The Seduction of Gretchen: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles) (3 page)

BOOK: The Seduction of Gretchen: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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“Thank you,” he said, instantly recommencing his gentlemanly
composure.  “You were just what I was in the mood for.”  Wiping his mouth
carefully with a handkerchief, he gave me a smile and went for the door. 

“Until next time,” he said hopefully.

 “Yes… perhaps,” I responded cordially, though I knew right
then I had absolutely no intention of selecting him again.  He repulsed me. 
But then, I had to ask myself, was it any different from the rest of them?  Or
was it merely because I had been given a glimpse of something far superior to
the other Vampires that my mind would not cease obsessing over?

With a hopeful smile, the Vampire shut the door behind him. 
Slipping back into my gown, I made my way back to my own chamber, appreciative
for the chance to finally be left alone to ponder just what had happened to me

In truth, feeling consumed by this sudden loss of control of
my own will, I wanted simply to clear my mind, or at least to think of
something insignificant for a while.  I desperately needed to regain my sense
of balance, to know that I was still an independent woman, capable of doing as
I wish, not allowing another to dictate or influence my choices.

After a few minutes of attempting this, I slumped back upon
my bed in frustration.  Try as I might, I resolved myself to the fact that I
simply could not drive him from my mind.  Nor was I successful in replacing him
with more harmless, empty thinking.  Actually, I found there was absolutely
nothing else in my mind but
.  With just one look, somehow he had
succeeded in occupying every facet of my mind.

I have always valued my independence of anyone else—
especially from men— my freedom to do what I want, when I want, to enjoy having
sex with whomever I want, not being committed to one person, my life restricted
in any way by another.

So how is it this has happened to me without my allowing
it?  What is this spell he has placed upon me?  I never wanted this, never
asked for it.  And yet, all the same, here it is.  Beyond my control…

Somewhere amidst my deliberations, I fell into sleep.  That
night, I dreamt of him.  Dreamt of him making love to me, of all things!  I had
to laugh at that, for I knew that would only be possible in my dreams.  And
every night thereafter I dreamt of him again.  My mind was consumed with
thoughts of him with every passing second.

Utterly lost I had become to this man who I had seen but



ot a day, not a minute passed that I did not find
myself thinking of
.  And every day that passed and I did not see him
again only made me feel more restless, more frustrated, and more foolish.

Likely he was merely passing through our fine city and I
shall never see him again.  I am fairly certain I have never seen him here
before.  No, actually, I am positive.  Never could I have missed someone like

Besides, what the hell am I doing fantasizing about some
Vampire?  Was my life not perfectly lovely before I saw him?  Was I not having
the time of my life enjoying all these gorgeous men… men who can actually
pleasure me fully.  What would I want with someone like him, who cannot offer
me the pleasure I have so come to crave and relish?

Just when I had convinced myself to be strong and drive all
thoughts of him from my mind, there he was again.  Not that I had been the
least bit successful in my endeavour, mind you.  But I was certain I
have been— given enough time.

It was the last show of the night.  There I was on stage,
only this time I saw him the moment I walked out onto the stage.  Like he was
calling to me intuitively, my eyes shot straight to him.  And again, his blue
eyes penetrated mine as none others ever had.  It was as though he had the
ability to peer directly into my soul.  My heart seizing within my chest,
suddenly I felt as though I could not breathe. 

Interrupting my moment, the female with whom I was
performing started kissing me, her hands moving to my breasts.  I tried to keep
my eyes on him, but I could not.  Projecting all of my pent up desire for him
into it, I returned her kiss ferociously as the male groped at us both,
anxiously awaiting for his turn.

Pushing me onto my back, the female moved her body between
my legs and commenced to licking me, the male coming around to my face and
pushing his organ into my mouth.  So much was going on, I was feeling
overwhelmed and all the while wishing I could see
, but try as I
might, I could not.  Nonetheless, just the mere knowledge of him being there,
watching me, was making me so hot that it was like all the sensations of my
body were accelerated.

Before I knew it, I was climaxing from her tongue upon my
sex, my mind focused upon
.  Still in the midst of my orgasm, the
male at my head quickly made his way between my legs, slapping the derriere of
the female still there who simply climbed up my body and perched herself upon
my face so that I could return the favour.  I tried to turn my head to get a
glimpse of him, but the female was upon me so fast that I did not have the

I would just have to do with imagining his gorgeous face,
his piercing eyes, his beckoning lips.  I imagined he was the one I felt
pushing into me, driving himself into my sex over and over, magnifying my

All this fantasizing had the sensations of my body reacting
as they never had before and soon I was climaxing again.  Thinking it was his
doing, the male having me began speaking crudely to me.

