The Road to Glory (30 page)

Read The Road to Glory Online

Authors: Blayne Cooper,T Novan

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

BOOK: The Road to Glory
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"Not all of them," Leigh chuckled softly, moving away from RJ’s prodding hands. She placed a quick kiss on RJ’s chin and allowed her gaze to slowly draw a line down the center of RJ’s body. "My favorite furry friend is in your –"

"Leigh Matthews!"

"Hand," the blonde finished sweetly, snatching the lone black bear away. She winked at her companion.

"Watch your mouth, young lady," RJ warned playfully, "or I’ll be forced to watch it for you."

Leigh looked to the bundle in her arms. "Can't we just pass them out to the people who were too pathetic to win them on their own?"
Except for the black one, he’s all mine.
She made sure her voice was just loud enough for all the people standing around the game, where RJ had just cleaned house, to hear. Leigh smirked at several young men’s petulant grumbles and curses.

"Wimps," she added for good measure.

"You’re evil." RJ smiled, her grassy-green eyes shining in the afternoon sun. "You should be ashamed."

"Ashamed, that’s me. I’m known far and wide for my hypersensitive conscience and over-developed sense of guilt."

"Uh huh. Sure." RJ maneuvered them alongside a platform with a padded metal block sitting squarely in its center. It was attached to a metal pole with a large silver bell on top.

"One swing, one ring, you get a prize! Only to-eeeew dollars," the barker sang out rhythmically as he swung the large wooden hammer.

RJ stripped off her jacket and after a second’s consideration, her short-sleeved denim shirt, leaving her clad in her usual undershirt.

Leigh blinked. "Uh … You are going to leave at least something on, aren’t you? Not that I mind, but I didn’t bring enough cash to bail you out of jail."

The barker gave a low, appreciative whistle at the sight of RJ’s underdressed body.

Leigh’s head swung around and she practically snarled at the man, causing him to take a giant step backwards.

RJ rolled her eyes. "I’m gonna win a bag. And I need to be able to swing to do it." She scoffed at the puny hammer the man held out for her and marched behind him to a selection of slightly larger ones. She chose the biggest hammer they had.

Leigh laughed and gathered RJ’s wrinkled clothes in her hands, still wrestling to keep the bears in her arms. "This is too butch, RJ, even for you." She quirked an eyebrow. "Is the spitting contest next?" But even as she continued to tease, her head was cocked slightly to the side as she openly admired RJ's broad shoulders and lean, muscular arms.

"I couldn’t very well just let you fumble around with all those little beggers." RJ gestured to the stuffed animals, then rubbed her palms on her jeans as she prepared to heft the hammer for the first blow.

"We could just find a garbage sack," Leigh offered. She knew good and well RJ had already set her mind on another prize, but was enjoying needling her lover.

"Nah." RJ stood up straight and put one hand on her hip. She pinned Leigh with a glare more playful than withering. "Are you trying to spoil my fun?"

"Would I do that?"

RJ only snorted.

"Have at it then. But you promise you’re going to pick the bag and not that enormous snake when you win, right?" It didn’t even occur to the trucker to think that RJ wouldn’t ring the bell.

"I think you’ll look better toting around the knapsack." RJ lifted the hammer. She took two practice swings, exhaling slowly as she readied herself for the blow.

A small crowd had gathered. This game was strictly for the big boys and no one believed the woman would be able to move the weight even halfway up the scale. Catcalls rang out, along with a few, mostly good-natured, taunts.

"Ten bucks says the dyke can’t do it," grumbled a scrawny young man, who looked like he needed a break from his job at the state roadside sanitation department. Leigh wondered who was scraping up all the dead raccoons today.

"Make it twenty and you’re on." His buddy spit in his hand and stuck it out for roadkill boy to shake, which he did after spitting in his own hand.

Leigh grimaced, not understanding why every woman on the planet wasn’t a lesbian.

RJ rolled her shoulders one more time. Then, with a look of solid concentration, she swung the hammer, bringing it down with vicious force. The weight exploded up the pole as though a charge of gunpowder had gone off beneath it, causing a deafening ring of the bell before plunging back to the base.

Most of the crowd laughed and applauded when the pilot put the hammer down, gesturing to the bagthat hung on the hook. The carny pulled down the large navy canvas bag and tossed it to the tall woman. RJ unzipped the bag and presented it to Leigh with flourish, holding it open so she could deposit her booty inside.

