Read The Ten Year Affair Online

Authors: Hope Raye Collins

The Ten Year Affair (2 page)

BOOK: The Ten Year Affair
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“Excuse me Ian…Alex. I didn’t realize the room was occupied. I’ll go down
the hall,” the gentleman said with a knowing grin on his face as he shut the

Alex cringed and let out a slow moan as she buried her face in Ian’s

“There is no end to my embarrassment today!  Was that Nathan Daniels? How
do I look? Do you think he knew we……?” Alex stammered.

“Baby you look wonderful. Don’t worry about Nathan. Let’s get out of here.
I’m starving. Now that we’ve had our little
let’s go have a
real lunch now,” he teased.

“Very funny Ian.”

As she turned to leave Ian grabbed her by the arm and turned her to him.
“That was beautiful Alex. I love watching you come. It gets me so hot to watch you
come undone with me. I need you to be with me tonight. I want to watch you come
again over and over. I want to empty myself inside you. Be with me tonight

My god what the man could do to her with just words.

“I...I can’t Ian. I have dinner plans with Peter tonight.”

“Break them. Let me come to your place after work and I’ll cook dinner
for you. You and I both know you would rather spend the evening in bed with me
than talking to boring old Petey,” he joked with a sly grin. “Please baby.” His
hand slid down her arm to join his fingers with hers. “I need you.”

His touch made Alex shiver.  He was such an arrogant jerk some times. While
all her instincts said no she heard her raspy voice say, “All right Ian. You
knew I wouldn’t be able to say no, didn’t you?”

He raised their joined hands to his mouth and kissed her palm. “Thank you
Alex. I’m so hot for you right now that I can’t promise you a meal first
tonight. It was all I could do to keep from pouncing on you in that courtroom
today. I kept thinking about how good it would feel to be inside you. To have
your legs wrapped around me. One of these days you will beat me Alex because I
won’t be able to reign in those thoughts when I’m with you in the courtroom.”

Ian’s words were having exactly the effect on her that he’d hoped. Her
breaths where short and quick, making her chest heave up and down. When he took
a step closer to her she shivered. She found herself with her back against the
door again as Ian nuzzled his face into the hollow of her neck and placed soft
kisses on her throat. His tongue teased her and she grasped the back of his
head and brought his face to nuzzle between her breasts. He unbuttoned two
buttons on her blouse and slid her lacy, white bra from one breast. Ian
continued to caress her with kisses and swirled his tongue around her nipple
and suckled her sweet mound. He reluctantly pulled back and stared at her with
dark, glazed eyes. He gently placed her breast back inside her bra, his eyes
never leaving hers, and slowly buttoned her blouse.

“We need to go Alex.” He couldn’t bear to have another pulsing erection
without release.

“Yes, Ian we do. I need to get away from you and get some cool, fresh
needed cool, fresh air? He was absolutely boiling with need. How
had he ever been able to stay away from her for so long? As they left the room
Ian ran a frustrated hand through his wavy, black hair and smiled. That was
just a little assurance that Alex would not back out on him tonight. And he
would continue his seduction through lunch. He would have her wound so tight
she would not have any remorse for canceling her plans with Peter.


After lunch with Ian, Alex returned to the office to prepare for her
upcoming trial. Lunch with Ian had been anything but relaxing and she could not
drag her thoughts away from what had occurred. He was playing her, she was sure
of it. He taunted her throughout their meal with sexual innuendoes and at one
time he had wiped some mayo from the corner of her mouth and placed his finger
in her mouth for her to lick it off. Alex smiled remembering how she had played
along with his little game and had sucked and licked the mayo from his finger
provocatively. Alex laughed as she recalled how he had gulped and quickly removed
his finger. He had learned that two could play at his game and behaved himself
throughout the rest of their lunch. But he had left her with such a tender,
warm and wet goodbye kiss that she had been useless this afternoon. Alex could
feel the moisture between her legs that Ian had put there today. First in the
courthouse, and then over lunch. She wondered how it would be tonight. Would he
take her hard and fast or would he tease her and drag out the foreplay until
she thought she would die? A knock on her door startled her and she blushed as
she was awakened from her thoughts.

