Read The Persuasion of Miss Jane Brody Online

Authors: Isabella Hargreaves

The Persuasion of Miss Jane Brody (12 page)

BOOK: The Persuasion of Miss Jane Brody
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“Shall I drag your sled for you Jane?” asked Jonathan. Taking the rope he offered his other arm to her, which she accepted, and they climbed the slope with some dignity.

By taking a more direct route they arrived at the summit before Elizabeth and Dr Logan. “Are you brave enough to slide by yourself Jane?”

“Indeed I am!” Jane responded. “But thank you for your concern.” She softened her response, not wanting to start a disagreement.

“I meant no offence dear Jane, just angling for a ride with you rather than watch you disappear into the distance away from me again.”

“Oh!” said Jane. “If that is your meaning, then I’m sure we can manage together.”

He smiled. “Excellent. You may have the exciting front seat and I can steer from the rear.”

She paused to consider his words. “It sounds like a sensible plan, my lord.” In fact, it sounded like a delicious plan for a way to have his strong arms around her and feel protected again.

“Jonathan,” he reminded her.

She looked at him blankly, lost in her thoughts.

“My name.”

“Of course, Jonathan.”

He sat on the sled with the rope steering in one hand. “Come aboard Jane,” he encouraged.

She gingerly sat on the front of the sled between his legs and felt his warmth surround her. He arranged the rope into his two hands by passing it across her body. Before she could register any other sensations or trepidation, they were off and racing down the slope. She thought she screamed but couldn’t be sure. Jonathan’s legs and arms formed a safe enclosure around her, but they couldn’t protect her from the snow that whooshed up into her face as the breeze moved the light snow. The end of the slope was approaching fast and Jane hoped that Jonathan wasn’t going to try his fancy finish again. Alas, he was, with the predictable result that once again the sled’s occupants were thrown off as it bucked out of control.

Jonathan must have foreseen the crash because he transferred his grip from the rope control to her waist in an attempt to protect her from harm and snow. The result was the two of them entwined on the ground. His grip on her had slipped on impact and Jane lay half across his chest with one of her legs lying between his. After the initial shock, she collapsed on top of him laughing in relief and exhilaration.

Jonathan strengthened his hold on her. She stopped laughing and looked at his gaze, recognising his intention to kiss her. She moved to meet him. His lips were warm on her cold ones. Surprise barely registered, so intent was she on returning his kisses. Jonathan’s hand on her waist began to quest lower and took up residence on her buttock while his other hand had strayed into her hair to hold her close for his mouth to do its tantalising work.

“Come on Jane, you’re taking too long with the sled.” Katherine’s demand cut through her befuddled mind. Jonathan stopped kissing her. He released her and helped her off the wet ground. Her sisters were standing nearby, having obviously run to her assistance before hesitating, then stopping to watch her and Jonathan, with saucer eyes betraying different thoughts. Katherine’s face showed impatience, Anna’s envy, while Charlotte’s showed shock and disbelief. Jonathan recovered first and was at his most urbane as he laughed off their indiscretion and dragged the sled to Katherine’s eager hands.

No further mention of their display was made as a loud scream from the slope behind had them turning to see Elizabeth and Dr Logan hurtling down. Elizabeth’s face was alive with joy and triumph at persuading Dr Logan to accept a sled ride with her in full view of her brother. Dr Logan’s rugged, but attractive, face was set in concentration as he controlled the run of the sled. He too looked happy and relieved. Jane glanced at Jonathan to read his expression. He was frowning slightly, with one eyebrow cocked, as he watched the couple’s progress. As they slowed to a halt Jonathan strode to the sled and offered his sister his hand to rise. Her joyous face sobered as she took his assistance.

Jane’s sisters enjoyed a few more slides until the early setting sun and its accompanying chill brought the activity to an end for the day. Everyone trudged back to the house to change into warm dry clothes for their early dinner.

Their evening was harmoniously spent in reading, card games and music supplied by Lady Elizabeth and Anna.

The next few days followed similar lines with the same cold, crisp weather and the snow scarcely melting during the day. Jonathan and Dr Logan disappeared into the park together on several occasions. Jane watched them trudge through the snow together towards the sledding slope before they disappeared from view. She wondered briefly about their purpose but neither would say more than that they had gone for a walk, making the most of the most fine conditions.

