The Things I Do for You (The Alexanders) (24 page)

BOOK: The Things I Do for You (The Alexanders)
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She rolled over and faced him. “I’m sorry, too. I know I was unfair. It just took me by surprise. I don’t want to take something you love away from you. I just can’t pretend it doesn’t terrify me to think of you getting hit. Getting thrown.” She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself.

“I love riding. I love the freedom of it, the excitement. It’s just a good time. But I don’t love it enough to make you sick with worry every time I do it. I don’t love anything so much that it’s worth putting you through that. I can always sell the bike.”

Raina watched him with her big brown eyes. “Only if that’s really what you want to do.”

Nick shoved several of the pillows off the bed and curled up against her back. “What I want is to make my wife happy. I don’t feel like I’m doing too great a job on that score lately.”

Raina rolled over so they were facing each other. “I am happy with you, Nick. I just want to make sure
happy, too. You’ve been different lately.”

He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent. It would be ridiculous to pretend he didn’t know what she meant. He’d been completely consumed by his worries over the foundation the past few weeks. If he hadn’t invested so heavily in the charity, it would be easier to distance himself from it. But he stood to lose quite a bit of money if he had to keep floating the operating costs and the building costs by himself.

When he’d married Raina, they’d done so on equal terms. He didn’t want her to ever feel that he couldn’t take care of her in the lifestyle she was accustomed to. She was used to nice things and he was sure her previous boyfriends, Silvestre especially, had been able to afford to indulge her.

“I’m sorry, sweets. I know I’ve been distracted with work lately. I’ve been falling behind because I’m so busy thinking and worrying about you. But it’s nothing I can’t handle. I promise.”

“That’s all it is? Work stuff?”

“Yeah. Once I catch up on the backlog, things will go back to normal. I promise.”

She heaved a sigh of relief. “As long as that’s all it is. You’ve been patient with me. Now it’s my turn.”

“It’s your fault, you know?” Nick kissed her jaw. “If you weren’t so beautiful, I wouldn’t be so distracted all the time.”

Raina chuckled. “I never thought I’d say this, but keep lying to me. I know I look awful because I feel like such a mess.”

Nick kissed her neck and took the strap of her nightgown between his teeth. He moved it to the side so he could reach the soft skin on her shoulder.

“Nick? What are you doing?” Raina let out a soft sigh as he nipped her shoulder with his teeth, then soothed the spot with his tongue.

“I’m making love to my wife.” Nick thanked whoever had invented spandex because the straps of her gown were stretchy enough for him to push them down over her arms. With a few more tugs, her breasts popped out. They already looked fuller. Rounder.

He licked the tips gently, aware that they might be more sensitive. Raina let out another soft sigh, her nails digging into his arm. “God, I love it when you do that.”

He continued downward, tugging the gown with him as he went. She lifted her hips, allowing him to slide it off. He tugged at her white cotton panties next. Finally she was bare before him. He licked her and she reared up off the bed.

“You really are more sensitive, aren’t you? Oh, the fun I’m going to have with you.”

Nick moved closer, wrapping her legs around his neck. Her hands went into his hair immediately, which made him growl against her. She shrieked when he licked her again. Longer. Deeper. He looked up her stomach, loving the look on her face as he traced over her skin with his tongue. Her head fell back as she came under him, her flesh contracting against his mouth.

He pulled back slightly so he could get his boxers off. Remembering what the book said, he urged her over onto her knees. “We’re not supposed to have you on your back. So I guess that means I get to look at your delectable little bottom for the next nine months.”

She chuckled and pushed back against him, wiggling her bottom at him. “I hope you like the view, then.”

“Oh, I love the view.” He leaned down and nipped at the sexy indentation where her spine curved into her ass. Then he entered her slowly, gently, giving her time to adjust to him.

She arched her back and pushed back against him, taking him deeply. Nick barked out a cry at the sudden, erotic sensation of being surrounded by her. “Damn, do that again.”

Raina looked over her shoulder at him and bit her lip. She leaned forward, allowing him to slip almost all the way free, then she pushed back against him again, taking his full length in one thrust. Nick gritted his teeth against the overwhelming need to come.

“You like being in control, sweets?”

She nodded, her tongue between her teeth as she watched him with a sexy smile. “I like taking you.”

“Hell, yeah. You can take me anytime.” He rested his hands gently on her backside and allowed her to set the pace. She took him slowly at first, each thrust forceful and deep. Then she increased the tempo, her motions becoming jerky as she got closer and closer to her own orgasm. He could tell she was getting near to climaxing by the sounds she made and the way her nails curled into the sheets beneath her.

“Help me, Nick,” she moaned. She came with a cry, nearly collapsing beneath him as she tightened around him.

He reached beneath her and captured her ripe breasts, holding them in his hands as he thrust. With every motion he felt like he was giving her something more than just sex. He felt like he was showing her the depth of his feelings. As he came, he thought maybe she could hear what his body was saying.

This is my love for you. This is my desire for you. Take everything that I am.

It’s all for you.


RAINA PICKED UP her phone. Another missed call from Steven. The calls had tapered off after she’d told him to stop calling the last time, but in the last few days, he’d started calling her again.

Before she could think whether it was a good idea or not, she dialed his number.

“You finally decided to stop ignoring my calls,” he answered.

Raina rolled her eyes. “Leave it to you to make yourself out to be the injured party. I thought we’d already agreed that you wouldn’t call me anymore? I hold no ill will toward you, Steven, but I’m happily married now. These calls need to stop.”

“Happily married,” he scoffed. “Raina, I think you forget who you’re talking to. I know you only married Alexander because you wanted a baby.”

