The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx (5 page)

Read The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #General Fiction, #Romance MM, #erotic MM

BOOK: The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx
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nudity. Now, only Preston’s clothing separated their bodies. Layton

arched his back, silently demanding to feel the other man’s naked skin against his own. Preston’s prick nudged against him, and Layton’s

anus clenched with the desire to take it in.

Layton had never been with anyone before. He’d always saved his

first time for his mate, but now, he couldn’t think of any person but Preston he wanted more. Everything inside him was fully focused on

Preston, and the part of his mind that still worked wondered why he’d waited until now in the first place.

As Preston’s mouth left his, Layton started to struggle with

Preston’s shirt. “Clothes off. Now.”

At first, Preston seemed agreeable. He took off his top, revealing a mouthwatering chest and a taut abdomen Layton wanted to lick. But

as Layton’s hands reached for Preston’s pants, Preston hesitated. “We shouldn’t do this,” he said.

But Layton was on fire. He couldn’t remember why in the world

Preston would be reluctant to touch him. “Why?” he asked as he

peppered Preston’s face with kisses.

“Corbin,” Preston managed to pant out. “I’m not him.”

Layton stopped kissing the lynx and gave Preston a bemused look.

His heated brain couldn’t make sense of Preston’s words. “Of course

you’re not,” he said. “Now, please. Please kiss me. I need you so


Something inside Preston seemed to snap. He released a growl

and crashed their mouths together so hard Layton tasted blood. The

kiss from before was nothing compared to this one. Preston simply

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx


devoured him, plundering his mouth, ravenous like a wild beast. Their naked chests rubbed together, Preston’s chest hair teasing Layton’s

nipples, sending shocks of pleasure through his system. Layton could only submit to Preston’s assault, his mind and body invaded by


Preston briefly broke away from him, and Layton dazedly

registered his soon-to-be lover getting rid of his shoes and pants.

Then, Preston was on him again, this time completely nude. Their

bodies made contact fully, from their greedy mouths to their legs and everything in between. Layton’s cock throbbed so hard it hurt, and he wildly bucked and rubbed against Preston, seeking friction, looking

for more.

Following his instincts, Layton wrapped a leg around Preston’s

waist, allowing the other man access to his nether opening. Preston’s hand traveled over his flanks, down his hip, until it reached his

buttocks. His fingers rubbed Layton’s opening, just teasing at the

hole, a promise for more.

Layton tried to push back against the digits, but Preston pulled

away before he could do anything. Pressing another brief kiss on

Layton’s lips, he directed his attention toward the nightstand. “Gimme a second,” he said.

A second passed, then two. Preston grew increasingly agitated as

he rummaged through the nightstand. “Just let me…I have it here

somewhere.” He cursed and huffed in frustration. Layton was amused

at their predicament, but he also wanted to be fucked, right that instant.

“Preston,” he said pleadingly. “Hurry.”

“I am. I just don’t do this a lot.”

The tone was matter of fact, not apologetic or even embarrassed.

Layton found himself pleased that Preston didn’t take a lot of lovers to his bed. He must have made some satisfied noise because Preston

stopped his erratic searching and gave Layton a look. “Lovely? Are

you sure about this? Because we can still stop, you know.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

Layton held Preston’s gaze. “No, we can’t because neither of us

wants to.”

He couldn’t have been clearer about his desires if he tried. Preston nodded, and Layton’s certainty must have fueled his own resolve. He

reached into the nightstand and finally came up with a tube of

lubricant with striking ease.

Layton could have sobbed in relief when Preston reached for him

again. He lifted his legs high up, exposing his opening to Preston.

“Come on, Pres,” he whispered huskily. “Take me.”

Preston grinned at him, and his predatory expression made Layton

shudder in lust. The lynx opened the tube of lubricant and poured a liberal amount on his fingers. He crawled between Layton’s legs, his eyes never leaving Layton’s. “You are so very beautiful,” he

murmured as he slid a digit inside Layton’s body. “So fucking


Slowly, Preston fucked Layton with that single finger until he

seemed to ascertain Layton wasn’t in pain. A second one went in.

