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Authors: DrkFetyshNyghts

The Perils of Judge Julia (8 page)

BOOK: The Perils of Judge Julia
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Mandy worked Julia's cunt as she whispered. She hissed into Julia's ear and between words she licked her face leaving a trail of saliva. Then she licked around the same ear that she whispered into, licked around the ear's rim and then running over that rim the tongue tip exploring the nooks and crannies of the Judge's ear, making the older woman shudder and bubble from the mouth with her own spit. Then she trailed her tongue down the same side of her face again all the time working her fingers down and into through the folds of slippery wet flesh, taking time to explore each fold of flesh because she could do that. She could do that all in her own time. She could dip her fingers into the Judge at will and then take them out again. She could slip them in up to her first, second or third knuckles and the Judge had no say in that. She had no control or authority in this place. She had nothing here and that was the feeling that was emanating from her inner core as this young girl simply played with her, toyed with her. The wet whimpering in her throat as she was made more and more aware of the wetness and the slickness she was producing. Her face burning a deep deep red with shame and humiliation under what was becoming less and less perfect makeup with each passing minute. That shame, that humiliation of her body betraying her, her sexuality betraying her. Her breathing quickening, breasts heaving as much as they could, fingers curling with more urgency as she was powerless to stop the pleasure that this girl was forcing on her. The shame, and humiliation turning to guilt – guilt that she was experiencing those pangs of pleasure and that those pangs of pleasure might be deep, so deep to be bottomless. It almost felt like she was becoming attached to Mandy, because of those sensations leaking up from her inner core of sexuality. Becoming attached to her despite the finger raping she was receiving from her, or even because of it. Mandy's fingers soon became coated, moist and dripping with juices and she then spread the petals exposing the inner pink, flooding flesh. Julia didn't want to enjoy what was happening but her body was betraying her despite her pained breasts. Her breasts hurt oh did they hurt! Almost hurting as much was the deep deep humiliation she was feeling, and the shame and then the resulting guilt. Mandy flicked her tongue over Julia's lips. Just rimming them with her tongue tip. Following the shape of them, the outline of them. Almost willing the good lady Judge to try to move her mouth away from her tongue. But she didn't. Inside her mind that is what Julia did, she moved her head back, resisted. But in reality she dared not do it. She dared not because of the perceived consequences. But then again, what of the consequences. She had already come to the conclusion in her melting mind that she was not long for this world as it was. Why not resist, why not go out in that blaze of glory? The answer was simple and straight forward – because if she resisted she just knew that the punishment would not be quick, or painless and it would not bring the end any quicker. If fact she was sure that if she resisted, in any way shape or form, even the slightest show of resistance and she would be made to suffer, upon suffer upon suffer. Julia had the strangest of deep inclinations that Mandy knew ways to make her suffer that she could not imagine at all in her worst nightmares. She couldn't fathom why she knew that and even more she could not fathom exactly how Mandy could make her suffer, but it was just something she 'knew'. Like a woman's intuition. That was all under the umbrella reason why she couldn't or wouldn't resist the licking tongue of Mandy over her lips. The other one was simply because she didn't want to. Her body and mind was reacting to this young girl. Her mind and body was sexually reacting to Mandy and what she was doing. Judge Julia's lips parted gently and she sighed out a breath as Mandy's tongue made another pass. As the tongue made that pass, so the fingers circled the partly hooded clitoris. Julia whimpered, all wet and bubbling from her throat. The finger circling then lightly pinching the clit, pulling it out of the hood and then sliding it between thumb and forefinger. Pressing the flesh and rubbing the juices up towards the clitoris tip. Then lightly, ever so lightly rubbing the tip of the clitoris with her thumb. Rubbing lightly then repeating, but stopping the pad of the thumb over the clit and pressing. Pressing and rubbing. Pressing and rubbing. The cycle repetitive and deliberately so. Mandy's tongue making another pass, around the outline of her top lip and then down to the lower lips and following that line also. After that pass then the tongue snaking in to Judge Julia's mouth. Snaking in, exploring it as though it were it's property. Pressing and rubbing, pressing and rubbing pressing and rubbing. When the forced orgasm came it was intense and long.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ugggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh goddddddddddddddddddd fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkking helllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.”

