The Saving Angels Series: Books 1-3 (30 page)

BOOK: The Saving Angels Series: Books 1-3
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I returned her smile. Lynn was an easy person to talk to. She had enough of an edge to keep things interesting.

I looked over at Mark and could see he was struggling to stay awake. I shooed the others out of the room and promised to call if anything happened with Mark during the night.

Sam paused to give me a hug at the door.

“Hey, why did the nurse think you were Mark’s sister?” I asked.

Sam looked sheepish. “Well are all practically related anyways. Shawn thinks Robert is my brother,” she added looking hopeful.

“It’s a possibility, both of you share similar features,” I said giving her a reassuring hug.

“I am so happy you guys are okay. Shawn and I were so worried; we thought we had lost you both. It really tore Shawn up to think he lost his sister just as he was getting to know you. I felt the same. I was afraid I had lost my best friend,” she said tearfully.

I felt bad. I had been so wrapped up in Mark and my drama, I hadn’t thought about those we would leave behind. I felt a twinge of guilt for being ready to embrace death when I thought Mark was dead. My poor mom would have been devastated, but I also knew that if the situation arose again, I would still feel the same.

I waited until Mark drifted asleep before I left his room and headed down to check on my mom.

My mom was sleeping when I entered the room. I tiptoed in and sat quietly beside her bed. I reached over and linked my fingers lightly through hers. Her eyelids fluttered open.

“Hi mom,” I said choking back tears.

“Hey, honey,” she answered in a weak voice. “Are you okay?” She asked, obviously worried about my history in this area.

“I’m fine, just worried about you.”

“Don’t worry about me; I’m going to be fine,” she said in a near whisper, dropping off again.

I spent several hours with her as she drifted in and out of sleep. When the nurse came in to give her pain meds, she suggested I take a break, that my mom would most likely sleep through the night. I thanked her and headed back to Mark’s room.

I knew it was probably against hospital policy to stay overnight. The announcement ending visiting hours had sounded a few minutes ago, but I didn’t let that deter me. I walked purposefully past the nurse’s station and gave a sigh of relief when I saw that the station was empty.

I closed the door to his room softly behind me and headed to the chair beside his bed. I pushed it as close as I could to the bed and lowered the railing of the bed, so I could hold his hand while he slept.

As I watched him sleep, I knew that I would never allow this to happen again. Together we would become stronger. We would never allow ourselves to be the victims again.

Mark opened his eyes a few hours later and saw me watching him.

“You should sleep,” he said.

“I’m fine.”

Mark used his hand and pressed my head on his heart where I longed to be. I could hear his thoughts as plainly as mine and smiled as I felt his heart beat against my ear. I
would never grow tired of listening to his heart. Rightfully, it was my heart also, since neither of us could live without the other. We weren’t some aliens or scientific project, we were
meant to be




(The Saving Angels book 2)


Tiffany King



Copyright © 2011 by Tiffany King

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or
is coincidental and not intended by the author.





Being a writer is a joy and a privilege for me and something I would never be able to do without a wonderful support system. To my forever fabulous husband, who helps breathe life into every story I write. To my daughter, who loves the stories I weave, even when they are messy. To my son, who makes me believe in magic
To my sister, who shares my love of
To my sister-in-law, you make my covers come alive. Finally, to the most amazing friends anyone could ask for on Twitter. Thank you for the help and endless support you provide each and every day.




Forgotten Souls


Chapter 1



I curled my toes deep into the cool sand and watched the water as it gently lapped at the tide line. I had been here so many times, I felt as if I knew every grain of sand. The breeze was as gentle as always and the subtleness of the sweet salty air filled my lungs. I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. I shifted to a more comfortable spot waiting for Mark to join me. My heart started beating a little faster as anxiety began to creep in. Maybe it was just my imagination, but he seemed to be taking longer than usual to get here. It's a good thing I didn't wear a watch, otherwise I would have been nervously checking it every five seconds.
What if today he didn't show up?

I shook my head trying to calm my breathing. Of course he was coming. We had overcome that obstacle. I knew I was just being ridiculous, but I scanned the horizon more anxiously. After nearly losing him once, I couldn't control the panic that slowly dug its claws into my frantically beating heart.

Finally, he appeared in the distance, his silhouette walking toward me at what seemed to be the slowest of snail paces. Using my newfound skills, I leaped to my feet in one fluid movement, bolting the remaining distance that separated us and threw myself into his strong arms. He clasped me tightly against him, but only briefly, releasing me before my erratic heartbeat could calm itself. He rested his hands on my shoulders in a soft caress. I tilted my head to the side resting on the back of his knuckles. His hands slid across my shoulders making me shiver as they slowly crept toward my slender neck. His touch was like heaven on earth.