“You really like this, wench, don’t you, huh?  You just
my thick cock in your pussy!”

Striving to ignore him, I turned my focus to the female
sitting atop my face.  In a matter of moments, she was climaxing, as well. 
Pulling her down my body and pushing her forwards, the male withdrew from me
and impelled his eager cock into her as she began kissing me, eager to taste
herself upon my mouth.

After devoting a generous number of thrusts to her, he
commenced to taking turns with us, pulling his cock out of one and driving it
into the other.  It did not take much longer till his stamina was spent. 
Though it had been a most tantalizing time, I was relieved that it was over at
last so that I was free to look for my obsession, and service him at the end of
the night.

When again, I looked up ready to meet his gaze, he was
gone.  I looked over the audience frantically.  But he was nowhere to be seen. 
I told myself that he had just snuck out early to be sure to get a front spot
up at the selection platform, so that I would not overlook him when he bid for

As if I could!

But once again, I was received the sting of bitter

I just do not understand.  What is his game?

In the following days there was no further sign of him. 
Then more than a week had passed.  I was sure this time he must have returned
from wherever it was he had come, leaving me with the vexing gift of this relentless
obsession for him.

I wanted to forget him.  Believe me, I did.

Alas, hard as I tried, I simply could not.

I wished I had never seen him.  Wished he had never
captivated my soul as he had.

But it was hopeless.  I was powerless to resist it. 

I had become no more than a slave to my thoughts of him, to
my desires for him.

I did not want to believe that he had entered my life only
to leave me longing for him for the rest of eternity.  How cruel would that
have been?  But then, he was a Vampire, and I had certainly known some to be
extraordinarily cruel.  After living for centuries, they can tend to become
bored and have to devise clever ways in which to keep themselves entertained.

No.  That could not be it.

I could not bring myself to believe that was what he had
done.  I was
merely the unfortunate recipient of a Vampire’s cruel
game with some foolish human female.  We had shared a genuine connection.  I
it.  I had been more sure of it than I had ever been of

I was well aware that I was only tormenting myself.  My
ruminating over him had become an addictive concoction of pleasure and pain. 
But I could not help it.  What’s more, in the weak moments when I did try to
expel him from my mind, it only removed the pleasure, leaving me alone with the

I found myself fantasizing over him ceaselessly, imagining
it was him in place of every other male I took into my body on a nightly basis. 
What’s worse, I found I was now unable to even reach climax with these males
unless I was thinking of
.  I knew it was having an adverse effect
upon my performances because I was far from present and as engaged in them as I
should be, as I once was. 

I determined that the next time I saw him— and I decided
be a next time, as it was the only thing which carried me
through the many days without him— I would be damned if he was going to slip
away again without giving me the chance to be with him.  I would take matters
into my own hands, if I must. 

would request


Chapter Three



he following day in the performer’s lounge,
Lucia held up her hand to get the group’s attention. 
“Everyone, please allow me to introduce you to Giuliana.  She has just arrived
tonight and will be joining our group.  I trust all of
you will make her feel more than welcome.”

And she certainly had gotten
my attention.  I could tell she felt rather awkward with the eyes of so many
suddenly upon her.  From the looks of her, she was not accustomed to being
around nude people, let alone so many.

Giuliana was stunningly
beautiful.   As was the case with everyone else in the room, I could not seem
to remove my eyes from her.  Her expressive green eyes and lustrous chestnut
tresses falling over her flawless caramel skin with softly rounded curves on a
petite frame was captivating.  Her beauty was far beyond any other woman I had
seen in here in a long time.  It was not only her appearance, but also her kind
and innocent demeanour which made her shine so.  I could see how she could
become very popular here. 

On the other hand, I could
see her not lasting long enough to find out.  If she had become that easily
overwhelmed by the mere suggestion of anything sexual, how was she to handle
actually doing it— and far worse?  She would be obligated to engage in acts she
never would have fathomed.  I did hope she would last, yet I could not see it
realistically happening.

Lucia spoke up again.  “Giuliana
here is a virgin… a virgin to knowing the pleasures of a woman, that is,” she
added facetiously.   Her face flushed with embarrassment.  Truthfully, I was
surprised someone so demure as her had ended up here at all.

I wonder what her story

“Now, which of you would like
to volunteer to delight her in the pleasures of women?” 

Taking a step forward, I
lifted my hand.  “I will,” I offered.  I turned to her and introduced myself,
“I am Gretchen.”