Peter entered the room.

“Are you feeling all right Alex? You look kind of flushed.”

“I’m fine Peter but I do feel a little tired. Do you mind if I take a
rain check on tonight?” Alex cringed at how easily she lied to Peter. This
obsession with Ian Foster brought out the worst in her.

“Not a problem honey but I won’t pretend I’m not disappointed. Would you
still like me to come over to your place and pamper you? I’m told I give killer

Alex chuckled at Peter’s teasing. “I bet you do Peter but no thanks.
Behave yourself.  Maybe we can do dinner sometime next week? I’m glad you
stopped in because I need your opinion on my opening statement for my next
trial. It’s set to start Friday afternoon.”

Alex continued to talk but Peter wasn’t hearing her. She was so
beautiful. He wanted to reach out and stroke her silky soft blonde curls,
nuzzle his face in the luxurious mane, feel her smooth, moist skin under his
hands, bury his lips in the soft hollow of her neck and taste her rosy pink
lips. Her deep green eyes sparkled like emeralds whenever she talked about one
of her cases. She was truly passionate about her work. Peter only wished that
she would look at him that way, with passion in her eyes.

“Peter? Peter? Hey, are you listening to me Peter?” Peter jumped at the
harsh words from Alex.

“Honestly Alex? No. I wasn’t listening to you. I was sitting here
fantasizing about what it would feel like to have you in my arms, to kiss you,

Alex quickly cut Peter’s words short. She hated hurting Peter but she was
also tired of having this same conversation with him.

“Peter please. I know how you feel. You’ve made it very clear to me but
I’ve explained to you how I feel. I love you Peter. You’re my best friend; my
. Please don’t ask me to give you more than I can. We’ve
known each other a long time Peter and my feelings for you haven’t changed. There
will never be more than a deep, loving
between you and me.”

Alex saw anger rise in Peter’s face. The same anger she saw every time
they had this discussion.

“Alex I don’t expect you to give me more than you’re willing to. I’m a
patient man and I’m willing to wait as long as it takes but damn it Alex I do
expect you to be honest with me. If you want to cancel our evening together to
be with Ian Foster, than just say so. Don’t make lame excuses and lie to me.”

“Oh, Peter. How did you know? I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt your

“It hurts my feelings Alex to know you think you have to lie to me. I’m a
big boy Alex. The whole world and I can see what’s going on with you and Ian. I
know you had lunch with him today and I know how he affects you. I wish I had a
clue what it is that makes you act like a school girl and jump when he demands
your attention.”

“Peter!” Alex exclaimed. “That’s enough!”

“I’m not finished Lex. I’ll tell you once again Lexie that you deserve
better and you’ll never get it if you can’t let go of Foster. I’ve seen him use
you and hurt you over and over again and you keep putting up with him. You
accept every tiny little morsel of his time that he throws to you whenever he
feels like it which is usually when he can’t find another woman to warm his


“Good old Alex is always available and if she isn’t she will be if I ask
her to be.” Peter said mockingly.

“Peter please! I won’t listen to this again. Believe me I know you think
I’m foolish where Ian’s concerned.
know I’m foolish but…I don’t have
to explain myself to you Peter! That’s it. I will not discuss my relationship
with Ian with you any more. Could you please leave before we say things we
can’t take back?”

Peter had immediately regretted getting into this topic with Alex again
but he just couldn’t help himself. He loved Alex and had seen her spill too
many tears over Ian. He didn’t want to argue with Alex. He just wanted to love

“Lex honey I’m sorry. I’m leaving but I want you to know when Ian hurts
you this time I’ll be there as always to comfort you because I love you Alex.
Enjoy your evening.”

Peter stomped from her office and she heard the door to his office slam
shut. Peter was right and she knew it. Ian was no good for her but she wasn’t
ready to end their relationship. She was enjoying a naughty, scintillating
affair with a gorgeous, successful attorney at the top of his game and that
excited her. Until that excitement waned, and it hadn’t waned one bit over the
last ten years, Alex was content to take whatever Ian offered her. She had been
very careful to never make any kind of promises to Peter or lead him to believe
there could ever be any more between them than friendship. But it didn’t stop
her from agonizing over the pain she caused him.

