Read The Principles Of Lust Online

Authors: Sasha White

The Principles Of Lust (5 page)

BOOK: The Principles Of Lust
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“I think it’s best if we take things slow, don’t you?”

A pang of disappointment went through her. But she found herself nodding, almost as if the movement his thumb rubbing lazily at the inside of her thigh was hypnotizing her. Calming her, yet arousing her at the same time.

“Kiss me, Teal.”

Without a second thought, she leaned in and pressed her lips to his. The kiss started out gentle and seductive. Lips rubbing together, breath mingling. She gripped his shoulders and slipped completely under his spell.

Their breathing got louder, replacing the Celtic music in her ears as tongues danced and teeth nipped. She slid one hand around his neck and up to cup the back of his head, her fingers delving into the softness of his thick hair as her other hand slid from his shoulder to his chest. Muscles twitched beneath the palm of her hand and she felt his heart beat. It matched hers.

She shifted on his lap, trying to get closer to him. She wanted more… she needed more.

His fingers tightened on her thigh, but that was it. He didn’t slide his hand higher or try to move things along. Impatience mixed with the arousal swarming her senses, and she tore her mouth from his, gripped the hem of her shirt and tore if off all in one move.

When she leaned forward to kiss him again he pulled his head back slightly.

His hands gripped her hips, stilling her unconscious rocking. “Shhhh,” he crooned. “Slowly. Let’s learn about each other.”

“You’re hot and hard, I’m soft and wet. We’ll fit together real well. What more is there to learn?”

“Remember what you said at dinner? Recognize lust, then embrace it … try to do that for me, Teal.”

She groaned and ran her hands restlessly over his shoulders. Leaning in, she whispered in his ear as one hand started to undo the buttons on his shirt. “I’m trying, but you’re going too slow.”

His husky chuckle filled the room. He tangled one hand in her hair and pulled her head back gently to expose her throat. He scraped his teeth across her neck, sending a shudder rippling through her.

Her fingers made fast work of his buttons and she finally got her hands inside his shirt and against his skin. She weaved her fingers in to the light dusting of hairs there, searching for and finding his little male nipples.

They were already hard and she played with them, tweaking and rolling them between her fingers the way she wanted done to hers. His gasp of pleasure was music to her ears. “You’re not embracing it Teal, you’re rushing it.”

His lips found the sensitive spot behind her ear and his hands ran over her waist again, up across her ribs. His calloused palms scraping against her skin erotically, leaving a trail of fire wherever he touched. “Close your eyes, feel my touch. Feel it, and enjoy it for what it is… and trust that I’ll please you. You don’t need to rush it; I won’t leave you hanging. I promise.”

She tossed her head back, rocked her hips, and another moan slipped from her lips. God, she felt so good! It was more than just turned on. She was all warm liquid emotion. His touch calmed and set her on fire at the same time. She wasn’t even aware that he’d removed her bra until his hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs rubbing back and forth over the aching peaks.

“Tell me, baby,” he whispered as he scraped his teeth against her neck. “Ask for what you want.”

She widened her thighs and rocked against the hardness behind his zipper. “You. I want you.”

He pushed back against the sofa, putting a bit of space between them. “I’m yours.”

Teal planted her lips against his, thrusting her tongue into his mouth and making quick work of his zipper. He lifted his hips, lifting them both off the sofa and she shoved his jeans low enough to completely free him. When he settled back on the couch, she was already reaching for his cock.

Long and thick, he throbbed hotly in her hands. Her insides clenched and her pussy ached to be filled. His hot hands slipped under her skirt, palming her bare ass cheeks and teasing her senses until she panted the word “more” against his jaw as she nuzzled his neck.

His hands met at the thin elastic on her hip and with a sharp jerk, snapped it. He did the same on the other side, pulling her skimpy thong away from her body. When he didn’t immediately touch her, she sat back and saw that he’d lifted her panties to his face and was breathing in the scent, his eyes gleaming from above the delicate cream lace.

“Embrace it,” he reminded her, and held the bundle up for her.

Meeting his gaze, she held his hand in hers, leaned forward, and inhaled the scent of her own sex. Musky and slightly spicy, it filled her head and fired her blood up even more.

“Good girl,” he purred, his other hand reaching between her thighs. His fingertips brushed across her swollen pussy lips and her whole body jerked in response. She dropped his hand, gripped his shoulders, and braced herself up on her knees so he had better access.

“More. Inside me, please.”

Zack guided her hips down, the head of his cock slipped inside, stretching her as he filled her slowly and surely.

“Yesss,” she groaned. And immediately tried to rock on him, but his steady grip stopped her.

“Look at me, Teal.” A hand cupped her jaw and he gazed straight into her eyes. Their gazes locked and his hand trailed down her neck, over her collarbone, slowly, until he covered her breast. “Keep your eyes on me. I want to see every emotion. I want to see your pleasure, your joy as you come.”

He cupped her breast, squeezing it and tweaking the rigid nipple as he began to move inside her. Small thrusts, not more than an inch in and out he went. The slow teasing movements made every move, every stroke, every sensation that much stronger. When his thumb settled on her clit, the jolt of pure pleasure that zinged through her made her cry out. Yet their gazes remained locked. His dark eyes brightened in their intensity. She saw pleasure, confidence, pride and worship there. Before she could grasp the concept of it all, he pinched her clit and her nipple at the same time and her world shattered.

She threw her head back, her cries echoed through the room mingling with his husky praise. “That’s it baby, come for me. Feel the pleasure, enjoy every second, every sensation.”

