The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3) (59 page)

BOOK: The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3)
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I instantly feel terrible thinking he may have lost it somewhere in the middle of Michigan Avenue.

“Here, Daddy,” a little voice says from next to us as we continue to stand on the glass.

I gasp as Jason walks over with a ring in his hand and hands it to Trent. He thanks Jason as he slips the ring on my finger and applause erupts. I look around finding everyone in our families. My parents, his mom, Walker, Erin, Savannah, Nicole and her family.

I cry and the 1.5 ct Princess-cut floating halo diamond on top of a 14 karat white gold ring makes my fingers look tiny. It’s stunning.

After wiping the tears from my face Trent pulls me by my hips into his body. “So, future wife of mine, should we get off this death trap and celebrate with our families?”

I crash my lips to his, our tongues fighting for control, and when we come up for air I allow him to lead me off the ledge.

My father shakes Trent’s hand and my mom hugs me. Erin grabs my hand and tells me she can’t wait to have me as her real sister. Walker hugs us and so does Nicole.

I’m looking to see who I missed when I spot Mama D staring at me. I run to her and pull her into a tight hug.

When we pull apart I see tears in her eyes. “I thought Alex ruined my baby boy. I never thought he would get over her leaving them but you pulled him out of the shadows, Noelle. I can’t wait for you to be my daughter in law. Congratulations.”

The line downstairs could only be held for so long so we all had to finish up and head to a celebration dinner.

As we’re about to step into the elevator I ask Trent. “Are you ready for the old ball and chain?”

Without missing a beat he says, “I prefer blindfolds and rope. Which is in your near future.”

hat’s the last of it,” I say putting the framed picture of Trent, Jason and I from Erin’s wedding on the table next to the door.

Trent’s arms wrap around my waist and he peppers kisses along my exposed neck. “I can’t believe you unpacked all of your stuff in one day, and today of all days.”

I turn in his embrace, standing on the tip of my bare footed toes and push my tongue between his lips. “I can’t believe I rented my house to some couple that will probably trash the place. I’m going to be freaking out every day thinking they aren’t treating the house like I did.”

“Noe.” He laughs. “No one is going to treat your house the way you did. That’s why I had you move in here. I’m not sure I could live up to your standards if we kept your house.”

Slapping his chest playfully I push off of him. “You always exceed my expectations. That’s why you’re still around.”

He lifts my left hand up and looks at my ring. After two weeks, his routine never gets old. He kisses each finger and when he gets to the one holding my very expensive ring he pulls my hand to him and kisses the top of it.

“I love you wearing this. No one can watch me claim you when I fuck you into oblivion but they damn sure know you’re taken when you’re carrying this around.”


Just as my feet hit the kitchen tile I feel him lift me up and place me on the counter. Unsanitary, but fucking hot. He pushes his way between my legs and groans. “God I wish it was summer again,” he comments gripping the back of my ass and pushing me into him at the edge.

“Why?” I breathlessly ask. I can’t get enough of him. I’d risk getting cum all over the counter for him. That’s love.

“Because,” he says spreading my legs wider. “Then I could just slip my hand underneath your dress instead of having to fight the zipper on these damn jeans. I want easier access.”

He pops my button open, and I wrap my fingers in his hair, while he tips my head back so he can kiss my neck.

“Well, I’ll be wearing a white dress today.” I wink at him.

I jump when I hear Jason’s truck gliding across the kitchen floor. “Little J!” I yell fixing myself while shoving Trent aside.

“Noe, let’s go!” He excitedly commands and I laugh when I find Trent adjusting himself.

I clap my hands matching Jason’s enthusiasm. “Okay! Go get your bag.”

He scurries down the hallway to his room. “Love you,” he yells.

Trent and I both stare at each other completely stunned. Jason doesn’t say “I love you.” This is the first time he’s said it to anyone, and it was to me.

“Did he just...” Trent starts looking the way Jason went.

“I think he did. Oh my God.”

Circling his arms back around me he kisses me like today is our last day on earth...and if it was then I’d die happy.

“I love you, Noe.” He proclaims against my lips.

“I love you too, Trent. Three more hours,” I whisper excitedly.

He breathes me in and quietly says, “That’s too long to wait.”

“I’ll make it worth your time,” I suggestively say trailing my finger across his collarbone. “I bought some sexy white lingerie especially for the occasion.”

“You’re killing me, woman!”

Jason runs back into the kitchen with his mini backpack and we all head outside. With our garment bags in the back and Jason snug in his seat I close the door, hearing the slam of another. Looking across the street I find Valerie pinned against her car by Jace. His hands are all over her and she looks as though she is trying to crawl into his body.

“Do they ever come up for air?” I jokingly ask Trent when I see him looking too.

He shrugs looking at me over the hood of the truck. “As long as his lips are on hers and not yours I don’t give a shit.”


ours later the door flies open and I am in Trent’s arms being carried into our house.

I kick my feet trying to loosen his hold. “You can put me down now. We’re inside.”

He allows my request and smiles. “I just want to keep with the tradition of carrying my wife over the threshold.”

I pull my coat off, my cardigan shortly follows. His eyes dilate as I start to walk backwards to the bedroom. He doesn’t move from the doorway.

“Where you going, Sunshine?”

I reach back grabbing the zipper of my wedding dress. It’s a cap sleeve, chiffon knee length dress with a sweetheart neckline.

He steps forward as I pull the zipper all the way down but I stop him. “Ten minutes. Give me ten minutes and this,” I say dropping my dress to the floor. “Is all yours.”

I turn around and bend my naked ass over, giving him a show and pick it up, sauntering towards the room.

