Read The Purrfect Plan Online

Authors: Angela Castle

Tags: #Erotic Romance

The Purrfect Plan (8 page)

BOOK: The Purrfect Plan
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She swallowed and allowed the small comfort and warmth of his touch to seep through her body. Storm recognized the road leading into Black Town.

He slowed to the lower speed limit and cruised through the main part of town passing the motel and bar. There was a post office, grocery store, hardware shop and a few other things including a pizza and ice cream parlor. He turned off the main street and passed a few lovely homes until he came to a large double story Spanish style home with a central cylindrical tower entrance. On either side were two balconies and large French style windows along the top and bottom. Wisteria, ivy and other plants creeping up the side of the building added to its regal beauty.

The front garden looked sadly neglected. Strangely, she envisioned herself toiling in the garden and restoring it to its former glory.

"Your home?" She turned her head to look at River.

He pulled the SUV to a stop, yanking on the handbrake, giving her a half smile. "Our home now. C'mon; my mother will be waiting to meet you."

"Oh God." She couldn't do this, couldn't act out happy families, and couldn't meet River's mother and family. River was already out of the car. Storm sat in her seat, her knuckles white on the seat belt. She jumped when he opened her door, looking at her in concern.

"Take me back! I want to go home. I...I can't do this."

"Shhh, Storm, it's going to be alright." Gently, he took her face between his large palms, turning her head. He leaned in and kissed her, slowly, languidly, his tongue running along her lips requesting entrance, which she willingly and hungrily gave. He plundered her mouth with drugging skill.

Her mind blanked, her head spun dizzily. She hadn't even noticed him unbuckling her seat belt or lifting her out of the car until the door slammed shut behind them.

Her arms were wrapped around his shoulders, clinging like a horny koala. He set her on her feet, keeping his arm around her waist, giving her much needed strength. She lifted her head, gazing up into his adoring green depths.

"Better?" He tenderly stroked the side of her face with his thumb.

Storm melted into a puddle, along with her frozen heart. She nodded. With a firm grip on her hand, he pulled her along after him, through an overgrown garden path and into the house.

Chapter Eight

River worried over Storm's panic attack. What the hell had she gone through to cause such anxiety? He caught glimpses into her past, but as a whole she remained tight lipped. He boiled with barely contained anger wanting to tear apart those who had hurt his woman in such a way. Her mistrusting attitude towards men ran deep. Not that it mattered; the only man he wanted her to trust was him.

Determination to prove his trustworthiness grew with each breath he took. More importantly, he wanted to heal her obviously wounded heart. Sex was one thing, but what Storm needed was more tender care. A plan formulated in the back of his mind.

With her bag in one hand and her laptop carry case slung around his shoulder, he kept a firm grip on her hand as he walked up the short path, opening the door to lead her into the lobby. The style of their family home was a half mix of Tuscany and early colonial. Little knick-knacks from ages past were carefully placed on the walls or in displays on side shelves.

Wonderful smells of roasting meats, mixed herbs and Mediterranean spices made the old house feel like a home. Storm completed the picture to perfection.

"Mum's probably in the kitchen." He set down her cases and led her through the house.

His mum, by human standards, appeared to be in her early fifties rather than over three hundred and fifty years of age. Her long black hair had silver streaks; lines of laughter showed around her lovely pale blue eyes. River always thought she looked the picture of strength and elegance, even after raising five active children.

His mother glanced up, a proud smile on her face as he brought Storm into view. He felt Storm tense, and her grip tighten on his hand. His mother coasted gracefully around the kitchen counter.

"Relax, cookie. She's not going to eat you, that's my job," he whispered into her ear. He suppressed the urge to chuckle as she turned a shade of crimson.

"Mama, this is Storm, Storm this is Maria Black."

"Oh, my child, she his beautiful. You have done well for yourself. Welcome, Storm."

Even after living a century and a half, she still retained her thick Spanish accent. Maria pulled her into a hug, giving him a wink. "Welcome to the family, my dear. You must be tired and hungry. Come, come, sit and eat." She pulled her over to a table set with a mountain of food.

"Oh, you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble..." Storm stammered.

"Oh nonsense. Very rarely do I get the opportunity to cook for more than one or two of my children. When River told me he was bringing his mate home, I could not help myself." She turned to him, giving him a pointed stare. "Your brother is in the back office. You might want to take your mate's bags to your room and tell him dinner is ready. Storm is fine here with me." River knew his mother's look. Something was up.

River smiled, giving her an understanding nod. He kissed Storm on the forehead.

"I'll be back in a moment."

She gave him a panicked look.

His mother took her by the arm. "Would you help me lay the table
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He breathed a small sigh of relief when Storm nodded. He bent and kissed Storm's forehead, knowing he was leaving her in good hands.

He turned and left heading, through the house to the back office.

"Hey, the prodigal brother returns. I take it from the sappy look on your face you brought your mate back with you?" Hawk grinned.

"Storm's in the kitchen with mama, and you don't have to say it, but yes, I owe you one," River admitted, grudgingly. "Mama wants you down for dinner, but I got the impression something was up."

"Trouble with a capital T. Gia's back in town, and has got it into her head that you are her mate."

Of all the mistakes to make in his youth, this one had to come back to haunt him. "Damn, I should have never fucked her; I don't want her anywhere near Storm. And I can't exile her from the town without proper reason."

"Don't beat yourself up; half the town has made the mistake of doing Gia. Well, except me. Don't sweat it, bro, but I'll watch your back." Hawk rose from behind the desk. River nodded his appreciation. "C'mon, time to introduce me to my new sister-in-law. I gotta know why she ran out on you like that." He headed for the door.