Once Leigh had stuffed the bears in the bag, RJ zipped it up and handed it to the blonde.

"There you go. One bag of bears." She wiggled her eyebrows, quite proud of herself.

"You are disgustingly happy with yourself right now, aren’t you?" Leigh smiled back; she couldn’t help it. RJ’s relaxed demeanor made this kind of thing more fun than she ever thought it could be.

"Pretty much." RJ smirked.

Leigh was actually feeling like a woman who might be able to enjoy having a serious relationship. It still scared her, but the smile on RJ’s face was helplessly leading her places she’d never gone. At least successfully. "I think you deserve a kiss."

Without allowing her the chance to answer, Leigh dropped the bag on the ground at her feet and grabbed the front of RJ’s undershirt in one hand to pull her down for a passionate kiss that left roadkill boy and his friend staring wide-eyed. God, Leigh enjoyed torturing the straight people.

"Mmm." RJ licked her lips as they separated. "How about something to eat?"

Leigh bit her tongue to keep from saying the first thing that popped into her mind. "I dunno." She grinned wickedly. "What are you hungry for?"

After a lifetime of being the aggressor, RJ still was still thrown off balance by Leigh’s forwardness. She blushed, despite herself, easily reading the sudden fire in that had erupted in those clear blue eyes. "I’m thinking maybe a steak sandwich or something. With a nice cold beer."
cold beer. And maybe a bucket of ice to dunk my head in too.
She leaned in, whispering her lover’s ear, "But I’ll have you for dessert later."

"Life is short, RJ." Leigh held up the soft denim shirt for her to slip into. "We could always start with dessert and end with the beef?" She produced her best wishing look as she draped RJ’s jacket over her arm and retrieved the bag.

RJ growled inwardly. "We could at that, lass." She looked around for a moment, then eyed the perfect spot. "How about the Ferris wheel? I’ll pay the fella extra to leave us at the top for a few extra minutes," she tempted, mostly to see what would happen.

Leigh’s gaze swung toward the big wheel; she didn’t especially appreciate heights. On the other hand, she did appreciate the idea of getting a few moments in the sun in semi-privacy with RJ. "Okay. You’re on."

The pilot lifted her brows, realizing it was a little late in the relationship to be surprised by something as tame as this
. Not after the balcony at the hotel … Lord have mercy.
She grasped Leigh’s hand and led her through the crowd. The line moved pretty quickly, and soon they were standing at the gate to the ride entrance. RJ dug into her pocket, then slapped a bill in the attendant’s hand while whispering in his ear.

He looked down at Leigh and grinned broadly. Shaking his head, he opened the gate and lifted the bar positioned over the seat for them.

Leigh gestured to the duffel bag full of stuffed toys. "Should we take these too?"

"Sure. You might need something soft to hold onto. Or maybe even to bite down on."

"Promises, promises." Leigh sat down and tucked the large bag securely under her feet. "Have I mentioned that I really don't care for heights?"

"Then just close your eyes." RJ settled down next to the trucker. She put her arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

Leigh smiled and snuggled closer, already feeling more comfortable with RJ’s arm around her. "This is nice." She felt the ride start, taking them upward and had just started to relax when she felt RJ’s thumb graze her nipple. "Behave!"

RJ moved to pull her hand away, looking surprised.

Leigh grabbed it and winked. "Just until we get to the top."

Both women began to laugh.


*  *  *


Leigh flipped the lid open on the pizza box, humming to herself as the smell of pepperoni and extra cheese wafted upward. She began to salivate. "Oooo, this is going to be so good." She absently passed RJ a plate and a napkin with one hand while she fixed hers with her other.

RJ scooted forward on the couch and eagerly took the plate. She glanced over at the trucker, who was tearing apart a gooey piece of pizza. "Did you have a good time today?"

"Absolutely," Leigh affirmed, closing her eyes and sinking her teeth into the pizza. She instantly burned the roof of her mouth. "Aww … shit!" The blonde spit her bite out into her napkin.

RJ tried not to laugh too hard as she passed Leigh a bottle of cold beer. "Don’t you hate it when that happens?" Green eyes twinkled. "You’d think that civilized man would have learned by now not to bite into hot cheese."

