The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1)
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Chapter 21:


Sword or shield, fight or yield. A good Knight knows.

- Hailian Knight saying


As Lawrence walked over to the other new inductees, Flint continued, “In accordance with tradition, we will now choose two new inductees at random to display the fruits of their training in a display of combat.”

The crowd cheered at this announcement, waiting for the mystery Knights to be revealed. Each Knight was asked to toss a personal effect into a pile, and then a random member of the crowd would come up and select two, thus deciding the participants. The new Knights all did as instructed. Lawrence threw down the only possession he had on him, his sword and scabbard. There were so many different things lying in the pile: a pocket knife, a ribbon, a shoe, and even a golden necklace. Flint was seen trolling the crowd for this year’s lucky participant. He selected the bartender from the Silver Shield. The man was ushered to the group of Knights, smiling and chatting inaudibly with Mayor Flint.

Flint spoke to the group, “Whoever it is that is chosen know this, the winner gets a seat at my table at tonight’s feast. May the best Knight win, and try not to hurt each other; this is only for show, after all.”

As he finished his statement the bartender approached the pile and immediately reached for Lawrence’s sword.

Oh shit, that’s mine!
Lawrence reluctantly stepped forward, acknowledging his being chosen with a meekly raised hand and a timid stance.

The second choice took the bartender a long time. First, he picked up the shoe and then tossed it back. Finally, he chose a smooth stone, one that had seen many wishes for good luck and success. “This is my final choice,” Galvan called out as he held up the stone.

The group of Knights parted as Lawrence’s opponent appeared before him with a smile on his face. It was Benni.

Benni approached Lawrence and extended his hand for a show of sportsmanship and grace. Upon taking Lawrence’s hand, Benni yanked Lawrence close. “I may have trained with you, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go easy on you, Lawrence. Prepare yourself! I will not lose!” The crowd could feel the intensity vibrating from Benni who had a lot at stake here. Was Benni stronger than the Knight he had rescued from the fires of defeat? Or would he be beaten by the very man he defeated effortlessly just two years ago?

The crowd formed a large circle around the duo. “Men, do me one favor,” Flint said seriously, “show them that your generation brings as much promise as the last.” Flint walked away from them, leaving the two Knights alone in the circle.

Benni and Lawrence both stood in the center, separated by barely five paces, as two guards approached and handed them each a training longsword. Typically the swords were sharpened, but these were dull. However, if a good hit was scored, blood could still be drawn. The tips were rounded, as Flint liked to avoid an unnecessary funeral during the celebration. The swords were lighter than usual, denoting weakness and breakability. Lawrence had no doubt that these swords would do little more than their intended purpose, which was to entertain.

Benni removed his dull sword from its scabbard and said to Lawrence, “This is it, brother. Today we see which of us is truly stronger. Today I get to test your mettle against my own. Let us engage, Lawrence. Do not hold back!”

Flint’s voice boomed over the crowd, “The first of the Knights unable to continue, or to yield to their opponent, will lose this challenge!”

The crowd roared as it had not seen a good competition in a long time. Finally, the citizens of Haile had one to get excited about! Two of the biggest names in the new group of Knights were about to square off. But who would win? Would it be Lawrence Sanctus, son of a sickly mother and an absent father, with something to prove? Or would it be Benni Wakewood, son of Nicholas and Helen Wakewood, coming from a strong home with a long-time dream of becoming Knight Guard Captain? Having spent the last two years under Benni’s tutelage, Lawrence knew Benni very well and would know his moves. Benni had taught Lawrence much, but like most teachers, kept his student in the dark to many of his abilities. Lawrence drew his sword and the two approached for one last handshake.

I’ve never engaged anyone in actual combat before
, Lawrence thought.

Do Do De Doo!!!
The trumpets blared to signal the start of the competition.

