The Undercover Playboy (Captured by Love Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: The Undercover Playboy (Captured by Love Book 3)
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“And put it my mouth?” she asked with a sultry smile.

Carter shut his eyes as if pained. “Yes,” he hissed.

With heart hammering, she pulled down his pants.
His cock sprung out, pointing at her.

Oh God. He was magnificent.

She touched it, running her fingers lightly on the velvety skin and trying hard to remember if his hard-as-steel erection was just as it had been in her dream. Frankly, she couldn’t recall how it had looked in her unconscious imaginings. What had stayed with her was how good he’d felt. And she couldn’t wait to feel him for real.

“Can I tell you a secret?” she asked, looking up at him shyly.


Secret? Yes, I’d love to know your secrets,” Carter said as he tried to stay still while Cassie inspected his cock. He wanted much more than just the feather-like touch of her fingers, but seeing her enthralled was so erotic he didn’t dare break the mood.

“I’ve dreamt about you,” Cassie murmured, wrapping her whole hand around his erection.

“What did you dream about?” he
asked, breathless.

“You naked...” Cassie answered, tugging as her other hand cupped his balls. “And me naked...”

He grinned, stifling a moan. “Really? What exactly were we doing?”

“Well, the picture is hazy in my head, but I’m sure I did this.” She ran her tongue on his length before putting it in her mouth.

“Cassie,” he groaned, threading his fingers through her hair. “I’ve fantasised about
this, too.”

Cassie made a noise of approval as she explored his hardness with her mouth and hands.

God, he’d known it would be good once they got together. But he hadn’t expected it to be
good. If he didn’t stop her, he was going to explode in no time.

He moved back so Cassie didn’t have a choice but to let go. He gave her a swift kiss before hastening to pull his jeans and boxer briefs
off his legs. Then he fished the condom out of his pocket and dropped it on the bedside table before turning back to Cassie and gently pushing her down on the bed. “What else did you dream about?” he asked.

“I’m sure you can guess,” she said, biting her lower lip.

“Yes, let’s see if I can.” He swept his tongue on that lip she was biting, before kissing her passionately when she opened her mouth
to him. Ah, even her kisses were more intoxicating than he’d imagined. He couldn’t wait to be inside her. But first, he wanted to elicit more of Cassie’s lusty responses. She was so freaking hot.

He kissed her face and neck, then he cupped her heavy breasts, staring at the erect peaks. How many times had he imagined licking these?

Cassie arched her back, wordlessly telling him what she wanted.

“You’ve dreamt about this, haven’t you?” he murmured, before capturing a nipple in his mouth and flicking it with his tongue.

Cassie’s answer was a soft moan.

“And this?” He ran a hand up her thigh and groaned when he reached the apex between her legs. “God, baby, you’re so wet.”

“I told you,” she gasped out.

Hell, he wasn’t satisfied with just touching. He crawled down her body, placing hungry
kisses on her skin as he went. Finally, he was where he wanted to be. He gave her legs a little nudge and Cassie spread them wider for him. “You’re so fucking hot, Cassie,” he breathed, giving her inner thigh several pecks before running his tongue around her pussy lips.


“Did you dream about this too?” he asked, teasing her by bringing his attention back to her thigh.

“Yes, but...”

“But what, sweetheart?” He tasted her wet core.

“Oh, yes, that...”

He chuckled before he licked her swollen nub.

Cassie’s hips bucked as she moaned lustily. Oh yes, that was exactly what he wanted to hear. But he was greedy, and he craved for more. He closed his mouth on her clit and sucked lightly, then swirled his tongue on that tiny bundle of sensitised nerves. When Cassie’s cries got louder,
he inserted a finger in her as his tongue continued its ministrations.

“Carter!” Cassie cried.

Next thing he knew, she was pushing him away. He looked up in surprise.

“Inside me, Carter,” she pleaded with hooded eyes.

He smiled. “We have plenty of time, baby,” he said, before bending down again and flicking his tongue fast on her nub. He was determined to make her come a few times tonight.

“No. In my dream, I didn’t come this way the first time.”

A different kind of warmth filled him. How could he say no when Cassie was asking him to make her dreams come true? He moved back up to look into her eyes. “So I already made you come, huh?” he said with a cheeky grin.

