The Unmaking (The Rayne Whitmore Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: The Unmaking (The Rayne Whitmore Series Book 1)
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            “Selene, baby,” I start,
choosing my words carefully, wanting to be as honest as possible.

            “Selene, I love you. I do.
I love who I am with you and that I feel completely safe with you. I just wish
that I could make you feel that way with me. Maybe one day you will; maybe one
day you will feel like you can tell me anything in the world and know that I
won’t judge you and that you will still be the same person in my eyes.”

            She lifts her head up and
smiles longingly at me as if she wishes that it could be just as I said, but
knows that it isn’t true. My heart drops and I know that Selene is not ready to
tell me she loves me back.

            “Baby, it’s okay. Don’t
feel obligated to say anything you aren’t ready for. I know that you’re almost
there. I know that you have strong feelings for me too. Even if it’s not love,
yet,” I try to assure her.

            “Thank you beautiful, but
there are many things about me that might make you rethink those words. We were
both born into power. The power that my family possesses is much different than
yours, and you may not like what that means,” Selene says somberly.

            “But hell, Selene, that
doesn’t change that I love you now, today; and today, I mean the words that I

            She sighs. “Ok, Rayne. I
believe you and I truly want to be an open book with you, but I’m just not
ready. I’m sorry that I piled all of this on you after what you learned about
your dad. It was selfish of me in a way, but I wanted you to understand that
people’s circumstances can cause them to do uncharacteristic things, whether
right or wrong, all in the name of power and control, or in the battle to
obtain it.”

            I let her words run
through me. “I get that. When you told me what happened, I wanted to do the
things my father was doing to that man to Sergio. I wanted to go back in time
and kill him for you.” I watch Selene flinch slightly at my revelation, but I
continue. “I didn’t know you to protect you, but I still feel, responsible,” I

            Selene puts her hand in
mine and tears cause her eyes to sparkle. “Baby, don’t. What is done can never
be changed. Every day I am moving on from that betrayal, and believe it or not,
having you in my life has made that transition so much easier. Rayne, I’m
almost there. I may even be there now, but I just can’t say those words.”

            “I’m okay with that. My
heart knows that you’re mine,” I say with a smile on my face. “I’m going to
learn all I can about you, and hopefully, I will learn more about myself too.”

            Selene takes my face in
her hands and brushes my hair out of my eyes with her thumb. Then, she leans in
and I can smell the soft scent of lavender in her hair as I breathe deep.
Selene leans in and waits for me to close the rest of the distance before her
soft, warm lips meet mine and her tongue pushes through my parted lips to
explore my eager mouth. She’s gentle in her approach, hesitant as if she’ll
expect me to pull away. I drown her worries as I deepen the kiss and climb on
her lap, wrapping my legs around her waist.

            Selene quietly moans in my
mouth as she tries to rub herself against me and reach under my shirt to softly
scratch my back. Soon, her lean, femininely muscled body is lifting me in her
arms, my legs still wrapped around her as she carries me to her room, trying
never to break our kiss. My body begins to tingle with excitement and I feel
the hairs on the back of my neck start to rise. My eyes begin to adjust to the
darkness of the room.

            “Please,” I beg Selene as
she lays me firmly on the bed. Desire burning between us, reflecting in her
eyes, I continue speaking quietly knowing full well that she can hear me. “I
only want to feel you. I don’t want anything else to matter right now.”

            “Shh,” she coos. “I need this
too baby.”

            Where Selene is usually
gentle and filling, she becomes rough and consuming. Her kisses leave a trail
of burning liquid passion to my center. My pants come off with a fierceness
that leaves my own desire wet and throbbing. Selene stands up and undresses
slowly in front of me. When she strips off her bra, her round, grapefruit-sized
breasts bounce in excitement and her hard, caramel nipples practically beg me
to wrap my warm mouth around them.

            I can’t contain myself and
I begin to rub my clit in slow, small circles.

            “Stop,” Selene commands,
startling me. “It’s mine. No touching.” I smirk and raise an eyebrow at her.

            “Then, come take it,
Selene,” I say, my voice becoming raspy with need. I finish undressing myself
and swing my hair back so that Selene can get a good look at all of me. She
bites her lip and motions for me to turn around. I oblige, perking my ass in
the air as I hear Selene’s breath catch at the sight of me and my love dripping

            Slowly, methodically,
Selene licks. Strong powerful strokes cause my body to shudder as she attends
to every drop that has run down my legs. Then, she takes one long, painfully
slow lick from my opening to my clit. Just as I’m gasping for breath, I feel
her press two wonderful, long, expert fingers inside of me. Selene continues
her assault on my clit, somehow sliding under me as my hips buck from the

            It isn’t long before my
world is exploding and my center is pressed harder against Selene’s mouth.
“More,” I somehow manage to demand. Selene acknowledges me by telling me to
again turn around. As I do, she pushes my head down and tells me quietly to
taste her. I shudder again at the anticipation and happily let my tongue enter
her body, exploring, tasting, teasing, as she screams my name and climaxes
under me.

            We find more and more ways
to please each other as we allow our body’s need to drown out our pain. Even
though I’m sure we could have explored our passion even further, sleep finally
overcomes us. We lay huddled together in sweat and bliss.


            I wake up first and bask
in the warmth and numbness that I feel. I sit and stare at Selene for a few
minutes before I have to search for something to eat. I decide on oatmeal,
fruit, and a slice of toast. I read 10:15 on the clock as I make enough for
Selene. I set her portions on the table just as there’s a soft knock at the
door. I quickly go back in Selene’s room where, thankfully, she’s still
sleeping. I reach in her drawer and pull out a big jersey that she likes to
sleep in and a pair of boxers before I answer the door. Yes, I had cooked
naked. I enjoy the freedom since I can never do that at my house. The person
knocks again, a little louder this time and I rush to look out of the window
and discover that it’s Damien.

