The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen (18 page)

BOOK: The Prophecy Unfolds: Dragon Queen
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storm hit just as we arrived at the Glades. People exited quickly
scurrying off as fast as they could. Once on the ground we were
mounted up in mere in minutes. The anxiety of my mates was palpable.
Our horses picked up on this, responding accordingly. We were on our
way in half the time which unsettled me.

more was happening here but I was unsure exactly what I was sensing.
I could feel anxiety rolling off my mates in waves. It was
increasing, climbing higher as we set off for home and to what I
thought would have been safety.

time we sat having dinner in the hall, I looked more closely at my
mates faces. They were communicating psychically and their
expressions spoke volumes. Every so often their eyes would connect,
then look over anxiously back and forth as if a full scale
conversation was occurring. Once in a while their gaze would be
directed at me but I pretended not to notice.

slowly chewed my food and decided to try something. I pushed my
thoughts outward carefully and slowly. Tendrils of thought reaching
in to their minds. Tentatively at first then once inroads had been
made undetected with more force.

caught a jumble of words initially including dragon, rider and
understanding. I closed my eyes briefly in an effort to concentrate
and focus my mind. Trying to unravel this jumble of thoughts and
feelings in an attempt to work out what the problem might be.

I sat bolt upright and my eyes shot open as I finally understood what
was happening. It wasn’t just any dragon or dragon- rider they
were discussing, it was my dragon-rider. I grasped that Patros had
sent a message to the wolves. He would be visiting the pack-house
that very evening with some sort kind of proposition.

began to choke as the food I was chewing went down the wrong way as I
struggled to take this news in. Strong hands began patting me on my
back with queries of my well-being. I nodded that I was alright,
unable to speak or make coherent sentences.

sort of proposition was this?

felt the overwhelming need to shower and make myself presentable. I
needed to calm myself down or it would become obvious that I knew
more than I should. If that happened the wolves may get an inkling of
how my powers had evolved. This was something I wanted to keep to
myself until I understood what it meant and how I could utilise this

yawned, asked to be excused and Zarina escorted me back to our rooms.
I still wasn’t trusted on my own it seemed. I showered, then
decided to have a power nap, to recharge my batteries. I would need
all of the energy I could muster for whatever was on the cards for
this evening.

awoke feeling somewhat brighter, dressed and began pacing up and down
the length of the room. I wondered whether to ask to visit the
library in order to pass the time without becoming more agitated than
I already was. I needed some sort of distraction to occupy my mind. I
paced a little more then could hear footsteps approaching my door,
the key turned in the lock and the door pushed slowly open.

You’re awake Alex. You are wanted in the main banqueting hall.
I was sent to fetch you. Are you alright? Only you look a little
flushed?” greeted Zarina.

Of course I'm fine. Just a little warm after my nap. What is the
meeting about? Do you know?” I said.

haven’t a clue. I wasn’t included in the intense
conversations your mates have been indulging in since your departure
earlier. They looked concerned and het up about something though, so
maybe we should get a move on? “

set off toward the banqueting hall my heart racing faster with each
step. Anticipation starting to get the better of me. I slowed my pace
taking some deep soothing breaths in an attempt to slow my racing
heart. It helped a little but not by much.

werewolves from the elite guard were stationed either side of the
doorway. Zarina and I exchanged worried looks. The doors were closed
and as we approached one of them turned and knocked on the door
before entering. Shutting the door behind him. Zarina and I now took
it in turns to pace up and down outside the door as this was an
unusual turn of events. After about five long minutes the guard
emerged then we were beckoned in.

soon as I entered the room I felt Patros’s presence hit me full
on. His emotions high as a kite. I shot across the room without a
second thought throwing myself into his awaiting arms. He rained
kisses down on me touching me all over, examining me in detail as
best he could. That is, considering my werewolf mates were stood by
watching . With their aggressive stance, audible growling and open
hostility. Yet in that time I didn’t care who was watching. I
was back where I belonged in the arms of my first mate and my love,

held me close, kissing my hair and stroking it gently. Pushed me away
slightly, looked deep in to my eyes asking “How are you? I have
missed you so much my mate.”

Wonderful. Now that you are here to take me home.” I responded.

didn’t reply, but glanced across to Aston saying. “You
haven’t told her, have you? About our arrangement?”

shook his head, a frown on his face.

I thought it would be easier for us all to explain to Alex what we
have agreed.”

have an
I growled.

stepped back from Patros looking at them all in turn.

was I going to be consulted about any
When did any of you think to include me in discussions of any sort?
This acting without thinking of my feelings needs to stop” I

took a step toward me and I retreated back a step.

