Read The Stowaway Online

Authors: Jade Archer

The Stowaway (11 page)

BOOK: The Stowaway
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Arek looked taken aback for a moment, as if the thought hadn’t actually occurred to him. Then a wicked grin started to overtake his tense, slightly insecure expression. “Maybe. Is it working?”

Devlynn couldn’t deny he liked the change. He liked it a lot. His cock started to thicken at the heated look in Arek’s eyes—all sorts of possibilities jostling for space as vivid images filled his mind.

“Yeah,” Devlynn managed to croak out—not quite sure what they’d been talking about before Arek touched him. Not sure he really cared right now. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from the look on Arek’s face if his life depended on it.

“Mmm…I like that.”

“What?” Devlynn’s head was spinning so fast he couldn’t seem to keep up.

“This.” Arek reached down to the prominent bulge that was rapidly developing in the front of Devlynn’s pants.

“Arek, I—”

He didn’t get any more than that out before Arek’s hard mouth covered his in a deep, sensual kiss. His lover’s hand working at the fastenings of his pants, torturing Devlynn’s throbbing cock with the ‘accidental’ brush of fingers. Finally his erection sprang free of the material—heavy and full and weeping clear beads of pre-cum.

Arek pulled away from their kiss and pushed him back into the soft cushions of the couch, while at the same time positioning himself between Devlynn’s knees.

“Arek. Are you—”

Devlynn wasn’t certain what he’d been about to say. Something about making sure Arek was ready for man-on-man oral sex. Or something like that. All that came out was a strangled moan as Arek swallowed the head of his cock and steadily engulfed the length of his shaft. The wet, molten heat of Arek’s mouth centred Devlynn’s entire existence on his cock in that moment.

Apparently, Arek was very ready. And it felt so damn good.

Strong hands moved to hold him down as his hips thrust up involuntarily. A rush of relief swept over him—knowing he didn’t have to try to maintain control. He just let go and abandoned himself to the overwhelming sensation of Arek’s lips wrapped around his cock. To the clever tongue that was stoking and rubbing in all the right places with each bob of Arek’s head. And to the exquisite suction of his glorious mouth.

Needing something to anchor him, Devlynn pushed his fingers into Arek’s hair. He clung to the long, golden-brown strands, pulling it loose from the sythn-leather tie with his grip as he rode each movement of Arek’s head.

For a while, Arek just sucked up and down his shaft. It was amazing and pushed his pleasure ever higher, but it wasn’t enough to tip him over the edge. Then Arek concentrated on the sensitive spot just below the head—licking and pushing into it.

Devlynn lost it.

“Oh! Fuck, Arek! Going to—”

It was all the warning he could give before he screamed in ecstasy and waves of orgasm pulled the cum from his balls. Jerk after jerk emptied his load into Arek’s mouth. The sensation of his lover swallowing it all down bringing on a fresh round of rapture that was almost too much.

Finally, Arek released him, letting the softening cock slip between his lips, then gently kissing the rounded tip. As he pulled away, Arek’s tongue sneaked out to lick at the glistening bead of cum that clung to his mouth like a final offering.

Devlynn struggled to catch his breath as Arek crawled up to lay down beside him. Shifting onto his side to give his talented lover some room, he stared long and hard into Arek’s face. He couldn’t believe his life-long friend and captain had just given him such an interstellar-class orgasm with those beautiful, slightly puffy lips.

One thing he was sure of, however was what—greedy bastard that he was—he wanted more. He wanted Arek. Now.

Manoeuvring him onto his back, Devlynn straddled Arek’s thighs and set to work on the fastening of his trousers.

“You don’t have to—”

“But I want to.”

Before Arek could say another word, Devlynn sealed their mouths together—sweeping his tongue in to gather up the lingering taste of his own cum. There was something deeply erotic about finding the last hints of his orgasm there. It drove the kiss into a primitive, passionate claiming that pushed his need higher.

