The Risqué Contracts Series (2 page)

Read The Risqué Contracts Series Online

Authors: Fiona Davenport

Tags: #dirty talking hero, #billionaire romance, #alpha male romance

BOOK: The Risqué Contracts Series
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Chapter 2

he chemistry sizzling between Caleb Sterling and I was powerful. I’d never actually met him, but it had been like this from the first moment I laid eyes on him during a charity event several months ago, and I’d been resisting his pull anytime I’d seen him since. Straightening my spine, I dug deep in an effort to wrap myself in my ice princess persona. It had been my defense against guys ever since I’d suddenly developed boobs back in my freshman year of high school. It was like a second skin to me after all these years, but staying cool around Caleb wasn’t easy.

He fit his playboy billionaire image perfectly, with his starkly good looks and forceful personality. I was sure there weren’t many women who wouldn’t want to be on his arm and end up in his bed by the end of the night. I wanted to be one of the unaffected, but my fingers twitched with the desire to tousle his light brown hair. I wanted to see his crystal blue eyes lit with passion for me, with or without the glasses, which only made him look sexier. I dreamed of pressing my body against his muscular frame, to feel his arms wrapped around me. And his lips, they were so damn sensuous, I wanted to nip at the bottom one to punish him for making me lose my calm the way only he managed.

Thinking about how he would taste, I licked my lips as I exited the elevator and walked toward his office. He was waiting for me, standing in the doorway. My gaze drifted to his mouth and stalled at the confident smirk I found there. It took all the strength I had to follow him further into the room instead of running from him like my instincts were shouting for me to do. He had the look of a hunter tonight, and I was starting to feel like his prey.

“Mr. Sterling.” My greeting held none of the graciousness my parents had instilled in me.


I should have found his reply mocking, but his tone held too much heat. Then, I was too distracted by him shutting and locking the door behind me to worry about anything other than being utterly alone with him. When he ushered me toward one of the couches, I moved forward blindly. My neck tingled when I felt his breath on my skin, just below my ear. “My name is Caleb, Madeleine,” he purred in a deep voice. As soon as I was seated, he pressed a glass of amber liquid into my hand and urged me to lift it to my lips. I swallowed a mouthful and coughed at the burn as it went down.

“Scotch?” I wheezed. “You could have warned me. I don’t usually drink anything so strong.”

“You’re going to need it for the conversation we’re about to have.”

The hint of threat in his voice sent shivers along my spine. “Why would I need scotch to handle a simple business meeting with you?”

I couldn’t stop myself from watching his ass as he walked over to the desk and grabbed a stack of papers. He tossed them onto the coffee table before sitting next to me so close, I could feel the heat radiating from his thigh. “Your board held an emergency meeting today.”

“Without me?” I gasped. “But I’m the CEO.”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures, Madeleine. And we both know your company is well past the point of desperation. Something the board is also well aware of. It’s why they accepted my offer and agreed to let me be the one to get your signature on the dotted line.”

My hand trembled as I reached for the papers. I’d done my best to avoid meeting him. Now, it appeared the mess my dad left me to clean up had put me in a position where I couldn’t evade him any longer—not if we were going to work together to save my company. The contract seemed straightforward enough, until I hit the language pertaining to the amount of interaction I would have with Caleb.

“This basically puts me at your beck and call.”

“That’s a fair assessment, but I’m offering you an opportunity most up-and-coming executives would jump at. Not only am I sinking a lot of my own money into this project, but you’ll have the chance to learn how I run my company on a daily basis.” He paused and his blue eyes seemed to burn right through me. “There are many things you can learn from me.”

We were talking about business, but he’d managed to make that last sentence sound dirty. I struggled to keep my focus on the contract as I read the last page. When I reached the final clause, my pulse jumped as my heart beat faster. I reread it several times, expecting the words to change, thinking I must have read it wrong, but they remained the same each time.

“What the hell?” I managed to keep my voice level, though I was shrieking on the inside. “There’s no way this contract is enforceable in a court of law,” I argued. “Not if it requires me to sleep with you.”

“Do you really want to gamble everything to find out when you damn well know I’ve got the best lawyers in the country on retainer?” he asked.