This time, Layton experienced a light burn, but it pooled straight into his cock.

Hypnotized by Preston’s blue gaze, Layton was shocked when his

new lover’s fingers hit his special spot. Layton had touched himself before there, but Preston’s fingers felt so much better. With a lost cry, Layton bucked against Preston, trying to impale himself, to get more of the delicious sensation.

Preston mercilessly rubbed his prostate, sending Layton closer and

closer to his peak. Just as Layton thought it couldn’t get any better, Preston moved lower down, and his wet mouth engulfed Layton’s

cock. Layton’s eyes rolled in his head as pleasure exploded over his senses. He’d never felt anything so good in his entire life. The

volcanic heat of Preston’s mouth was pure heaven, and Layton was

torn between thrusting into the wet cavern and pushing back against

the impaling fingers.

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx


He writhed under Preston, his body assaulted by sensations and by

an ever-increasing need to become one with the lynx. He ached to

come, but at the same time, he wanted to have Preston inside him so

badly that the pure carnal urge was like background noise. It was a

blend of feelings and emotions that Layton could not even begin to

grasp. He clenched his fists into the bedspread, struggling to hold

back his climax, clinging to this moment.

And then Preston took his cock fully into his mouth and

swallowed around the glans. Layton could not hope to resist the

onslaught of pleasure. Crying out Preston’s name, he came, sending

his seed down Preston’s throat. Preston drank down every drop,

sucking on Layton’s cock until it was completely spent.

Panting hard, Layton stared at his lover in a daze. “You okay?”

Preston asked.

“I think my mind just melted,” Layton replied, “but I’m better

than ever.”

Preston beamed at him, although Layton noticed the slight strain

in it. From this position, he couldn’t see Preston’s prick, but Layton could have bet money the lynx was still hard as a rock. Layton could not imagine anything better than Preston’s naked cock, and

predictably, his own dick responded to it, already starting to fill again.

His lover arched a brow at him, but Layton just grinned. “Come on,

lover. You know what I want.”

Preston moved faster than the human eye could see. Layton could

only keep track of his new lover’s motions because he was a shifter, and God, Layton could only be thankful for that because Preston was

sex incarnate. He slicked up his cock with a generous amount of lube then lifted Layton’s legs on his shoulders. He positioned his prick at Layton’s hole and gently, slowly, pushed in.

In spite of his arousal, Layton was still very relaxed from his first climax. His body yielded to the invasion, his flesh parting to

accommodate Preston’s big cock. Oh, it hurt. After all, how could it not? This was the first time Layton had taken anyone inside his body.


Scarlet Hyacinth

But it was a good pain, balanced out by the ecstasy, making Layton

feel complete. It was almost like when his dad used to make honey

ginger shrimp, Layton’s favorite food since forever. It had so many

flavors and textures that Layton could eat it every day and never get bored. This feeling was like that, only better, so much better,

indescribably so, as if he’d finally found the part of him that had been missing.

Preston bottomed out, his pubic hair tickling against Layton’s

buttocks. For a few moments, he just stilled inside Layton, panting in Layton’s ear, the desire to move obvious in his tense stance. Layton appreciated Preston’s concern for him, but he didn’t need to be

coddled. He wanted to be fucked.

Meeting Preston’s gaze, he whispered, “I’m fine. Just take me.”

To prove his point, he clenched his ass around Preston’s cock.

Preston released a sexy groan. “You’re going to be the death of me,


Those words were the only warning Layton had before his lover

pulled out from his body then thrust back in, so hard Layton couldn’t suppress a cry. After the gentleness with which Preston had entered him, the change was quite shocking. At the same time, the motion

awoke every nerve ending in Layton’s body, even some he hadn’t

known existed.