The orgasm enforced and intense and bringing out the slut in the older woman. The poor poor Judge had probably never experienced an orgasm so intense or so long. She took the first hit, that first wave of pure undiluted pleasure and her eyes rolled back in their sockets. Her nostrils flared as her mouth went into an all natural suckle of Mandy's tongue. The young girl, smiling wide with her tongue still inside the Judge's mouth as she worked her thumb and fingers, casually working them in such a way to elongate and intensify the orgasm even more. Julia had become a simple case of complete and utter abandonment. Her deliciously long legs struggled to stretched wider in their bonds. That was impossible since they had reached their limit, but what it said was that the pure open nerve hit that Julia was taking n the form of this orgasm was diluting her inhibitions, or, it was dissolving them altogether. The absolute complete high of the orgasm, taking her right up there, making her realise that she was being used, and abused and making her realise that she was reacting because of that use and abuse. Taking her all the way up until she was shrieking and squirting her produce all over Mandy's fingers. Mandy kissing her deeply. Lips melded and tongues entwined. Julia losing all self control, all self respect. That and not having any control over it. The orgasm almost sending her into orbit and then being brought down, again under the control of Mandy. Those pleasure pulses and waves rushing through her every nerve ending fading a little, turning to grey as they diminished and the pure euphoria turning to guilt. Then shame and humiliation biting hard and making her nibble her own lower lips severely. Biting more than hard. Biting soul deep and then a little deeper. But the guilt. The guilt that was the hardest to bare; that and the feeling that now she had been brought there. Now she had been to that other place, a place she didn't even know existed, brought there by a young girl she had previously labelled a creature – there was that definite feeling, that absolute feeling that there was no going back. Not to what she knew as a life. And then the re-emerging of the thoughts that she was probably going to die in that place. That this girl this person couldn't possibly do these things to her and then let her go, or even let her live. Once again, part of that was true.

"Now... was that an agreement to cooperate I sensed and heard in there, Bitch, hmm?"

That childish quite immature, yet educated voice from Mandy again - an increasingly bizarre situation. Desperation more than wanting made Julia nod her head in acceptance. Her tongue snaking out to catch her own drool and to bring the taste of the young girl back into her mouth. She was panting, her breathing heavy. And she was limp in the bonds. One stiletto, at last falling from a distended, arched foot. And there was a glaze that came down over her eyes; like a mist, or like a curtain, one that was forcing her old self back and out of the picture. Such a drastic cataclysmic change from a few short hours ago. She would NEVER have agreed such a thing then. Now though it was different. That nod of the head, accompanied by a tear stained face streaked with ruined mascara. The trembling lips, the searching tongue tipping the corners of her mouth. She nodded again, more nodding with her glazed eyes that her head; nodding twice in case she wasn't asked again. She didn't want to risk not being asked again. Mandy looked at her, smirked.

“Good Girl.”

The ultra young girl addressing the older woman, the mature woman, the Crown Court Judge as a “good girl”. That downward spiral well and truly on its way. Judge Julia would have never EVER been talked to that way. But that was before.







