The Tin Box (19 page)

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Authors: Kim Fielding

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Gay, #History

BOOK: The Tin Box
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And oh, Colby was beautiful.

William had already seen his chest and arms, which were defined without being overly bulky. He had slender calves and shapely thighs. His waist and hips were narrow. And… he was hairless from shoulder to toes, as far as William could tell. His skin looked burnished in the golden light. His cock was soft and well-proportioned. He looked like an ancient Greek statue of some mythical, mischievous character.

“I work out a lot. Not much else to do when I’m not at the store.”

William couldn’t manage a single word. He couldn’t move either. Maybe he was the statue.

Colby cocked his head a bit before leering. He rotated slowly until his backside faced William, and good
. William had already gotten a fair sense of how shapely Colby’s ass was since he’d seen Colby in bike shorts. But even Lycra couldn’t compare with smooth skin over two plump cheeks that looked wonderfully touchable. Lickable. Squeezable. Colby laughed over his shoulder and teasingly shook his hips.

“Uh,” said William. He might have said something more, but Colby completed his turn and William saw that he was now half-erect. Even as William watched, Colby’s cock filled until it jutted upward. It had a slight curve. His balls were pink and as perfect as the rest of him.

“Being admired turns me on,” Colby said. “Does that make me a narcissist, Dr. Lyon?”

“You’re….” William swallowed noisily. “You’re stunning.”

Colby gave him a sweeping bow. “Happy to please,” he said when he was upright again.

William wanted to touch him, but he was too far away.

“It’s been a long day, Will. But… are you up for a more advanced lesson tonight?” Colby glanced down at his crotch. “I am.” When he looked up again, his usual teasing grin was in place. But there was something else to his expression, something William was having trouble reading.

William knew he should say no. He’d been saying no all his life; he was good at it. But Colby was smiling at him, and Colby was naked and hard, and Colby was more than he’d ever dreamed of.

“Yes,” William said.

Colby clapped and bounced on his feet. “Strip.”


“It’s only fair.”

Even though Colby had already seen him shirtless, William felt enormously self-conscious as he took off his button-down and slipped the green tee over his head. For once, he didn’t place his discarded clothing in the washer. This time, he tossed them onto a chair. His loafers came off easily and he wasn’t wearing socks. He took off his jeans next, leaving only the boxers Colby had critiqued earlier in the evening. With a shaky breath, he took those off too.

William was skinny and pale. He had a light dusting of hair on his chest and another on his belly. It had never occurred to him to wax or shave or whatever it was Colby had done to his pubic hair. William’s dick was entirely average—he’d looked up the statistics. He didn’t look like a Greek statue. He looked like a tall guy who spent too much time in front of the computer and not enough time exercising or being outdoors. Colby was exquisite, extraordinary. William was… meh.

Of course, Colby had known that already, so he didn’t look disappointed. In fact, he managed to maintain his wide smile as he prowled closer to the slightly terrified William.

“Wow,” Colby said. And he said something else too, but William didn’t understand the words because at the very same time, Colby placed his palms on William’s hips and leaned their bodies together. He nestled his head against William’s collarbone. Similar to when they’d danced, except now there were no layers of fabric between them. William lifted his own hands—which had been hanging stupidly at his sides—and rested them just above the curve of Colby’s ass.

“Okay so far?” Colby whispered.


“You haven’t changed your mind about being gay?”

“No,” laughed William. “And if I’d been on the fence, you’d certainly be enough to push me over.” He could feel Colby’s answering smile against his skin.

“Yeah, but you’re no pushover,” Colby answered. He moved his hands slowly from William’s hips, up his sides, onto his back. “I can hear your heart.”

The rush of blood in William’s ears was making it hard for him to hear anything at all. But he could certainly feel: the soft skin of Colby’s ass under his palms, the hardness of Colby’s cock against his hip, the moistness of Colby’s tongue along his clavicle and then—oh
—around his nipple.

Colby pushed his hips back just a little, pressing his butt harder into William’s caress. “I love your hands.” He moved his head and nibbled very lightly on the other nipple, making William gasp. “You have such long, elegant fingers. Like a pianist.”

Nobody had ever described any part of William as elegant before.

William was trying to say something in reply, but couldn’t remember how to work his mouth properly. And the effort became moot anyway as Colby tugged William’s head down for a kiss. Colby’s tongue teased along the seam of William’s lips until they parted. William almost laughed because Colby tasted sugary. It was probably the soft drinks he’d been drinking, but how else would Colby taste but sweet?

It was a very nice kiss, enough to make William’s knees wobble and his heart stutter. But then Colby squeezed one of his small hands between them and wrapped it around William’s cock. He didn’t have calluses, but his hand was strong and undeniably male.

“Oh,” William gasped after breaking off the kiss.

“Wanna take this to the bed?” Colby asked, and William was gratified that he sounded slightly breathless.


But neither of them moved right away, maybe because neither wanted to break contact. Colby had begun a firm stroke that was making William see stars, and William was rubbing and squeezing Colby’s ass. They renewed their kiss, this time even more passionately than before.

A tingle began low in William’s spine and in his balls. With a great deal of effort, he pulled slightly away. “I’m gonna—”

“Yeah. Bed or bust.”

They held hands for the short walk across the room.

Colby impatiently yanked back the blanket, then maneuvered William backward onto the mattress. Before William had a chance to wonder what his partner had in mind, Colby was climbing on top of him, blanketing William with his firm, warm body. For a long moment they just looked at each other. William knew he must look dazed, and for once Colby’s face was serious. “You feel
,” Colby said.