"Hawk," River growled in warning. "Someone's done a hell of a number on her, and until I can get to the bottom of it, take it easy on her."

Hawk slapped him on the arm. "I got it, perfect gentleman."

Unfortunately Hawk's smirk told River quite a different story.

~ * ~

Maria reminded Storm of her grandmother: warm, open, friendly. Her constant warm chatter and involving Storm in setting the table as if they had been doing it forever, helped to ease Storm's nerves.

"So you, um, turn into a cat as well?" Storm hesitantly broached the subject.

"Of course. Do not feel ill at ease, we are more human than feline, have the same habits, work, laugh, play and love like any other. I can already see you are not one to let prejudices blind you." Maria set a large platter filled with roast chicken pieces in the middle of the table.

Storm shook her head, swamped by guilt. "I really don't care about colors of skin or if someone can turn into a cat or not. I'm...I'm just not good around people, especially men." The words tumbled out of Storm's mouth, confusing her as to why she was being so open with a woman she'd only just met. There was an age of wisdom in the older woman's eyes that made Storm want to trust her and tell her of her past sorrows.

"In life everything takes practice. We learn through trial and error and only hope through the pain we learn and grow stronger. I see great strength in you, and an honest and caring heart. My son sees this too. I can tell he already loves you."

"You can't fall in love that quickly," Storm said, unable to hide her bitter tone.

Maria took the potato salad off the counter and handed it to her. There was an understanding smile on her face. Her dark brown eyes, warm and trusting, making Storm feel lower than dirt for the way she had treated River. With shaky hands, she placed the dish on the table.

"You are a true mate to my son, my dear. Love can come that quickly. You are the better half of each other's soul." Maria's expression saddened. "When I lost my mate, I understood just how deeply we were connected. I loved him from the moment I caught his scent."

Storm could feel the hurt radiating off the woman; it was hard to comprehend the level of love Maria and her husband shared.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Storm said with heartfelt sympathy. "I wish I had your faith and trust. It's not easy for me."

Maria smiled, reaching out to grip Storm's hand. "You are not alone anymore. Perhaps it is time to put bad memories aside and open your heart to a brighter future. One filled with much love and laughter."

Storm so desperately wanted that. It was why she'd done what she had done. She thought her child would bring her happiness and ease her lonely heart. She swallowed the lump in her throat, determined not to cry.

River reappeared at that moment with another tall gorgeous man in tow. Storm guessed this was Hawk, his brother.

"Hey." He studied her mournful expression, walking straight up to her, pulling her into the comfort of his arms.

Storm couldn't help burying her face against River's chest, breathing in his scent as her mind mulled over all Maria had told her.

"Just what have you two been talking about?"

"Sorry, I'm a little tired. Your mother's been nothing but nice."

"Are you sure?"

She offered him a small smile, not wanting to cause any trouble in the family.

"Okay." He kissed the top of her head, before turning her to face the other man.

"Storm, this is my little brother, Hawk."

"Charmed to finally meet the woman who has tamed this wild cat." Hawk grinned roguishly at her, giving his brother a playful shove on the shoulder. "Now I have someone to tell all the embarrassing stories to."

Storm smiled despite herself. "I'm sure it can't be any worse than you being called Bank."

Hawk barked with laughter. "Should have known he would have told you that. The rest is all lies, I assure you."

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" Maria clapped her hands behind them, regaining their attention.

"And that's mother's cue to let her feed us." Hawk winked, only to have River growl at him. Hawk took no notice, only grinning wider.

She took the seat offered, feeling oddly at home among the playfully bickering brothers and a proud mother.

Chapter Nine

"Cookie, you look dead on your feet. You shouldn't have helped my mother clean up."

Before she could answer, River swept her up in his arms. She didn't protest as he carried her up the stairs then down a hall and into a large spacious bedroom. He set her down on the bed.

"Are you okay?" he asked in evident concern. His fingers moved to her blouse as he started to undress her. His touch gentle, tender, no sexual overtone to his actions. She understood he was just a man taking care of his woman.

"Yes, I'm fine, just tired." Emotionally and physically, she was exhausted.

Storm was tired of fighting him, tired of saying no; she wanted a happy forever after with him. Was it insane to keep him at a distance? To guard her heart from a man who obviously loved her? None of her previous men had ever gone to such lengths to secure her affections; mind you, she had never become pregnant to any of them, thank goodness.

"Will you really never leave me?" Her whispered question was out before she could stop it.

He glanced up from where he knelt by the bed taking off her shoes. He held her gaze with his. "Words do not seem adequate enough to tell you, yes. Only death could drag me away from you, cookie."

He set her shoes down and rose up to sit beside her on the bed, taking her hand into both of his. "I know you have a very human perception of what passes for relationships. Shifters have a deeper bond that simply can never be broken. I can show you this--the other mates in the town--tomorrow, if you need reassurance."

"What if I really don't want to leave my grandmother's house? She was the only good thing in my life, well…"
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"You are my mate. I have enough money to start somewhere else. I don't care what I have to give up as long as we're together."

He would give everything up for her? Storm swallowed down the lump in her throat.

"What if you grow tired of me, what if we fight? I don't want to put our children through the pain of seeing their parents fight."

"I can't promise you we won't have disagreements; it's simply a part of life, but I can promise you whatever it is, we will work it through together. It's more than just love, Storm. It's a partnership, working together."

BOOK: The Purrfect Plan
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