Read The Prince of Punk Rock Online

Authors: Jenna Galicki

The Prince of Punk Rock (47 page)

BOOK: The Prince of Punk Rock
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“I disagree.”

Mr. Ableman stared at him for a
long time.
It was an imposing guise,
assessing his worth versus his demands.
“I’ll see what I can do about a deal that includes your guitar player,
but I’m not promising anything.”

Angel glanced at Jessi.
She was writing something down on a small
note pad.
He knew she was jotting down
That’s why he needed her
She handed him her note pad.
There was only one thing written on it –
can’t sell out Damien and Jimmy.

He would never throw Damien and
Jimmy under the bus.
He would never
compromise his integrity for a record deal.
Damien was like a brother to him.
Damien started this band with him.
He closed the little pad and took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry Mr. Ableman, but I’m not going
anywhere without my entire band.
We’re a
package deal.
Either you sign the band,
as a whole, or I walk.”

Mr. Ableman sat back in his chair
and scowled.
Obviously he was a man not
used to receiving threats, especially from a nobody like Angel Garcia.
The sweat beaded across Angel’s forehead at
his bold demands.
The meeting was that
was supposed to be his big break turned into a fireball of disappointment and a
battle of wills with one of the most powerful men in the record industry.

Lines pulled at the corners of Mr.
Ableman’s mouth and he furrowed his brow.
“Are you trying to back me into a corner, Mr. Garcia?
Are you trying to play hard ball with me?
Because that’s not a good idea.
That’s not in your best interest.”

“Not at all.
Those are my terms.
The ball’s in your court, now.”
Angel’s ability to remain calm and assertive
astounded him.

“The offer is for you and the
guitar player.
That’s the best I can

“Well, then, I walk.”
He shook Mr. Ableman’s hand, thanked him for
his time and walked out of his office without looking back.

Two hours later, Mr. Ableman
“Be in my office at 9:00 a.m.
tomorrow morning, and bring your entire band with you.
There’s an offer on the table.”

No one had their poker face on
Everyone was smiling, including
Mr. Ableman, which didn’t seem like a common occurrence.
He threw a manila folder on his desk and
folded his hands on top of it.
“Here’s a
contract for Immortal Angel.
All you have to do is sign it,
after your attorney looks it over, of course.
It’s very generous.
I guarantee
you won’t get a better offer than this.”
He pulled out another manila folder and put it on top of the first
Then put his hands on top of the
both of them.
“We also have a contract
for your assistant, Mr. Garcia.
understand how important she is to you, and I got the message loud and clear
when you said you didn’t go anywhere without her.
The band is going to need someone to help
handle their day-to-day needs, anyway.
Your new publicist is a busy woman.
She’ll welcome the assistance.
plan on getting a single out right away, that first song you played at America
What was the name of it?”

Without You.
Tommy wrote
the lyrics.
The band wrote the music.”

“It’s a sure fire hit.
We have big plans in store.
We want to schedule a round of appearances as
the musical guest on the late night TV circuit and early morning shows.
We also want to get you a series of promos on
major radio stations around the country.
Like I said, you’re going to need someone to manage your schedule.
It’s a lot of work, and a lot of traveling.”

A tall, smart-looking
woman entered Mr.
Ableman’s office, and sat in a chair next to his desk.
She crossed her long, slender legs, folded
her hands in her lap and smiled at everyone through bright red lips.
Her dark hair was pulled back into a sleek
ponytail, her classy business suit was obviously from an expensive designer and
she carried a Michael Kors leather briefcase.
When Mr. Ableman finished talking, she stood up and shook Angel’s
“I’m Marissa Torres.
I’ve been appointed as the band’s publicist.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,”
Angel said.

“The pleasure’s all mine.
I’ve been looking forward to meeting
I’m going to get you noticed by the
When we’re done with the promos,
everyone across the country will be familiar with Immortal Angel.”

She handed Jessi her business
“I look forward to working with
you Mrs. Blade.
We should meet in a day
or two after the band’s schedule is finalized so I can give you a copy of the
Make sure everyone’s affairs
are in order, because we’re all on a plane next week.”

