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Authors: Kasey Michaels

The Sheikh's Secret Son (19 page)

BOOK: The Sheikh's Secret Son
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Could he believe that leaving Eden was the best, most noble thing he could do? Could he believe that Eden would come to realize that he was not asking their son to give up his life, but offering him instead the dream of a new life that would be an extension of his previous life? A chance to experience all of his birthright, all of his potential as he grew into manhood?

Telling Eden he loved her, loved their son, enough to leave them had been hard, very hard. Now, walking slowly toward the plane, Ben almost found it impossible.

He had one foot on the bottom step, his hand on the railing, when he thought he heard Eden's voice.

His hand gripped the railing more tightly as he slowly turned, looked back across the inky tarmac.

Was he now doomed to hallucinations? To tricks played on him by his treacherous mind?

“Ben! Ben! Wait for us! We're coming with you!”

It was not a dream.

Eden was there, Sawyer beside her, and the two of them were running toward him, hand in hand, Sawyer gripping a small, battered teddy bear in his free arm. He could see them both clearly now, still running toward him across the tarmac, Eden's words now drowned out beneath the roar of the jet engines slowly coming to life.

“You are correct, Your Highness,” Nadim said, standing beside him. “I have looked into her eyes and now I see for myself. This is an honest woman, who honestly loves you. The world is right once more.”

Ben continued to stare at Eden. She was laughing, crying, and he knew that she had made her decision. He and Eden and Sawyer would be a family, forever and always, a family. She now believed what he believed, that as long as they were together, they were home.

Tears pricked at Ben's eyes, even as his smile threatened to split his face in two.

He let go of the railing, stripped off his
—not a sheikh at this moment, but only a man—and he began to run….

Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Kasey Michaels for her contribution to THE FORTUNES OF TEXAS series.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7330-0


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BOOK: The Sheikh's Secret Son
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