The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3) (34 page)

BOOK: The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3)
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Before I can get out of the truck, she’s already out the door skipping towards me. For someone as structured as Noelle, she can be very carefree.

I get out heading to her side to open the door. She says nothing to me when she climbs in. As she steps up her short yellow sundress rides up, and I see no trace of her panties. I’ve suspected before that she doesn’t like to wear them.

“What ya looking at, Hotrod?” She asks over her shoulder when she catches me.

“Nothing,” I squeak out and then clear my throat. “Nothing.”

“Nothing is right, because I’m not wearing anything.” She winks and sits down pulling the door closed and almost catches my rock hard dick in it.

Running my hands down my face, I walk to my side and jump in and try to keep my nerves in check.

The ride to the pizza place is nothing short of torture. Not only has she confirmed that she doesn’t wear underwear but her dress keeps riding up her toned thighs every time she changes the radio station.

Her long blonde hair hitting just below her shoulder blades is wavy and sexy. I want to reach over and run my hands through it. Just as the thought hits she uses her own to glide through her locks and turns her brilliant blue eyes to me smiling when she catches me. Again.

The restaurant is packed when we arrive. Thankfully, a small table in the back is open for just the two of us. We order a deep dish sausage pizza right away knowing it takes a while and wait until the server is done putting our drinks down.

“So talk,” Noelle commands never one for beating around the bush.

“I’m sorry,” I blurt out. It’s a start.

“I know.” She takes a sip of her water and looks out the window. “What else do you have to say?”

I’ve gone back and forth between telling her and chickening out. Erin tells me she thinks Noelle might have feelings for me too, but I’m just not sure. I can’t keep going on wound up like I have. I’m yelling at everyone and everything.

Shit or get off the pot, right?

“I wanted to...”

“You know Trent,” she interrupts. “You can’t keep me from dating Jace.”

What the fuck?

“Noelle, I...”

“Is he a bad guy?” Her eyebrows raise opening up her eyes. They are the color of the ocean in a storm. Beautiful.

“Not that I know of.” I shake my head. She isn’t making this easy.

“So, why then?” She softly asks reaching over and grabbing my hands. The touch is electric. “Tell me so I understand.”

Her blue eyes seek answers in mine. She looks at me like she might already know them. I freeze up.

“I’m just protecting you,” I say chickening out.

I can’t tell her yet. What if I lose her? What if she doesn’t want the same and I end up never being able to see her again.

“I don’t need protection, Trent.” She throws my hands away seemingly disappointed and crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m a big girl.”

“I know that...”

“How’s Jason? I haven’t seen him in a while.” She changes the subject ending the conversation.

“He’s good. I have to pick him up from Alex’s parents tonight. I’ve missed him.”

Jason is my life. Who knew that a little tyke would steal my heart and make my world tilt on its axis...just the way Noelle has.

The rest of the lunch is quiet and when I try to bring up last night, she shoots the subject down. I decide to give up. I’ve never met someone who pisses me off and who I want to kiss all in the same minute. She frustrates me as much as she turns me on.

We pay the bill and leave.

“Can you take me to your house?” She asks while typing a text when we get back in the truck.

“Why?” I hesitantly ask. I’m not sure where this is headed.

“I’m supposed to go to the beach with Jace.” She lifts up the large bag she brought with her. “I told him I would be right over.”

I stare at her wondering if she has lost her damn mind.


“What do you mean ‘no’?” She stops typing and looks over my way. “You want to go out of your way to take me home just to go back to yours when you can just save your gas and take me there.”

“Correct. I will be taking you home.” I turn onto the street in the direction of her house and she huffs as she rattles off another text.

She jumps out and slams the door shut before I can even put it in park in her driveway.

“Noelle, wait!” I yell, getting out to go after her.

She barely makes it to the door when I grab her upper arm and swing her around.”What the fuck, Trent? Let me go.”