When they finally broke apart, Arek was panting and Devlynn could feel the hard evidence of his arousal pushing into his belly.

“Well, since you put it that way,” Arek whispered, stealing another quick kiss. “Who am I to argue with such a persuasive mouth?”

“Good call,” Devlynn chuckled as he trailed kisses down Arek’s neck—heading ever lower with each lingering caress.

Rachel bit distractedly at the end of her thumbnail as she walked along the corridor. Everything was looking good in the engine room. Her periodic checks hadn’t revealed anything amiss. Now if she could just be as certain everything was going to work out as smoothly with her new lovers—

Suddenly realising what she was doing, Rachel jerked her thumb away. Damn, this whole nebulous uncertainty thing was really messing with her if she was biting her nails. She hadn’t done that since she was nine and her mother painted them with some vile home-made concoction and gave her a stern warning not to do it anymore. The stuff had cured her of the nasty little habit quick smart. Up until now, at least.

Sighing, she clambered up the short run of stairs from the engineering level to the ships living quarters. The main problem was she felt a little silly. Well, silly and maybe slightly scared as well. It wasn’t as if anything had been said. What if opening her big mouth looking for reassurance only started something she wasn’t ready to face? And perhaps ultimately couldn’t fight?

The truth was, Arek and Devlynn had been together for a long time without her. And now that they’d stopped pussy footing around their mutual attraction, things would be even better for them. But where did that leave her?

Then again, the three of them together seemed to make a pretty good team too. And the sex was amazing. Why was she looking for trouble? Maybe she should just relax and accept things as they were. Enjoy the ride for however long it lasted.

Rounding the corner into the common room, still mulling over her chaotic thoughts, Rachel froze as she saw Arek arch up into Devlynn’s mouth. Burying himself deep and shouting out his release, Arek’s face a mask of bliss, his neck corded with the euphoric strain of his orgasm. And Devlynn took it all—swallowing Arek’s release down with a moan of delight.

“Oh!” Rachel wanted to kick herself as the small gasp slipped from her lips. She hadn’t meant to make a sound. She should have just turned around and left them to their afterglow. But before she could make her escape, two sets of passion filled eyes swung to pin her in place. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

Finally, breaking free of her daze, Rachel turned to hurry away. Only Arek’s urgent cry stopped her.

“No! Rachel, come back!”

She nearly pretending she hadn’t heard him and kept going. But it wasn’t really an option. They’d only track her down, and that could lead to all sorts of awkwardness she wasn’t ready to face right now.

Reluctantly looking back over her shoulder, she saw Arek and Devlynn struggling to untangle themselves and right their clothes—tucking their spent cocks away and refastening their pants almost in synchrony.

“You don’t have to go.” Arek cleared his throat—his voice having come out sounding rough and well used.

“It’s okay. I can see you guys were busy. I’ll—”

“Don’t be silly. Come here. Sit with us.” Devlynn smiled and patted the seat beside him.

Rachel wasn’t so sure she should. They’d been so focused on one another. She didn’t want to break up the intense moment between them. But they were both looking at her expectantly, and she’d already barged in, so—

“Okay…as long as you guys are sure.” She hesitantly made her way to the couch. “I mean…if you want some time for just the two of—”

Devlynn pulled her down into his arms and kissed her soundly.

“Mmm…that’s better.”

Repositioning her so she was nestled between them, Devlynn grinned down at her happily.

“But thank you for thinking of it,” Arek said, kissing her cheek. “I think you’re right. We are going to need some time one-on-one along the way. But this is nice too.”

Rachel fought the urge to start squirming. One-on-one time didn’t necessarily mean just for Arek and Devlynn. In fact, ‘couples time’ sounded kind of—

“I know Dev said you were used to the idea of threesomes, but it might take us a bit more time to get used to it,” Arek continued.

Rachel stilled. “So where you’re from they don’t—”

“Oh gods no!” Arek replied.