I turned my gaze to his face, drinking in his handsome features. My eyes traveled up his neck, past his well-chiseled chin, briefly resting on his soft, kissable lips and finally, sliding up to his enticing brown eyes that never failed to draw me in.

He looked back at me disdainfully, like I was a gnat bothering him by buzzing around his head causing me to take a cautious step backwards.

  Gone were the warm, inviting brown eyes that melted my soul each time I looked into them. Instead, they resembled the dull grey mud you would find on the side of the road. I gasped in sudden shock when I saw the hint of red in the center of each pupil. His hands instantly lost their soft touch. Instead of the gentle caress that made me shiver with need, they had become a vice holding me in place.

I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong when his features began to shift before me, and I found myself facing the monster that had haunted most of my recent waking moments. His hands tightened into a death grip, cutting into my windpipe, stalling the process of airflow through me. A scream bubbled up inside me as I tried to pull away, frantically trying to put distance between us. Mark's dad grinned back at me as blackness took over with the red in his eyes burning into my very soul.

"Krista!" I woke with a start at my name being called impatiently. Sitting up confused, I tried to shake the last of the nightmare away and gather my bearings.

"Krista," the voice said again with enough sarcasm laced through it that I knew I was in trouble.

"Are you kidding me? You decide to take a nap on probably one of the most important shopping days of our lives?"

Before I could come up with a coherent excuse, my best friend turned to our other
Lynn, who was leaning against the wall uncomfortably, clearly wishing she was anywhere but here.

I would have giggled if Sam wasn't so worked up. The fact that she had turned to Lynn to help berate me over my poor shopping etiquette was comical. Nothing about Lynn's appearance could be considered "fashion guruish." Standing with her scuffed converse sneakers crossed at the ankles, hands stuffed deep in the pockets of jeans that had seen better days, with more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. Between her rock shirt, multiple piercings and short Goth haircut, she looked like a groupie at a concert. All that was missing from her ultra cool look was a cigarette dangling between her slender fingers. I knew for a fact though, that was one rebellious act Lynn would never succumb to. Of course, being asthmatic made the choice easy for her.

Once again, I had to clamp down a giggle, here we were practically Angels and poor Lynn was forced to carry an inhaler around with her.

"Can you believe she was napping?" Sam asked shrilly.

Before she could continue her tirade, I cut in, feeling slightly embarrassed as other shoppers stepped closer as if they were expecting some kind of cat fight.

"Sam, I wasn't napping. I was just resting my eyes," I lied, not wanting to delve into my nightmare before I could analyze it myself and try to make sense of it. We'd had enough drama lately and I wasn't ready to throw my dreams back into the pot.

I cringed as the tell-all blush gave away my white lie.

"Resting your eyes? Sure I believe you.
." Sam muttered, shifting the stack of dresses in her arms. "And I'm flying my private jet to prom. Can you at least pretend that you're a little interested in

"Sam, I'm interested. I just still think it's crazy that everyone's making such a big deal about it when we have so many other pressing issues to deal with." Once again raising the same objections I had been voicing for the last few days.

"Mark just got released from the hospital. I'm sure dancing and partying is not the kind of recovery regiment his doctor has in mind."

"Right, because I'm sure you and Mark are going to party like animals. I mean give me a break. I'm sure we're going to have to drag your butt out on the dance floor. Or maybe you have other ideas where the night might lead," Sam added, raising her eyebrows at me suggestively.

Lynn sniggered behind me. Turning around, I shot her a look. I was pretty sure that she had much more experience in that category than I did. My stance had always been to wait until marriage. The fact that we found out we were some kind of celestial beings made it even harder to jump into bed with Mark, no matter how smoking hot he was. We might not have all the facts of our origins yet, but I'm confident more was expected of us than letting our raging hormones get in the way.

Lynn returned my stare, balefully getting a sense of what I was thinking.

, I loved all of them, but it was hard being an open book to so many people now. I felt my face redden slightly, but fought it off like a pro. At least having my emotions in check was nice.

"Kidding," Sam said also picking up my conflicting emotions. "We just want to go to prom so we can say we did it. We all know Mark's not quite up to par yet. Plus you have to admit the venue is pretty swanky."

Sam was right. St. Briggets had spared no expense on throwing a bash that would be talked about for years. The prom committee, led by none other than the dreaded
Lush Trio
, had conducted every possible fundraiser imaginable. That, combined with the deep pockets of the overindulgent parents and this year's prom was being held at the exclusive Swan Resort, which was located smack dab on the cliffs of the beach near Aptos. The whole school had been buzzing for weeks, since typically the clientele for the ultra-swanky Swan Resort was a who's who of Hollywood A-Listers looking to tie the knot.

BOOK: The Saving Angels Series: Books 1-3
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