The (sort of) Dark Mage (Waldo Rabbit) (63 page)

BOOK: The (sort of) Dark Mage (Waldo Rabbit)
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“If there is nothing else Master Waldo I take it our business is concluded.” Carin was clearly eager to see the last of him.


“Yes, we’re done.” Waldo agreed. “Gronk, carry our packs, we are going to the west gate right now and leaving.”


The ogre easily took both packs in one hand. “Yes master.”


Waldo was smiling from ear to ear.


Alice fought the urge to smack him.


Melissa arrived shortly afterwards. She had in her hand a spellbook as well as a sack containing various components. She handed them over to him without complaint.


“Thank you Mistress Melissa. You can go now.”


“What? Without you?”


“I am sorry, but I am leaving the city.”


“I’ll come with you then. I can teach you about the philosophy of the Order. I am sure once you understand the truth you will want to give your life over to the cause.”


“I really, really doubt that.”


“But you need to be saved.” Melissa told him. “If you go on the way you do you’ll only die a horrible death.”


“I will take my chances, please go now.”


She crossed her hands over her heart. “I will go because you ask me to, but there is something you should know. I realize you gave me a love potion.”


“You do?”


She nodded. “It’s obvious, there is no other explanation for these feelings. But even though I understand what I am feeling is false, I can’t help loving you. However we both know this is temporary. I am sure once it wears off I will be absolutely furious. I will definitely hunt you down and give you a slow, torturous death.” She said all that with a look of adoration.


“Good to know.” Waldo told her and wasted no more time. He wanted to get as far away as possible from her.


“Stay safe my love!” Melissa called out with a wave.


They made it to the west gate with time to spare. The guards stared at him and his companions but made no issue of their departure. As they went Waldo took out Melissa’s wand and snapped it in two before tossing it away like trash.




They didn’t stop until the ball of fire was gone and they were more than a mile from the gate.


“It actually worked.” Waldo said. “I actually got my second Great Monster and I have more coin now than when we arrived.”


“We have more coin,” Alice said pointedly. “We also have a crazy woman chasing us now along with your grandfather.”


“I am sure we’ll manage.” Having somehow succeeded despite everything he was brimming with confidence.
Maybe this quest isn’t impossible after all
. “Gronk.”


“Yes master?”


“I am going to make you my familiar, bend down.”


Gronk blinked, but did as he was told.


“Darling, are you sure you know what you are doing?”


“No need to worry, I will definitely get it right this time.” Placing a hand on Gronk’s cheek he began the binding ritual
Until the moment of my death, or the moment of your release, I bind you to me. Your life is one with mine. You shall obey me and do me no harm. You shall answer my summons. You shall never be parted from me or be hidden from my sight. This is our contract


He put his lips to Gronk’s.


The spell activated and Waldo’s magic surged through the ogre. Gronk let out a startled gasp and shook. He stumbled back and stared wide eyed.


Waldo could sense him in the back of his mind, the ogre was now his second familiar. “Now you truly belong to me Gronk. You will be my most obedient servant and I will be your master.”


“Oooh, okay master, make me your bitch.” The eight foot tall ogre put his hands together and let out a girlish giggle.




Then without warning Gronk grabbed Waldo about the shoulders and planted a


Waldo gagged and his arms flailed about as he felt ogre tongue being rammed down his throat.


Alice was speechless with the horror of it.


“What the hell are you doing to my husband?!!” She grabbed Waldo and yanked him free.


Waldo stumbled and landed on his butt. He was spitting and gagging, trying to get the taste of ogre out of his mouth.


“Why did you do that?” Alice yelled.


“What?” Gronk spoke in a high pitched, lilting voice. “He said he wanted that kind of relationship, and I’m okay with being the submissive.”


Still sitting on the ground Waldo stared up in mounting dismay. “I may have gotten the contract wrong again.”


“YOU THINK?!!!” Alice screamed.


Waldo shut his eyes.
I really hope my third familiar is just a regular blood thirsty vampire.















BOOK: The (sort of) Dark Mage (Waldo Rabbit)
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