Read The Soccer Mom's Bad Boy Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

The Soccer Mom's Bad Boy (8 page)

BOOK: The Soccer Mom's Bad Boy
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Chapter 12




When my phone rang in the middle of the afternoon and it said wifey calling I had a pretty good idea what she was calling about. It had been two weeks since I’d taken our relationship out in the open, though I still climbed through her window at night because my girl was all about appearances and convention bullshit.

I’d met her mom just the night before and from that one meeting I was tempted to get my little family the fuck out of dodge. To say the bitch was crazy is an understatement.

She took one look at me and realized I wasn’t someone she could control the way she did her kid, so she wasn’t very receptive. I let her know in no uncertain terms that I basically could give a fuck and that only seemed to make matters worse. The fuck I care.

“What’s up baby?”


“Take a deep breath babe.” She was hyperventilating and shit.

“I’m at the bank, I think I’m in trouble.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because somehow I have fifty thousand dollars extra in my account and I don’t know how it got there, what should I do?” I should’ve known she’d react this way.

“I put it there baby.”

“You…what? are you insane?” She went on and on with her spiel and I let her because everyone should have their say when shit impacted their lives, but fuck this democracy bullshit was gonna take getting used to. It wasn’t going to be long before I reined her ass in, but I gotta start slow. Didn’t want to scare the fuck outta her. Still!

“Calm the fuck down. I told you, you’re my woman, the kid is now mine as well. Your ex hasn’t shown any interest in taking care of either of you and I’d be fucked if I’m climbing through your window at night to fuck you and you have nothing to show for that shit.

The money is to cover your bills and other little odds and ends until we find a home. Now I’m in the middle of something so I’ll see you later.” I hung up the phone because I wasn’t interested in having her argue me to death since the shit wasn’t about to work.

I don’t know how long it’s going to take for me to convince her that she’s worth all the shit I have in store for her. I’d like to meet the ex and plant my foot in his ass for taking that away from her.

Of course I’d fattened up her account and if she balked at that shit she’d have a heart attack after I was done with her. Part of my mission was to show that fucker up in the worst fucking way for the shit he’d done to her.

I’m not sure what was the usual protocol for shit like this, but I know that as the man in her life it was up to me to rectify any hurt she’d suffered. And as far as I can tell his was the most damaging. Asshole!

I’d got quite a bit of info from Janine so I knew what moves I wanted to make and this was only the beginning. If I weren’t so set on giving her time, her ass would be in a house somewhere with both our names on it already.



“Mark what are you doing here?” I was more than a little surprised to see my ex at my door since he’s never been here before. I searched my feelings to see if there was still that lingering bit of familiarity that had kept me prisoner even after he dogged me, but surprisingly there was nothing, not even a blip. Okay maybe a little resentment, but not the burning hurt from before.

“What do you mean? My daughter lives here doesn’t she?” Was he serious? How many times in the last six months would I have given my eyeteeth to get him to acknowledge the fact that he even had a daughter?

I was a little suspicious of his sudden interest though, and couldn’t help but wonder if word of Dane’s existence had gotten back to him somehow.

“Well Alana’s not here at this time as you well know, she’s in school.” Speaking of which, I checked my watch, it was only an hour or so ‘til school ended and her soccer match begun.

“I wanted to talk to you about how she’s doing in school; how has she been getting along lately?” Did he really want me to answer him? I felt the anger that had been missing from this equation bubble up inside of me.

For the past year since he’d started his mess, or when I found out about it rather, I’ve done everything I could to get him back. Today for the first time I looked at him with nothing but contempt, but for my daughter’s sake I will bite my tongue and play nice. It was not my place to make her relationship with her dad whatever there was of it, more difficult, even though he’s the one who’d flaked on us.

“She’s doing very well thank you, as a matter of fact she’s been acing all her classes lately and her soccer team has made it to the state finals.” Which you would know if you ever took the time away from your teeny bopper to attend a game.

He didn’t seem too pleased to hear that she was doing fine without him and I was sure he’d have a cow if he knew that I had really moved on, and not just superficially either.

It was a great feeling as I stood there before him, to realize that I was totally over him, and from the way he was looking at me I was sure he was shocked by my nonchalant behavior towards him.

I was about to cut the meeting short because some of that old anger that had lain dormant for so long was about to resurface when he reached out his hand and touched me.

My mouth fell open as he ran his finger down the outside of my arm, but before I could address him one way or the other I saw a now familiar truck pulling into the driveway.