When the explosions stopped and she settled against his chest, there was still an ache deep inside. She rocked against him some more, a small whimper escaping.

“Oh, you need it good don’t you baby? That wasn’t enough for you.” His hands cupped her ass and he rolled. Suddenly she was on her back on the sofa and he was seated firmly between her thighs. He braced himself on his elbows and looked down into her face with glowing eyes. “It wasn’t enough for me either.”

“Fuck me, Zach,” she whispered. “Please.”

“Oh yeah.” He pulled out and thrust home hard. No more slow and steady.

“Yes, yes,” Teal panted. She braced one foot on the edge of the sofa, threw her other leg over the back of it, hooking her knee so she could tilt her hips up and take everything he gave her. She slid her hands around his ribs and raked her nails along his back as he pumped his hips and thrust deep and true each time.

It didn’t take long. Her body tightened, her pussy clenched around his throbbing cock as it pulsed deep inside her, hot come filling her up. She curled her body up and bit into his shoulder to stifle the scream ripped from the center of her being as every muscle within her tightened and then released in exquisite pleasure.


He knew before he opened his eyes that she was gone.

Zack rolled over in the king-sized bed and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Four-thirty in the morning, and she’d snuck out.

Part of him couldn’t blame her. The night before hadn’t exactly gone as he’d planned either. Although why he expected it to follow his plan he didn’t know. If he were able to follow any sort of a plan where Teal Jamison was concerned, she never would’ve been in his house, let alone in his lap.

He’d known, from the moment he shook her hand on the day they met, that she was dangerous to his peace of mind. But he had to be cocky and think he could control his emotions as well as he could control his body.

It was simple really, he thought, as he lay sprawled out on his back, staring at the ceiling.

After actually talking to her and getting to know her, he liked her. He surprised himself by liking her aggressive flirting, and her ‘I dare you’ attitude. It looked like he’d finally met his perfect match.

The big question now was…what was he going to do about it?


“God Damn it!”

“What? What happened?” Brina Jo came running out of the back room, scissors in one hand and packing tape in the other.

Teal waved her hand in the air angrily, her temper in full swing. “I stubbed my toe on the corner of the fuck’n desk.”

“That’s it?” Brina glared at her. “Jesus woman, you scared me to death yelling like that. What’s wrong with you?”

“Everything. Nothing.” Teal threw her purse on the reception desk and planted her hands on her hips. She glanced around the gallery real quick, but didn’t see Zach. They were alone. “Last night didn’t go the way I’d have liked. Then this morning Dominick called to tell me how much I owed him for getting Wanda Brooks to make an appearance at the opening on Friday.”

“Well, that should’ve put you in a good mood.”

“It did. Until I got out of the shower and heard the voice message the caterer left. It seems they overbooked themselves and are backing out of the opening. So now I have no food, no drinks, and no servers!”


The women looked at each other. Brina knew about the flyers and the graffiti, and now this…

“I’m really starting to wonder if someone, or some thing is seriously working against me here.” There was a slight tremble in her voice that had nothing to do with temper.

“Whoa! What is going on with you Teal? You know little things like this always happen when they can do the most damage. It’s why some people get what they want out of life and others don’t. You taught me that and there is no way I’m going to let you start thinking like a defeatist now!”

“Things are…it’s just that…last night…Damn it!” She threw her hands up in the air.

“Breathe, Teal. Sit down and tell me what is going on.” Brina steered Teal to the chair behind the desk, then sat on the edge of it, directly in front of her. “Start with last night. How did things go at Zach’s?”

Teal lifted her left foot and placed it on the edge of the desk. While she examined her toe to make sure she hadn’t broken it, she told her friend about Zach.

“I gotta tell ya, he shocked me in more ways than one.”

“Well, it doesn’t sound like anything bad, though. He has a nice house, is a good cook and a bit of a kinky bastard.” She grinned. “He sounds perfect for you.”

Teal nodded slowly. “Yeah, except he actually didn’t get kinky with me. When he showed me his toys in the basement, I thought we were going to get busy. Instead, when I said, ‘Tie me up, baby’, he said, ‘Let’s go eat dinner now.’”

The rejection hurt much more than it should’ve.

Brina leaned back on her hands and eyed Teal. “Are you telling me you didn’t have sex with him?”

“That’s not what I said.”

“Would you just spill it all?”

“After we ate dinner, we had a make out session on his sofa that got a bit out of hand. Then he carried me to his bedroom and we had normal, straight up, missionary sex.”

Straight up missionary sex that had still managed to blow her mind. When she woke up sprawled over top of the guy, thinking that his heartbeat beneath her ear was the sound she wanted to wake up to every morning, she knew it was time to run.

And run she had.

Brina was looking at her like she was crazy. “What’s wrong with regular sex? There’s a reason missionary is the most popular position Miss I-know-everything-about-lust.”

“Yeah?” Teal smirked at her. “And what is the reason?”

“It’s the most intimate.”

It hit her right between the eyes. That was why she was so freaked out by Zach. Somehow, someway, he’d managed to control their whole night, without using any physical restraints, and it had been extremely intimate. She’d been so comfortable with him that she’d forgotten to keep her guard up.

Her shock must’ve shown on her face because, without another word, Brina Jo picked up the phone on the desk next to her and dialled. At least something was going right. The phones had obviously been hooked up.

“Hi honey,” Brina said into the phone while Teal just sat there trying not to think too hard. “Don’t you have a cousin or something that works at a hotel restaurant downtown?”

BOOK: The Principles Of Lust
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