William had been thinking the same thing. He loved the way Colby fit against him. Loved the hard planes of his body, the bunching of muscles against his bones. And, he decided as he resettled his hands where they most wanted to be, he
loved Colby’s butt.

Emitting a throaty chuckle, Colby wiggled. “I wish I could ride you. You’d feel so good inside me, Will.”


“Too far, too soon. Besides, frijoles.”

They both laughed. It was unexpectedly wonderful to be naked in bed with a beautiful man,
. William had gleaned from his porn viewing that sex between two men wasn’t necessarily the hard, rough contact sport he’d imagined it might be. It could be tender. It could be
. But for some reason it had never occurred to him that it might be tender or fun for him.

Colby’s lips and tongue were on his jawline, down his neck, on his shoulders and chest and even on his belly. And William couldn’t get enough of touching him, mapping every available inch of Colby’s body as if there might be a test later on. Colby kissed William’s balls. He kissed the tip of William’s cock, then flicked his tongue against it, making William shudder.

“You taste good, too,” Colby announced.

William wondered what another man’s cock tasted like. Salty?

He wasn’t going to find out tonight, it seemed, because Colby scooted back up and gently urged William’s legs apart so he could nestle himself between them. Then he very carefully lined up their cocks, length against length, and began to stroke them both.

This time, William put his hands on Colby’s hips, as if he’d decided Colby needed encouragement to stay in place. From the look of concentration on Colby’s face, however, he’d quite happily stay where he was. He stared straight into William’s face, his pupils blown wide, his breath coming in noisy pants.

And William was overwhelmed. He imagined his body as a swirling maelstrom of hormones and neurotransmitters, every nerve cell stimulated at once, every part of his brain lighting up like a pinball machine. The only thing that kept him from flying apart completely, maybe levitating right out of his own skin, was the face of the person over him. The man over him.
over him.

This was nothing like jerking off to pixelated images on a computer screen. Colby was so very
, so real.

“God! God, Will!” Colby cried. Then he made a soft sound that seemed almost astonished. William felt Colby’s warm spend as it coated them both.

“Oh,” was all William could say before he came too, his entire body shuddering with the force of it, his vision going gray.

After a few more strokes that were almost too much, Colby collapsed on top of him. Their skin stuck together from sweat and semen. “God,” Colby said with a long drawn-out breath.

Enough brain activity had resumed for William to worry. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure— I didn’t know—”

“Shh.” Colby settled his finger across William’s lips. His damp, sticky finger, in fact, which meant William did get to taste him. Taste them both. “You were incredible, Will.”

“But I—”

“Shut up. I’m giving you an A-plus. Don’t fight it.” He drummed the fingertips of his other hand lightly along the sides of William’s rib cage, making William wiggle. “And you’re ticklish! Man, I wish I’d known that before. Well, I’ll just have to remember for next t—” He stopped abruptly, his face going suddenly blank.

“What’s wrong?” William tried to sit up.

Colby pushed him back down. “Nothing.” The corners of his lips lifted into a smile. “You wanna wash up? Or deal with the mess in the morning?”

William didn’t think his legs were operational yet, and he was suddenly exhausted. It was very late. “Morning.”

“Good.” Colby rolled off him and together they tugged the blankets up. William clicked off the bedside light. After a certain amount of wiggling and pillow adjusting, Colby scooted himself up against William, his back against William’s front. William slung his left arm around Colby’s waist and smooshed the right one underneath. The right arm was probably going to fall asleep, but at the moment William didn’t care. He hadn’t expected Colby to cuddle and it felt so good to hold him.

“Don’t usually get to sleep over,” Colby mumbled. He sounded half-asleep already. “’S nice.”

William kissed the back of his neck, and within minutes consciousness floated away.



woke up first and was careful not to move. Colby was facing him, their legs tangled together and Colby’s arm flung over William’s stomach. With his mouth hanging slightly open and his hair in wild disarray, Colby looked very young.

William was unsure what he’d see in Colby’s face when he awoke. Confusion? Regret? But when the blue eyes opened and focused, Colby simply gave a sleepy smile. “Morning,” he said.

“Good morning.”

“Know what’s the best thing about sleeping over?”


A wicked twinkle appeared. “Morning wood.” And before William could respond, Colby was diving under the covers, heading directly for William’s groin.

So eight hours after his first sexual encounter with a man, William received his first blowjob from one. He didn’t have enough experience to gauge these things—Lisa had very rarely been interested in oral sex—but William was fairly sure that Colby was good at it. In an almost embarrassingly short time, William gasped and climaxed down his throat.

Then Colby slithered back into view with a Cheshire Cat grin. “Morning!”

“I… I’m not going to be anywhere near that skilled.”

“Let’s try this instead.” Colby grabbed William’s hand and brought it to his own hard cock. “Just sort of squeeze and rub, Will. Like you do with your own.”

But it wasn’t like masturbating himself. The angle was different, of course, and the sensory experience was not at all the same. Colby’s dick felt so different from his own, even though they were roughly the same size. William soon discovered that he enjoyed stroking Colby, experimenting with diverse movements and assessing reactions as he touched various areas of Colby’s cock, balls, and perineum. Some things made Colby moan or jerk his hips, others made his head fall back on the pillow and his eyes squeeze closed. It was like playing an instrument, William decided, and Colby was the most appreciative audience ever.

“G-God, Will…. Yeah, like that. Like….” Colby grabbed William’s hair and yanked him down for a fierce kiss. It was strange to taste his own semen in another man’s mouth, but not unpleasant. Colby didn’t seem to mind William’s morning breath. Maybe he was too far gone to mind anything, because without breaking contact with William’s mouth, Colby writhed, shuddered, and came.

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