Mark got a look on his face that told me he knew exactly who Dane was, and that pretty much answered the question as to what the hell he was doing in my face after all this time.

As the door slammed and Dane exited the truck, Mark without uttering another word, turned and left. The two men didn’t say anything to each other in passing, though Mark seemed to check Dane out from head to toe. But I was too nervous by the look on Dane’s face to give it much thought. I’ve heard the expression ‘if looks could kill’ but never saw it in action. Whoa!

I tried backing up from the ire in his eyes but I wasn’t fast enough. My eyes widened when his hand came around my neck. He wasn’t quite choking me but it was only a fraction of a degree off.

Oh hell, talk about pissed. I wasn’t sure if to be turned on or scared out of my mind. I didn’t have any experience with this sort of thing. In my marriage when there was an issue, Mark usually sulked until he got his way, but this one didn’t strike me as the sulking type, good grief.






“What…the…fuck…was he doing here?” I think it’s going to take a minute for the red haze to clear from my mind. I was looking forward to picking her up and the two of us going to the kid’s game together for the first time, only to see that asshole with his hands on her. The fuck was lucky he’d left when he did or I would probably have snapped the shit in two. But since I had no fucking use for him anyway she was the one who was going to pay for that little scene I drove up on.

“Dane you’re scaring me.”

“You ain’t seen scared yet, wait until I get my answer, if I don’t like it, then feel free, now talk.”

“He came by to see Alana.” I felt her throat work under the hand I had on her neck. Her eyes were like pools and I knew she was a cross between turned on and frightened.

“Since the fuck when?” I eased up the hold I had on her throat but didn’t let go. “He hasn’t been here since he left, now he hears about me and he’s fucking dad of the year? Oh no sweetheart, it doesn’t work that way, at least not with me.”

I know that that’s exactly what the fuck was going on, just like a spoilt little boy; he doesn’t want his toy anymore but he doesn’t want anyone else to play with it either. The fuck I’m gonna play games with his ass. I dropped my hand and headed back to my truck.

“Where are you going?” She ran after me and tried holding me back by my shirt.

“I’m going to tell your fuck of an ex to stay the fuck gone. He left I came. You’re mine and so is the kid, he can get fucked.”

“Please Dane we can’t miss the game remember, Alana’s been so excited that you were coming to watch her play.” Shit, I all but forgot about the damn game. I bit back the anger and turned back to her.

“You ready?” She nodded her head with that same half frightened look on her face. “Let’s go.” I held the door open for her and belted her in before moving around to the driver’s side.

I sat for a minute until my head cooled down a little. “I don’t want him here.” I didn’t even recognize my own voice just then.

“Dane I can’t stop him from coming by to see his daughter.” Fuck me and this bullshit.

“How long have you lived here?” I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible.

“Six months.” She played with her fingers and looked miserable as fuck.

“In that time how often has he been here?”

“Well…” she squirmed in her seat and looked away from me.

“I don’t need anything but the answer to the question, how often?”

“Never.” Her voice had gone soft either with embarrassment or shame I’m not sure which, but I was tired telling her that she was not responsible for that dick’s actions. I had a point to prove once and for all though so she’d have to get over her shit.

“And how often has he spoken to her since he left, or since he kicked you both out of the only home she ever knew?” She flinched like I’d hit her but fuck; if she was going to bury her head in the sand I was about to pull that shit out.

“Maybe once or twice.” She fidgeted and played with her fingers in her lap.

“She’s not his fucking daughter, he gave up the rights when he threw her and her mother over for a piece of ass. That’s the problem with you women. You don’t realize that no real man, regardless of whatever the fuck, would walk out on his blood.”

I put the truck in gear and peeled out of the driveway, pissed way the fuck off. I really wanted to hunt the fucker down and peel his skin off with a rusty knife, but I’d promised ‘my daughter’ that I’d come see her play.

He was going to shit a brick when I served his ass with adoption papers and the leverage I had over him to make sure he gave me what the fuck I wanted.

I knew it was only a matter of time before he heard about me, and though I hadn’t been sure what tack he would take, I’d prepared for all and any contingency. If he thought he was going to hone in on my shit he was sadly mistaken. All that shit was going to get him was a beating of monumental proportions.


I put my shit aside long enough to enjoy Alana’s game and win and take her and her little friends out for pizza and ice cream after. That night I fucked the shit out of Ilene until she was crying that she was sore.