They rolled into bed with a bottle
of champagne to celebrate.
The champagne
was Angel’s idea, always the romantic.
sipped at her glass and held it up to the light, admiring the pale bubbling
She had a job working for Falcon
She was going to miss working
at the fashion house, but she would be working directly with the band and the
It was the most unexpected piece
of news in her life and she was ecstatic.
She finished off the bottle watching the two men she loved, loving each

The bed dipped and shook while the
sounds of heavy breathing and long moans filled her ears.
Tommy was bent over Angel, giving him oral
pleasure, with his adorable little butt sticking up in the air.
Tommy hadn’t even touched her yet, but she
was already wet between her legs from the erotic show in front of her.
She crawled on her knees to where Tommy was
perched over Angel and stroked his smooth bottom.
He moaned and perked his butt up toward
She put her lips to his lower back
and licked her way through the gully between his cheeks.
Her tongue found his perfect little hole and
she pressed her tongue against it while stroking the soft globes of his ass.

Tommy groaned and arched his back,
affording her full access to his lower half.
She moved her tongue in furious circles.
Tipsy from the alcohol, her nerve endings were on fire and buzzed
underneath her skin.
She was dripping
with wetness and wanted Tommy inside her, but she couldn’t extradite herself
from his ass.

“Stop,” Angel whispered.
“I want to fuck you.”

She knew he was talking to Tommy,
but with her pussy begging for penetration, it felt like he was speaking
directly to her crotch.
She abruptly sat
back, naughty thoughts quickly formulating in her alcohol-induced head.

She straddled one of Angel’s strong
thighs, backwards, and presented her backside to him.
“Look at my tight little hole. Just look at
it. Don’t you want to be inside it?”
she slid up his thigh and leaned over, her clit rubbed against his muscular leg
and sent a shockwave through her body.
Another swipe left a trail of slick wetness that felt hot against her
She held Angel’s leg in a death grip
and humped his leg once more.
He was
trying to wiggle out from underneath her, but his movements caused a pleasant
friction. It made her twitch and convulse. She pressed her herself against his
thigh, took a deep, quivering breath and gasped as an orgasm washed over
She climaxed before she realized
what was happening.
She only planned on
teasing Angel with her ass.
The end
result was a pleasant change of events.
She slid off his leg and rolled onto her side with a devilish smile.

Angel was backed up to the leather
headboard, hands perched on the mattress.
An astonished half smile on his face quickly turned to shock as he saw
the wet, shiny goo deposited on his thigh.

Tommy laughed with amusement, then
bent down and licked the cum off Angel’s leg.
He licked his way to Angel’s inner thigh and sucked and nibbled Angel’s
half hard cock back toward the ceiling.
Angel relaxed and started moaning again.
His eyes rolled up into their sockets, his mouth opened slightly and he
breathed deeply.
He peeked through his
lids and saw Jessi watching him.
narrowed his eyes and smirked at her, but his teasing smile broke through his
He chuckled and silently mouthed,
“You bitch.”

She gave an evil chortle and pushed
Tommy’s head down until he gagged.
kept his mouth down at the base of Angel’s cock, sucking it until Angel groaned
and twisted the sheets in his hand.

Angel moaned.
“No more.”

Tommy looked up at him, but held
Angel’s cock in a firm grip.
“Not yet.”
It throbbed and twitched in Tommy’s
Tommy squeezed it harder and a
bubble of fluid popped out of the head.
He sucked it off and stoked Angel.
“How’s that feel?
Is that want
you want?”
He was teasing Angel.
Making him beg.

“Uhhh. That feels so good.”
Angel head lolled back and forth and his eyes
rolled up in his head.

Tommy squeezed Angel’s cock again
and tugged on it.
“Tell me what you want.”

“I want your sweet ass.
I want to feel you from the inside.”

The champagne made Jessi giddy and
All sorts of sexual scenarios
were running wild in her head.
“I want
to feel the both of
, inside of
ass, Angel, and Tommy can take
me at the same time.
I want you both
inside me.”

Angel wore a quizzical smile,
questioning whether she was serious or just plain drunk.
She was both, which was probably why she
didn’t stop to think how Tommy would feel about it.

His eyes were ablaze with cunning
desire. “Let’s do it.
She’s got a really
tight ass.
It’s much tighter than mine.”

She loved that Tommy was trying to
persuade Angel into having sexual contact with her.
She loved that their sex life was full
because Tommy was adventurous in the bedroom.
She loved that he was bisexual.
Their everyday sex life was made of the things that most people only
fantasized about.
She put her arms
around his neck and kissed him.
breathed deeply and rubbed her breasts against his body.
He put his hand between her legs and she
melted from the rush of sensations.
didn’t want to come yet.
She wanted to
come with Tommy inside her and Angel inside her.
She moved Tommy’s hand before she shuddered
with another orgasm.

BOOK: The Prince of Punk Rock
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