“That’s why we got married but that’s not why we’re still married now. We’re happy together. I would think considering all the pain and embarrassment you’ve caused me that you could just be happy for me.”

“That’s why I felt compelled to call. I’ve been struggling with my conscience about lying to you,” Steven said finally.

“I don’t think you’ve had much problem lying to me in the past.”

There was a grunt on the other end of the line. “I meant about Nick. Did he ever tell you that we knew each other?”

Raina stopped flipping the channels on the television. “You know each other? How?”

“I found him in bed with my wife. I actually had to chase him out of the house.”

“Now you’re just making things up.”

Raina knew her husband had never been a saint, but the idea of him being chased out of bed by Steven with his pants around his ankles was too ridiculous to even consider. If anything, Nick had probably romanced some woman that Steven wanted and now he was bitter. That sounded a lot more likely.

“I’m not lying. I know you have reason to doubt my word after everything that has happened, but I have no reason to lie about this. I already know that we’re over and you’re not coming back. I’m just trying to keep you from getting hurt again. I figured I owe you at least that much.”

“Well, I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true. Ask him. If he claims he’s so honest with you then ask him to tell you the truth.”

Raina fought the urge to slam the phone down even as part of her wanted to ask more questions. What if this was really why Nick had been coming home late and been so distracted lately? Was the lure of his old life too strong to resist?

“Even if it’s true, what does that have to do with me? I’ve done things I’m not proud of before, too.”

“Everyone has, but I’m sure those were isolated occurrences. Not a pattern of behavior. I know Alexander has you convinced that he’s this great guy but I don’t want to see you hurt, Raina. Or being used by a man who only wants to exploit you for personal gain.”

“Personal gain? What are you talking about now?” There was a pause and Raina’s stomach tightened.

“You don’t think it’s odd that he was suddenly so anxious to marry you? Did he ever tell you that his foundation is struggling for cash?”

“No, he didn’t,” Raina whispered.

“Hmm. I’m surprised he’s never asked you to donate.” Steven sounded genuinely surprised. “Or to endorse it. I figured he’d have asked you to mention it in the press or on your website.”

“I don’t have time for this, Steven. I’m not going to sit here and listen to you slander my husband. I’m busy growing a human being. I suggest you get busy figuring out how to grow up. Nick would never use me.”

“I just wanted you to know the truth about the man you married and to tell you to be careful. There’s no way a man like that can be faithful. Especially considering our history. I admit that I made things difficult for him after I found out about the affair. Taking you away from me was Alexander’s ultimate revenge. Now that you know, you can’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Raina ended the call and dropped her phone back on the couch next to her. Her head throbbed even worse than it had before. It had been an incredibly stupid idea to call Steven. He was just trying to ruin things for her because he hated to “lose.” He’d been like that ever since she’d met him. Competitive, territorial, and smug.

Why would he lie about knowing Nick?

Surely Nick would have told her if he was acquainted with Steven. Although if he’d really been sleeping with Steven’s wife, maybe he wouldn’t have told her? He’d been trying to convince her to marry him. He wouldn’t have wanted to tell her anything negative.

There was undoubtedly more to the story. The Nick Alexander she knew valued family above all else. He wouldn’t romance a married woman and he definitely wouldn’t make Raina part of some twisted payback scheme. But back before she’d known Nick so well, would she have given him the benefit of the doubt? Probably not.

She didn’t want to go rushing off with a bunch of wild stories and accusations. Nick had been by her side since the beginning, helping her when she was down and celebrating with her when she’d finally gotten pregnant. Was she really going to let Steven’s accusations come between them?

What was Steven trying to prove by even telling her? Was he trying to paint himself as the victim or was he just trying to plant seeds of doubt?

There was only one person who could answer her questions.

“Come on, Jelly Bean. Let’s go see Daddy.”


NICK WAS IN the middle of an income projection for one of his middle-aged clients when the door to his office opened. Raina poked her head in and looked around. “Is it okay if I come in?”

“Of course.” She looked so lost and alone standing in the doorway. “I didn’t forget a doctor’s appointment, did I?”

“No, nothing like that. I just wanted to see you.”

Nick came from behind his desk and gathered her into his arms. She rested her head against his shoulder and took a deep breath as he rested his head on top of hers. It was corny, but his stress truly seemed to evaporate when she was around.

His job as a financial planner was to help people plan to fund their lives. He’d done it for his clients for years but it was only recently that he’d been thinking so much about his own financial future. Raina reminded him of what he was working so hard for. Not just to accumulate wealth for the sake of being wealthy, but to provide for his family’s future. To take care of their children and provide them with a comfortable retirement. It wasn’t just numbers on a page anymore.

Raina and his child made it personal.

“So what brings you out here in the middle of the day?” Nick led her to one of the chairs in front of his desk. He sat next to her instead of sitting behind his desk. Maybe it was time to consider getting one of those couches for his office.

“I was just feeling kind of down and wanted to see you.” Raina stared at him intently and twisted the straps of her purse. “I have to ask you something. Please don’t get mad.”

He brushed a gentle hand over her hair. “Of course not. You can ask me anything.”

She took a deep breath. “Did you sleep with Steven’s wife?”

Shock rooted Nick to his seat.
. He closed his eyes.

“You don’t have to say anything. I can tell by your face. I was hoping it wasn’t true.”

“No, it’s true. Although I had no idea she was married. Until he came home, that is. I still hate that I was involved in that. Which is why he was so happy to bring it to your attention.”

BOOK: The Things I Do for You (The Alexanders)
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