Read The Sheikh's Resisting Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Leslie North

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

The Sheikh's Resisting Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: The Sheikh's Resisting Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 3)
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“Have you ever watched an Arabic movie before?” James whispered against Tanya's ear.


“Yes, 678,” she whispered back.


“Hmm, good movie.”


“Yes, and if you do not control your sexual urges, you will be like one of those guys,” Tanya replied as she giggled.

“I can control myself. I could never be like that,




“Have you changed your screen saver yet?”


Tanya looked at James with a frown on her face. “What? Change it why and to what?” she asked him. He moved his face to be closer to hers, with their lips almost touching.


“To the picture of you and me,” he said. Tanya snorted and shook her head.


“No, thanks, I like the one I have,” she said. “Why don't I send it to you and you can put it on your phone?” she asked.


“Deal,” he replied. He placed his hand on her thigh underneath the blanket.


“Whatever, James, I know you won't do it.”


“I would.”




“So I can look at you whenever I want.”


Tanya shook her head and removed his hand from her thigh. James gripped her hand instead and held onto to it as he rubbed her palm with his thumb. He moved even closer to her and asked her about her day. She told him everything that had happened from the moment she had woken up.


They then spoke about his business trip. James was enjoying talking to her. She was quite interesting to talk to and she was funny. Even when they spoke about the weather, they found a way to turn it into something humorous.


“What are you two whispering about over there?” Rene asked.


“Nonsense, I tell you,” Tanya replied and snatched her hand back from James. Rene smiled and rested her head on Joshua's chest. He kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair.


James wrapped an arm around Tanya and pulled her closer as he stroked her side. This time she did not protest as his hand found the hem of her shirt and slipped under to stroke her soft skin. As he worked his way up, he brushed against her breast and felt her nipple instantly harden in response.


Fortunately, they were sitting in the dark with the only light coming from the television and the fireplace. With the blanket tucked up under her chin, he could enjoy the feel of her without anyone else noticing, but she moved his hand away.


“Stop,” she whispered.


“You feel good. Your skin is so soft,” he said to her. She pushed him away playfully.


“James, what the heck.”


He stopped touching her and settled for keeping his arm wrapped around her shoulder.


Chapter 9


The next day, Rene was well enough to hang out with Tanya, so the two of them slipped into their summer dresses and went out for a walk. Rene had been telling Tanya about the beautiful garden in the palace and she couldn’t wait to see it.


“How are things with the queen?” Tanya asked her as they walked. She knew that the queen had been keeping an eye on Rene and she was curious as to what, if anything had happened.


“Joshua and I had dinner with her before she left town,” Rene replied and took a deep breath.


“She will come around,” Tanya could see that Rene and Joshua were so in love. It would be a shame if they did not have his mother's approval.


“Well, I hope so.”


“So, you sure you feel better?”


“Yes, I do.”




Rene and Tanya stepped into the hot Middle Eastern sun, which was eased by the cool breeze. The two of them walked the palace garden as Rene pointed out some of her favourite flowers. It was as beautiful as Rene had described and Tanya was blown away at all the colours. She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. The scents were wonderful as she gasped and stared wide-eyed. “This place is gorgeous and you said that the queen designed it?” 


Nodding her head, “I know, can you believe that this even exists? It’s fantastic.” Tanya went to the fountain and put her hand in the cool water. She looked at Rene from the corner of her eye and then splashed her with water. Rene screamed at the sudden surprise of cold water on her skin and started chasing Tanya.


The two of them laughed as they chased and splashed each other with water. Tanya stopped running and called for a truce. She whispered to Rene “Let's get them,” and gestured towards her maids. Rene nodded in agreement and they counted to three before they attacked the maids with the water. The maids jumped and then joined in on the splashing.


“I love how close they are to you,” Tanya said to Rene when they had stopped playing with the water. They were now lying on the grass, enjoying the sun.


“They are pretty awesome.”


“Yes, we are,” Muna replied as everyone laughed


Tanya and Rene laid there talking about all sorts of unimportant things when Rene brought up James. Tanya tried to act calm. She was not sure what to say to her friend as she was confused about her emotions and him. She liked one side of him, but the other, not so much.


As much as she had tried to resist him, her resolve weakened each time she was around him. Last night, it only took him seconds to get her aroused and she could not even remember what the movie was about because the only thing she could think about was how good he felt with his arm around her.




That night after dinner, Rene and Joshua retired to Joshua's quarters and Tanya was bored in her bedroom. She went to stand out on the balcony and was staring into the distance when James appeared beside her. “Where did you come from?” she asked him.


“My quarters,” he replied. He leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets.


“How?” Tanya asked him.


“The balcony circles the palace,” he replied. “All the bedrooms open out onto it.”






“You randomly showed up when I happened to be outside. Are you spying on me?” she teased.


“Not exactly,” James replied as he laughed before moving closer to her. “I want you,” he said to her with his deep commanding voice. Tanya raised her eyebrows. She did not know how to respond to that statement.


“Do you?” she asked him.


“Since the moment I met you,” he said simply as she looked at him in surprise. His gaze washed over her, from head to toe. Tanya had already slipped into her pyjama shorts and a tank top and the way he looked at her, she might as well have been naked.


