The Viking Wants Forever (8 page)

Read The Viking Wants Forever Online

Authors: Koko Brown

Tags: #Black woman white man romance, #vikings norse mythology, #thor, #Time Travel Paranormal, #comic book superhero romance

BOOK: The Viking Wants Forever
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His arm wrapped around her waist, his hand pressed into the curve of her spine. This up close and personal, she could see his beard was a mixture of blond, brown and even ginger strands. Without any warning he kissed her, his tongue latching onto hers, sucking gently. He tasted of honey and smelled like sunshine. And the weight of him ignited her senses, made her hot with desire. So much so, she didn’t protest when his fingers slid beneath the hem of her skater’s skirt and found her panties. His thumb latched onto the crotch and pulled, snapping the thin cotton. They gasped in unison when he slid two fingers inside her.

“Blessed feel so good,” he whispered, pulling out and thrusting back inside. Shamelessly aroused and practically feverish, she clenched around him. “I think you are ready for lesson three...”

Reese’s eyes popped open. Instead of her bedroom’s white popcorn ceiling, wooden beams came into focus. She inhaled; the scent of a dying fire tickled her nose. Confused by her surroundings, she lurched onto her elbows. Head bent, blissfully unaware she’d awakened, Eirik’s hand moved between her legs.

It had all been a dream. Her customer simply a hipster version of the Viking. Even in sleep, she couldn’t escape this nightmare. Mood soured and needing a reprieve to gather her bearings, she grabbed one of the braids framing his face and pulled. Garnering only a grunt, she yanked again.

“Don’t trouble yourself, wench, I will give you want you want and then some.”

Reese ignored the excited thrill his arrogant words evoked. Misery loved company, so she was angling for a fight not sex. “I don’t want anything you give me, especially not that pole swinging between your legs.”

He moved so fast, she could only gasp in surprise when he caught her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Do not challenge me because you will lose.”

Unfazed by his threat, Reese jerked her head away. “I give you what you not challenge me woman,” she mimicked.

“You dare mock me?”

He was serious. She could see it in his eyes.

Still, that didn’t keep her from pouring more salt on the wound. “I mock you and then some.” 

He lowered his head at the same time he captured both her hands in one of his, and hauled them over her head. “Every battle is won before it’s fought,” he growled.

Reese met his kiss with a closed mouth. Lips pressed together so tightly they stung. But Eirik meant business. No more Mr. Nice guy. No more games. No more lessons. He squeezed her wrists so hard, she gasped. Seeing the opening, he took her mouth with a ferocity that left her breathless.

Eirik’s total domination ignited her libido to a mind-boggling level. She’d never been so turned on her life. Still, her brain wasn’t that fried she didn’t feel the hand planted between her thighs, the fingers playing with her pussy lips.

Reese closed her eyes, struggling to remain detached. She failed. A seasoned warrior, he proved to too much for her. The rhythmic thrust of his long fingers, the methodical swirl of his thumb on her clit had her careening like a train without wheels. Nerves frayed, she pulled out the white flag.

“Please...” she moaned against his mouth as he rimmed her sensitive slit.

“Is there something you want?” Low and raspy, even his mockery proved a seductive weapon.

If her hands weren’t still bound, she would’ve punched him. The Viking was a formative warrior both on the battlefield and in bed.

“Is there something you want?” he asked again, while sliding two hooked fingers inside her. He bottomed and then withdrew. Each stroke applied a subtle pressure to the walls of her sex. Overcome with lust, her hips churned against his hand.

Eirik pressed closer, his hot, hard body a potent catalyst.

“I don’t want you to stop,” she choked out.

With a smile curling his lips, he lifted her with his hand. “Look at me.”  The moment their eyes met, his pace quickened.

Holy, completely by design, Batman!
Voiced as an ardent command, it was also another tactic in his strategy. A means to shatter the remaining remnants of her resistance. Open her to another level of intimacy that sheer physical contact alone couldn’t quite reach, and made her woefully vulnerable.

Or maybe she was over just overanalyzing the current situation?  

Either way, his intense gaze proved to be the missing ingredient. She felt the vibration ripple through her entire body.  Restless, Reese tugged on her arms and turned her body away from him. A second later, she found herself still bound and flat on her back again. A scorching, predatory glint flashed in his eyes as he pushed faster and deeper. The tips of his fingers somehow always rubbing just the right spot.

