Read The Pleasure Bot (Planet Desire Book 4) Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

The Pleasure Bot (Planet Desire Book 4) (12 page)

BOOK: The Pleasure Bot (Planet Desire Book 4)
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“Am I gloating?” he asked innocently.

“You know what I’m talking about.”

“Sorry, I don’t, love. You’ll have to explain it to me. I’m just a man.”

“Just a man. Don’t I wish,” she said. A shadow darkened her gaze. “Why didn’t you take your pleasure, too?”

“I did.” He gave her red cheek a caress. “I enjoyed watching you come apart.”

“But you didn’t come.”

He didn’t mind her scowl this time because her irritation was on his behalf.

“You don’t have to hold back just because it’s your job to pleasure me.”

“It’s important to you that I get as much enjoyment out of this experience?”

Her gaze grew solemn. “I think we should both treat this weekend like it’s the last we’ll ever have.”

The smile on his face felt stiff. “That’s rather morbid. I’m sure you’ll have many more just like it. You can afford it.”

Her eyebrows drew together. “That wasn’t very gentlemanly.”

“I never claimed to be one,” Declan said, knowing she needed reminding.

“No, you didn’t.” Her fingers twirled a lock of hair. “Declan, what happens tomorrow?”

He drew in a deep breath. “I’ll leave and meet up with my crew,” he replied, his tone flat. “Agnes arranged for the evidence against them to be misplaced. They should have the ship out of impound by then.”

“But then what?”

Her persistence annoyed him. He didn’t want to think beyond this day—this moment. Not while his body was sated and a warm, loving woman lay beside him. “I’ll head back out to the next port.” He looked down into her face. “Will you miss me?”

She bit her lip. “What if you didn’t go back?”

“What? And stay here?”

“Yeah. Maybe, I could find a way for you to…not have to go away.”

His heart felt squeezed, and he gave her hug. “But what would I do here, love? I’m a ship’s captain—it’s all I know. All I ever wanted.”

“All? Really? But what about women?” Her head rose. She gave him a glare. “Are there women in your crew?”

Was she jealous? “Had one once, but it got sticky when Reiver and Nate both went after her. Haven’t signed another to the crew since. Some men think women are bad luck aboard a ship.” If she were another sort of woman, he’d consider asking her to leave with him. He ruffled her short hair. “No, it’s for the best I go.”

“You’re probably right.” She sounded sad again.

“Now, you’re not getting all sentimental, are you?”

She frowned. “I haven’t got a sentimental bone in my body. I was just wondering.”

“It’s because I’m still inside you, isn’t it?” He rolled his hips to remind her. “You women are funny that way.”

“We women?” her voice rose. “Do you think we’re all the same?”

“Of course,” he replied blithely, enjoying the fire igniting in her eyes. “It’s in your chromosomes. Sex has to mean something.”

“That’s an archaic attitude.”

“I’m just stating fact.”

Her body stiffened. “Fact according to whom? And who made you an expert? Have you ever stuck around long enough to really get to know a woman?”

He made a face. “Fuck, no! I won’t be tethered.”

“You’ve never thought about taking a woman along with you then?”

I thought about it for two seconds, love.
“Never met one who wanted to share my footloose life.”

“Perhaps you’ve been looking in the wrong places.”

“You might be right there. Hadn’t really considered it before.” He rubbed his hands in circles over her ass. Her backside was a tempting target—soft and well-cushioned. Made for different sort of riding.

Would she be shocked if he showed her what he wanted to add to their repertoire? He traced the crease between her cheeks and waited for her reaction.

“Hmm.” She snuggled her face closer to his neck. “Do that again,” she whispered.

His heart nearly stopped, but his penis pulsed at her throaty command. “Priss, you are full of surprises.”

She sucked on the skin at the side of his neck. “Don’t make me beg. Just do it.”

He slipped his fingers between her buttocks and fingered her tight opening.

Her hips ground down hard, and her pussy clutched his cock.

He pressed a finger inside her, and Priscilla dug her nails into his chest.