The abduction, the molesting during the journey, the bondage and the tit caning had all taken their toll on Judge Julia. A complete loss of dignity was most obvious from Julia's blubbering and pleading. It was difficult to associate this Julia with the one that had existed just a few hours before. At that dinner party she had been at the centre of attention for all the right reasons. She had been as always the envy of men and women alike. The men loved to pour their eyes all over her. Only in secret of course because she had a very special way of putting wayward guys in their place. She usually hadn't had to say anything. Just a sharp dark look with those eyes, the expression, or lack of it across the face was all that was needed to bring the boys, and men to heal. It wouldn't be uncommon to see guys sloping off to the rest room during a function after a close call with Julia. Either they had been stealing secret looks at those legs, or those magnificent breasts and they had needed a little relief; or they had just been the victim of that look, those eyes, that expression which in a strange way had the same sexual affect. If one was really in the know, one would be able to see that far from the looks, the the glances or those put-downs dismissive, Julia rather, noted them; she made mental notes all of the time and then watched. She watched until said man sloped off to relieve himself in a cubicle. Pathetic creatures males. She had always held that believe that that was what men were; pathetic creatures. She would then smile to herself knowing that the said man was masturbating himself over her. Over the look she had given him or the view of legs she had apparently accidentally give them. That was the Julia of just a few hours ago. Confident to a point of ultra arrogance. In control to freakish levels and, and perfect in every respect. Like something out of a dream. Women had looked on her with envy and jealousy. Some with an equal or stronger lust than men. It was true it was what Judge Julia could do. She could turn heads and she could inspire fantasies. But this Julia, THIS Julia. Oh god, such a downward slide. A quick downward slide. Such a fall from grace, such a fall from ultra-grace. A sudden fall – one that would have further reaching effects in the long run. The enforced orgasm brought about by Mandy's fingers was probably the thing that contributed most on a mental level. The bondage in the chair not consensual, nor the assault with the young girl's fingers, and tongue. And yet despite her melting mind, the young girl with ease making, forcing the older woman's body to react sexually. Even after the caning, expertly and cruelly applied this young girl, a teenager able with ease to make the older woman lust. Mandy's fingers slip sliding through the mature folds of Julia's sex flesh and yet with enough nuance, enough attention to detail to bring Julia round to her way of thinking with ease. A deliberate and experienced sexual assault committed by a girl less than half her age.

"Despite you being nothing but a complete bitch to me when we first met – it doesn't mean that it has to be pain for you all the time. If you learn to enjoy and accept your new position as 'sex crazed fuck-slut', and if you learn to carry out all sexual tasks to perfection and with an eagerness to please me and those you are having sex with, then you will soon find out that I can be kind to you as well. Do you understand?"

Mandy spoke, her words designed to hurt and yet those words she used and the way she used them also betraying her years. Kind of immature. The immature way she was getting her point across, using the words sex crazed fuck slut and the tone showing herself to be proud of the humiliation she was causing the older woman, and yet apparently oblivious to the fact that she could have used other words, maybe a lesser tone with which to demoralise and reduce Judge Julia. That childishness, that immaturity a complete and utter contrast to the experience she had in twisting, turning and bending Julia's mind and sexuality to her way of thinking. And yet, at the same time, that childishness, that immaturity to Julia having a profound effect. How could this be happening to her? How could this 'child' be doing this to her. To demonstrate what she saying, Mandy stroked the tear stained face of the older woman in an almost tender, gentle manner. Julia nodded, already respectful of the eighteen year old. As she nodded a fresh stream of tears emerged from both eyes and down her smudged, pale face. She instinctively leaned into the strokes in a bizarre kind of way, grateful and receptive of the displays of apparent affection from her captor. She hated herself, and possibly this was just part of the process she was going through, part of the journey; she hated herself for the growing feelings of respect, and even adoration she was feeling for this young girl. She hated it, the way this girl was destroying her, and she was destroying her and the thing was she KNEW she was destroying her. She knew because the process was designed like that. No point in taking something off someone deliberately, no point in destroying someone, reducing them to nothing if they didn't know what was happening to them. Julia knew what was happening even this early in the process. She was still convinced that she was going to have her days ended soon though. She was still convinced that she wouldn't walk away from this, let alone unscathed. Maybe Mandy would see to it that she was used, and abused sexually for while, because that is what it seemed was going to happen, then she would simply be disposed of in a way that she would rather not think about, or in a way she could not even imagine. She hated herself. And yet she was dependent on Mandy. She was simply and purely dependent on this young girl who she was gaining respect for, and yet at the same time she was losing respect for herself. She was beginning to hate herself for what she was becoming. Maybe that was supposed to happen. Self loathing in the place of a self-high opinion of herself. In the place of arrogance. In the place of control, and authority. A renewed horror then as Mandy went away and approached again, this time with a prepared syringe of liquid.