I sucked in a quick breath, enraged at being cornered and knowing I was out of options.

“It looks like you’ve given me three impossible choices from which to choose.”

“Only if you want to see it that way. Personally, I think two of them are damn good options for you.”

I knew he wasn’t referring to the one that required me to walk away from the company I’d been fighting hard to save. His arrogance was astounding. “Spending a night in your bed, under your complete control, isn’t an option I’m willing to consider.”

“What if it was more nights and we took turns being in control?” He trailed his finger along my thigh and I jumped from the couch, storming toward the door.

“Unlock it now.” I’d meant for it to sound like a command, but my voice trailed off as Caleb came up behind me and pressed me against the cool surface, his dick hot and hard against my back. And so damn big. I’d heard the rumors about him, circulated amongst all the socialites, but I’d assumed they were all hype. “I’m not doing this with you.”

“Why won’t you admit the truth?” he asked, pressing his hand between me and the door to cup my pussy. “Even through your clothes, I can feel how hot and wet you are for me.”

Shocked by his behavior, I started to pull away, but he wouldn’t let me move. “Caleb, no,” I whimpered as he shoved his hand down my skirt and inside my panties. His finger grazed my clit before sliding lower, and I shuddered. There was no hiding how wet I was for him.

“Shhh, baby,” he soothed. “It’s okay. I’ve wanted to fuck you since the moment I saw you from across the room. I’ve dreamed about your tight little pussy more times than I can count. Plotted and planned so I could have you under me.”

I forced myself to think about every single reason I needed to tell him to stop. Focused on what would happen after he got what he wanted from me and walked away. On what it would feel like to be part of the revolving door that was his sex life. Picturing all the women who came before me, and the ones who were sure to come after, was enough to cool my desire. Gripping his wrist, I dragged his hand from my skirt and smoothed the fabric down.

He reached around me and unlocked the door. “I’ve made a more than fair offer of assistance. As much as I’d love to have you under my control for a night, I want more from you. I’m hoping you decide to work with me over the next year.”

He was letting me walk away now, but I knew I wouldn’t have long to enjoy my freedom. Not when he was forcing me to spend time with him after my body just betrayed me and told Caleb how much I wanted him.

Chapter 3

nlocking that door was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Her body heat was pulsing, her heart racing, and when I lifted my fingers from her drenched pussy and tasted her...fuck. “Mmm, you taste incredible.” Desperate to fuck her, I barely contained myself as she shivered.

I took a deep breath and reluctantly stepped back, giving her the opportunity to escape—for the moment. I was going to have her, in one way or another, but I wanted her to make the choice.

She reached for the door handle and twisted it, the click a deafening sound in the tense silence. Her shoulders fell in defeat before she quickly straightened, becoming rigid and lifting her chin. “I’ll work with you, Mr. Sterling. But don’t expect anything beyond a professional relationship.”

Hearing her call me “Mr. Sterling” had my already erect cock hardening to the point of pain. I clenched my fists, determined not to break. “I’m pleased you’ve accepted my offer to be business partners. As for the other...we’re inevitable, Madeleine. The sooner you accept that, the easier this will be on you.”

She slowly turned to face me, her green eyes frigid, her expression resolute. “Don’t bet on it. You’ll lose.” Then, she spun around and marched from the office.

My lips curled up into a feral smile. There was little I loved more than a challenge.


adeleine’s scent clung to me and when I got to my house later that night, I didn’t want to wash it away. Unfortunately, a freezing cold shower was the only remedy for the hard-on I was still sporting from our meeting since jacking off wasn’t going to be enough. The glass-enclosed, marble-tiled shower was big enough to fit four of me. As I stepped inside, I pictured holding Madeleine up against the wall while thrusting into her sweet pussy, or her riding me while I sat on the large bench.

Turning the water temperature to the coldest setting, I waited until my cock finally went limp, then grabbed a black, fluffy towel, and dried off. Naked, I padded to my oversized bed, crawled under the covers, and stared at the empty spot next to me, confident it wouldn’t be long without an occupant.