“You’re going to make me come,” she groaned.

“More than once.”

His promise fried the last of Reese’s brain cells. The spasms slammed into her core and she cried out. Gaze locked with his and pride no longer a factor, she pumped her pussy into his hand. Riveted by the masculine triumph reflected in his eyes, Reese came harder than she ever had in her life.

Still shivering from the aftershocks, Reese felt the tension relax around her wrists as he released them. .

“I want something too.” Gingerly, he moved over her and settled between her legs. His cock pressed against her and his luxurious mane of white-blond hair fell around them like a curtain. “I want to be inside you. So much it hurts.”

Reese smiled. He’d won the battle, and yet he was seeking her permission to go in for the kill. If she weren’t careful she could fall for him. Hard.

Hot, needy and way too vulnerable she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his lower back. Like a heat-seeking missile, his cock slid along her pussy lips and into place. “I’m all yours Viking.”

With a feral growl, he gathered her in arms and sealed his mouth over hers. His approach so fierce it bordered on violence. 

Bang, bang, bang

Eirik tore his lips from hers. “Go away!” he shouted, and then planted a kiss on her collar bone. In spite of the intrusion on the other side of the door, Reese strained toward him wet, willing and oh so ready.

“Eirik you must come quick!”

Reese recognized the boy’s voice from yesterday. The one who marched them down to the water for a plunge in the fjord.

“It’s Vida, Eirik! She’s quickening.”

One second Eirik was all over her, the next he was pulling away. Sitting back on his knees, cock jutting toward her, he shoveled his hands through his hair.

“I must go.” He stumbled from the bed in search of his clothing.

“Who’s Vida?

“One of my horses. She’s about to foal. She usually has a rough time of it.” He ducked his head to pull on a linen tunic. When he straightened, the deep V-neck collar showed off a good portion of his upper chest.

Reese licked her lips. The sight of him had her libido going again. Since she couldn’t do anything about it, she asked about her welfare. Shifting to a sitting position, she asked, “Will you keep me locked in here?”

“There are clothes on top of the chest for you to put on. You have free reign of the inner hall, but you may not go outside without my escort.”

Appeased, Reese watched him dress. Provided a front row view, she openly admired his strong physique. From his powerful shoulders to his tight ass, he was flawlessly proportional, like DaVinci’s Perfect Man. Even his feet were beautiful.

“You like what you see?”

“No complaints here.” Not in the least bit ashamed, Reese lay back and stretched her arms over her head. Gaze dark with lust, he stalked over to the bed. His powerful frame radiated frustration and hunger, inciting her like an aphrodisiac.

“Stop tempting me, woman. You know I cannot stay.”

Feeling powerful and in control, Reese twirled a loose curl around her finger. “I’m not doing anything, Viking.”

“Play your games. You will pay for it later.”

Reese had the word promise on her lips, but it died a quick death when Eirik slid a linked chain over his head. The tourmaline mocked her from its silver setting.

“What’s wrong?”

. “”

“Are you sure? You look as if you’ve seen Odin himself.”

“Nothing’s wrong,” Reese muttered shifting her gaze to the fur coverlet. 

He caught her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Admit it, my lovemaking has already turned your head to mush.”

“Be gone, Viking.” Reese swatted at his hand away.

Chuckling, he sat down beside her and placed one hand possessively on her hip. “Something is amiss. Tell me what ails you.”

Reese searched his expression and saw nothing but a sincere concern for her well-being. Yet, despite his empathy, she knew she could not come clean. “Nothing is’s just a woman thing.”

He looked at her for several moments as if not believing her lame excuse, but then he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. “Well, whatever it is,” he murmured, kissing her on the mouth once more before standing up, “I hope it soon passes; preferably before I return this evening.”

“You’ll be gone that long?” What was wrong with her? She was beginning to miss him already.

“We can’t make the foal come out. He will arrive when he’s ready.”

“ the boy your son?” she asked as he headed toward the door. Even if she didn’t expect to be here for long, she was still curious about him as a person.

“I have neither children nor wife,” he supplied as he yanked the chamber door open. “So, do not worry your pretty head about sharing my bed with anyone.”