Today was nothing short of beautiful. Trent and I are far from traditional so we skipped the big hoopla of planning a big wedding and went straight for the intimate kind. We’d only been engaged for two weeks but it wouldn’t be us if we didn’t jump in full on. All we cared about was my father walking me down the aisle and Jason to hold both of our hands as we got married.

He stood there patiently while the judge married us in a courtroom downtown and when we said “I do” and kissed he reached up and wanted me to kiss him too. I’m now the proud wife of Trent Decker and an even prouder parent of a stepson. My mom wasn’t thrilled that Trent and I rode to the courthouse together but I figured that if Trent and I could survive the summer from hell than seeing him on my wedding day wouldn’t make a damn bit of a difference.

We had dinner at Maggiano’s with our families and Alex’s parents came as well. As they left with Jason for the night they handed me a card. Trent gasped when I handed it to him, telling me that it was in Alex’s handwriting. I cried as I read it.


If you are reading this than you have fulfilled my dying wish; for Trent to be happy and for my son to have the most amazing mother anyone could ask for. In the few times I have seen you with Jason I notice how you treat him as your own. You love him, you protect him and I know he will do the same for you. I’m sad I won’t be able to raise him myself but I know he’s in good hands. It’s my wish for him to grow up to be a good man. One that respects women and worships them, just as his father does. Teach him to express his feelings and know the difference between right and wrong. Tell him all about me, the bad if you must, but the good times as well. How I loved him with every beat of my heart. Love both my men unconditionally. Trent can be hot headed but there is not a minute that goes by where he only thinks of himself. Know that you and Trent have my blessing and it is my wish that you adopt Jason. You’re a very lucky woman.

All my love,


I handed the note to Trent and he smiled the entire time he read it, pulling out a tissue to wipe away my tears. I knew I wanted to adopt Jason but didn’t want to erase that part of Alex. Knowing she wants me to means the absolute world to me.

After slipping into some white crotch less panties, thigh high stockings and garter belts with a matching see-through bra I call to Trent. When he enters the room he finds me standing at the end of the bed, one leg propped up on the mattress.

His eyes go wide and his jaw drops to the floor. “Holy shit!”

In a flash he has me pinned to the bed, my knee propped up against the side of his body. “I hope this wasn’t expensive because I’m going to rip it the fuck off you.”

My body bows up and I bite his lip hard. “It was but the look on your face just gave me my money’s worth. Rip it off and don’t fucking tease me this time.”

His hand reaches up my body and grabs the front of my bra tearing it to shreds. His lips find my nipple and he sucks it into his mouth. A sharp pain stings my breast as he bites down. The arousal between my legs intensifies and has to be soaking through his dress pants. I’m desperate so I reach down between us pulling his shirt out and unbuckling his belt. I go easy on the zipper so that I don’t catch anything important in it and glide my hand over his rock hard dick.

Morning, noon and night my body craves it.

I use my feet to push his pants and boxers all the way down and pull his shirt off. He reaches down rubbing his hands between my legs and easily slips his fingers in. A growl reverberates through his chest.

“Crotch less panties, Noe? I can’t wait any longer and these are staying on,” he says pulling on my garter belts. He grabs his cock in his hand and glides it inside of me.

He’s torturing me with his slow thrusting. In and out so slowly I feel like I’m about to explode and not in the way I want to.

“Trent, please go faster,” I beg.

He ignores me smirking like he has all the control. I need it hard right now, and I know the magic words to get what I want.

“I need you to fuck me. I’m yours now. Claim me.”

His torturous pace stops and an almost evil smile appears.

Pulling out of me he grabs me behind my knees and drags me to the edge of the bed.

“You don’t think I’ve already claimed you, Sunshine?” He aggressively taunts. “Well, let’s make sure I don’t make that mistake again.”

Not letting his grip around my knees go, he pushes inside me lifting my ass off the bed. I’m at his mercy, and he starts fucking me with a punishing pace. It’s fast and hard, just the way I need it.

“Trent...” I breathe out.

“Yea. Tell me who owns this, Noe. Who’s claiming it?” He asks.

I can’t speak any longer. I can feel the buildup of an intense orgasm. Just as I teeter on the edge he stops.

“No!” I scream pushing myself into him. “Please, don’t stop.”

His hands push my hips down onto the bed. “Tell me who owns you, Noelle Decker.” Each word is punctuated. My new last name a prayer out of his mouth.


“I what?” He taunts.

“YOU OWN THIS PUSSY NOW FUCK IT!” I scream thankful we’re alone tonight.

He slams into me and I cry out in pleasure. His body covers me, and his hands grip onto my hair and pull, hard.

“This is mine, now. Do you understand?”

“Yes. Oh God yes.” I agree. I’ll agree to anything as long as he doesn’t stop.

The familiar feeling of ecstasy takes over and I can feel him grow harder. His hands tighten in my hair and he uses it as leverage to pound into me. If I wanted to be claimed I got it.

Faster and faster he pumps into me until my body goes limp and all I can feel is his dick gliding against my inner walls. They start to contract and his body moves even faster, if possible.

“I’m coming, Trent,” I yell into his mouth.

He stands back up, grabbing the belts connected to my panties and pulls on them like he is riding a horse. His head flies back and seeing his torso stretched and his veins popping out has me come undone.

I scream his name at the top of my lungs and he comes with a hard thrust. I relax my body and it feels like Jell-O. He pulls out of me and with my eyes closed I think he is done. But he’s not. His face is between my legs and his tongue licks my clit and suctions on it like a Hoover. Within seconds, I’m shoving his face into me and screaming all over again.

He climbs up my body and kisses me, probing his tongue inside my mouth.

“You taste that, Noe?” He asks. “That’s the taste of you being claimed. You. Are. Mine.”

“Always, only ever you.” I agree.

BOOK: The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3)
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