With each passing day Charlotte seemed more like the sister that they had known. As Jane had suspected, she slowly told Anna the history of her year of marriage – how after about four months he had started slapping her with his hand when he was displeased with the running of his house. With each move to new quarters around the country his temper had worsened until when they had received news that the regiment was to embark for India for an indefinite period, he had become completely enraged with her. The hitting had become almost a daily event and she wasn’t allowed to leave the house without his permission. Luckily one of the neighbours had taken pity on her and insisted that she write to her family and had then taken the letter to be posted. Jane silently sent a prayer of thanks to that unknown woman.

Christmas morning was warmer than the preceding days. At last the weather was relenting. The family’s morning walk to church in the nearby village was accompanied by the drip and flow of melting snow. Jane thought it strange to feel warm in the layers of woollen clothing she was now used to wearing to combat the freezing temperatures of the last week. She was glad to peel off her fur-lined woollen cloak on reaching the church.

Luncheon was served to the small group in the dining room. A number of relations, including Elizabeth’s matchmaking Aunt Lucinda, had been unable to join them for Christmas this year due to the weather, making the party for Christmas much smaller than it might have been. Upon entering the room Jane saw it had been decorated with holly for the season. A Yule log was ablaze in the old fashioned fireplace, but most surprising of all was the mistletoe hung from ribbons near the roaring fire.

“You have had the servants busy with decorations today.” Jane commented.

“Apart from bringing the Yule log in, they had nothing to do with it. Marcus and I have had that pleasure. Did we do a good job?” he asked smiling. He held out his hand. “I particularly want you to admire the mistletoe.” So saying he drew her towards the fire and Jane felt its warmth as she looked up at the ball above her head. Jonathan leant down and gave her a lingering kiss. She responded with longing. They drew apart, the gazes locked. Jane saw her arousal reflected in his dark eyes. Slowly Jane became aware of voices around her and took a reluctant step away from Jonathan and back to her social duties. Jonathan similarly withdrew his eyes from her and scanned his guests. He reached up to the mistletoe and plucked a white berry as tradition dictated, grinning at Jane while he deposited it in his waistcoat pocket. Flustered by her exposed emotions, Jane looked away. Both moved towards their families and joined in conversation.

Having eaten their fill, Jonathan announced that the ice on the lake had been checked for safety and old pairs of skates had been brought down from an upper storage room. With much excited chattering amongst Jane’s sisters, everyone put on their warmest clothes before walking to the lake, eager to try their skating legs.

The lake was frozen white. Jonathan and Dr Logan helped the younger members of the party onto the ice then turned to assist their own partners. Jane couldn’t remember ever skating. She tied the skates onto her half boots and nervously stood grasping Jonathan’s hand in a death-grip as she did so. He slid his other arm around her waist and guided her further onto the ice, forcing her to glide rather than walk. She began to relax and enjoy the feeling of Jonathan’s warm, strong body aligned with hers, enabling her to move, if not with grace, then at least with some basic competence. It was exhilarating – the cold air nipping her cheeks, her legs straining to keep her upright and she was enveloped in Jonathan’s warm embrace. After a few large circuits around the lake in this manner, Jonathan pushed a little faster, increasing their speed and releasing his arm from her waist. She wobbled, gasped, then stumbled, sure that she was going to end in a heap on the cold ice, but before it could happen Jonathan had stopped and grasped her firmly to him, with a laugh, which he quickly stifled, leaving only his eyes crinkling in merriment.

Jane’s heart beat faster, whether it was from her near disaster on the ice or from his heady presence she didn’t know. Without thinking she drew his face to her own and tasted his sensual bottom lip before kissing him open mouthed. She felt him pull her even closer until the stood face-to-face on the ice, her legs between his, which were braced apart to keep them both upright. She felt the muscles of his legs straining to support them, his hard chest flattening her breasts, and clear evidence of his arousal, as his hand on her buttock anchored her to him while they kissed intensely. Gradually, the sounds of other skaters, whooshing and laughing, falling and shouting with surprise, reached Jane’s consciousness. She opened her eyes to see Jonathan’s brown eyes, darkened with passion, looking into her own in wonder. She blushed at her own forwardness and glanced away, realising they were obvious for all to see. Her sisters in their mourning clothes were skimming around the lake like ravens, stark against its white.