"Just relax - this will help you along a little bit. Make sure you're all chilled out and yet focussed on the job at hand. - I need you focused. A focused Bitch, just make sure you give your best. Just a little prick..... R E L A X Now there's a good girl. Good girl."

Mandy's voice was almost hypnotic. Childish and yet explaining things that should have been way beyond her years. Explaining things to Judge Julia like the older woman was herself a child. Explaining things to her slowly as though she might be retarded in some way. Using her husky almost smokey voice in a tone that filtered in and tumbled round the psyche of anyone it was aimed at. This, a cross over in roles. This where the sexual maturity inside Mandy came to the fore. Explaining things to Julia like she were one of her old clients. One of those creepy little men who wanted to be spoken to as thought hey were a schoolboy, or indeed as a schoolgirl. A complete and utter patronisation of Judge Julia. A complete disregard for any respect the other way. Talking to her like she was already in the bag in respect, which essentially she was. Just the complete breaking process to go. Mandy inserted the needle into one of the Judge's strained upper thighs, through what was left of her pantihose. The young girl handled a syringe as well as she handled a cane, which provided another level of disturbance to anyone who might know either party. One might correctly conclude that she would handle a whip of any type and size equally. That vision though, Judge Julia spread, panting, obscene and undignified. Julia blubbered and then relaxed, resigned that some kind of mood altering drug was being pumped into her and that she would act accordingly. It might be at times like this that she had witnessed the lower echelons of life from the Judge's side of the bench. If that were the case she might not have known all about drugs used in certain situations by certain kinds of people to attain certain kinds of results. They say that ignorance is bliss. Maybe, but Judge Julia was not ignorant she was well read, knowledgeable and unfortunately she could, despite her current predicament and state of mind, probably hazard several guesses at what the syringe contained. She felt the prick and then the needle sliding deep – she felt equally the shudder down her spine that her body was being infested with something, probably illegal. Then there was the taste in her mouth, and the smell. That was one thing she couldn't account for, the taste of illegal substances seeping into her mouth. She smacked her lips together to try to dislodge the taste, but that didn't work. It got stronger as Mandy pressed the syringe plunger emptying the contents into Judge Julia. All the time the young girl watching Julia, watching her and becoming more aroused. Mandy hadn't realised, hadn't even taken into consideration that a project such as this could provide her with real arousal, real enjoyment. She had been used to doing sex and sexual services for money and she had 'enjoyed' it. She had loved her work, but this was on a different level completely. Since her own introduction to the dark side of life she had discovered, or been shown a whole new level of pleasure. A whole new intensity of pleasure. She squeezed her thighs as she squeezed the last drop of the drug cocktail into Judge Julia.

A few minutes later Julia's eyes glazed over and she seemed to go limp in her bonds. She was very much awake and aware of what was happening to her but her eyes, if one looked closely had milked over a bit. She was mellow, relaxed and for the first time a slight, very slight, almost 'drunken' smile passed over her lips. For the very first time, there seemed to be none of the despair in her eyes, none of that abject humiliation and none of that fear. It was like she had been transported to a different place which actually was what had happened. That drug taking her to another place a less painful place, for the time being. A place where she could simply let go. Just let go of it all. Let it go and ride the wave. In addition she was becoming increasingly aroused and as this realisation dawned on her she squeezed her thighs as much as the bonds would allow, and wether or not it was a trick of the drug she had been injected with she didn't know, but she could swear at a later day, or date that as she squeezed so she felt the production her own slippery juices from the nether regions of her swollen labia'd sex. She would be able to swear on her own life that as she squeezed so she produced that stuff copiously, then very slight smile crossing her lips again. Mandy looking on, emptying the syringe and smiling. Julia was on the high, she was on the high and that high was taking her to different places. And yet, she was still aware. She was still aware of how she should be ashamed, how she should be guilty and how she probably, right this time, right at this moment in time deserved to be where she was. Yes that was it, the drug was having an effect. Giving her the opportunity to think logically and giving her the same opportunity to come to conclusions. One conclusion that was obvious to her was that she was fully deserving of her place, here and now. That she deserved it and wouldn't fight it any more. Couldn't fight it any more. Mandy looked as the drug washed through Julia and she smiled again. She knew what that drug was doing to the Judge. She knew it, and that fed her own sexuality. That made her squeeze her own thighs. Mandy tested Judge Julia by pulling a finger through her sex lips. Very casually, very confidently – young eighteen year old fingers being pulled back through thirty seven year old labia. Mandy's fingers slender, long, perfectly manicured and yet being ploughed back through the delicate, copiously producing lips of the one and only Crown Court Judge Julia. She pulled her fingers through and then pushed them back the other way. She watched Julia's eyes roll and then she slipped the second finger into the mix, letting that second finger plough deeper and then a little deep. Using that finger then to slide right inside Julia, then hook up behind the pubis the pad of that finger slipping around in Julia's swamp, then hooking behind the pubis searching for the G spot. Mandy like some kind of expert sexual creature watching Julia's eyes, looking for that spark as she searched with her finger tip. Then, with a press of the pad from the inside finding that spot. The slight drunken smile of Julia widening as she attempted to press her pelvis into the attentions by Mandy. She couldn't move the bonds prevented that, but she was trying and that was the main thing. No cringing, no resistance any more, just a pursed, prolonged sighing and then a roll of the eyes. Dreamy eyes.