“Um, that's nice,” she answered, unsure what else to say. What else could she say to him? That she wanted him too? Because she did but she was not going to tell him that. He stared at her with such an intense gaze that it sent shivers up her spine. The twitch in his jaw was evidence of his burning desire for her.


James was suddenly standing in front of her as he wrapped his strong arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He dipped his head and claimed her lips in a passionate kiss. The last time he had kissed her, he was slow and gentle. This time, it was commanding, as he took control and plundered her mouth as she moaned and kissed him back.


Reaching for the hem on her shirt, he pulled it over her head and threw it on the ground. He groaned at the sight of her full breasts as he cupped them in his hands and kissed the tops before returning to her mouth. His hands roamed freely over her and Tanya mimicked his movements and slid her hands up under his shirt. His skin was so smooth beneath the taut muscles.


Stepping back, James pulled his shirt over his head as Tanya’s eyes glowed in appreciation. He really was magnificent to look at. Scooping her up, he covered the distance to her bedroom quickly as he laid her down on the bed. Reaching for her waistband, he pulled her shorts off before reaching for his own waistband and stepping out of his pants.


His eyes roved possessively over her body as he stared at her. Tanya resisted the urge to cover up as his intense stare stripped away all the layers of confidence she had. As he stepped toward her, she realized that he was naked and fully erect, as she gasped when she saw the size of him. His whole body was impressive and it was obvious that he spent time working out. James joined her on the bed as he lay next to her. Leaning against one arm, he looked at her and smiled as he trailed fingers along her body.


She was perfection, he thought, as he gave her a hard kiss before moving to her neck and kissing his way down to her chest. He stroked her skin as she broke out in goose bumps. She felt so good to his touch that he didn’t want to stop. Nuzzling his head between her breasts, he kissed both before his mouth found one nipple and his hot breath made it perk up painfully. Sticking his tongue out, he licked it lightly and closed his eyes in pleasure when she moaned in response.


James did not understand why, but he wanted to bring her as much pleasure as possible as he continued to kiss and touch her, ferreting out all her different pleasure spots. The more she moaned or squirmed, the more he wanted to explore. He chuckled when he kissed her stomach and she almost bent in two in surprised.


Grabbing his head, she pulled him back up as he loomed over her. Lifting her head, she wrapped her arms around his neck and nibbled on his chin. Nuzzling the side of his face, she found his mouth, as she tentatively explored it.


James groaned at how innocent yet sensuous it felt as she kissed him. Sliding his hand up her neck, he took over, as he deepened the kissing, sucking at her tongue. Tanya arched in pleasure as her nipples brushed his chest. Leaning heavily against her, he closed his eyes in absolute pleasure as her hardened nipples rubbed against him.


He could feel her begin to shake in need as his erection pressed against her thigh. Sliding his hand down her body, he lifted her leg, wrapping it around his waist as he shifted his body between her. Lifting her other leg, she pulled them tightly against him as he positioned himself. He could smell her arousal as she lifted her hips in anticipation.


No longer able to hold out, his lips found hers as he thrust deeply inside her. Tanya gasped in surprise, as he deepened the kiss. He began to rock against her as he soon found his rhythm and continued to thrust in and out. Digging her heels into his thighs, she raised her hips as she met him thrust for thrust. The pleasure was working its way around her body, as she curled her toes against the intensity of what she was feeling.


Holding him tightly to her, she cried out as she felt her first orgasm. Overwhelmed at the intensity, she cautioned herself not to cry, as her body shook with pleasure. Shortening his thrusts, James groaned as he came, dispensing his pleasure deep inside her.


Rolling to the side, he held her as he rained kisses across her face making her giggle. Smiling down at her, he pulled the blankets around them as he leaned over her to turn out the light.




When the morning light chased the darkness away, Tanya opened her eyes. She turned her head to see a naked Adonis lying in her bed, his eyes closed in slumber. James was just so gorgeous, with or without clothes, she thought as she recalled last night's events. It had been incredible. James opened his eyes and found Tanya looking at him as he gave her a lazy smile.


“Were you waiting for me to wake?” he asked her.


“Yes,” she replied.


“Because you want more.” James said with a wink, “Come here.”


“No, because I was waiting for you to get out of my bed,” she joked. She could not believe that she had just gotten caught staring at him and admiring his beauty.


“Yeah, right,” he said and got out of bed. Tanya laughed in response. He walked to the bathroom in all his naked glory as Tanya covered her face. She could not walk around naked in front of him like that. She was too shy but then again if you had a body like James, then you too would show it off. He reappeared a few moments later.


He sat on the bed and pulled his phone out of his trousers. Tanya had half expected him to join her back in bed, but he frowned as he looked at his message.


“Is everything okay?” she asked him.


“Joshua just messaged me about a meeting.” James placed the phone on the nightstand and started getting dressed. “I have to go,” he added.


“Okay,” Tanya replied. She sighed and crawled out of bed to get dressed. She realised that James had left his phone so slipped on a long t-shirt and her shorts before running after him to return it.


BOOK: The Sheikh's Resisting Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 3)
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