She giggled. “The Carter in my dreams did.”

“Well, this Carter is dying to do just that,” he murmured, grabbing the condom
from the bedside table and putting it on.

He settled himself on top of Cassie, holding her gaze as he guided his eager dick to her soaked entrance. “You’ve made me come many times already,” he said as he pushed in.

Cassie gasped. “How many?”

“I’ve lost count,” he said through gritted teeth as pleasure swamped him from the feel of Cassie’s inner walls sheathing him. He thrust slowly, over and
over, again and again, wanting to savour the feel of moving in and out of her. “Sweetheart, this is better than I imagined,” he groaned, moving a hand to her breast and lightly pinching her nipple.

“Yes,” she whimpered, her head thrown back.

Seeing Cassie in ecstasy—because of him—spurred him further. He drove in... and out... his rocking getting faster, his breath getting more laboured, and
he knew he was at the point of no return. He wanted to make this last, but he was too far gone. He put his thumb in Cassie’s mouth and she sucked dutifully, her beautiful, hooded eyes on his. Then he moved that hand and reached down for her clit, rubbing it in circles with his wet thumb.

“Carter... oh God...”

“Yessss. Come for me, Cassie,” he grunted, driving into her faster, her passionate
gasps bringing him ever closer to the edge.

With a high-pitched cry, Cassie trembled violently, her body clamping hard on his thrusting cock.

“Cassie,” he roared, as he erupted inside her. Loud and long.


arter collapsed on top of Cassie, spent and mindless from the incredible pleasure he’d just experienced. How could he, a guy who’d been with many women, not have experienced this kind of
sex before? And the weird thing was they hadn’t done anything extraordinarily different—just some oral sex and the plain old missionary position. Nothing special.

Except that the woman he’d just made love to
special. And he was only starting to realise just how much.

He angled his head to kiss her cheek. “You’re incredible.”

“So are you,” she answered with a smile in her voice.

He reared
up to look at her. “Was that as good as you’ve dreamt?”

“Better,” she whispered, cupping his face. “Much, much better.”

He grinned, thrilled by her response. “We better do it again, then. And see if we could replicate the magic.”

And they did.


I better go,” Carter said, although he wasn’t ready to get out of Cassie’s bed.

“Carter, are we... um... gonna tell Tash? And our friends?”

He lay on his side, facing her. This was the tricky part, and he hated that he couldn’t be fully open with her.

If Cassie weren’t working at Tellman Galleries, he wouldn’t have any hesitation in telling her right now that he was an undercover detective in the middle of a case. But she did work there, and one or several of her colleagues might be criminals. If the perps got a sniff that Cassie
knew something, no matter how small, her life would be at risk.

Besides, it was still possible that none of her workmates were involved in underhanded activities. Therefore, he didn’t want Cassie to get nervous about working at the gallery. It was obviously her dream job. He wouldn’t want to take away her enjoyment for her work because of unproven suspicions.

“You don’t want anyone to know,”
Cassie observed.

“It’s not that,” he answered, hating to see the disappointment on her face. “My parents already put a lot of pressure on me about finding a steady girlfriend. Since we’re still in the non-committed stage, I can already imagine them not letting up on us moving to the next level. I’d rather we move at our own pace since we both have demanding work commitments. Wouldn’t it be better
if we don’t have outside pressures as we figure out if we want something more serious down the track?”

“Of course,” Cassie said, blushing. “I didn’t mean for you to think I’m in a hurry. It’s just that Tash lives here and she’s bound to notice something.”

He smiled, caressing her arm. If he had a choice, everyone would know Cassie was his. But he just needed to be patient. That time would come.

“We can tell Tash,” he said. “I’ll just need to remind her to keep it from everyone else. Is that okay with you? Just Tash knowing for now?”

Cassie’s sincere smile eased his guilt somewhat.

“So how come you didn’t join your family for dinner tonight?” Cassie asked.

“I’ve already planned to see you when Mum asked me. So I said I couldn’t. Anyway, I better get dressed before Tash gets back.”