Jonathan took her hand again and stepped forward into their previous skating stance, sliding them slowly around the lake again. Jane felt strangely let down, wishing their kisses could continue, wanting something more.

Soon the weak sun sank across the crisp clear sky and a night-time chill crept forth, forcing even hardy, enthusiastic Katherine to yearn for the warmth of the house. One by one they slid to the edge of the lake, undid their skates and called to the others to come in. A chilled but chattering group walked home eagerly.

Dinner was a less lavish meal, followed by present opening. Jonathan had a gift for each of his guests. Jane pulled away the brown paper tied with string and decorated with a sprig of holly, to reveal a small flat, polished timber box. She opened it with trepidation, fearing that whatever lay inside was more than she could ever deserve or repay in love and kindness. She looked up as she did so, straight into Jonathan’s eyes which held hers steadily with a look of warm regard. Breaking their gaze she glanced down to the box on her lap. What she saw there took her breath away. Not the enormously expensive piece of jewellery which she had expected and dreaded, but a small leather-bound book. Retrieving it from the box, she read its title
aloud in delight. She smiled up at him thrilled and surprised that he could know her tastes so well.

“Jonathan, it’s absolutely wonderful.” She jumped up to hug him tightly. “However did you guess that this would be something that I dearly loved and wanted?”

Self-effacingly he answered. “I did what any person of logic might do. I asked your sister what book you would most wish to receive. She, unlike me, has been privy to your book-lust for quite some time, so knew exactly what to recommend.”

Jane laughed then smiled at Anna. “Yes. Yes, she would. She has indeed been exposed to my reading preferences for many years.” Jane felt a newfound joy and rush of affection for her fiancé. Such a level of concern for her interests she had never expected from him. As she tidied away the Christmas wrappings, forgetting that Jonathan had a house full of servants to do it, Jane realised that having him as a fiancé was more enjoyable than she had envisaged. She knew now that he was gentle, generous, kind, strong, decisive and brave. This marriage was going to work, not just for its social and financial benefits but on a more personal level. They were going to be good friends at least. There was lust – this week had proven it. They were beginning to love each other; Jane was sure.

Now that all presents had been distributed and opened, Anna suggested dancing, so the drawing room furniture was moved to the walls and Elizabeth took the first turn at playing country dances for her fellows. Dr Logan and Jonathan were kept busy with two ladies for each of them to partner. Jane watched her fiancé’s lithe form execute a series of country dances, admiring his muscular form and thinking of their heated embrace upon the ice. When Charlotte changed places with Lady Elizabeth so she could join the dancers for a last dance, Dr Logan took his rightful place as Elizabeth’s partner for the waltz while Jane found her waist encircled by Jonathan’s arm, as he leant close to her ear to ask for the dance, his deep voice sending shivers of awareness down her spine.

As soon as Jane was in his arms, all the unresolved yearnings of the afternoon returned. His fine wool coat stretched tight across his muscled shoulders was smooth beneath her fingers. She smelt the fresh clean soap that he had used when he bathed before dinner. The crisp curls against his forehead were tantalisingly close, tempting her to touch them. His mouth with its quirking, smiling lips enticed her to touch them with her own. He swept them away into the steps of the waltz before she could indulge herself. She was certain his knowing eyes understood her longing. Surely he must know her thoughts. But when the dance ended he politely engaged the whole party in his invitation to have hot chocolate before bed. As he had done every previous evening he wished them all good night and waited while they exited for their bed chambers. Jane hesitated, and in doing so became the last guest remaining in the drawing room. He turned aside from Dr Logan and smiling at her said, “Good night Jane, my dear, sleep well.” He took her hands in his and raising them kissed them both, looking warmly into her eyes.

She held his look, and her newly realised love and all the longings of the day, made her blurt out, “Come to me tonight.”

BOOK: The Persuasion of Miss Jane Brody
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