“Back home Arek and I would be expected to fight to the death for you.”

“What?” Rachel felt the blood drain from her face as she looked between the pair of them in horror. That was—

“Don’t worry, baby,” Devlynn said with a little chuckle as he gazed over at Arek. “That’s never going to happen.”

The look that passed between Arek and Devlynn at that moment could only be described as lusty, but at the same time it was incredibly loving and intensely intimate. Taking a deep breath, she tried to remind herself they had a lot of time to make up for. But it was hard to deny feeling a little overwhelmed by their familiarity and closeness at the moment. And maybe just a little left out too. Which was stupid and self-centred and all those other terrible things, but—

“So how does this whole threesome thing work where you come from?” Arek asked, suddenly focusing on her again.

“Well…most of the time related males are matched with a female for another planet by their families.”

“Like an arranged marriage?” Arek frowned as he processed her words.

“Yeah, pretty much. We call them bond-mates.”

“So if the males are related, does that mean they don’t—” Devlynn began tentatively.

“No. The idea is to share a bride. I mean, I don’t know for sure with everyone. It’s not something that’s really—”

“But you’re okay with us being together like this.” Devlynn’s eyes bored into her—as if her answer was incredibly important to him.

“Oh, yeah!” Rachel considered the way the two of them suddenly relaxed beside her. “Would the two of you have been able to be together in your home system?”

“No,” Devlynn said—his voice flat and empty.

“Not really,” Arek confirmed, glancing away. “I mean it’s not like it doesn’t happen, but it’s not really something that’s accepted.”

“I’m sorry.”

“We’re a long way from there now,” Devlynn said, sounding tense.

She could feel the hurt radiating out of him as he spoke—years of frustration, longing and heartache clearly written on his features. She wanted nothing more than to erase it. Or at least to take his mind off it somehow.

Hunting around for a way to change the subject, she spotted the data pads scattered across the low table in front of them.

“So what are you two working on?”

“Oh! Ah…nothing.” Arek’s rush to collect the data pads and turn off the last of the displays shocked her. “Just some data work we needed to get through before we get to Nareen. Nothing to worry about.”

He was shutting her out. Maybe this was a one-way ticket to Nareen for her after all. Rachel looked across at Devlynn, but he was too busy studying his feet to meet her eyes. Her heart squeezed tight in her chest.

“You know, I could really do with something to eat right now,” Arek announced, levering himself up off the couch and heading towards the galley.

Feeling rejected and a little lost, Rachel stood to follow. Although, the last thing she felt like doing right now was eating. In fact, her stomach was rolling with nausea.

So much for enjoying the ride. Suddenly, it looked like anything but smooth cruising.

Chapter Eight

Devlynn disconnected the comm-link with the Nareen Spaceport Authorities and settled back in his seat in the cockpit. All the final arrangements had been made now. All they had to do was wait at the designated holding coordinates for their turn at the docking bay. It was likely to take a day or so before they could unload and collect their fee, but thanks to Rachel’s idea with the solar radiation collectors, that wasn’t going to be a problem. They’d actually managed to arrive almost five standard days ahead of schedule.

Thinking about Rachel, Devlynn lifted his shoulders and rolled his head from side to side, trying to relieve some of the tension taking up residence there. She was starting to worry him. He wasn’t sure what it was, but something was definitely bothering her. Unfortunately, every time he tried to talk to her about it or ask her what was wrong over the past week she’d say she was fine. Or that it was nothing.

Damn it! It had to be something. She was getting all quiet and edgy. With each passing day it became less of a vague feeling and more obvious that there was something amiss.

Devlynn sighed and ran his hand through the soft spikes of his hair. The sex was still out of this universe. There was nothing wrong there. Well…at least he didn’t think so. Maybe—

“What’s up?” Devlynn spun around on his seat to see Arek leaning in the doorway behind him—arms crossed, sexy as sin and scowling. “The port authority giving you trouble again?”

BOOK: The Stowaway
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