Alex glanced at the clock on the wall. Six o’clock. Time to get out of there and prepare to knock the socks…and pants off Ian Foster.

Chapter 2

Alex rushed home to prepare for her evening with Ian. The anticipation of
the evening to come had her on an unbelievable high. A high she was really
having a hard time trying to understand. She professed to not even like the man
yet why was she looking so forward to this evening? She knew she wasn’t shallow
enough to only be anxious because of the wild, unbridled sex they would share.
Alex was really looking forward to spending time with Ian. She enjoyed his
sense of humor and the way his eyes sparkled when he laughed. God how she loved
it when he laughed. His laugh was deep and So damn sexy, just as
every part of him was.

Alex undressed and ran her tub. She laced the water with her favorite strawberry
fragranced bath oil and settled down for a nice long soak. Ian Foster. He had
been such a huge part of her life now for the last ten years. She had known the
gorgeous rascal since kindergarten and had long admired his talent in the
courtroom despite their tumultuous relationship the past decade. They had been
great buddies through grade school. They shared a quick kiss once in junior
high that had never lead to anything. They had drifted apart for several years after
junior high when Ian suddenly quit coming around to see her. It wasn’t until
their senior year in high school that she developed the unexplainable crush on
Ian that she still carried today.

Ian was the most popular boy at Jefferson High School and Alex had
admired him from afar during their high school years. As much as she longed to
continue their friendship Ian didn’t seem to share those feelings. Ian was only
ever seen out on dates with the most popular girls. He had a reputation for not
staying with any girlfriend for too long. Just when you got use to seeing one
girl by his side he’d toss her aside for someone new.

But during their senior year Ian bumped into Alex in the hallway after
school one day. Literally bumped. He dumped her books and folders everywhere.
As he apologized and helped her pick up the mess he asked her how she had been
all these years and they struck up a lively conversation about old times. Ian
walked her home that afternoon and they had a wonderful time remembering their
younger years and that quick kiss in junior high. They laughed a lot that day.
Ian told Alex he had always regretted never having kissed her properly and
without any warning he had claimed her mouth with his right at her front door.
With no time to think, Alex had melted in his arms and kissed him back as
eagerly as he devoured her. Equally, without warning, Ian had pulled away and
stood looking at her with a dumbfounded look on his face. He had felt it too
she could tell. He had felt the unbelievable heat and attraction that was
between them like she had yet he had the strength to pull back from it. She smiled
to herself as she remembered his words.

“Wow, Alex. I think you could be very dangerous to me.” He’d quickly
waived good-bye and left her on the front porch with swollen lips and desire
pulsing through her body. She had kissed boys before but it had never felt like
that. He had awakened a desire she had never known with that short, intense
kiss. Her body ached for his touch. She hardly slept that night thinking of
that kiss and how it would feel to have her body pressed to his for eternity.
Such wicked thoughts for a seventeen year old girl!

The next day at school whenever their paths crossed it was obvious to
Alex that Ian went out of his way to avoid her. Maybe he was afraid of the heat
that had flamed between them as much as Alex was. Maybe he was simply
embarrassed or regretted what he had done. Ian continued to avoid her and would
barely acknowledge her when they would see each other at parties and other
school functions. Alex ached for him to talk to her and be her friend again as
they were when they were younger. She couldn’t stop thinking about that one
afternoon spent with Ian and that intoxicating kiss. She had always felt a special
closeness to Ian and she had thought he had felt that closeness too.

It wasn’t until the end of the school year at the Senior Prom that Ian finally
gave her some attention. It was the most memorable night of her life. It was
the night her tumultuous relationship with Ian had begun and it was a night she
would never regret or forget.

Alex had attended the prom with Peter but her heart was not in it. There
was only one guy she wanted to be there with but he was there with Mary Ann
Putnam, the most popular and most buxom girl in school. She tried not to openly
sulk throughout the evening and give Peter a happy time to remember. Dear Peter.
He was as besotted with her in high school as she was with Ian.

BOOK: The Ten Year Affair
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