By the time I pulled out of her for the last time she was a limp rag with her legs spread and her pussy red and beat the fuck up. “Don’t forget what I told you, if he comes around here you have nothing to say to him. If he wants to pretend an interest in Alana let him talk to her for now, but you don’t have shit to do with him or it’s gonna end bad for both of you.”

I could feel the heat of her gaze following me as I headed out her bedroom window. I was going to put an end to that shit soon too, fuck what the neighbors think. I already have her ring picked out anyway, I was just giving her time to adjust, but since people want to fuck with my program I might as well get shit moving.

Chapter 13




This is not going to end well I can just feel it. It’s the first time in years that I’ve had a night out on the town and I was so excited if a little out of my element.

Mark and I had never had much of a nightlife since he’d been so busy with school in the first few years and then there was the baby to look after. It wasn’t a nightclub per se, more like a lounge type thing with nice music that Xavier had recommended to Dane when he asked.

The evening had started off nicely with Dane picking me up in this low slung sports car that said Aston something or the other on the back and looked more like a toy, rather than something that could navigate the streets.

Janine had ransacked her closet for something for me to wear even though we had two completely different tastes. I was more into the drab matronly type dress while she was trying to give the mavens of Rodeo Drive a run for their money.

Maybe that’s why this guy was trying to pick me up while Dane had gone to the bar to order us drinks. According to him he didn’t trust anyone to make our drinks out of his sight and had sent the poor server scurrying for cover before he’d tipped him anyway just because.

The lighting was dim and the ambience given to romance, and again, maybe that’s why this guy that looked like I could’ve birthed him was trying to pick me up.

“So how about it hot mama? You wanna get out of here and go where the action’s at?” Oh my word, I felt almost naked the way he was looking at me, and caught myself tugging at the hem of my too short dress.

“Umm, I don’t…” Before I could finish my refusal I heard the gruff voice that I’d been trying to avoid coming from behind me. “Move the fuck on that’s all mine.” Oh shit, he stared at the guy like he was going to punch his lights out. I wasn’t sure when he turned that gaze on me if I should look for the nearest exit or just jump him.


“You, over here, now.” Well I guess that answers that. I didn’t even see which way the poor guy went but I knew he disappeared quickly and who could blame him?

“Dane I wasn’t...” The look he gave me did not bode well and I couldn’t help but recall that it was only a few short days ago that he’d found me with that idiot Mark running his fingers down my arm.

“I’ll deal with you when we get home.” Uh-oh, what the heck did that mean? I didn’t think it wise to ask so I took a sip of the fruity concoction he’d brought me and hoped for the best.

He sat close and kept his arm around me so I figured the danger had passed after all, and when the DJ person started playing music that got me to tapping my feet he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“Let’s dance baby.” That thing he does where he lets his lips touch the tip of my ear really gets me going. He helped me out of my chair and led me to the dark room off the lounge where a few other couples were already swaying to the music.

He turned me into his arms and held me so close I thought I would cry. No one had ever held me like this, like I was the most precious thing in the universe. I could feel the uneven beat of his heart that perfectly matched the pattern of mine, and since I knew my erratic heartbeat was due to his nearness, I could only surmise that his was because of mine.

The kiss to my temple was a nice touch and so was the hand on my butt that rubbed soothingly while we swayed to the music, lost in our own little world.

“You smell amazing Ilene.” He actually sniffed me there on the dance floor for anyone who was watching to see and I all but melted into him. “I can’t wait to take you home and fuck you…after.”

After? what after? I tried to lift my head so that I could see his face but he held me in place for the next two numbers until I almost forgot the threatening tone in his voice.

By the time we were ready to go I was in a mellow mood from the music and being held so closely in his arms. He was so careful with me in all that he did. The way he kept his hand in the small of my back when we walked, the way he kept me close under his arm as though shielding me from everyone else.

Not being accustomed to such chivalry it was very daunting to realize that I’d settled for less and had even at one point fought to hold onto that. Now I didn’t know what to do with myself.

“Did you have a good time my love?”

“I had a great time, thanks for tonight.” He held my hand on the drive home, squeezing my fingers every so often.

I turned to him in surprise when he made the turnoff a distance from my house which was in a less upscale part of town than where we were headed. Alana was spending the night with Janine so there was no rush to get back, but he hadn’t said anything about going to his place.

I hadn’t been here before, though he’d told me where he was staying temporarily. “Are we spending the night here?”

“Yep.” That’s all he said as he hopped out of the car and came around to let me out. He leaned in and kissed me long and hard with one hand on my breast before unbuckling my seat belt and lifting me out.

