The Sex Arena (Sex Slave Series #2) (7 page)

BOOK: The Sex Arena (Sex Slave Series #2)
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Sidney watched with a mixture of awe and disgust as the new little beings rippled their way onto each other,
stacking on top of each other,
a position next to her nipple
. When t
he last one finally settled, everything happened at once.

The newborns began to
drawing nourishment from her breasts into their mouths
and the maggot on her clit stroked, sucked and worked the sensitive nub. Pleasure shot through her body like a bolt of electricity
and it wasn’t long before she was close to orgasming.

Encircling her clit with its tiny teeth and suctioning mouth, the worm pumped and rippled endlessly. Sidney thrust her hips up and down, undulating wildly in pleasure while the maggot continued to suck her clit.

The newborns began to
grow before her eyes, doubling
then tripling in size. Sidney wouldn’t have noticed because of the incredible sensations on her
however, since they were only inches from her face, it was hard to miss their growing bodies.

Bucking violently, she might have thrown all of the little creatures on the floor had the handler not tied down her arms
she was climaxing hard. The last thing she saw before she blacked out from the intensity of pleasure was the larvae at her nipples, growing ever-larger.


Sidney spent the next several days tied to her bed. Her insectoid lover actually made an appearance
and instead of fearing him or being repulsed by him, she welcomed him to stay with her.

Unable to move due to the foot-long worms attached to her nipples, she longed for mental stimulation. She continued to have plenty of
orgasms, approximately one every hour, which she noticed increased the flow of nourishment to her offspring.

She learned the father’s name was
and he was of the
species. Under normal circumstances,
his race
mated for life; but their
was dying, so they mated with any
species in hopes of continuing a shred of their own

had never been to the Sex Arena before
and he liked his little human. He wanted to mate with her and for her to give birth to his offspring
the rest of his days
, but the grays had refused
when he tried to purchase her from them

Sidney knew the grays would come for her the same day her young detached themselves from her nourishment-giving breasts. She was sad as they left her body and missed the weight of her offspring.

With tears in her eyes, she watched
the young onto his back.
He placed his heavy pincher on top of her hand and hissed at her sweetly.

Given no chance for parting words, she materialized back into her prison on the ship with the grays.


To be continued…



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* * * *

Coming Soon

Succubus Summoned

Rush has a fetish; a cock fetish, to be precise.
Word of her need to feed her obsession attracts the attention of
n who summon
her to
. Not about to obey
a directive from some nobody
ignores his
demand, but unknowingly plays right into
when she interviews for a position at the very company
. Wh
or, more importantly,
is t
his alpha male and
hat will
do to
when she shows up on
front door?

* * * *

Erotic Horror by Emerald Ice:


Alien Love Slave

Part 1 of the
Sex Slave Series
Sidney Marshall is abducted from her front lawn by aliens. After being subjected to an in-depth physical examination, she is horrified to learn she is now considered property to be loaned out for sex and breeding to any species
can pay. On the upside, her abductors have two requirements in their sex contract with other species: Sidney must experience pleasure
must be returned in the same condition.
Will her life be hell or will she discover that life as a sex slave isn’t so terrible after all?


The Witch’s Bitch
– Prince
Hale is a man who gets what he wants. He uses women
until one day he meets his match; an evil
teaches the prince a lesson he’ll never forget.


Other works by Emerald Ice:


The Beast’s Desire

Chloe Sanders is the first person to set foot in Apple Creek Forest Preserve in fifteen years. Collecting unusual samples from the forest should be an easy task, but Chloe finds an even bigger biological anomaly waiting for her. An elusive lycanthrope has the
for Chloe and she finds herself unable to resist the advances of Bigfoot.


The Beast’s Desire 2

Chloe Sanders has never been more frustrated in her life. Her truck died, she injured herself and Bigfoot just abandoned her in the middle of the road after sexually teasing her to the point of insanity! A sexy forest ranger rides in to the rescue, but Chloe isn't sure she wants to be rescued at all. Will she see her Bigfoot again? Will she go mad with pent-up sexual frustration? Find out in part 2 of The Beast’s Desire.


The Beast’s Desire 3

After discovering the identity of Bigfoot, Chloe Sanders has had enough. She is determined to leave Apple Creek Preserve, but getting out of the forest is more of a challenge than she ever dreamed. Chloe discovers a world she never knew existed as multiple species of shifters learn of her presence on their sacred ground. Will they kill her? Force her to mate with them?
Let her leave in peace? Read the exciting conclusion of this series in The Beast’s Desire 3 to find out!

* * * *

BOOK: The Sex Arena (Sex Slave Series #2)
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