They came to a ready position. Lawrence gripped his sword tightly. Benni did the same. Almost as though they shared the same mind, they both stepped toward the other in unison with their right foot. They came closer. Only four paces separated them. The crowd’s excitement grew more fevered with each passing moment. Three paces. “Come on, Lawrence; let’s give these people a show that they won’t ever forget!”

Swish! Clang! Zing!

The sounds of the first swing, the first meeting of blades, and the first withdrawal of their connected steels sliced the air. Roars from the crowd signaled their approval. Lawrence could feel the anticipation of that first strike linger for a moment and then disappear; he didn’t have time to think.

Benni moved closer and then took a step back as if to toy with Lawrence. “Come on, I’m right here, Lawrence!” Benni shouted.

Lawrence, unsure of his next move, waited patiently for Benni to strike. Lawrence attempted to time his riposte.


Benni’s sword arm flew to the side, leaving him wide open for an attack. Lawrence placed the sole of his boot firmly into Benni’s midsection, since he did not want to risk injuring his friend. This sent Benni staggering back about five paces, creating some distance between the two Knights. Lawrence had made the first actual contact between the two, putting some confidence back in his step. Lawrence pursued quicker now. He swung again.


This time he missed as Benni sidestepped. Upon evading Lawrence’s attack, Benni swung the back of his hand and connected with Lawrence’s head.


Lawrence ducked down as he felt the strike. It shook him of any delusions of an easy match. Benni seemed more focused after scoring that hit on him. Now on the defensive, Lawrence backed off a little more, creating about five paces worth of room between the two.

Then it happened. Benni took a stance that Lawrence had never seen before.

Benni stood there with both hands, clenching his longsword as if to swing it with more power. Lawrence had rarely studied a two-handed style of fighting before. The only weapon he had ever trained with was the Knight Guard issued longsword, a one-handed weapon that he had seldom practiced using with two hands. Benni raised the sword high above his head and rushed toward Lawrence. He moved side to side effortlessly, gliding like a butterfly. Lawrence didn’t know how to defend against a stance or an attack like this. Lawrence knew he was in trouble. Benni swung his sword hard in a downward slash.


The blade smashed against Lawrence’s sword. Lawrence flew back as the crowd roared in excitement. “Lawrence, it’s time for a new lesson. Let me give you a firsthand instruction on two-handed sword fighting! Hahaha!”

His laugh angered Lawrence who wasn’t ready for this yet. Even though there were no restrictions to this fight, Lawrence felt betrayed. Benni pushed forward again, taking a wild, two-handed swing that Lawrence barely parried.


Lawrence watched as a small chip of his blade broke away. Benni’s strength was very apparent now. Lawrence needed an out to this fight, something to give him an edge over Benni. What could he even do against a two-handed style, one he rarely trained to fight against, and one that thus far had gotten the better of him? Lawrence took several steps backwards, clearing about five paces, and tried to regroup. He knew that Benni struggled to ignore a chance to strike hard, and when Benni rushed him that’s when he would do it. Just as Lawrence predicted, Benni began to run toward him, sword raised high above his head, wavering from side to side. As Benni approached, Lawrence threw down his sword. To Benni’s amazement, Lawrence rushed at him, and within a second, was too close for Benni to swing. Lawrence took his right hand and smashed it against Benni’s face, stunning him momentarily.


The sound of his hand slapping against Benni’s face reverberated through the courtyard. Lawrence placed his right leg behind Benni’s right leg. He then pushed backwards with his right hand and his upper body as hard as he could, bringing Benni down to the ground. Before Benni could respond, Lawrence kicked his sword away, and the two were in close quarters. A flurry of punches passed between the two, only to be blocked and parried to the opposite direction by the other. Benni took his foot and kicked Lawrence, pushing him off of him. Benni stood and picked up Lawrence’s sword. Lawrence grabbed Benni’s sword. The two were at a stalemate.