Mandy smiled again knowing that the good lady Judge was in that special place right now. That drug induced special place and that anything could be done with her, anything at all. Judge Julia's legs were released first but apart from stretching them, in her high, sexual state, she preferred to leave them spread wide open. And she did that, she simply, languidly left them open, draped wide, obscenely. What was left of the dress hanging in loose shreds which served to make her look even more obscene, cheap even. Then her arms were released. Again she stretched after which, one hand went straight to her sex area. She knew what she was doing. She couldn't stop herself though, she knew what she was doing, what she must have looked like but she couldn't stop herself. That sexual arousal was more important than anything right at that time and she just had to feed it a little. She fingered herself; her fingers pushing into her hot swamp and trying to get as much friction, as much texture and sensation as she could. Mandy smoked another cigarette - watched, smiled. The urge for sex overcame the very deep humiliation Julia felt for behaving in such a way.

"Now see, Judge Julia, I can see we are going to get along just fine. In fact I can see that we are going to get on more than just fine. Now - you remember the journey here - in the van, being felt and touched by one man whilst the other drove? Hmmmm you remember that right? I want you to have full sex with those men now - would you like that hmmm? Dirty whore like sex, because that is what you are now. A dirty obscene whore. Judge Julia, the whore, right?"

A furious nodding from Julia. She was agreeing with everything Mandy was saying and didn't seem ashamed to do it. It was like a recognition of all her guilt and everything that went with it all in one go. It felt like a weight being lifted off her shoulders. More than that she actually believed what she was agreeing and nodding to. How could she forget the very place the very source of the start of her journey? She remembered it. If only she had felt this way back then she could have embraced that, and maybe got some enjoyment for herself. She was getting ahead of herself if she thought that she was going to gain any enjoyment for herself. Every so often that thought entered into her thought processes, and then the wave of despair, just a split second of it as it washed through her, that thought, that pure thought that she would be disposed of in some freaking awful way or other. It wasn't just an agreement to cooperate, but an almost desperate agreement to participate in whatever sexual activity was required. She began to have hopes as well. Hopes that maybe if she cooperated, did everything she had to to to Mandy's satisfaction that her life may go on a bit longer, that maybe she wouldn't be disposed of in some god awful way or other. It was a possibility! Maybe a slight distant one but a possibility none the less. Thinking about that possibility then discounting it. Still that set in her mind, she was going to come to that bad end. But also now something else thrown in the mix. That sexual need that was being thrown in to the mix. That sexual need that seemed to be nagging at the base of her nipples and at the base of her clitoris. The drug that had been injected into her, mellowing her out, making her see things clearly now. That she had to cooperate. Maybe the longer she cooperated the longer she would exist. The longer she would be permitted to exist.

BOOK: The Perils of Judge Julia
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