Smiling at me coyly, Giuliana
stepped forward and took my outstretched hand.  “I am Giuliana.  I am most
pleased to be of your acquaintance.”  Her voice matched her well, dainty and

“We shall see how pleased you
are to be of my acquaintance in a short time,” I told her suggestively, with a
wink which prompted her to giggle nervously.

Giuliana glanced back anxiously as I followed her to her bed
I had to wonder if her seemingly
pure mind had ever before even considered another woman in a sexual manner. 
Either way, this was going to be fun!

“Come, let us lie upon your bed,” I suggested, trying to put
her at ease.  “I promise you will find much enjoyment in what I will show you.”

Giuliana smiled politely, as though she doubted the
likelihood of that.  However, I was determined to blow her mind.  What could be
more fun than that?

I watched as she very timidly slipped out of her nightdress,
telling myself not to snicker at her nervousness.  It was actually quite

As she laid back upon the bed, I slid beside her, the
softness and curves of her feminine body feeling lovely against my own. 
Leaning forward to kiss her soft, full lips, the flesh of my breasts pressed
into hers.  After a brief kiss, I pulled back, to happily discover that she was
breathing harder already, her lips trembling, as my eyes peered into hers.

“I see you fancy it already,” I stated confidently, smiling

Without waiting for an answer, I lowered my face to her
chest, my hands massaging the generous flesh of her supple globes.  I brought
my mouth to one and detected Giuliana stifle the resultant moan as I traced my
wet tongue about the perimetre of her areola.  

“It is alright, Giuliana, you can let your sounds of
pleasure escape.  I
to hear them.”

She smiled awkwardly as I resumed my attention upon her,
flicking my tongue upon her stiffening nipple.  Drawing it deeply into my
mouth, Giuliana moaned louder, her eyes rolling back into her pretty head.  My
devoted suckling soon had her trembling with pleasure.

I was rather proud of myself.  And I was enjoying myself
thoroughly.  Being with someone who had never experienced being with another
woman before was entirely different from being with the veteran women in the
different.  And I loved it!

Unable to wait another minute, I slid my body down along
hers until I was level with her centre.  Lifting her head, Giuliana peered down
at me curiously.  Prying her legs apart gently, I settled myself between the
softness of her thighs.

Running a finger teasingly down along her sex, I discovered
she was already amply moist. 

She gasped. 

“Well, it seems you are more than ready for me, Giuliana.”

She rolled her eyes in embarrassment.

Without further hesitation, I dipped my face down to her,
stroking my tongue the length of her slit, stopping just before reaching the
swelling button at the top.  I could not help but delight in her whimpering. 
Descending once again, this time I made my tongue firmer so that it pressed
into her, urging the folds of flesh part for me. 

Eager to taste her for the first time, I dipped my tongue
inside her, pressing up further.  For this, I was rewarded with a long moan of

I could sense Giuliana’s inhibitions slowly melting away,
her resultant squirming beneath my tongue gave proof to that.  I found myself
wondering if she had ever experienced this before, not by a woman, but at all
.   If indeed that was true, then I was honoured to be her first and I
would make sure it would be a memorable experience for her!

As my tongue bathed her tender flesh, Giuliana’s eyes fell
closed.  I had to wonder what she was thinking.  Was she merely enjoying that which
I was giving her or was she thinking of something else—
else as I
so often did now…

My tongue continuing to lap at her soft flesh, I reveled in
the taste of her.   At last, I allowed contact with the swollen nub which sat
near the top of her sex.  As soon as my tongue met it, she squirmed beneath me,
moaning luridly, and pressed it into my mouth demandingly. 

Much sooner than I expected, I sensed her wetness surge, the
heat of it intensifying.  It rapidly escalated and in the next second, her sex
was throbbing, her pleasure overcoming her. 

Giuliana thrust her hips forward, entangling her hands in my
long hair, pressing herself closer to my mouth, as she writhed and bucked
beneath my tongue, rubbing herself along it as though she could not get enough. 
Any signs of her previous demureness had melted away.  Letting her ride out the
wave of her pleasure upon my tongue, inside I was beaming.  Though I had been
with countless women in my time there, it was always something special to have
the opportunity to bestow a woman with her first Sapphic pleasure.  I hoped she
would always look back on this night and remember me fondly as her first.

Her body still trembling, I crawled up beside Giuliana, and
pressed my body close against hers.  I remained silent for a long moment so
that she could revel in it.

“Well, I say for seeming such a prude, you certainly seemed
to let go of yourself quite easily.”  Giggling, I rubbed my head.

Trying to catch a breath, she whispered, “Forgive me, did I
pain you?”

