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Authors: Troy Denning

The Veiled Dragon (35 page)

BOOK: The Veiled Dragon
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another time.” Hsieh frowned, almost angrily, and stepped toward the witch. “Surely you accept. It is great honor to be Shou princess!” Ruha’s heart sank. Normally, the Harpers would not dictate the person she married, but these were hardly normal circumstances; Storm Silverhand would look very unfavorably on starting trouble with the Shou. The witch glanced around the room and saw Vaerana watching her icarefully, as though she expected Ruha to start a war at any moment. It was Yanseldara who broke the silence. “Before Ruha decides, perhaps you should give her that message, Vaerana.” The Lady Constable rolled her eyes, then turned to Ruha. “I almost forgot, Witch,” she said, a roguish grin upon her lips. “Storm sent for you this morning. Some giants up in Oak Dale stole a duke’s daughter, and she doesn’t think anyone else can bring the girl back alive.” Ruha did not know whether to hit Vaerana or hug her. “When did you plan to tell me? After my wedding?” “I don’t think Storm can wait that long.” Vaerana chuckled, then took something from her pocket and pressed it into the witch’s hand. It was the Harper pin Ruha had given to Captain Fowler. “I suppose you’ll be needing this.” “I suppose I will.” Ruha pinned the signet inside her aba, then turned to Tang, who looked almost as amused as he did disappointed. “I’m sorry, Brave Prince, but I cannot stay. You know I am a Harper, and Harpers go where they are needed.”

BOOK: The Veiled Dragon
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