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Authors: Darby Kaye

Tags: #The Stag Lord

The Stag Lord (28 page)

BOOK: The Stag Lord
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“Hush that right now, Bannerman Boru.” Ann shook a stern finger at him. “No more talk of debt or repayment or such nonsense.”

“Yes, ma'am.”

“Now, would anyone like tea before bed? No? Then off you go. Hugh and I will clean up.”

“We will?” Hugh said.

“Oh, no, you don't.” Shay leaped to her feet. “You've done enough. Bann and I'll take of this.”

“We will?” Bann said.

“Excellent. Shut off the lights when you're finished.” Hugh grinned at Bann. Offering his arm to his wife, he wished them a good night and left. Shay could hear them whispering all the way across the foyer and up the stairs.

Twenty minutes later, Shay closed the door on the dishwasher and started it running. “There. Done and dusted.” She glanced over at Bann, who was rinsing out the sink. “Do you want some coffee or tea?”
Or me
? “Or another beer?”

“Thank you, no.” Bann dried his hands, gazing out the bay window at the backyard, now partly obscured by driving snow. She joined him. For a moment, the only sound was the soft
of the washer.

“Nice yard, isn't it?”

Lights were strategically placed to illuminate winding pathways, wooden benches tucked here and there under trees, and, surprisingly, an elaborate jungle gym in the far corner. One part of it was simple and crude and crafted from nothing more than logs and weathered boards, while the other half was modern and complete with a slide and even a small trampoline.

“We have a lot of clan gatherings here, so the jungle gym's a great way to keep the younger children entertained. Cor might enjoy playing on it tomorrow, after we shovel it out.” She laughed softly. “You know, I treated my first broken bone by that trampoline when James fell off that older section. I was only fifteen, but my master had me set the bone right then and there. I'd been toying with the idea of becoming a Healer, but that sealed the deal for me.”

“Is it difficult? To care for those who are suffering?”

“Sure. But I tell myself to focus on what needs to be done. Do what I can to ease their pain. I can't imagine myself being anything else.”

“Nor can I. Although I stand by what I said earlier—you're a fine warrior to boot.”

“Why, thank you, kind sir.”

“And a fine friend.” He looked down. “For the past year, I've missed having one.”

Ann's voice echoed in her skull.
I wanted a friend. One who would want me to stand with him, on the field of battle, or in mundane trials of daily life

Bann hesitated, then continued in a quiet voice. “I'll admit, ‘tis a bit wearisome being
all the time.”

How about being lover
? Shay nodded, afraid to open her mouth lest her thoughts tumbled out before she could stop them. “Well, I, um, I guess I'll turn in now.”

“I as well.”

After turning off the downstairs lights, they walked upstairs in an uncomfortable silence. The light from a lone wall sconce cast most of the hallway in shadow. Pausing outside of her closed door, Shay waited, not sure if she should initiate moving it to the next level or leave it up to Bann.
The next level being him naked in my bed
. It didn't help that the Knight simply stood there, as if waiting for a sign.
Well, do you or don't you?

Suddenly, the illustration from her book of Brian Boru flashed in her mind. The warrior-king. So, she wasn't one bit surprised—and was instead very pleased—when the long-son of the High King took a step forward. Then another. Until Shay was pressed against her door, his lips and body just brushing hers.

“I misspoke earlier.”

“A-About what?” Shay locked her knees to keep them from shaking.

“I misspoke earlier,” he repeated, his breath warm on her cheek. “When ye offered to be a friend.”

“You did?”

“Aye. While I will always be proud to name ye
, I wish for you to be
.” A hint of uncertainly crept into his voice. “If I am being too bold, then—”



“Shut up and kiss—”

Before she finished speaking, he captured her mouth, his body's length measuring hers. While one hand cupped the back of her head, the other groped behind her, searching for the knob. The door flew open. They stumbled backward into the dark room. Only a quick move on Bann's part, slapping his free hand on the doorframe while he supported Shay with the other, kept them from falling on their butts in the middle of the carpet.

