Read The Sentinel Online

Authors: Holly Martin

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Coming of Age, #Paranormal & Urban

The Sentinel (30 page)

BOOK: The Sentinel
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Seth’s glorious voice came in my head. I ignored it and pressed on even faster. I wasn’t ready to wake up yet.

Eve, you’ve gone.’


‘Where are you, you’re sliding again. But I can’t get a lock on your signal it’s moving too quickly.’

As the significance of what he had said registered, I stopped. The effect of stopping like that at the speed I was travelling was like hitting a wall, I suddenly cart wheeled out of control through the air and crashed into the sea. The icy waves closed over my head, I struggled to right myself in the cold darkness, but it was so dark that I couldn’t work out which way to swim, water gushed down my throat and up my nose, and the cold surrounded me like a blanket of ice. Somehow, I fought my way back to the surface and breathed deeply, the air stinging the back of my throat. I coughed and heaved as the water I had swallowed poured out of my nose.

Eve? Are you ok, wait I’ve found you, stay there I’m coming to you.’

‘NO, don’t, I’m coming home now.’
I called. I quickly visualized my bedroom and as the cold vanished and was replaced by warmth, I knew I was back. I was soaking and trembling, partly from the cold and partly from the realisation of what had just happened, that it was all real, that I had really flown. A blanket was suddenly round me, strong arms holding me tight. I was scooped up in the blanket and put on the bed.

‘Eve what the hell happened, are you ok?’ Seth’s voice was anxious in the darkness, as he lay down on the bed next to me.

I giggled as I snuggled against him, and I felt him relax, the tiniest amount.

‘Seth I flew, I was flying, I was soaring over the ocean like a bird.’

‘Another manifestation of your powers.’ He kissed my nose, sweetly.

‘Seth, whatever the future has in store for me, whatever happens, I know I’m better equipped to deal with it all with you by my side.’

Far away, bells chiming rang out in the darkness, heralding the dawn of Christmas Day.

His lips found mine in the darkness and as he kissed me, my heart, like I had moments before, soared.


The End.


Read on for an extract of Book two of The Sentinel Series, The Prophecies.


The Prophecies, Book two of The Sentinel Series

An extract


I looked back at Seth and he was kissing her. Rage shot through me and I suddenly found myself yanking Lucas’s knife from his belt and running forward, I tucked the knife into the back of my jeans as I rugby tackled Sophia round the waist, sending her sprawling onto the floor. I landed on top of her and got two good punches in round her face, but as I grabbed the knife Seth kicked me off her, instantly shattering the bone in my forearm. I smashed into the floor with such force that I felt my collar bone snap, and one of my ribs, the knife was knocked out of my hand. Pain seared through me and I struggled to get up, but Seth, incandescent with rage, punched me in the face, breaking my cheek bone.

I could see Lucas over his shoulder wrestling with Sophia, though his mind wasn’t really on it, he was aware that Seth was beating me up and he knew he had to stop that before he stopped Sophia.

‘Seth stop,’ roared Lucas, throwing Sophia to the floor.

But Seth either couldn’t or didn’t want to hear. He punched me again, then he fastened his hands round my throat. If Lucas wasn’t quick enough Seth was going to kill me.

About the Author

I live in sunny Bedfordshire in a house with round windows. I studied media at university which led to a very glitzy career as a hotel receptionist followed by an even more glamorous two years working in a bank. The moment that one of my colleagues received the much coveted carriage clock for fifteen years’ service was the moment when I knew I had to escape. I quit my job and returned to university to train to be a teacher. Three years later, I emerged wide eyed and terrified that I now had responsibility for the development of thirty young minds. I taught for four years before History Off The Page came to my school to do a Tudor day. I now drive round the country in my little white van, dressing up as a Viking one day and an Egyptian High Priestess the next.

I love to write. The characters do exactly what I want them to do, most of the time. Sometimes they do seem to go off and do their own thing without my permission. It is complete escapism into a world where I have full control.

I've been writing for four years now, every spare second I have, I'm scribbling ideas in a notebook or typing a scene on my laptop.

The Sentinel is the first in a series of books that follows Eve as she prepares to fulfill her destiny and save the world.

[email protected]


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Table of Contents

Part 1

1. The night I should have died
2. What’s so special about me?
3. I think I’m losing my mind
4. What? How? Why? When?
5. My Personal Guard
6. It’s about to get a whole lot weirder
7. Donum
8. Zeki
9. Constant Vigilance
10. The future’s bright, mine was black
11. Deception

Part 2

12. Sliding into darkness
13. A watery grave
14. The science of me
15. The fear of death
16. My life or his
17. The arrogance of The Sentinel
18. The second warning
19. Edward
20. Fight or flight
21. They all died for me
22. The welcome home

About the Author

BOOK: The Sentinel
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