The Skinwalker Conspiracies - 02 (41 page)

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“Of course I did!”

Turning, I walked back to my body and climbed in. There was a phantom pain in my leg where I’d just been bit and told Karla what happened.

“Lee,” I said. “I don’t think I can free you without killing the dog and that might destroy you in the state you’re in.”

Oswald growled.

“I don’t really like it either, but I can’t do it. Either De Soto did something different this time, or Virginia is right and you’re the one holding yourself prisoner in there.” Other possibilities raced through my mind, maybe he was afraid that with De Soto gone, he’d pass on the moment he left the dog. It was too bad I couldn’t take him to that Dog Whisperer guy I’d seen on cable and let him figure it out.

“We might be able to find another ghost who can get you out.” I thought about Eva in Pennsylvania. She also had the power to deal with him if he tried to destroy her and a ready-made prison to hold him if he somehow did.

Lee jumped on the couch and I touched the side of the dog.

“Fine, take me to someone who can get me out,”
he said.


It was too late to leave by the time we got everything sorted out, so we stayed the night. Karla snuggled up against me in her bed.

She smiled and traced a finger along my chest while saying, “It’s not strange enough that you can possess one of your dogs, but your other one is Lee Harvey Oswald. Maybe I really did go insane and I’m locked up in a rubber room somewhere?”

“If it’s any consolation, I’m probably in the next cell,” I chuckle while making my reply. As shared hallucinations go, this was pretty good.

“Kiss me.”

I did as she asked and said, “What was that for?”

She laughed and stretched out next to me. “It’s more fun than a pinch and works just as well.”

“Good,” I concluded. “Besides, this is too crazy for even insane people.”

“They sleep in the bathroom or we get two rooms.”

I looked at her until she explained, “Mike, I’m not going to do what we just did in front of your beagle much less in front of Lee Harvey Oswald. That is so not happening.”

My life wasn’t too bad. I hadn’t salvaged my relationship with my father. He was still due for a World’s Greatest Asshole coffee mug, but I’d learned things that neither of the Poe brothers had and managed to avoid dying in the process. Against all odds, I buried the hatchet with Cassandra Von Eckels, who was prepared to pay me a large amount of money to do something I was fated to do anyway.

Somehow, I’d even found a beautiful girlfriend who wasn’t my cousin and was willing to share a bed with me - just not while Lee Harvey Oswald or any dog was watching.

Strange terms for the start of a strange relationship.

“I can live with that, Karla,” I answered, hoping my words were the beginning of my own self-fulfilling prophecy

About the Author



Jim Bernheimer lives in Chesapeake, Virginia with his wife and two daughters. He is the author of the
Dead Eye
series and the
Spirals of Destiny
series from Gryphonwood Press. In addition, he has his own EJB imprint which is responsible for the
Horror, Humor, and Heroes
anthologies and the wildly entertaining
Confessions of a D-List Supervillain

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