“Not much,” I answered with a smirk.  “At least I know for
certain you enjoyed yourself.”  After a long pause, I asked, “Are you ready to
practise on me, now?”

I was eager to see what she could do.

She hesitated.  For a moment there, I almost did not expect
her to acquiesce.

“Yes, of course.  I would be most delighted,” Giuliana
replied graciously, though I did not miss the uncertainty still coming though
in her voice.

Not wanting to provide her too much an opportunity to change
her mind, I laid back on the bed, holding her gaze provocatively as I spread my
legs before her.  Slowly, Giuliana lowered herself between my open legs and
drew in a deep breath before putting her face to my sex.
At first, it was clear she did not know quite
what to do, for I could not even feel her tongue on me. 

Having thoroughly enjoyed my pleasuring her, I was well
aware that I would be rather slick and wondered what her reaction would be.  Rather
cautiously Giuliana ran her tongue along my slit, barely meeting my flesh,
tickling me.  I assumed that even though she had certainly enjoyed her turn,
still she was somewhat hesitant to be performing such an intimate act upon
another woman.  I prepared myself not to expect much from her, or even not to be
surprised if she were to back out of the whole thing entirely.

As if to prove me wrong, just then, Giuliana dipped back
into me with her tongue.  Licking her lips she lapped her tongue across my
sex.  I moaned low and steady to convey to her that she was on the right track.

Rather surprising me, like she all of a sudden knew exactly
what to do, Giuliana pressed several fingers up into me, driving them into me slowly,
yet rhythmically.  Her tongue swiftly becoming more adept, my moans deepened
and became significantly more voluble.
the next second I was writhing beneath her, my flesh pulsating rhythmically
against her lips as warm juices gushed out from me. 

Still lying limp and panting under her, she sat up, smiling
proudly as she gazed down at me.  Finally able to catch my breath so that I
could speak, I gazed up at her and whispered breathlessly, “Oh my God,
Giuliana!  You cannot expect me to believe you have not done this before!” I remarked,
endeavouring to encourage her. 

Perplexed, she peered down at me. 

“That was better than any other woman has done to me.  Even
better than most men, I would say!”  Though I did stretch the truth a bit for
her sake, I did not have to stretch it far.

“Really?” she asked incredulously, her face lighting up

“I speak the truth.  You can do that to me anytime you

Giuliana blushed, though whether it was due to my compliment
or the idea of doing it again, I was not sure.  “You flatter me, Gretchen,” she
cooed in her demure way.

Smiling genuinely, I leaned forward and kissed her lightly
upon the lips.

“Gretchen?” she started. 


“Tell me what it is like to have the Vampires feed from

I emitted a long sigh.  “Well, it can be many things.  Not
one experience is the same as it is dependent upon who they are, as well as
what prevailing emotions you bring to the moment, not so unlike sex, really. 
If you bring fear and expect pain, then that is what you shall reap.  If you go
into it expecting pleasure, then pleasure is what you shall receive.”

“You make it sound so simple,” she stated incredulously. 
“Still, is it not frightening?  Is it not
, regardless?  After
all, they are piercing your flesh and drawing the blood from your body.”

“Yes, technically you are correct.  However, though the pain
is inevitable, the fear is merely an emotion one chooses to have.  And it is
that which makes the experience excruciatingly painful.  But if you were to
choose to not allow fear, but instead, say lust, to inhabit your mind, the
experience will be an entirely different one altogether.  Have you never
experienced pain and pleasure simultaneously?”

Clearly embarrassed, Giuliana shook her head.

She was so naïve!  I could not even imagine what it must be
like to have only ever been with one man! 

“Just remember to find pleasure in the pain and focus on the
lust of the physical act, that he is feeding off your essence, just as you
drank in mine, only in a varying manner, of course.  Do not allow the fear to
creep in, to prevent you from finding the pleasure of it all.  Do not forget
who you are now— a courtesan, exceedingly desirable and beautiful.  Others will
seek you out to gratify their pleasures.”

Ready to retire to my own chamber for the night, I bid her
goodnight with a soft kiss.

At dinner the following day, I sat with Giuliana.   She was
so nervous about her debut performance, she could scarcely even eat.  She asked
me if I would partner with her for her debut performance to calm her nerves. 

I assured her I would request it.  But the truth was, I
thought she would be better off straying from her comfort zone rather than remaining
in it.  She had to get out there sometime.  Besides, I was certain Lucia would
go easy on her the first show.  She would be just fine.  And after the way she
had surprised me the previous night, I was nearly sure she would likely enjoy
whatever scenario she was in!

BOOK: The Seduction of Gretchen: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles)
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