Over and over, Preston drove into him, his cock filling Layton up

perfectly, stretching him and splitting him open in the most delicious way. Whenever that thick prick hit Layton’s prostate, Layton thought he’d fallen into some sinful version of heaven. The sensations

coursing through him were simply out of this world, and if he hadn’t known better, Layton would have believed it was all a dream. But no

figment of Layton’s imagination could ever be so vivid, so amazing,

and so utterly flawless.

Layton clung to Preston’s shoulders in a desperate attempt to find

an anchor in a world that was quickly ceasing to make sense.

Distantly, he registered Preston murmuring soft words in his ear. He
The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx


couldn’t quite distinguish their meaning, but simply Preston’s tone

added another layer of sensation. Preston’s voice was like a palpable caress, reaching out to the depths of Layton’s heart where a physical touch could not. And Preston’s eyes…God, his eyes seemed to see

into Layton’s very soul.

In the circumstances, it came as no surprise that soon, Layton was

on the brink of orgasm again. He sensed the pressure inside Preston, knew his lover was right there with him. At the same time, Layton

caught a brief flash of something in Preston’s eyes, a need that Layton felt echoing inside him. It passed without either of them

acknowledging it. One more thrust, one more cry, and Layton

exploded in the most intense climax of his life. His ass clenched

around Preston’s cock, and his lover roared in ecstasy. Streams of hot spunk filled Layton’s channel as Preston found his peak as well.

After that, there were no words. Preston collapsed next to Layton,

the both of them still riding the aftermath of the incredible orgasm.

For a few precious instants, Layton’s mind was clear of all thoughts, other than
Oh, my God, Preston. Oh, my God. So good.

But when the haze of the climax began to dwindle, the realization

of what they’d just done struck. Layton waited for the guilt to come, but it didn’t. Instead, a strange feeling of confusion hit him. Why had he given his virginity to Preston, when all this time, he’d been waiting for Corbin? Why did that choice feel so right? Why did Preston’s

warmth by his side seem so comforting?

It couldn’t all be Alexis’s power. Layton refused to believe it. He

well remembered the way he’d felt when Alexis had kissed him, and

while it had been good, it was also nothing like this.

Seemingly oblivious to Layton’s thoughts, Preston got up and

gave him a shocked, ashamed look. “God, lovely. I’m…so sorry. I

lost it. I took advantage. Fuck.”

Layton silenced Preston with a finger. “Don’t say you’re sorry.

I’m not.” He was confused because of it, but the emotion could not be denied. “I can’t say I fully understand it, but I’m not sorry.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

“Do you…Do you think it’s because of Alexis?” Preston asked

with a dark look.

“I don’t know,” Layton replied, “but I intend to find out.”

Preston nodded, his expression thoughtful. “Can you stay for a

while longer? At least, until you fully recover.”

Layton knew he probably shouldn’t, but he couldn’t say no. “I’d

love to,” he whispered. Pressing a brief kiss to Preston’s lips, he

relaxed on the pillows. Sleep came to him faster than he expected.

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx


Chapter Three

Two months later

“So let me get this straight,” Morgan said, arching a brow at

Layton. “You slept with Preston, even if you’ve always said Corbin is your mate. You were in a car accident, and you never saw it fit to tell me. In fact, you’ve been fretting over this alone for the past weeks.”

Layton shrugged guiltily. “You had too much on your mind

already,” he said. “You didn’t need to worry about me, too.”

Alexis sighed. “Morgan is your brother, Layton. He’s always

going to worry about you, whether you like it or not. Hell, even Rhys gets concerned about me, and we’ve never been so close as you two

are.” The incubus paused. “Do your parents know about this?”

“They know about the accident.” Layton winced as he

remembered that particular conversation. “It couldn’t be helped since the car blew up. Dad was so upset that I thought he was going to lock me up in my room and never let me out.”

“I can’t blame them,” Morgan replied, shaking his head. “And

what about Preston?”

Layton shook his head. He couldn’t imagine burdening his parents

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