He’d only meant to give her a peck on the lips before rising from the bed. But he found himself rolling on top of her instead, and devouring her mouth yet again. Hadn’t he had enough? Evidently, the answer was no. What was it about Cassie that made him want her again and again, even after she’d already satisfied him immensely several times?

With much effort, he extricated himself from her and
walked to her en suite. “You’re gonna have to find a way to keep your hands off me, woman,” he said with mock seriousness, shaking his head at himself in bemusement.

“Okay, our first one-night stand is officially over,” Cassie said, deadpan.

Oh, and he had to look back at her, didn’t he? She was grinning, her hair all tousled, with one of her beautiful legs poking out of the sheets.

He trotted
back to her and launched himself on the bed. Then he climbed back on top of a giggling Cassie, who went quiet when he covered her mouth with his.


arter watched Bronwyn Tellman walk into the building from the corner of his eye. Time to get to work. After his incredible night with Cassie last night, he’d been walking on air all morning. But now he had to ground himself and concentrate on
his task.

He followed the gallery owner to her office.

He’d been suspicious of Bronwyn from the beginning. She might not have a police record, but surprisingly little had turned up about her elsewhere. For a successful businesswoman, it was strange that even publicly available information about her was sparse.

“Hi, Bronwyn,” he said, stopping by the door and sporting one of his most charming

“Hello, Carter,” Bronwyn said, giving him a professional smile in return.

“Did anyone tell you that I’m checking each power outlet in this building?”

Bronwyn frowned. “No. I was away for a couple of days. What exactly is the problem?”

He explained, letting her know that the building manager had insisted that the checks be done. Thankfully, the building manager had simply trusted Carter’s
word for it.

“Okay,” Bronwyn said with a resigned sigh, waving her hand toward the sockets behind her. “You haven’t found many problems in the other areas, have you?”

“Not enough for you to worry about,” he said, trying to engage her with another grin.

“Good. I have enough on my plate that I don’t want to worry about electrical problems,” Bronwyn said. “And Carter...”

“Yes?” he asked, cocking
his head to the side as Bronwyn stared at him with a scrutinising gaze.

“You’re a very handsome man. And it’s not difficult to understand why some of my employees have a clear crush on you.”

He gave her a lopsided smile. “It’s not something I can help, I’m afraid,” he joked, ready to launch into his sob story as soon as Bronwyn gave him an opening.

“But this is a workplace, Carter,” Bronwyn
said, her tone suddenly stern. “I don’t want my employees getting distracted or, worse, getting into a competition over you that would destroy their camaraderie.”

His mouth dropped opened. He wasn’t expecting this. “I didn’t realise that worries you, Bronwyn.”

“Now you do,” Bronwyn said with a smile, although her eyes held warning.

“Okay. I’ll watch how I interact with them.”

“Please. And
I’ve heard you’re having some personal problems as well, Carter. Could I ask you to refrain from discussing your money woes with my employees? Not that I’m unsympathetic, but I don’t want them to be further distracted by you.”

“Of course. I understand. It won’t happen again.”

“Thank you,” Bronwyn said, then went to face her computer screen.

He proceeded to “test” the power points in silence.
Could he have been wrong about Bronwyn? His instincts had told him she was someone to watch. But clearly, she wasn’t on the lookout for a financially desperate and criminally inclined stooge—unless his timing wasn’t right and she didn’t need one at this point. Or perhaps she’d already found someone else.

He wasn’t ready to take Bronwyn off his suspects list yet, but he was relieved. If Bronwyn’s
nose was clean, then Cassie’s dream job was safe.

Just for that, he hoped that someone other than Bronwyn was the criminal they were looking for.


Hey, bro. How’re you feeling?” Carter asked Gavin as he stepped into his buddy’s penthouse.

“Great! I’ve been going to the office this week and I was glad to see that the guys are holding the fort well without me.”

“Aren’t you supposed to
lie low?” he asked with a frown.

“Dude, as if I don’t know how to make myself invisible,” Gavin said.

“What, do you wear a wig or something?”

“Come and I’ll show you.”

Gavin led Carter to his walk-in dressing room where a longish blond wig and a fake full beard sat on an open box.

BOOK: The Undercover Playboy (Captured by Love Book 3)
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