Shutting the door behind him with his heel, Bann broke off the kiss long enough to murmur in her ear. “I dinna plan for this.”

“Me either. But sometimes, two people simply find themselves attracted to each other and—Oh.” She stepped back and gestured toward his groin. “You didn't
plan for this
. No worries. You forget, I'm a Healer.”

“You mean…?”

“Of course. See, one of my tasks is to instruct our teens when they hit puberty. Back up what their parents tell them. Hold on a sec.” She stepped around him to the bathroom and flipped on the light. Hoping she still had the box of condoms from last month when she lectured a young cousin about safe sex—actually, in the girl's case,
sex—she opened a drawer in the vanity and rummaged through her supplies.
After checking the expiration date, she pulled out a plastic-wrapped packet, paused, then grabbed a second one. Before leaving, she lit a scented candle and carried it out with her, turning off the bathroom light with an elbow.

She placed the candle on the dresser. The flame added a magical glow to the room, as did the aroma of clean beeswax and jasmine; she noticed Bann had drawn the curtains closed. “All set.” She held up the condoms.

Bann looked at them, then her. An eyebrow went up. “Only two? Why, I'm insulted.” He stepped toward her.

“My, aren't you cocky.”

“In more ways than one.” He reached behind him and pulled the T-shirt over his head with one fluid move, then flung it aside. Still walking, he raked his hair back with both hands.

“Hey, isn't it
job to undress you?” She edged backwards to the bed until her knees bumped against the mattress.

“I'll not engage in foreplay wearing yer uncle's shirt.”

“Awkward. And sort of kinky. At the same time.” She held her breath as Bann plucked the packets from her fingers and placed them on the bedside table, then drew her into his arms. His bare torso was warm and solid—the two things she liked best in a man.

Then his lips were upon hers.


Bann broke off the kiss. With an intensity that bordered on desperation, he undressed her, impatient hands and mouth everywhere on her body. When the last piece of clothing was tossed into a corner, he lowered her to a sitting position on the bed, then stepped back and unbuckled his belt. The rasp of his zipper opening was downright erotic. Sliding off his jeans and briefs, he kicked them aside. In the candlelight, the Celtic knot decorating his right shoulder looked like a spider web, the bandages like pale wings beneath it.

She took a moment to enjoy the soft play of light along the mountains and valleys of his body before letting her eyes drift further south.
Whoa. Bann naked and all roused up in person is much
, much
better than I imagined
. And she had imagined it a lot.

With the flickering flame of the candle measuring time, Bann took her right up to the yellow tape of insanity—
the sadistic bastard—
but never let her cross it. His fingers caressed and stroked and probed, his mouth hot and wet on hers. Or on other places on her body.

As she shook beneath him, panting, he paused to murmur in her ear. “Are ye ready for me?”

“Oh, gods, Bann, I am. Please. Enough already. Just…just…” She was almost grateful for the slight reprieve when he rolled away for the condom.

A few moments later, he repositioned himself between her thighs with a gentle kiss. A pause, a searching, then he eased into her, filling her. She bit down on a moan. Stilling his motions to allow her body to adjust to the fullness, she could feel him trembling, the cords in his arms standing out as he braced himself above her. She gazed into his eyes, inches from hers, their blue almost black with passion.

“I'll try to be gentle,” he whispered.

“Gods, I hope not,” she whispered back.

He began to thrust, slowly at first, then harder. She pressed her hands along his lower back, feeling the muscles bunching under her palms, the skin slick with perspiration. Without stopping his movements, he reached back and hooked his arm behind one of her knees, easing her leg up and spreading her wider.

She closed her eyes, gasping with each plunge, almost whimpering as her climax approached. “Oh, gods, yes,” she moaned. “Just like that, Bann.”

One. Two. Three perfectly angled thrusts. Then she was there. Exquisite pleasure tsunamied up her body in wave after wave.