“I don’t want to leave like this. Let’s just start over and talk this time.” I stand hovering over her. She’s almost a foot shorter than me but nothing less than intimidating.

“I gave you the chance to talk.” She looks up, and I watch as her blue eyes dilate.

I push closer and she retreats back. Something’s changed. Noelle doesn’t back down.

“You didn’t.” I lower my voice. “You kept interrupting me. If you would just shut that fucking mouth of yours for two seconds I could explain.”

“You can’t talk to me like that!” She yells pulling her arm from my grasp and shoving into my chest not moving me an inch.

“Noelle, shut your mouth for one damn minute.” I grab both wrists but she tries to pull away. “Stop and listen.”

“Go to hell. You can’t make me shut up, Trent. You’re not...”

I can’t take it anymore. My lips crash onto hers. Her feistiness is turning me on. Her pushing me, goading me, writhing against me. She is still at first and then turns her hands to interlock with mine and opens her mouth allowing my tongue to slip in and meet hers.

Years of wanting her fuel this one kiss. I bite down on her lip when she teasingly pulls her tongue away from me. She moans making my dick twitch. Needing the satisfying friction only she can give me, I push myself into her and bring her arms around my neck. I let them go and slide my hands down her body making contact with her hips and pull her roughly into me. She lets out a whimper and grabs the hair at the nape of my neck.

“Fuck,” I whisper against her lips, and she attempts to push herself up on her toes to deepen the kiss.

Someone honks from behind us yelling that we need to get a room, and I instantly pull away. Her body falls back against her door, and she touches her lips as she looks up at me. Her chest is heaving up and down, and I can see her hard nipples pushing on the fabric of her dress.

Her lips swollen from our kiss and her eyes wide she almost looks innocent.

I’m done being Mr. Nice Guy. It’s gotten me nowhere.

I step closer again not caring that we’re outside. Slipping my hand under her dress to the apex of her thighs, I push a finger inside her, making her moan, and find she is dripping wet.

She clamps down on my finger, and I pull it out looking at it glisten as her eyes widen even more.

“Explanation enough?” I ask slipping my digit into my mouth making a show of pulling it slowly out. Shock stretches across her face and I leave her there to walk back to my truck.

“Fuck you, Trent!” She yells towards my back. “I’m still going to go see Jace.”

“See him all you want, Noe, but remember who’s got your pussy on their tongue.”

oly shit! If I didn’t pinch myself multiple times after Trent left I would’ve thought that was another dream. The evidence of my arousal running down my leg should have been proof enough that it wasn’t.

I could see it in his eyes at lunch. He was going to tell me what Erin and Hadley thought was true. That he had feelings for me. When he said it was because he was protecting me, I knew he was lying, and then I freaked too. I got scared and didn’t know what to do. I needed time to think and decide if it’s worth pursuing. So I did the only thing I could. I deflected.

My cell pings in my purse. Digging it out on the front steps I glance down to see a text from Jace.

Sexy Jace: It’s 1:45. Ready?

Me: I am. Are you?

Sexy Jace: Ready to get you wet. Be there in fifteen.

Sighing I realize he won’t be the first one today to get me wet when another text pops up.

Erin: Sunday dinner at six tonight.

Me: Trent going?

Erin: Nope. He’s doing dinner with the bitch’s parents.

Me: I’m there

I’ll most likely have to leave from the beach to the Decker’s. I can’t have Jace pick me up now.

Me: I’ll meet you there.

Sexy Jace: Want your own getaway vehicle?

Me: No, I have dinner plans with Erin.

Running inside to slip on my bathing suit I try to calm my nerves before heading out.


ur cars pull up at the same time and when he steps out he looks panty dropping hot in his navy blue board shorts and sandals. With no shirt on you have a clear view of his rippling abs. I pull out my phone from my bag and without embarrassment this time I take a picture of him as he walks towards me.