            I open the door and
purposely roll my eyes while pretending to look at my imaginary watch on my
wrist. Damien ignores my rudeness, takes in my clothes, wild hair, and laughs.
“Boy, you are one lucky woman,” he tells me.

            “Hmm, don’t I know it,” I
agree as I think about all the love we made, and how Selene finally opened up
to me. “I love her Damien,” I confess again, willing to shout it to whoever
will listen.

            Damien punches me lightly
on the arm and tells me, “Well then you need to start bringing her around more
so I can see what you love so much about her.”

            “I don’t know D. I can’t
have you falling in love with my woman.”

            He laughs for a couple
seconds, then switches subjects. “Yeah, yeah, Ray Ray. Your taste is so much
better than mine right? Please, you got your taste from me. I’m the master.
But, anyway, how are you feeling now after everything?”

            Damien pulls me down to
the porch swing and stands protectively with his arms crossed, over me. His
dark sunglasses make his eyes unreadable, but I know that if he were to remove
them, they would be dark with concern.

            I wipe nonexistent sweat
from my forehead as I replay everything I saw last night. I also remember D’s
last words to me, that there was still more that I needed to know. When enough
time had passed, I answer, “I have mixed emotions about it, but I think that I
understand why he does it, even if I don’t agree. I mean, if that is the
reputation that daddy needs to uphold, then when does it stop? Shit Damien, I
might as well have a mob boss for a father. He’s playing a dangerous game and
if he loses, then what are we left with?”

            “You’re right. It is a
dangerous game and it’s one that Jason has been playing for a long time. People
respect and fear him. He,”

            “If he’s so respected,
then how the fuck did his people get mailed back to him in pieces!” I have to
lower my voice as I continue. “There will always be someone else willing to do
what it takes to obtain power,” I finish angrily as I understand what Selene
was telling me about her brutal rape. Her father’s lust for power was so great
that he sacrificed his own daughter. In the end, what would my own dad be
capable of?

            “I’m sorry Rayne. I
shouldn’t have tried to come over here convincing you of something you know to
be untrue.” He sits down beside me. “I really did want to make sure you were
okay. You know I love you, but I can’t protect you from everything, and there
are things you still need to know.”

            I laugh almost
hysterically and D gives me a frown, but I don’t care if he thinks I’m crazy.
“Look man, I’m really not ready for any more revelations. Seriously, I need a
couple days before I hear everything else.”

            “Rayne-“ he starts, then
shuts himself up.

            “It’s becoming obvious to
me that daddy is not transparent when it comes to his business dealings and
also the technology that he’s making. If he wants me to see weapons of death
and destruction and have me learn about shady business dealings, then he can
tell me himself. You don’t need to be doing his dirty work.”

            “There’s more to it than
that. There are things that you need to know about what’s going on in the world
if you are to be safe.” With that, Damien looks up toward the door as Selene
opens it gently.

            Selene steps out on the
porch looking every bit like a Brazilian model. Adriana Lima doesn’t stand a chance.
I’d expected Damien to be giving her the same eye as me, but when I turn to
face him, prepped to say something smart, I see that he’s taken off his
sunglasses and is sporting a judgmental frown. It’s hard to understand the
point of the staring contest between him and Selene and as I get ready to
speak, Selene opens her mouth.

            “Good morning, Damien. I
see that you’re one that stole my Rayne from me. When I woke up alone, I was
worried, especially after all that had been revealed last night.” Her accent is
thick with curiosity, questioning toward Damien as if she knows something I do

            I don’t like it. There’s
tension here and to me it feels like there is something going on between them.
But, that can’t be right, D would never lie to me about something like that and
I knew that Selene doesn’t like men at all, so it couldn’t be any sexual
history between them. Still, what I’m sensing is making me uncomfortable. I
shift in my seat.

            “Sorry about that Selene.
I won’t keep her from you any longer. But-“ Damien pauses as he put back on his
sunglasses. “Perhaps, since you seem to be well traveled, you can fill our
Rayne in on some of the dangers of the world.”

            Huh? What was that? Was D
assuming she was taking advantage of me?

            “Damien, don’t be rude,” I
chastise him.

            He leans down and kisses
my cheek. I smell the Sean John cologne that he loves to wear so much. “I’m
sorry Ray Ray. I’ll be good. You just be sure that you are careful. Use good
judgment, with your heart and mind.”

            “I’m not going to hurt her,
Damien,” Selene tells him.

            He doesn’t turn around as
he takes off down the walkway. “You may not mean to, but sometimes the world
has other plans.”

            I look up at Selene and I
swear I see something shift in her eyes. Yet, my attention turns back to Damien
as he yells, “Fuck!” when he pulls on the door handle to his car, removes his
hand quickly, and starts blowing on it. With one more quick look up towards us,
he gets back in the car and speeds off.

            I open my mouth to ask
just what the heck is going on, but Selene reaches for my hand and helps me up
before saying, “Thank you for the breakfast.”

            I kiss her cheek and lead
her back into the house. “Thanks for last night, sexy.” She laughs and smacks
me on my ass.

            I don’t let it go that
easily though. “So, what was that about with D? Have you two ever had a
conversation that I didn’t know about?”

            She scowls but quickly
tries to amend her expression. “No, but he thinks he knows my type, that much
is obvious.”

            “Hmmm, well if that type
is super attractive, funny, loving, and wonderfully skilled in bed, then yes,
he’s got your type alright,” I tell her as I follow her into the bedroom and
she starts the shower.

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