The following morning, I called for an afternoon staff meeting. My first order of business was to get my and Madeleine’s staff acquainted. In preparation for this merger, I’d cleared two floors in the building to move her company within walls I owned. Naturally, Madeleine’s office sat next to mine.

As our employees filed into the room, I watched the door closely. When Madeleine entered, I relaxed and felt comfort wash over me. She was wearing a sexy red dress suit that hit her just above the knees, but still showcased her long legs—legs made to circle my hips while I tugged on the soft, caramel curls flowing down her back. I grew hard and discreetly adjusted myself.

Madeleine headed for the chair at the opposite end of the table, the customary spot for the person just below me in rank. I was having none of that.

“Ms. Connelly, you will sit beside me,” I commanded.

She hesitated and my eyes narrowed in warning. With a quick glance around, she obviously decided to avoid a scene and made her way to the chair designated for her. She stiffly lowered herself next to me and primly folded her hands on the table, avoiding further eye contact.

I placed my hand firmly on her thigh, my pinky and ring finger sliding beneath her skirt and resting near her center. She jumped and tried to move her leg away, but I gripped it tight, forcing her to stay put.

I started the conference, explaining what had transpired and been agreed upon by our companies while leaving out a few details. Throughout my speech, I kept ahold of Madeleine’s leg, my fingers absently brushing her sensitive inner skin. A sweet blush had swept across her cheeks and from time to time, she squirmed, likely trying to relieve the building ache I was causing. My eyes caught hers, finding them filled with equal parts murderous intent and lust.

When the meeting ended, Madeleine tried to pry my hand from her warm flesh in an effort to make a quick escape. Instead of removing it, my hand traveled higher up her thigh, my grip holding her in place.

“Madeleine, please stay,” I said, deadpan. “I’d like a word with you.” My finger brushed across the fabric covering her pussy, finding it soaked through. I couldn’t resist sliding my pinky beneath the seam and dipping it into her wetness. A tiny moan escaped her perfectly kissable lips and I held back a growl of satisfaction.

As the last person left, I asked them to shut the door behind them. Alone, I let go and sucked my finger clean. Madeleine sprung from her chair, quaking with anger and desire.

“Mr. Sterling, that was entirely inappropriate and unprofessional.”

I stood and grasped her around the waist, cutting off any further sounds, except a squeak of surprise when I pressed her against my body and slammed my mouth down over hers. She fought it for half a second before melting into me. Her mouth was even better than I could have imagined. I growled my approval as my hands journeyed down to her ass. Squeezing the toned globes, I lifted her and spun to set her on the table.

Her legs immediately encircled my waist, hooking at the ankle. Digging my fingers in, I brought her pussy flush with my raging erection. She panted at the contact and I took the opportunity to sweep my tongue into her mouth, tangling it with hers and swallowing a low moan.

After worshipping her lips until they were red and swollen from my kiss, I was finally able to tear my mouth away. Placing wet, open-mouthed kisses along the column of her throat, I whispered, “Fuck, baby. Your body was made for mine. Your hot little pussy is cradling my cock, a perfect fit. It’s going to glove me just right, sucking me into you, begging for the hardest orgasm you’ve ever had.”

My fingers nimbly undid the little red buttons on her jacket and I grunted when I felt her silky flesh. There was nothing but her lacy, red bra covering round, plump tits.

“I-I,” she stuttered, “Yes—oh!”

She gasped as I lightly pinched her nipple before tugging the fabric down and latching onto one pink, distended bud. She tasted like jasmine and honey, everywhere.

One hand massaged her opposite breast and toyed with the tip while the other continued to hold her bottom, keeping her plastered against my hard length as I rocked into her. Moving my attention to her other tit, I sucked deep, feeling her pounding pulse in my mouth. She began to cry out with each rub of my cock as I thrust my hips with more intensity. I worked her into a frenzy until she was on the edge, then bit her nipple and roughly pinched the other as I ground into her pussy. She exploded, my name flying from her lips in a scream.

It was a damn good thing those walls were soundproof, because I had no desire to quiet her. I lifted my head and watched her come with fascination. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I did everything I could to resist orgasming along with her. The first time I came with her, I’d be buried inside her, fucking that sweet pussy until I branded her as mine.

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