What a woman! He couldn’t wait another second to feel her tight, rosy asshole close around his cock. “Move off me now and get on your knees,” he said, his jaw already clenching with need.

She didn’t move quick enough to suit him. Instead, she rose above him and kissed him on the lips, gliding her tongue inside his mouth. Declan cupped her face in his palms and slanted his mouth over hers to give her a kiss that left them both gasping for air.

“Please be quick.” Her face so close to his he could see her arousal in the flare of her nostrils and the tension around her lips. She pressed a quick kiss on his mouth. “No foreplay.”

“Get on your bloody knees, love,” he said, his voice harsh.

She lifted off his cock and crouched on the mattress beside him, her tension showing in the rigid set of her shoulders.

Declan knelt behind her and quickly lubricated the head of his penis with spit, and then placed it at her small entrance. “Tell me if I hurt you.”

Her hands bunched the bedding in a white-knuckled grip. “Just do it.”

Declan pushed forward, meeting the resistance of the strong muscles that ringed her asshole. He pumped against it, testing Priss’s tolerance for discomfort.

Her buttocks tensed beneath his palms, but she didn’t retreat. “Put it in me,” she moaned.

Declan pushed harder, and her muscles eased, allowing him entrance. Slowly, he drove his cock inside her, pumping to ease his way. The tight hot ring pinched his cock, and he gritted his teeth against the need to thrust faster, deeper.

Priscilla dropped her head to the mattress, and her back sank, tilting her ass higher. As he watched, one hand let go of the bedding and disappeared under her body to fondle a breast.

“Pinch your tit for me, sweetheart.”

“Oh God! Declan,” she moaned. “Give it to me harder.”

Despite her request, he held back. Instead, he slapped one cheek.

She tightened around him, her ass lifting higher. “Again!”

He slapped her again, this time accompanied by a forward thrust that tunneled deeper inside her.

The angle of her elbow indicated Priss was done fiddling with her breasts. She’d gone for her clit.

He gripped her cheeks hard and squeezed, pulling them apart, then closing them in rhythm with his thrusts.

Her hips writhed and jerked, shoving backward to force him deeper. Her moans were pitched higher and interspersed for pleas for her release.

Soon, the sound his belly slapping her ass was a sharp staccato. He hammered inside her hot, tight ass, building the friction to an inferno until his climax roared over him.

Aware of her sweet convulsions, he was unable control his body long enough to assure her a protracted orgasm. He grunted through the last powerful jets of come and shuddered to a halt.

His hips spasmed with each pulsing that tightened her pelvic region. A man could die at a moment like this and not regret a damn thing. His cock was warm, his balls empty, and the soft, passionate woman in front of him panted like well-pleasured cat.

Declan thought he might be in love.
Well, damn.

Chapter Nine

hy don’t we
watch one of those movies you were telling me about,” Declan said, his voice a pleasant rumble beneath her cheek.

Priscilla stirred on his lap, the motion driving his waning erection deeper into her pussy. She leaned back and looked down to where their bodies were still joined. “Don’t you think we ought to clean the sofa first? I don’t think come is very good for velvet.”

Declan’s hand squeezed her ass. “We’re not moving off this couch. If I’d known how well it suited your
, I’d have suggested we camp out here for the weekend.”

She grinned. “Am I getting any better at riding?”

He nuzzled her throat. “Any better, love, and I’d be dead.”

She had to admit the eggplant-purple suited his coloring, and the plush cushions were heaven beneath her knees. She cuddled closer to his chest. By now, straddling his lap to catch a few zzz’s was a very natural aftermath activity for them both. She turned her face into his neck and inhaled his spicy scent. “You really want to watch a movie?”

“Sure. We can’t fuck all the time.”

She swatted him. “No?” She wriggled her ass, but only managed to dislodge his sex. She sighed her disappointment. “Guess you’re right. He’s whacked.”

She climbed off his lap and snuggled beside him, pulling a throw from the end of the sofa to drape around them.

“Cold?” he asked, putting his arm around her shoulder.