“I knew you would do that. You just couldn’t help it could you?” He says wrapping his hard biceps around my body. It’s like hugging a rock solid statue.

“I really couldn’t. Jeez, how much do you workout? You’ve got that whole V thing that makes smart girls go stupid going on.” I subconsciously take in his musky scent.

Did I just sniff him?

My heart rate picks up when he pulls away and sweetly grabs my hand directing us towards the stairway that leads down to the beach.

Glencoe Beach is absolutely amazing. The parking lot surrounds a beautiful park that has walkways crisscrossing around tall shade trees and benches that look down to the beach as well as a few tennis courts. I’ve had one or two nights of fun on those benches. The fifty or so stone steps leading down to the beach are a workout in itself but worth it when you get to the sand. The suburbs of Chicago don’t have very many nice places to enjoy the beach, but this one is my favorite. It’s peaceful and serene but for some reason, today it’s unusually crowded. Bodies take up almost every inch of sand, and I spot a large group of people playing beach volleyball.

He stops at the bottom of the steps allowing me to take in the lake and clear blue sky. “Where do you want to sit, Noelle?”

Looking around, I point to where there is a vacant area that is semi private just next to the water. “Over there is great,” I reply.

Claiming our secluded spot with our towels, I pull the sunscreen out of my bag and grab the hem of my sundress to lift it over my head. “Want me to help you with that?” He asks grabbing the bottom of it at the same time. I remove my hands giving him permission to continue.

He slowly pulls the dress up, and the back of his calloused hands run over the side of my body. Goosebumps invade my skin, and my heart skips a beat. When he successfully pulls it over my head, I hand him the bottle of lotion and hesitantly turn my back to him.

“You have beautiful skin, Noelle,” he says sweeping my hair off my neck.

“Thank you,” I say as he massages sunscreen onto my skin like it’s foreplay. Dragging the tips of his fingers along my shoulders he methodically rubs it into my back.

I can’t help but let out a whimper and heat immediately invades my cheeks.

“Oh, you like that huh?” I can’t speak so I nod my head, and he brings the front of his body flush to mine. Continuing the difficult task of getting every inch of my body protected, he reaches over my shoulders and starts to rub it into my chest. My head falls back against his broad sexy chest, and my eyes close. This. Feels. Amazing. His hands travel lower and his fingertips just barely break the barrier of my bikini top.

“Jace, you have to stop.” I unwillingly turn around and move away from him before I rip my top off and beg him to devour me.

“Okay, baby. What do you want to do?”


“Uhm, let’s talk.” I adjust the straps of my bikini top to try to hide the fact that my nipples could cut glass and sit on my towel. He looks down at me shaking his head and does the same.

“Well, since we don’t know each other all that well how about you tell me a little about yourself besides how hot you are in a bikini?” He winks and pulls his legs in front of him resting his forearms on his knees.

“My name is Noelle Marie Grant. I’m twenty eight and my birthday is January twenty second. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. I am an event planner at Events Unlimited. Mostly corporate events but I do weddings as well. I try to work out four times a week. My friends say I’m borderline OCD but I think they just need to be more organized.” I laugh. “I feel like I just filled out my dating profile. What about you?”

“Well, my full name is Jace Michael Reynolds. I’m twenty nine years old and my birthday is May first.” His voice is monotone and seems to be making fun of me. “I have a twin brother named A.J.”

“Holy SHIT! There are two of you walking around looking that yummy?” I interrupt. I can’t believe there are two of them roaming this earth.

“Yes, there are two of us. Why? You looking for a threesome?” He wiggles his eyebrows up and down suggestively, and I wonder if they have ever done that.

“No. I only do one at a time. That way I can focus all my energy on them.” His mouth drops open, and I start to think that despite what I just said I wouldn’t mind one with him and Trent. Shaking my head to bring me back to my senses I try approaching a safer subject. “Alright, so what do you do Jace Michael?

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