“What makes you think I would care about another woman?”

He stopped inside of the frame of the door and looked back at her. “I would like to think I have the same effect on you as you’ve had on me.”

And just like that, the Viking obliterated any kind of wall or barrier she would’ve erected to protect her heart.

Chapter Seven

ager to stretch her legs and appease her grumbling stomach, Reese washed up and dressed. None too happy about her choice of clothing, which consisted of a tunic dress and an irregularly long apron, she left the room in high spirits. 

Reese ran into her first wall in the outer hall. As she entered, all activity came to a standstill.

“Someone should check the needle on the record player,” she muttered, noting the open-mouthed stares and looks of distrust. Then, as if someone had turned the music back on, everyone went back to what they had been doing.

Cautiously, she made her way over to the nearest trestle table. Upon her approach, she smiled at several men who were sharing a wooden trencher filled with assorted sweet breads, fresh cheeses, and meat. She pulled out the bench tucked underneath her side of the table and sat down. When she reached for a wooden plate she paused, because the men’s eyes had rounded like saucers.

Even if she wasn’t too keen on playing a medieval version of
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
, she remained to herself and split open a piece of warm sweet bread. Whistling, she lathered it with butter. She moved to take a bite, and the men seated across from her suddenly jumped up and scurried off in various directions, leaving her alone at the table.

Albeit disturbed by their behavior, she shrugged her shoulders. It was either eat or pass out from hunger, so she turned her attention back to her plate. She looked down, it was gone!

“What the—” Reese glanced under and around the table, but nothing. She spun about and her gaze met a pair of pale blue eyes. Blonde, of medium height and rather plump, the woman’s face bore a striking resemblance to Eirik with the addition of red stains marring her complexion. A prickle of apprehension stole down Reese’s spine.

“What are you doing?” the woman choked out.

“I was eating breakfast.” Reese held up the piece of bread as evidence.

The blotches on the woman’s cheeks turned an angry beet red. “Slaves are forbidden from eating at the main hall’s table, even if you are my son’s newest whore.”


Reese ignored the warning bells in her head. She dropped the sweet bread onto the wooden trencher and then pushed back from the table. Once she was standing, she placed her hands on her hips and faced the other woman. 

“Let’s get this straight, lady. I’m no man’s slave. And I’m definitely not your son’s whore!” Reese regretted the words the minute they spilled from her lips. With each syllable the woman’s already ruddy complexion turned a shade darker until it bordered on purple.

“Wh-wh-wh-why, you insolent wench!” she choked out before grabbing Reese’s arm. “As long as I am mistress of my son’s home, I will not stand for disobedience. And neither will he!” Despite her age, the woman was surprisingly strong as she easily pulled Reese behind her.

Once outside, the woman kept up her vigorous pace until she stopped in front of the barn Reese had slept in only a few days ago. She pushed the wooden doors inward, and the familiar sound of bleating sheep and clucking chickens welcomed them.


A thatch of red hair materialized at the top of a stall in the rear. To Reese’s amusement, a hand reached out, grabbed a handful of said hair and hauled the person backward. Unfortunately, they weren’t quick enough, because the woman tightened her grip on Reese’s arm and proceeded to pull her along behind her to an open stall where Eirik, Thoren, and another man stood over a chestnut mare.

Without looking up, Eirik addressed them. “I don’t have any time for your nagging today, Mother. Vida is about to give birth.”

Ignoring his cantankerous tone, the woman made her case. “I caught this...wench eating at the common table—”

“Is that all, Mother?” Eirik interjected. “I told her she had free reign of my hall. However, she was not to go outside without my escort. Since she is with you, she has not disobeyed me.”

Reese smiled as Brita sputtered, “S-s-so she is correct when she says she is not a slave?”

Eirik’s gaze swung to her and Reese’s bravado slipped a notch. Surely after what they’d shared

her position had changed.

“Is this true, Eirik? Is she not your slave?” Reese looked at the other man who’d spoken, and her mouth fell open in surprise. Bjarni had transformed from an unkempt barbarian to a handsome rogue. He’d combed his wild ebony locks and trimmed the bird’s nest of what had been a shaggy beard into a neat goatee. The changes made him almost as handsome as Eirik. “If she is not your slave, then she is free to choose between us.”

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