Benni rushed Lawrence who, to Benni’s surprise, grabbed his own sword with two hands. Lawrence swung it from his right to his left, then from his left to his right, doing his best to control his slashes. Benni brought his sword across with two hands as well and the two blades connected, shattering like glass.


The crowd cheered loudly as the broken weapons signaled a more intense, close-quartered finale. Lawrence dropped the shattered weapon and raised his fists. Benni did the same and the two exchanged punches and elbows. They both ate fists to the face and sides of their heads. They blocked as many of each other’s punches as they could. They simultaneously landed right hooks to each other’s jaw. They whirled about and fell to the ground. They both struggled back to their feet as they breathed heavily.

Benni rose first. In Lawrence’s exhausted state, Benni was able to get around him. As Lawrence got back to his feet, Benni jumped on his back and began locking in his submission technique. Lawrence had no idea how to defend this attack. He and Benni had rarely practiced defending submission takedowns. He had to think fast. He could feel Benni’s right arm sink into the area under his chin.

Benni’s left hand gripped his clenched right fist, and he began pulling on it in an attempt to choke Lawrence, and make him either submit or lose consciousness.

Lawrence struggled to stay on his feet; he could feel himself fading fast. He couldn’t breathe. His face turned a deep reddish-blue. Lawrence needed to break the hold, but how? He looked around, his vision beginning to blur as he started to slip out of consciousness. “Just tap!” he heard Benni roar. His eyes locked onto someone in the crowd. It was Elsie.

Great, now she’s going to see me lose. My first official loss is going to be to a submission. Damn it! What am I going to do? There has to be something I can do to break this hold!

Lawrence noticed Benni’s index finger on his left hand twitch slightly and he got an idea. He reached up with his right hand and yanked on Benni’s one, vulnerable appendage.

“Gyyyyah, damn it, Lawrence! What the hell are you doing?!” Benni screamed. Benni released his hold on Lawrence, kicking him in the back as he did. “You sly bastard. You’re fightin’ dirty now, huh?” Benni accused. He was angered that he had lost his advantage.

A slight smile crossed Lawrence’s face. “Come on, Benni, let’s give them a show!”

The two came back together, again exchanging another flurry of punches. Lawrence and Benni both put everything they had into one final punch, a left hook that connected flush instantaneously with the other’s head. Their worlds went dark.


Benni and Lawrence awoke in the castle’s guest quarters. Their bodies and heads ached. Lawrence had a nasty bruise under his right eye. Benni had dry blood stains around his mouth, the remnants from a small slit in his upper lip. They stared at each other, sly smiles on their faces. They both respected the other’s abilities, but Benni was especially impressed with Lawrence’s enhanced skills.

Lawrence sat up and shook his head a bit, trying to shake the cobwebs. “What happened, Benni? Who won the fight? Why are we both in here?”

“Lawrence, that was a hell of a fight. I think it must have ended in a draw, with neither of us winning. I think we were knocked unconscious. We rested here to recover, maybe?” Benni pondered, scratching his head and rubbing his face.

Lawrence seemed disappointed that there wasn’t a declared winner. “Well, I guess we both
then, didn’t we? I’m glad we could have such an equal match. Thank you for all your teachings.”

“Your skills are much improved, Lawrence. I’m impressed, and even a little surprised. I didn’t realize you had learned so much from your training. You have great instincts. I wanted to win that fight and sit at the mayor’s table. But I guess I’m happy that I taught you so much that you were able to hold your own.”

The two Knights struggled to their feet, feeling the effects of the skirmish. Suddenly, the door to the room opened and Elsie stuck her head in. “Gentlemen, how are you feeling? We are almost ready for the big feast. You should join us, if you are able.”

Lawrence and Benni perked up instantly. They were both starving. They grabbed their gear and limped toward Elsie.

“Yes, Elsie, we will be joining you soon,” Lawrence said. “We wouldn’t want to miss that delicious pig roast and fun dance afterwards.”

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