed his tall leg into Dana’s soft skin. She pushed back,
feeling the excitement grow between her legs. All the while, Dana nodded and
pretended to hear what Alexander was saying over the voices of the
progressively drunker crowd. Alexander leaned across the table, prompting Dana
to do the same.

“I booked a room at the Standard
down the street. Do you want to go?”

Grinning from ear to ear,
Dana nodded. Alexander paid their tab and they hurried out of the bar. He
gently fingered the hem of Dana’s dress as they waited for their turn to walk
out the door.

“It’s just a few blocks
over that way.” Alexander pointed down an empty street.

“I don’t know if I can wait
that long,” Dana said, eager with anticipation.

Alexander smiled. “Me
either. We’ll take my car.”

They made their way over to
the parking lot, Alexander still holding the hem of Dana’s dress. He bent down
to take a peek at her shapely legs underneath. Dana turned around.

“What are you doing?” she
chided playfully.

Alexander dropped her hem
and adjusted his posture. “Nothing.”

Dana smiled.

The drive over was short.
The valet took their car, and Dana stood back as Alexander checked in at the
front desk. A minute later, he motioned her to follow him, keycards in hand.
Together, they weaved through the moving obstacles they encountered on their
way to the elevator – bellhops with carts, intoxicated couples, and large
crowds of well-dressed girls heading to the hotel bar.

The elevator shot up to the
top floor of the hotel and let them out into a small hallway. Alexander opened
the door to a hotel suite twice as large as Dana’s entire apartment. She was so
eagerly awaiting getting down to business that she didn’t even take in the
tasteful, modern luxury of the room.

Alexander slammed the door
shut behind them and pinned Dana up against it. He pressed both of her wrists
tightly so that she couldn’t move them, then ravaged her soft neck with his
lips, sucking and biting until he had left small marks of purple from her
clavicle to her ear. He pressed his body up against hers.

Dana squirmed with delight
under Alexander’s weight. Her legs almost trembled from the intensity of the
endorphins rushing through her.

Alexander gently pressed
his mouth on her ear. “I feel very dirty. Why don’t you wait on the couch while
I run a bath? Then we can both get a little dirtier.”

Dana nodded. Alexander
squeezed her between his body and the door one last time, and then let her go.
Dana obeyed Alexander’s request and sat down on the sleek leather couch in the
middle of the room. She removed the flats she had worn and reclined, closing
her eyes. She was breathing heavily, unable to contain even an ounce of her
anticipation. She could hear the water running in the bathroom.

She waited as long as she
could before getting up and making her way into the enormous bathroom. In the
middle of the marble covered room was a deep, sunken tub slowly filling up with
steaming water and a foamy layer of bubbles. Alexander stood with his hands on
his hips, watching the water fall out of the tub’s three faucets. He had
removed his driving loafers and his shirt.

Dana took in the sight for
a moment, remembering the chiseled beauty of Alexander’s torso with a
delightful sense of déjà vu. He smiled in his poker-faced way when he looked up
and saw her standing. Dana walked over to him and put her arms around his
waist. She rested her head on his chest and took in his musky, manicured scent.
Alexander reciprocated, pulling Dana closer to him and burying his nose in her
hair. He ran his hands firmly down her back and slowly caressed her behind,
filling his hands with its softness. He let go for a moment.

“Let’s open this
champagne.” He walked over to the vanity counter, where a bottle was sitting
chilled in a bucket next to two empty pieces of stemware. Alexander popped the
cork and poured it out, handing Dana one of the glasses.

“I hope you like Dom

“I’d be lying if I told you
I knew what that was.”

“That’s okay. You’ll like
it.” Alexander took a large sip. “Come; let’s get you in this tub.” He pushed
Dana’s dress off of her shoulder and ran his hand up and down the length of her
arm. Slowly fingering the zipper, he peeled it down and allowed Dana to step
out of the dress. Alexander spent a moment admiring her lingerie, which left
little to the imagination, then unhooked her bra and pushed down her panties.
Dana shimmied out of them and stepped into the tub.

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