I shouted “You can’t use your connections to me to lull
me, or calm me.” I looked directly at Zanda with that last
remark, “Or influence me. In. Any. Way.”

put her arm around me and pulled me gently towards the table sitting
me down. My mates, all four of them, then sat down very close to me.
All looking very sheepish. It hadn’t occurred to any of them to
include me in this and in my mind it was the last straw.

began, “Patros contacted us. To see if we could come to some
understanding in order for you to settle in one place. Especially as
the babies will be here soon. Please Alex at least consider what we
have in mind before you say no.”

didn’t reply straight away. I had little or no choice but to
listen to what they had to say. But I needed to let them know the
depth of my feelings and how very angry I was right now. I sighed
loudly, looking around the table.

I will listen to you and see what you propose.”

Perhaps you could begin?” said Aston.

course.” Patros responded then looking directly at me and began
to outline what had been agreed.

and the others in turn, went on to explain their proposals. I was to
return to the lair back in the mountains with the dragons. But to new
much bigger quarters. Quarters big enough to accommodate myself,
Patros, my werewolf mates and a nursery for the babies.

sat there some time, not talking. I suddenly started to giggle.
Softly at first then louder. Well my mum used to say “Better to
laugh than cry.”I had done enough crying for a lifetime maybe
it was time for laughter and not tears. The old me would have been
horrified at this proposal. But the new me. The new dragon queen come
wolf. Well, maybe this was doable. More than doable.

dad always said if you were unsure about something make a list of the
pros and cons. When I did this in my head the pros had it.

all looked extremely worried, thinking I had lost the plot and
hysteria was setting in.

took a deep breath and said, “Okay. I agree in principle to
your proposal but we will need to discuss the finer details.”

as?” Vanda and Leon said in tandem.

as sleeping arrangements?”

was the point where they all started to chuckle and agreed that this
needed some thought putting into it.

Chapter 11.

began laughing afresh at this remark. My dad was bad enough at
dealing with my boyfriend Paul and I back on Earth when we were still
together. What would he make of the four “boyfriends” I
had now?

suddenly I noticed how closely Patros was studying me, remembering
all the physical and emotional changes I had gone through of late.

went over and sat next to him. Picking me up he placed me on his lap.
I lay my head on his shoulder savouring the moment and felt him
squeeze my biceps.

soon you would have changed so much that even I would have had
trouble recognising you my love.” He whispered softly. I
reached up and kissed him full on the lips.

had no problem knowing who I was earlier
sent to him.

we are still connected. I panicked when I couldn’t hear or send
to you. Talos said he couldn’t either which was strange as he
usually hasn’t any problem in that respect.

this remark I lifted my head, and spoke out loud to my werewolf

I ask how you managed to prevent me from hearing, or being heard by
Patros and Talos?”

looked perplexed and shook their heads slightly. Aston spoke on all
their behalf’s after some discussion via their pack link.

were never aware that you had any problems in that respect. In fact
we assumed you were in touch with one another. It was another reason
why we kept such close tabs on you, locking in your room and the
reason guards were set to watch you. We all presumed you could
contact and converse mentally with each other.”

I looked around the room and observed, “Maybe there is more at
play here. Things going on that we know nothing about. I believe you
about this which is good. For this whole arrangement to work we will
all need to trust each other. I felt something strange was happening
when I was in touch through my link to Amrinth. I felt another
presence there. Almost as if someone was eavesdropping.”

put that thought for the moment to the back of my mind. Someday, we
would find out what the problem was but for now there were more
important decisions to make.

Have we a timescale for this move?” I directed this question to
Aston then awaited his response.

is a little late tonight now and you have had a busy day so we were
thinking that tomorrow would be good.; That is, if everyone is
agreeable and we can hash out the final details over a late supper.”
Aston replied.

nodded my agreement and we all gradually relocated to the dining room
where the pack was now assembled. It seemed everyone would be
involved in this discussion.

and the other werewolves that are my mates took it in turn to explain
about my relocating to the caverns and joining me in the mountains
with the dragons. At this point it became pretty loud with mutterings
and discussions breaking out across the room. They went on to explain
that they would take turns at residing at the pack house so that
business would carry as usual on in our absence. This seemed to take
it down a notch, everyone sat and listened while they continued to
explain their plans. I listened too as this was the first I knew of
them also. I heard an audible sigh of relief when they told the pack
that someone would be staying in rotation at the pack-house.

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