Leigh narrowed her watering eyes and took a deep swallow before saying, "No one, civilized or not, can resist the call of pizza." The air of authority in her voice made it clear that this was not mere opinion. This was fact. "It’s positively primal." She took another bite and winced. "And far too good to wait for."

"That could be said for a lot of things in this room." RJ winked, then plucked a piece of pizza from the box.
You’d be worth waiting for, lass. I wish we had a chance. I’m sorry that it has to end so soon.

Leigh’s brows drew together at the sudden look of worry that chased across RJ’s face. "What’s wrong? You’re not going to be sick again, are you?" She leaned back out of the way. Just in case.

"No, lass, I’m fine," RJ grumbled. "Get sick once and you’re tagged for life." She sipped her beer. "I was just thinking about the fact that we’ll be starting back soon." Try as she might, she couldn’t quite stifle a heartfelt sigh. "Wishing we had a little more time, that’s all."

"It has been fun, hasn’t it?" Leigh questioned awkwardly, trying not to sound too eager for RJ’s answer.

The pilot smiled at her friend. "It certainly has. I’ve had a wonderful time. You’re a very special woman, Leigh Matthews."

"Thanks, RJ," Leigh answered softly. She closed her eyes and scrubbed at what she was certain was a light blush. "I um ... You’re great too. And, well ..."

Say it.

No! She hasn’t said it again. What if she changed her mind?

So? You still know how you feel.

RJ waited patiently for Leigh continue. She tore at a piece of embedded pepperoni as she intently watched a myriad of emotions wash over Leigh’s face.

"It’s been nice and –" Leigh bit her lip, sorry she’d started down this path.
Candy-ass chicken. You’ve never had trouble talking to women before
, her inner voice mocked.

"Quiet," Leigh hissed tightly.
Oh, damn. By the way she’s looking at me, I have a feeling I said that last part out loud.

RJ pulled back a bit, her brows coming together tight over the bridge of her nose. "I’m sorry." She shifted uncomfortably, thinking her wish for more time together had put Leigh on the spot. "I didn’t mean to upset you."

"No, no, no." Leigh shook her head wildly. "Don’t worry about it." When RJ’s expression didn’t change, she added, "You remember the cartoon where this kid had a good fairy on one shoulder and an evil fairy on the other, tempting him?"

RJ stared at her blankly.

"Figures." Leigh sighed. "Let’s just say that one of nasty fairies has been talking too much lately."
She thinks I’m insane. She’d be right. Very funny.
"I’m fine. Are you all packed?" Bright blue eyes begged RJ to allow the change in subjects.

RJ nodded slowly.
This was just a fling. Don’t go blaming this woman because you let your foolish heart get the best of you and start craving something that’ll never be yours.
"Yeah, I’m all set." She mustered a watery grin. "You’ll probably be glad to be rid of me." The tease was weak at best. She already knew it would break her heart to have Leigh confirm her words, yet she morbidly decided to probe the painful spot.

"Yeah, you are so hard to live with," Leigh said dryly. "It’s been real chore."

RJ actually chuckled before biting into her pizza. "Then maybe it’s a good thing we’re headed back. You’ve got such a high opinion of me right now, I’d hate to see it go up in a glorious puff of smoke when you find out what a pain I really am to be around on a full time basis. Just ask my mother, she’ll tell you."

Leigh cringed at the mention of RJ’s mother. She’d only seen her a couple of times, but that was more than enough for her get the idea that the strapping Irishwoman did not like her. "I think I’ll avoid your mom, if it’s all the same to you."
She looks at me as though I’m a walking advertisement for decadence and debauchery. God, how could she know me so well without even talking to me?

RJ nodded and sipped her beer again. "My mother, God bless her, is a force to be reckoned with." She looked to Leigh and licked her lips.
It’s time to figure out how you’re going to end this when you get home, because you know good and well that to keep seeing her is only going to make the want more and the hurt worse.
"But just so there’s no doubt in your mind, lass, I’ve had the best time of my life these past few days. Thank you for asking me along." She began picking relentlessly at her beer’s label.

"My pleasure, RJ." Leigh pushed away her pizza. There was something else in the room whose call she found irresistible. She stood up and extended her hand to RJ.

RJ looked up in surprise. "Aren’t you hungry, lass?"


RJ swallowed.

"You haven’t seen what I bought at Victoria’s Secret yet, RJ." A sexy grin twitched at the corners of Leigh’s mouth. "Aren’t you curious?"

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