With a grunt, Bann came a moment later, shuddering through his own climax. A drop of sweat fell from his face and landed on Shay's breast as he pumped a few more times, finishing up. Gasping, he collapsed on top of her. Or passed out. Either way, she didn't mind.

Reveling in the feel of the man on her as well as in her, she fingered the damp hair clinging to the back of his neck, conscious of her own sweaty body as she waited for her heart to stop trying to pound its way out between her ribs. Bann mumbled something in her ear.

“Sorry. I didn't quite catch that.”

, ‘tis been a while.”

Not sure if she should ask, but… “How long is awhile?”

He raised himself on his elbows, face relaxed in a way Shay hadn't seen before and eyelids drooping. “Twelve months, one week, and four days, I believe.”

“Well, that's twelve months, one week, and three days too long.” They both laughed softly. When Bann started to pull out, she tightened her arms around him. “Just a minute more.”

“I'm not hurting ye, am I?”

“Not made of glass, you know.”

A faint smile. “That ye are not.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “However…” He rolled off. “I'll be right back.”

Bann disappeared into the bathroom. The sound of running water followed. Shay sighed, curling her toes and stretching her arms over her head. Every joint in her body felt loose and warm, like the wax running down the side of the dying candle. Suddenly aware of the chill of the room, she pulled the covers back and burrowed under them. A minute later, Bann reappeared and crawled into bed next to her. Cuddled beside him, her head resting on his shoulder and her fingers running through the hairs on his chest, Shay let herself drift.

Her eyes flew open when he cleared his throat and started to speak.
Oh, for the love of Danu!
She reached up to lay a finger on his lips. “I know what you're going to say, Bannerman Boru.”

“Oh, ye do, do ye?”

“Yeah, I do. So, shut up and let me say it first. Look, we are Tuatha Dé Danaan, and Celts to boot. Not mortals, with their Puritan-twisted hang-ups about sex.
look upon a romp in bed as simply a delightful pastime between—”


“Okay, a mind-blowing pastime. Satisfied?”

“In several ways.”

“—between two people. There's nothing more to it unless the two wish to make it so.”

Bann's chest rumbled under her ear. “Ye must be a sorceress, being able to journey inside me head.”

“Damn straight. Now shut up and—”

He did.


Bann looked up and down the hallway that was pearly-gray with predawn light. His clothes and sheathed knife were tucked under one arm. With a final glance over his shoulder at the woman curled under the covers, he eased out and closed the door behind him. The
of the knob seemed to announce to the household
Why, would you look at that. Bann. Skulking out of Shay's room in the wee hours of the morning. Naked as the day he was born

He darted across the hall, grinning at the picture he must present. Reaching the safety of his own room, he slipped inside and dumped his clothes and weapon by the bed. After pulling back the covers, he sank down on the mattress. The scent of sex, musky and salty and downright
after a year of abstinence, wafted from his groin to his nose. He cupped his hands around his nostrils and breathed in the scent of Shay—an intoxicating perfume of its own.

We look upon a romp in bed as simply a delightful pastime between two people. There is nothing more to it unless the two wish to make it so

“‘If wishes were horses…'” he muttered. With a sigh, he crawled under the cover and stretched until his spine popped, body satiated and tender to the touch at the same time. Rolling onto his side, he buried his face in the pillow and closed his eyes. His muscles relaxed as he drifted toward sleep. He sank farther into the mattress.

The bathroom door swung open.

Bann kept his eyelids closed.
I am a rock. I am an immovable

Feet shuffled along the carpet. The sound of breathing near his face.

“Dad?” A soft whisper.

Maybe if I remain still, he'll go away

“Dad? Are you awake?”

Or not
. “No.”

“Max needs to go outside.”

“Bully for Max.”

A long silence. Bann peeled up one eyelid.

Cor stood by the bed, dressed in the same clothes he had on yesterday, his face still creased with sleep and his hair doing what his son's hair always did in the morning. Actually, most of the time. Max paced beside him, suffering from a full bladder.

BOOK: The Stag Lord
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