“No. But I like this. Feels cozy.”

He grunted. “How do we get a movie?”

“Easy. Aaa—gnes!”

Declan winced.

“Yo, boss. You finished your lesson?” Agnes drawled.

“Quite,” Priscilla said wryly. “Declan wants to watch a movie. Got any suggestions?”

“A movie?” Agnes’s voice sounded eager.

The screen dropped from the ceiling in front of them.

“What would you like? Romance? Action-adventure? Horror?”

“How about something with a little spice?” Declan suggested.

Priscilla wrinkled her nose. “You want to watch a porn flick?”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Seems sex is the only thing on my mind lately.”

“Back in a second,” Agnes said. “I’ll raid Tonio’s share drive.”

The screen lit almost immediately. A couple shared a lingering kiss in front of the door to a hotel room, and then groped for the door and went inside. Without a word, they began to shed their clothes, the woman giving the man sly glances as she pulled her sweater over her head and tossed it at him, followed by her bra. Her breasts were enormous, melon-shaped, and looked as though they’d pop if pricked by a pin.

Priscilla supposed she was pretty in an over-blown, tawdry sort of way. The man was short and didn’t inspire so much as a second look. “Where do you suppose they met?” Priscilla whispered.

Declan’s eyes remained glued to the screen. “Who cares?”

“But we don’t even know their names.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

The woman slid her pants down her long legs and stepped out of them, leaving her naked except for a miniscule pair of panties that were missing most of their backside.

“Come here, baby,” she said, in a little girl voice, her fingers plucking her large nipples. “I’m all hot and horny.”

Priscilla snorted. Did anyone really say that? Out loud, anyway?

She glanced sideways at Declan and wondered if he thought the dialogue lacked. He hadn’t moved a muscle since the last time she’d looked at him. Men were funny creatures. Feeling a frown wrinkle her forehead, she turned back to the screen.

The man in the movie nearly tripped over himself rushing toward the woman. Then he leaned down and took one nipple into his mouth, rolling his head in apparent ecstasy as he laved her areola.

Priscilla felt her own nipples pucker at the thought of Declan being so inspired, but her breasts fell short in the melon category—maybe he preferred plums.

She snuggled closer to Declan. “Do you think they’ve known each other long?” she asked.

Declan gave her a quick, incredulous look. “They probably met two minutes ago.”

“That’s rather disgusting.”

Declan grunted. “I guess they should have shared a shower first, huh?”

Priscilla punched his side, and then settled her head against his shoulder. This couldn’t last that long—not at the pace the woman was coming to full-blown arousal.

The man wet his fingertips and dug into the front of her underwear. Beneath the fabric, he rubbed her pussy. “Like that, baby?”

The woman’s head fell back, and she moaned, open-mouthed. Her hands crept up to her breasts, and she tugged her nipples. To Priscilla, her “ahs” seemed all out of proportion with where they were in their lovemaking.

Priscilla shifted on the couch. Was that how most women responded? Did men really like all that noise, the exaggerated gyrating, and fluttering eyelashes?

The man stripped her undies down her legs and led her to the bed. Once there, he posed in front of her and slowly drew down the slide at the front of his breeches.

The woman licked her lips, her gaze glued to his crotch.

Priscilla straightened. The woman’s interest indicated something extraordinary was about to appear.

His pants opened, and he reached inside to draw out his cock. It was thick, heavily veined, and had a slight kink to the right.

The woman moaned again and licked her lips. “Baby, come here. Let me suck your great big cock.”

Priscilla wrinkled her nose. Not in a million years could she ever imagine herself saying those words to a man—or worse, actually taking that cock into her mouth.

Now, if the man were Declan…

Stripped at last, the man sauntered to the bed. The woman quickly spread her legs wide and rested back on her elbows while the man’s head dove between her legs.

By her expression, Priscilla couldn’t tell if he was torturing or pleasuring her. “Do you think they’re in love?”

BOOK: The Pleasure Bot (Planet Desire Book 4)
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