“This is lovely Dane.” I looked around the outside of the building, which was a luxury high rise in a gated community in one of the most coveted locations in our little haven.

The home I’d shared with my ex was nothing to sneeze at mind you, but it was nowhere near this caliber of grandeur. I was a little bit intimidated and trying hard not to show it. What did I know about going home with a man for the night?

Was it a different protocol than when he climbs in my window in the dark of night, or just the same? I didn’t have long to ponder once he came up behind me after locking the door and slipped my purse strap off my shoulder.

I was beginning to get my usual tingle when he put the brakes on. “You’re due a punishment for that little stunt, what’s it gonna be?”

This time I did turn around and look at him wide eyed. “What stunt?” I’m pretty sure he was talking about the guy back at the lounge but how was that my fault?

“Twice now I’ve come up on you with a man way too close to what’s mine. Both times you didn’t seem to be doing anything to stop it. I figure if I wail your little ass you might get the fucking memo that that shit’s a big fucking no-no.”

Seriously where’d he hide this anger while we were dancing and driving here? His face was set and I could tell from his stance that he was not playing. I finally caught on to the fact that it was lady’s choice but it was too late.

He moved into me and took my arm, leading me to the nearest armchair. “Hey wait, you said it was my choice.” And my choice was going to be a nice lecture thank you very much. But…

“You took too long to decide now it’s out of your hands.

“Dane…you can’t be serious.” I looked up over my shoulder when he sat and pulled me over his lap.

I still was in a state of disbelief when he lifted the hem of my dress and ran his palm over my ass cheek. I screamed more from shock than any real pain when his hand came down on my flesh.

By the second blow though I was crying and trying to get away from him. Thoughts of revenge played through my head as he administered I don’t know how many more slaps to my heated ass.

“You gonna do that shit again?”

“No.” I sniffled and tried to rub the sting from my ass, not sure what the hell had just happened. I had a full sulk going when he turned me over and before I knew it his lips were devouring mine and his hand was in my underwear.

“Stop crying it wasn’t that bad, next time it will be worse so you better make sure the shit doesn’t happen again.” Easy for him to say, he wasn’t the one with the fiery behind. Maybe I’d enjoyed that guy’s flirting a little too much but it had all been innocent.




Poor baby, I guess no one had ever taken a hand to her ass before, but she had the prettiest pout on her cute little face, though the daggers in her eyes said she would like to hurt me right now.

I pulled her up into my arms to soothe her and ended up unleashing my cock for her to sit on. She was just so adorably cute in her pique that I couldn’t resist.

“Behave.” She was trying to give me attitude with my cock stuffed in here, but I wasn’t having it. My thumb on her clit and my teeth in her neck soon had her softening up a little and by the time I started pulling her up and down on my meat her pussy was juicing and clutching my shit.

“I love you Ilene.” That was all it took for her to melt all the way and let go. What had started out as a punishment soon became something else entirely when I found my anger fading fast.

I couldn’t really stay mad at her, but she didn’t need to know that, shit would only lead to more headaches for me and sore asses for her.

I let her cum until the front of my slacks were soaked and then stood with her still impaled on my cock and headed for the bedroom. “This is after.”

I slammed into her hard enough to knock the bed into the wall. It was so hard I was afraid I’d hurt her, but instead she bucked beneath me and came again, so I did it again.

“Lift your legs.” As she obeyed me I wrestled my pants the rest of the way off so I could get down to some serious fucking.

I showed no mercy as I plowed into her pussy. She was tight and hot and her pussy squeezed off my shit as she moaned into my mouth.

“I don’t want anyone else near you ever.” I wasn’t sure just what the fuck I was doing, but I knew there was a good chance she could get hurt if that shit happened again. I found that I didn’t like even the idea of other men even talking to her.

I tried to show her with my cock instead of words. Lifting her legs over my shoulders so that I could dig deeper into the heat of her.

“Dane you’re too deep.”

“No, take me.” My dick was in her belly, I could feel that shit. I lifted her welted ass in my hands, bringing her closer as I fucked the memory of the young fuck out of her head. As she screamed and came for the last time, the thought of just how to keep other assholes from sniffing around my pussy hit me. I emptied my balls inside her with a growl. “I know just how to fix that shit.”

She was panting and twitching as my cock thumped away inside her as he drained. “What?”

“I’m going to breed you; time’s up.”

BOOK: The Soccer Mom's Bad Boy
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